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We Know The Truth

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posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:37 AM
When's the landing already,LET'S DO this.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:38 AM
Oh yea, Sheeple of ATS. Foolow these simple instructions on how to be dumbfounded.

This way you might find Serenity. Good Luck.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
a reply to: Peeple

Ah so you thought there were only nine...

The supreme importance of the Ennead and Horus in the New Kingdom is demonstrated by their allocation to the first ten divisions of the Royal cubit rule - an important measure of length throughout dynastic Egypt and which was particularly employed in royal monuments.

There are actually eleventh... Seventh.


posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:39 AM

O Amen-Ra, the gods have gone forth from thee became Shu, and that which was emitted by thee "became Tefnut; thou didst create the nine gods at the beginning "of all things, and thou wast.

- Hymn - Brugsch

Seventeen thousand years before the reign of Amasis, the twelve gods were, they affirm, produced from the eight: and of these twelve,

- Herodotus


posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: kibric

It's what is called "Brainstorming".

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:41 AM
Hey Peeps: You got no idea, thanks for treating me so gently, when I pretty regularly disagree with you. Shows your integrity.

I think it's adorable you have such a high opinion of your fellow humans. I could attempt to destroy that, talking about slavery, gladiators, pillaging knights, the almost complete extinction of neanderthals and other human races, human sacrifices, industrial killing and point towards the fact that it's only slightly getting better since the French revolution which was also pretty violent.
But instead I throw a mental smoochie at you

Just for further reference, from my experience, humans are more scary than anything not flesh and blood. Nobody ever died because he was praying wrong, except through the hands of another human.

I see more danger in all the good people talking with the other getting nailed to a cross. Loose all their edge from too much preaching love and light. Being mistreated and burned as witches.
But that's just me.

But, I also hope you aren't just patronizing me, treating me delicately, cause I'm definitely a delicate eccentric. LOL
See I just see it a little different. I've studied the science of time quite a bit, and base 10 mathematics, duality principles, and Goedels theory of incompleteness. Strangely enough, they have many inherent qualities that spell out many different cognitively dissonant possibilities of what we call "reality."

In other words, if time is not what we think it ultimate timekeeping used to be measured in radioactive half life decay. Then we had some dissonant issues attributed to neutrino flux, which, if true, would challenge the whole friggin standard model of physics. But noone really wants to deal with that possibility. Truth is, we have no way to date of even measuring neutrino presence, effect or anything else. We just know there are neutrinos. And that they have some effect, but we've yet to find a way to measure that effect. This is part and parcel, in pure science, why we term almost everything as a "theorem," a theory. We've never really proven it. It's just through empirical sensory perception that we explain it, use mathematics as a representational language to express it, in hopes of understanding, predicting and manipulating it. That's a supportive argument of the control loop theory, and if true, it would mean, that history has happened many different times in many different ways. So I just cannot agree about your negative feelings of humanity. If there are control mechanisms in place, and history is respelled, then the obvious justification for the shadowing presence in everyone's consciousness is they are there to make us better than we can be without them. Those are simple tactics taken from "the art of war."

But if time wasn't what we define it as at all, and not at all definitive, it would throw absolutely everything we hinge our understanding of very existence upon overboard and upside down.

Having explained that, in my mind, I don't readily except someone else's historical account of what "humans" have done to other "humans" in 1781, or any other year, or any other crusade. It's possibly all just made up historical justifications for asserting a control loop system to "correct" our "inherent" nature as humans......

I refuse to accept that my nature as a human is to imagine nothing but evil in my own heart.....and I take that from a biblical verse. Nothing shadowing my consciousness is there to better or help me, or make me a more worthwhile person, or define humanity as something worthwhile. To me, it's only there to control, to justify that control, because it's just that egotistical and desiring of WINNING, when life isn't a battle to be won.....

But that's a whole other thread.
Can't say how much I appreciate your musings. But I would also have to say, that you needn't remind me of bloody crusades, nor slavery, as you're currently talking to a slave, for the most part. That's what the totality of this life has been for me. I actually even know how your fingers bleed plucking cotton off the stem. I don't need any education in that realm, as I've lived it, many times over. I've paid for others no telling how long. I actually have a social security report of my work history that begins in 1937, with me earning that year $3700, but my birthdate is 1962....Go figure.
edit on 27-10-2016 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Maybe I should have said admirable? Depends on what experiences one had with humanity. My experience tells me most people walk around with a mixture of narcissistic victim mentality and pure denial of the fact they are animals after all. "The world owes me... I deserve..." plus the lowest instincts as navigation system.

What confuses me is just: who do you think was forging our history and is trying to control the masses, if not humans? Religion is a problem and a lie. But who is writing the books?

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: tetra50

Maybe I should have said admirable? Depends on what experiences one had with humanity. My experience tells me most people walk around with a mixture of narcissistic victim mentality and pure denial of the fact they are animals after all. "The world owes me... I deserve..." plus the lowest instincts as navigation system.

What confuses me is just: who do you think was forging our history and is trying to control the masses, if not humans? Religion is a problem and a lie. But who is writing the books?

That's the best question of all, the $69,000 one.....if only I knew. I could say military, the aviary dudes, but I think they're likely just as manipulated as the rest of us. I think men are forging the history, rewriting it, putting themselves and their family genealogies in the best possible light, but the truth behind the real agenda at work there isn't really just about that. That's just another deal. It's called tacit denial. Or a tacit caveat: an unspoken understanding that if you're willing to betray on any level for a reward, then you've agreed karmically to have the same done to you, whether you are aware of that or not. Let's face it. Our society is increasingly hinged in instant gratification. Someone shows up in a black suit one day and says, "I'll make you the next Jesus or Batman, whatever..." what are most people gonna do, when they're living their miserable day to day existence, always looking for a better way, but never being able to make that truly happen, no matter how hard they work, what rules they follow, or what altruism toward their fellow humans they try to emulate, even just to get that desired spot in heaven. And most of us with some amount of situational awareness understand that this is a con job, just another way of punishment/reward/simulation control loop stuff.

IMHO, belief in UFO stuff becoming religious is because people are searching so hard for some kind of hope that something, someone, somewhere, is going to arrive and deliver them from their current circumstances that they're constantly told they are responsible for, and yet, when they follow all the "rules" they are told will change that for them, and nothing happens, the crisis of faith crashes hard upon them. What do you believe then? Where do you put your trust and faith? Without those things, trust, faith, belief, hope, and action based on those belief systems, and all the while everyone is telling you whatever you're going through is your own responsibility, and you try and try to change that, and nothing works. I don't blame anyone for turning to a religiosity based pattern of belief about UFOs.
But the cruelest joke about that is this: UFO, is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Objects. That's hardly an indication of aliens from another space/time/galaxy, etc. It's just something people see, experience, and have no explanation for.

How frigging sad is that, that UFOology has escalated to some kind of religious experience or belief system, when it's just about seeing something that's simply unidentified in the sky?

So, no, I have no comment to make about who the controllers are, if they're other humans, if there is a hierarchy of human and otherwise at work....I simply don't know. I seek answers, but ultimately, our lives come down to some very basic and simple things: if you had children, did you try to do your best by them? Did you extend yourself in kindness when even a stranger needed that from you? Did you consider in the midst of what seems like chaos that all you had to define yourself was the here and now, your response, your willingness to negate that deal that sold you out, to stand up and speak up, and love whenever possible. Seems to me that's the essence of being human. And therein lies my faith......I have nothing without that. Attendant to your title and OP, this is the only truth I know and put faith in.....
Be well, my friend.
edit on 27-10-2016 by tetra50 because: truth

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 08:12 AM
I thought the pic of him looked familiar. Uri Geller is a quack huckster par extraordinaire, been fooling people since I was old enough to read the Enquirer.

Spoon bending, material transform and teleport, esp, mental telepathy, telekinesis , alien contact, dude been doing it all for a life time. Even been reviewed by SRI.

Skeptics review

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: Peeple

What confuses me is just: who do you think was forging our history and is trying to control the masses, if not humans? Religion is a problem and a lie. But who is writing the books?

Control freaks. Generally, most people have no idea how ambitious they really are.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Hey Peeple: As to this:

Just for further reference, from my experience, humans are more scary than anything not flesh and blood. Nobody ever died because he was praying wrong, except through the hands of another human.

It's not easy reading by any means but you should look for and read "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream," by Harlan Ellison.....
that is if you haven't already read it.
edit on 27-10-2016 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: tetra50

I read that when i was 12. It was in the school library.

Thats a pretty dark reference to use!


posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: tetra50

...that is of course another possibility. Maybe flesh and blood will never be able to travel time. Maybe we in the future thought it was a good idea. Maybe "godfather in the skies" is the only one capable of time travelling and the only thing different in this "parallel reality" is we suspect the Black Knight is there and carries our fate.
Simply logical observed, if it's send to prevent the destruction of the planet,... we have a problem.
How does God introduce himself? "I AM"
Is any of the communication with the other natural? Kev can't tell. And honestly, how could I?

Da da daaaaaaaah *dramatic creepy music

Add: but even then I would try to be friends with it. The Stockholm Syndrome is (imo) a very clever survival strategy.
edit on 27-10-2016 by Peeple because: Add

And: no matter where you look, which mythology you prefer, humans are always responsible for their own decisions. In monotheism it is called free will and you go to hell, if you don't use it right.
No matter how much pressure your circumstances put on you, the decision to be kind or an a$$ is always a personal one.

edit on 27-10-2016 by Peeple because: 2.add

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: tetra50

...that is of course another possibility. Maybe flesh and blood will never be able to travel time. Maybe we in the future thought it was a good idea. Maybe "godfather in the skies" is the only one capable of time travelling and the only thing different in this "parallel reality" is we suspect the Black Knight is there and carries our fate.
Simply logical observed, if it's send to prevent the destruction of the planet,... we have a problem.
How does God introduce himself? "I AM"
Is any of the communication with the other natural? Kev can't tell. And honestly, how could I?

Da da daaaaaaaah *dramatic creepy music

Add: but even then I would try to be friends with it. The Stockholm Syndrome is (imo) a very clever survival strategy.

Ahhh, I agree with you completely, there, referencing the Stockholm Syndrome. When enslaved, we have little choice as to that.

It's certainly a complex human psychological dynamic that also applies in parent/child relationships: whichever parent is causing the most anxiety for the child, is usually the parent the child will most identify with. It's simple, really. The helpless child knows, inherently, that his/her survival is directly linked to the parent asserting the most control, hence the anxiety. This is the same dynamic behind beind a captive and seeking connection with your captivator: thus, Stockholm Syndrome. But, that's what I've felt your thread was about from the very beginning. We know there is something/someone other presence, present with us, without our choice and without our control. What else are we to do but attempt to make friends with it, even if only for our best chance at survival and less pain, rather than more.....

As to KPB's acknowledgement to the extreme darkness of my referencing Harlan Ellison's Hugo award winning short story by the name of "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream," it was a challenge, of sorts, to Peeple's assertion to humanity's bloody history, that Peeple asserted mankind causes more blood letting than machines.....

This story is "fiction," of course, but yet it poses just that juxtaposition and question of what an AI birthed and empowered by mankind's perception of Godlike omnipresence exempilfied in a machine might wreak upon us, once created....

Given the thread content, I think referencing this particular fictional musing about what a singularity might do to us is quite pertinent to the discussion.....but, shrug....that's just eccentric old me. I warned, obviously, that this is a story not easily read. It will haunt you for the rest of your life once having read it and delved into those dark depths. But I think this telling in this matter, as it also speaks to the danger of being careful of what you invite into your consciousness. It may be there without your invitation, but once you try to make friends with it, you could be selling your soul/consciousness to something you can't come back from. After all, KPB, that's what we've been discussing, isn't it, and all the dangers that come along with that.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: tetra50

I had a watered down version of "the final page of my lifelong story" published you know..
and it got both raves and also reactions that it "broke people's minds".

That story which bothers you so much is nothing in comparison.


posted on Oct, 29 2016 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: tetra50

And I disagree again.
The best horses aren't the ones completely broken. I.e. you keep your pride and your spirit working, never surrender completely but aim for cooperation. While demanding to be correctly "ridden".

posted on Oct, 29 2016 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Kantzveldt

I really appreciate your input, just wanted you to know that, before I go on and say:

You're absolutely wrong, imho.
It's always nine. The council of nine to punish mankind, the nine muses representing everything and as I said before the nine from ennead (+horus)
The babylonians had nine months, right?
9 planets in astrology.
Nine home world's in norse mythology... where 9 is in general pretty dominant.

It's nine, Horus just wanted to feel important, typical human. Pray to me, me, me....

Quite simply it's nine if you want it to be nine.

Pick whatever source you deem to be important and ignore the rest and you can determine that pretty much any number has "significance".

posted on Oct, 29 2016 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Nice response.

"Humans came first" are the words to keep in mind.

We may be "Horses" but us "horses" (a very long time ago) birthed the crazy Phenomenon, so it's good to remind misbehaving junior of this every so often.


posted on Oct, 29 2016 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: purpleivan

No, we were just disagreeing that the Ennead are ten. If they say they're all one anyways I assume they also are the opposite and can split infinitely.

posted on Oct, 29 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Thank you.
Thing is, it would be incredible funny if it turns out it's us. Be it through a natural higher-consciousness-cloud, through communicating nano-micro-mini-bacteria, technology just seems so lame, but maybe time travelling, that would be cool. I'd share it with an earlier version of me.

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