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Mandela Effect - A Civil Conversation Between Skeptics And Effected

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posted on May, 21 2017 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: fleabit

Sweet, I was trying to lighten the mood a little bit.

As for Coldwell or Caldwell, idk.

The thread reminded me about a quote I've passed by around my neck of the woods...

edit on 21-5-2017 by dffrntkndfnml because: switched pic to thumbnail

edit:I think that this phenomena may be encouraging us to learn to trust ourselves more.I get the impression that this effect may create doubts in us, rather then learning to work with the present by letting go of the past.That reminded me of the quote I posted from an alley around here.
edit on 21-5-2017 by dffrntkndfnml because: edit:

posted on May, 21 2017 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

If the spelling of Mississippi changes I'll know this # is true.

posted on May, 21 2017 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: Finalized
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

If the spelling of Mississippi changes I'll know this # is true.

It's funny that you should say that because growing up as a deaf kid I kept saying that word wrong.

posted on May, 22 2017 @ 06:15 AM
Reflecting on ME, there may BE a more constructive perspective to investigate...

" Lorenz wrote At one point I decided to repeat some of the computations in order to examine what was happening in greater detail. I stopped the computer, typed in a line of numbers that it had printed out a while earlier, and set it running again.

I went down the hall for a cup of coffee and returned after about an hour, during which time the computer had simulated about two months of weather. The numbers being printed were nothing like the old ones.

I immediately suspected a weak vacuum tube or some other computer trouble, which was not uncommon, but before calling for service I decided to see just where the mistake had occurred, knowing that this could speed up the servicing process.

Instead of a sudden break, I found that the new values at first repeated the old ones, but soon afterward differed by one and then several units in the last decimal place, and then began to differ in the next to the last place and then in the place before that. In fact, the differences more or less steadily doubled in size every four days or so, until all resemblance with the original output disappeared somewhere in the second month.

This was enough to tell me what had happened: the numbers that I had typed in were not the exact original numbers, but were the rounded-off values that had appeared in the original printout. The initial round-off errors were the culprits; they were steadily amplifying until they dominated the solution."

Could this be the difference between weather and climate???

posted on May, 22 2017 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: Finalized
If the spelling of Mississippi changes I'll know this # is true.

What's weird is that you'll know it's changed (and so will a few others) but many will angrily tell you it's always been Mississippy - and you can't really debate them, other than to show what little residue you can find.. which they'll tell you "Isn't it more likely you went to a bad school or have a bad memory? Why can't you just accept how mistake-prone your brain is?"

At that point all you can do is try to talk to others that experience the same thing - and try to get both sides talking.

posted on May, 22 2017 @ 08:43 PM
Lorenz experiences with his computer running weather simulations peaked my curiosity. After checking the computer, he realized that it was his initial input that had altered the results.(Logic error?)

The difference was minor at first, becoming more pronounced over time.The exponential growth reminded me of Moore's Law.Once he caught the issue with the input, he was able to reset the computer and get more accurate results.

Pearj your thread has me really excited.

A part of me holds back because sometimes I forget who I am talking to.

Naturally, I tend to be frank, the warrior in me is strong.However, I've found that being stubborn about certain things can be good.Learning to practice advancing one's principles isn't without it's merits.

I mean no disrespect to any sensitive souls out there.I feel they have gone through enough as it is. Please forgive me, if my sense of humor is lost on some.Hopefully, some good will come out of it. Time will tell.

I enjoy sharing, though have been reminded many times by my mom to practice meeting others half-way.Sometimes one needs to dig deep inside in order to find what you are looking for.As a kid, we used to imagine if we digged deep enough we would end up in China!lol

When I first started the practice of taking my spiritual health more of a priority, I set out with just the basics.Mostly a pocketful of hopes and ideals to guide me.It was a confusing time, I felt a bit lost to say the least.

Through much adversity, I was able to find a light.As my eyes adjusted, I saw that in a psychological sense, the practice of reaching for self-realization appeared to cultivate the virtues required for any sincere seeker.Luckily, the others before me had left behind notes, and observations to consider as a rough map for my own adventure.

In our modern times, access to information has never been easier.The hacker in me, feels that information wants to be free.That being said, there is always a price to pay, and some things are simply not for sale.

Collectively, the internet can be viewed as a artificial nervous system aiding one to access and remember information in a way that may have only been available in a previous golden age.

Between the internet, one's own sense of wonder, and the ability to get an ever expanding range of feedback;the ability to recognize the patterns that underlying the principles at work in the universe, may never have been better.I mean there is nothing new under the sun.

Looking up to those who taught me to practice putting my best foot forward, the lessons life tries to teach us remain the same as the scenery changes.I feel that those who have learned certain lessons, are able to encourage the process of a wider awakening by practicing using the modern tools at our disposal more constructively.

Timewave zero suggests to me that the novelty of our times, is a reflection of our solar system's path through the solar weather as the earth is influenced by energies outside of our control.

Many South Asians believe we are in the age of Kali Yuga, and looking forward collectively to a better future.

I believe that as mankind strives to reach a higher standard, the influence of the physical plane starts to wane through the self knowledge cultivated by a growing understanding of natural law.I believe the shift from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius is encouraging us to quench our thirst for knowledge in an ever expanding context compared to previous times.

So personally, my opinion is this.For those of us who are still experiencing linear time in their personal paradigms, their focus is on learning lessons in a time more adolescent.

I mean, one needs to learn to crawl, before they walk, and run before they fly.

The practice of being responsible in little things, encourages being responsible in bigger things.Such is the beauty of life, that the learning opportunities never cease.The scope and range of those lessons changes as one becomes more comfortable and confident in the practice of working with what has been entrusted to them.

Everything becomes smoke and mirrors, when one accepts that the rules of nature are the same for everyone.

I think one may like it better of instead of getting sidetracked by the distractions, they invest that energy in what really matters.Hopefully, through the practice of honesty, discipline and hard work, they can get to know better what stands behind the principles that life represents.

So my take on ME atm, is this.Regardless of what happened in the past, we should focus on the present and practice building a better future.The ME is a reminder to those who remember the past, to resist the temptation of resting on their laurels, as they move forward.The resistance encountered when sharing ideas about ME are similar to the challenges of dealing with the me in the microcosm.

There are bound to be some growing pains when confronting the experiences in the eyes of those who haven't graduated from that.I don't believe in linear time, and know that others are writing different chapters in their own books.I enjoy that just the same.

In a sense, the ME could introduce even more novelty into the timewave, only the novelty i'm talking about here, is the reflection of ME in a higher plane, the spiritual one.

Hopefully, as one learns to heal and focus on the present, everyone can come together as the one family we all share.

“I just wish people would realize that anything is possible if you try. Dreams are made if people try.”

― Terry Fox

posted on May, 22 2017 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: Pearj

M I crooked letter crooked letter I crooked letter crooked letter I hump back hump back I
edit on 5/22/2017 by Finalized because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2017 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Pearj

(Unrelated rant: I just replied a long text here and not sure what button I pressed but managed to lose it all. In libreoffice writer now with hopefully better luck)

Great OP, really enjoyed it!

So my stance is that the Mandela effect is real and I have experienced it. I don’t like to talk about it here because of the ridicule. But I feel like in this topic I can, and yesterday I was inspired by the courage of member Night Star related to this subject.

Background: I am mentally a really weak person and I forget stuff all the time. And what comes to Mandela effect experiencing, I don’t feel special. I don’t feel like the “chosen one” or enlightened. This is disturbing, annoying and frustrating.

List of changes that have happened in my life:

1. Sex in the city OR Sex and the city

I lived with this woman I used to love, years ago. She was a passionate fan of the TV show Sex in the city. I really disliked the show. Everything about it. The opening intro music was irritating. The women in the show, well I found them repulsive both mentally and physically. But sure thing, I had to let my woman have her entertainment and watch it. It was Sex in the city, I should know. Strong negative emotional bond to the show. And then what? I learn it is Sex and the city. For a short moment, my mind felt like it was in an “electric fog” (metaphorical). Next seconds I thought this must be some weird dream and soon I will wake up, make some coffee and have a short smile upon the strangeness of the dream and then forget about it. But no.

2. Moonraker Bond and the cute blond girl with dental braces

Ok I have never been a Bond fan but I have seen all the movies nevertheless, some of them multiple times. In Moonraker there was this scene where Jaws with his metallic mouth met this blond haired woman who had dental braces. They smiled to each other and I found the scene both romantic and amusing. Like the two who were different from the masses in the same way, “clicked” for the seconds the smile lasted. And there are no braces for the cute woman now? I mean come on!

3. Southern America seems off place

I am bad at geography but surely I have checked out world maps and globes for basic understanding of my home planet. Southern America used to be more directly to the south in comparison to Northern America.

4. Queen – We are the champions

Queen song “We are the champions” used to end in a prolonged “of the wooooooooorld” but it does not anymore. I am a big fan of ice hockey (really? None of you could have guessed) and Finland has won 2 world championships, in 1995 and “quickly” again in 2011. It is the ending celebration song, strong emotional bonds again. And in general, I think Queen was a great band and every now and then I listen a few song from them.

5. The sun used to be yellow, not white

Yep you got that, it has changed color for me.

So what about me and the current moment? Considering Mandela effect, I try to embrace ignorance and keep my thoughts away from it. Because the thoughts are extremely unpleasant. I wish there were less ridicule from those who don’t believe in Mandela effect. It is a “far out” theory I can understand that. And I have zero proof. In my understanding, as of yet, it cannot be proven. This stuff has really got me to question my sanity which is not that solid to begin with. Most of all I wish that this Mandela effect would have never become a “thing” for me and the world I live in. It is information and feelings that that affect to me very negatively.

Long post, if you endured to read it, my appreciation and thanks to you. I am slightly relieved now that I got some of this stuff off my chest somewhere, if it is an internet discussion forum, so be it. Even my friends are like “there he goes with his Mengele effect again” so no point in conversation of this topic. And they are subcultural and diverse people, they should at least try to accept hearing about alternative stuff.

The day is dawning warmly in Finland and I was in a real good party yesterday, and I cant stand heat too well, so I will take a cool shower now to refresh myself and start the day.

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: Pearj

Now you're say I (specifically) said I was special in some thread.


Read it again.

I am pretty sure it was your thread and anotherside said they special or chosen or something along those lines.

That is one instance I remember well, there have been other times I have read people thinking they are special because they experience the Mandela effect.

Anti-ME'ers say we think we're special (like you are now). I've never read where an Effected person thought they were special. Prove me wrong.

what is an anti-ME?

I have had numerous experiences you guys clock up to some effect that has going on for ever.

Mandela effect is just a new catch phrase that many make money off.

I will search the thread I think its in and post if I find it, no need to prove you wrong, if you are as interested as you seem there is no way you have not come across Mandela effect believers thinking they are chosen or special in some sort of way.

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

If I understand you correctly, you feel the beginning of the Mandeal Effect was a small change that caused a minor effect, that since has been increasing, similar to the Butterfly Effect?

In so far as focusing only on the present, I'd say focusing on the present involves an issue with the past.

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Finspiracy

I too have experienced the same things. Except the color of the sun.. I can't say I've noticed the color before so I can't make a comparison now.

Being from Finland, do you notice anything different about the Arctic / North Pole? Do your maps / globs show a constant landmass there - or have they ever?

I wouldn't say you're mentally weak or need a sanity check; you seem to be able to put together a pretty well written post! Things you've seen or used all the time are more like knowledge which you seem to remember just fine!

There are times where I can't think about the Mandela Effect either.. like when we're driving, gaming or coding. It's way to heavy and takes away from the joys of life.

When it gets hard, I switch the emotions around to think "look what I can handle" and "think what amazing things are around the corner" so in the end, if the Mandela Effect has to happen, I'm glad to be one of the Effected.

ATS may be coming back around to being a place where folks can talk about emotional subjects without ridicule - I'm hoping!

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Pearj

Could consciousness exist on another level that allows the physical world to have the occasional "irregularities" without the consciousness being affected?

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 12:40 AM

originally posted by: Pearj
If I understand you correctly, you feel the beginning of the Mandeal Effect was a small change that caused a minor effect, that since has been increasing, similar to the Butterfly Effect?

In so far as focusing only on the present, I'd say focusing on the present involves an issue with the past.

I need to sleep on this, but post better after some rest.

The minor event I had in mind was Lorenz realization that his input into the simulation is what made the difference.Imo, a form of logic error.

I don't think the ME is increasing in magnitude.Perhaps communication being what it is, and the novelty of the effect itself has individuals sharing more openly their experiences?

It would be interesting to here others weigh in on that.

Reading some more about timewave zero over at viewzone this seemed relevent.It's concluding a piece that discussed the Watkin's objection...

Why does this matter, you may ask, since there are many obvious differences between the two waves -- what is the significance of this difference?

For the standard model wave, it has been argued that the zero value at the end of the waveform implies some kind of singularity at the end of the process -- or at the end of time.

This revised wave is implying, however, that there may be singularities at both ends of the continuum. This is also an argument for a closed system that may be undergoing some kind of cyclic renewal process -- perhaps each cycle expressing ever higher ordered states of complex form, or Novelty.

There are concepts emerging from the field of quantum cosmology that may describe an analogous cyclic process. This is a theory in which universes are treated like quantum particles that inhabit a larger, or higher dimentional domain called a multiuniverse.

Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist and co-founder of string field theory, has described a process where universes emerge from zero-point, or vacuum field, go through an evolutionary process, then perhaps return to zero-point field at the end of the cycle.

This cycle may then repeat itself, possibly with increased complexity and Novelty.

So could this be similar to the process that the TimeWave and Novenly Theory attempt to reveal? Perhaps further incestigation into the nature of the TimeWave will shed some light on these questions." --John Sheliak [Delineation, Specification, and Formalization of the TWZ Data Set Generation Process -- Philosophical, Procedural, and Mathematical]

posted on May, 25 2017 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

The cyclic universe sounds like M Theory.. Membranes (universe fields) that parallel each other, when they touch, a big bang happens.

posted on May, 26 2017 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: Pearj
If I understand you correctly, you feel the beginning of the Mandela Effect was a small change that caused a minor effect, that since has been increasing, similar to the Butterfly Effect?

For me personally, I haven't really been paying much attention to the Mandela Effect.I have noticed the difference, but it's raise in my awareness has only become more noticeable lately (through our ats community).My experiences practicing getting to my own sense of memory has given me the impression that memory can be rather flexible. I've come to the realization that my impression of an event isn't necessarily the same as the one experiencing it.

Whether they believe it or not, is another matter.Generally, I've noticed others are fairly sincere when sharing their experiences...

I don't feel the BE is increasing, though my ideas about novelty are probably foreign to those who haven't gone down similar paths.

originally posted by: Pearj
In so far as focusing only on the present, I'd say focusing on the present involves an issue with the past.

The past is definitely intertwined with the present.The thing is;someone may stumble while looking behind, and missing what's right under their nose. Lot's of self help and healing techniques are out there, that help put the past in a healthier perspective.If someone is seriously interested in personal growth, and spirituality it can't be self healing can't be underestimated.

originally posted by: dffrntkndfnml
The minor event I had in mind was Lorenz realization that his input into the simulation is what made the difference. Imo, a form of logic error.

Lorenz changing the input evoked the way I feel about the paradox duality represents.I believe equal amounts of force applied at either end of a spectrum will yield similar results, philosophically.I'm picturing a sine wave, here.Balance and moderation are a hallmark of the Perennial philosophy.

His rounding off the numbers as opposed to entering them more exactly could be considered similar to the contrast between digital and analog signals. Idk, digital being 1 or 0, a combination of those in time, looking like a wave for example.Philosophically, true or false, a combination of those in time forming a range of true or false.Static vs dynamic, quantitative vs qualitative, sense vs perception.

A mathematician Mathew Watkins, noticed the way McKenna aligned his graph in Timewave Zero was slightly misaligned.He noticed this and tried aligning the graph more precisely, and let the numbers decide.Sound familiar?It wasn't as pretty, though the math was sound.

Why does this matter, you may ask, since there are many obvious differences between the two waves -- what is the significance of this difference?

For the standard model wave, it has been argued that the zero value at the end of the waveform implies some kind of singularity at the end of the process -- or at the end of time.

This revised wave is implying, however, that there may be singularities at both ends of the continuum. This is also an argument for a closed system that may be undergoing some kind of cyclic renewal process -- perhaps each cycle expressing ever higher ordered states of complex form, or Novelty.

originally posted by: Krahzeef_Ukhar
Could consciousness exist on another level that allows the physical world to have the occasional "irregularities" without the consciousness being affected?

I feel this is the case.Increased ordered states of more complex form, the way awareness can grow in scope and range to play a more dynamic role in shaping one's life.More practical fractals.

There are concepts emerging from the field of quantum cosmology that may describe an analogous cyclic process. This is a theory in which universes are treated like quantum particles that inhabit a larger, or higher dimensional domain called a multiuniverse.

Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist and co-founder of string field theory, has described a process where universes emerge from zero-point, or vacuum field, go through an evolutionary process, then perhaps return to zero-point field at the end of the cycle.

This cycle may then repeat itself, possibly with increased complexity and Novelty.

Quantum physics, isn't my thing.I don't think anyone has to be a rocket surgeon to be able to make use of these ideas.I look at each individuals microcosm as their world, macrocosm as their outer world, and the interplay between them combined as the universe or cosmos.

originally posted by: Pearj
The cyclic universe sounds like M Theory.. Membranes (universe fields) that parallel each other, when they touch, a big bang happens.

It could be.Many have had mystical experiences that suggest there may be something to it.

While contemplating this yesterday, I ran into an old friend.He started talking really quickly and I couldn't tell if it was gibberish or not, lol. Hopefully more of us will chime in here.

ME is an interesting phenomena, the minor changes individuals mostly notice suggest to me that there's much hope for a better tomorrow...

posted on May, 26 2017 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml
Edit :

If someone is seriously interested in personal growth, and spirituality it can't be self healing can't be underestimated.

It should have been:

If someone is seriously interested in personal growth, and spirituality it self healing can't be underestimated.

Missed that when proof reading op...

edit on 26-5-2017 by dffrntkndfnml because: Spacing

posted on May, 27 2017 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: Pearj
a reply to: Finspiracy

Being from Finland, do you notice anything different about the Arctic / North Pole? Do your maps / globs show a constant landmass there - or have they ever?

Constant landmass and changes in the pole(s) are only familiar to me by reading this forum and other members experiences. In my understanding both poles are big chunks of ice but if there is landmass it probably is my poor understanding and not Mandela effect this time.

I wouldn't say you're mentally weak or need a sanity check; you seem to be able to put together a pretty well written post! Things you've seen or used all the time are more like knowledge which you seem to remember just fine!

Thank you, that was an encouraging thing to write.

I can't dig deeper into this subject at the moment. I have to prepare for a funeral. Again. I wish someone would get married for a change but people around me just die.

edit on 27-5-2017 by Finspiracy because: typo

posted on Jun, 6 2017 @ 07:24 PM
Probably the Mandella effect is only being noticed now because people have greater ability to compare notes than they had before.

So if it is about dimensions, I've always considered the idea of other dimensions to be silly because, if each event that has more than one potential outcomes causes a new dimension to be created, then the number of these dimensions would have to be growing, continually, and exponentially, all the time. Where would the energy and/or matter come from?

Also there wouldn't be many universes with another version of you in it, because it's not just your parents getting together that causes you. It's a specific sperm and egg, which means if your mom conceives on a different day, or even the same day but your dad had been eating different food, then a sibling gets born instead of you.

Unless: something also causes these universes to also converge. Not just diverge. If they merge back together, then the number of universes could potentially be unchanging.

But I'm not sure what the details would be, if they do merge.

posted on Jun, 6 2017 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

I agree about it being noticed now, with increased info availability.

I don't think new dimensions are created (on the multi-verse theory slant to ME) but rather entangled pairs of partials - here and in another "place".. It's how say quantum computers work.

If there were infinite universes, there would technically be a universe with an exact you, but the things around you are slightly different.

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