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Experiment - Send Out Some Light To The World! Shift the Energy...

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posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

- I can't talk about this anymore, because see, I'm hurting too - and all I want (quite desperately) is for 'someone' to be 'out there' who will come here, wipe away all the tears and make everything okay again...

I may not be 'out there', but I am here and so are others who can try to wipe those tears away. I may not be able to 'make everything ok again', but I can be here with love, compassion and perhaps some hope for you. Many of us are struggling with different things in this chaotic ever changing world. It is a world full of changes and challenges. Sometimes all we can do is take one day at a time, because looking beyond that may be too far away right now.

Know are never completely alone.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: Peeple

My criticism on your experiment is 5 focus love witches, or sorceress, or meditater, or however you call what you're doing can do zero on a global/universal level,

None of the above was eluded to in the OP.
But please consider if just one or ten beings were touched it would radiate out exponentially. Should we limit our selves to save "the world" we would fail.
One heart at a time.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: WalkInSilence

YES! The ripple affect.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Hi. I just wanted to say hi. I've read your posts and my heart goes out to you. Have you read Night's signature? I remember the first time I saw it, I made a note of it. Even in 2009 I sent her a PM to thank her for it. I later had it printed and turned it into a refrigerator magnet for a group I was doing at the time. Everybody loved it. Take it to heed.

Sweetie, some people are simply too toxic for us to be around. We can't waste our energy on them, they have their own lives to sort out, and when we are not at out best, it's sometimes wiser to leave those tasks to someone else, particularly when it brings us stress.

Our trials and life circumstances, although they can cause us great pain, change. Yours will too, in time. Trust in that. We change what we can, and work around what we can't. People quite often need help sorting through what is what, so don't be afraid to reach out. In a way, I think you are now. If you ever want to talk, PM me. I can tell ya I am no stranger to depression.

Create a stress-free environment if that is possible. Rest. Eat. Sleep. Talk. Go for walks. Create distractions if you obsess on things. Laughter. Even if it means a sit-com.

I don't mean to lecture or mother-hen. Sorry if I came across that way.

My very best wishes for you.

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 10:26 PM
Many 'thank yous' to all you kind people for your very sweet and supportive responses!!!

I'm really not generally that 'emotive' - just had had a bad night and then very frustrated at having expended all that effort (and energy I don't really have) over the last few days trying to get a new perspective past that wall of cynicism.

It's just disheartening trying to explain things to people who are willfully choosing to not understand..

Which makes me even more appreciative of the understanding you all have shown me!

((((((virtual hugs)))))) to you all!
edit on 6-12-2016 by lostgirl because: spelling

posted on Dec, 6 2016 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

It's just disheartening trying to explain things to people who are willfully choosing to not understand..

Exactly. I think we call it trolling. I'm off to bed. You have a peaceful evening.

You too, Nightstar. I know you're here! I can see a slight twinkle in the margins.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 12:42 AM
I have to say, even if the naysayers wouldn't believe it, I had an immediate response from my joining in here last night. So I thought I would report it for 'inspirational' purposes. The Backstory, and maybe clarification of my last post about "Changing the Universe" perspective tool so to speak.
First todays Confirmation of correspondence via using this experiment was my Ex. (The "One") called out of the blue today. Just to say hello, thinking of me, how he still and always will love me! We parted in 2006, still loving each other, knowing we were on different paths and He hated America compared to Europe, so he returned to Europe. Was a crushing time for me, and can't honestly say I ever recovered fully in the Heart department and he moved on with his life. I might have been slower in my recovery, but made it none the less to where I am. We remained friends and communicate rarely. So today was Nice. It was good to hear and know that he still thinks of me and to hear him say he would always love me was very much needed and special to my heart. I didn't even think of the experiment until after we hung up and I thought about how I taught him my philosophy of Change, and using my 'ritual' to Change the Universe and jump into an alternate Universe at will. It was a big part of our relationship, from our meeting to the end and now beyond.
The butterfly effect works, micro to Macro. Vibration of your Inner Light attracts Light unto itself, I know this and have since a child. As an adult, becoming cynical,, and maybe a little bitter about the bad things that have happened I shed a good bit of that last night as I began my participation in the experiment. It was an experiment I had done before and knew worked so today, not surprised at all. Very happy to have the validation from the One person in my life that understood me and now i feel much more like my old self. Someone who can Change the Universe by doing something as simple as sending out Light and Love with compassion. Glad I haven't lost the knack of compassion, needed it myself too
Hope others can have such happen to let them know this isn't New Agey Huey even if it is straight out of New Age concepts of reality. If something works, it works. Perception is part of the key, but the real secret is allowing the Light to Flow THROUGH ONE.
Much Love to All

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

One last time: I understand it, I disagree.

And thanks to your unnecessary emotional hissy fit, I am more than ever convinced this is a housewife thing. Homeopathic anti-depressants.
But keep lying to yourself, you do something good for the world.
What other stuff do you use? Tabletts? Alcohol? Nicotine? Sugar? Excessive sport?
If something offers instant bliss and feel good it's obviously a drug.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Not really following the whole jest of your tennis match here, but I do understand your cynical Perception of this line of thought, very understandable. Your perception of this reality is what makes up your own. Reason makes that statement correct.
It hurts to come out into the Sunshine when one has been in the dark for such long periods of time. Very understandable, but do I detect a little bit of jealousy that others can have the outlook they do and you can not allow yourself such a pleasure? Do you really believe that it is all about 'instant gratification' ?

Nope, even though the universe does supply instant gratification when one is tuned to the right (Light) station !! Such sour grapes if you can't achieve the same, but it is only because you can't let go of your cynical myopic outlook,, I know you call it rational, but it really doesn't matter. Like I said before what works works. Look into some of the latest mind research if you like and you will find more backing this line of thought than your own mechanistic one. Why are you so drawn to refute that which you have not experienced yourself? I find you an interesting subject in this regards. Sending peace, even if you don't accept it, it is there if you allow it to touch you it WILL and you will then understand what you really are missing out on here. Vibration is all there is, learning that is the first step, and Love and Light is what it is all about regardless of you not being in on the Yummy Treats or not. Are we not All just looking for the next rush? Don't fool yourself by lying and saying No, it is obvious that you really want to experience it yourself.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: EarthCitizen23

How can you not get, I've been there, that's why I know it's just self hypnotising, endorphins triggering, make believe.
I am honest about my rushs. To sell dope like love and light as anything more than recreational relaxant is fraud.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:28 AM
Have you ever been around someone who just made you feel good? I think you might have at some point in life experienced another person who when they entered a place, 'Lit up the whole room" by their presence. If so, how do you think that happened. It was something within them, an inner light shining that attracted peoples attention to them like insects to a light. Much more than a 'recreational relaxant' I assure you.
If Make Believe as you call it can really trigger Endorphins that is a feat in itself worth noting and trying to replicate.
Now be honest about your 'rushes' and remind us how they happen.
What do you mean 'you have been there'. Me too,, it was devastating when I couldn't 'get' there in recent months, the "Flow" or whatever you wish to call it. It is real, or you just don't understand the nature of reality. I suggest the book the User Illusion, it explains this, consciousness very well. Again, sending peace, compassion and the possibility of a Crack in the Cosmic Egg for you, sounds like you miss it more than not. I wish you well as I wish all Sentient Beings Peace, Joy and Light. What works, works no matter how you slice it.

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: EarthCitizen23

How can you not get, I've been there, that's why I know it's just self hypnotising, endorphins triggering, make believe.
I am honest about my rushs. To sell dope like love and light as anything more than recreational relaxant is fraud.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 03:01 AM
Gratitude can transform things. It actually helps to send Gratitude from The Heart Center (can visualize as White Light):

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Peeple

One last time: No you don't understand.

You are so far off the mark with your "housewife" remark it's laughable, not to mention highly insulting.

Believe me, if what I was trying to express to you offered 'me' anything like "instant bliss" and "feel good", I would never have wasted my time trying to explain myself to you...I would just be sitting back enjoying the 'bliss'.. haven't even bothered to thoroughly read most of my posts or you'd have noticed how much of what I've written is alike to the views you continually express when you "disagree" with KPB.

You even said yourself that you and I are "not that far apart"...

But you keep lying to yourself and refusing to consider new perspectives on your own ideas..

I see now why you described yourself to KPB as "contrarian", you'd rather be contrary than openminded.

The absolute irony of it all is that the primary reason I even bothered with the 'conversation' here, is because I cared...about you.

I think I'll stop making that mistake now..

edit on 7-12-2016 by lostgirl because: grammar

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:47 PM
Sorry all - just want to clarify - when I said the following:

originally posted by: lostgirl
- and all I want (quite desperately) is for 'someone' to be 'out there' who will come here, wipe away all the tears and make everything okay again...

I was not talking about 'my' "tears".....I was talking about the world's....

....which is why I want to thank AboveBoard for making the thread and everyone else for sticking with it -

- because humankind are worth 'saving', and the children of this world deserve a world worth growing up in...

...and I don't know if 'sending out' love and light will help, but I do know that it certainly can't hurt.

edit on 7-12-2016 by lostgirl because: punctuation

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: ladyinwaiting

Awwww, you are the sweetest! Thank you so much for your kind words! The people in this thread are just amazing!

Maybe some of you would like to check out our 12th incarnation of The Shed. It is a magical place where we fly on the wings of imagination, share our daily lives, sometimes tell stories, share our ups and downs. A wonderful community of fun, love, compassion, laughter and even tears.

No special invitations are needed. I know AB won't mind my sharing the link. She is a member and friend there herself.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: EarthCitizen23

That was very inspiring! It must have been gut wrenching to part from your ex like that still loving each other. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings here!

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I won't pretend to understand you. What I see, and I could be wrong and am sure you will correct me if I am...I see a man who has been deeply affected by life and is cynical because of some circumstances that we are not aware of. Those of us here are just trying to make a difference in people's lives, no matter how big or small. We genuinely care about others and not just ourselves.

I find that you are insulting instead of trying to be more compassionate in your replies to people. I don't really understand that. I suppose I can try.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 07:05 PM
This spoke to me today, guess I needed reminding...

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: lostgirl & a reply to: Night Star

I don't know why both of you keep discussing me instead of the points I criticised in your philosophy?

It serves no other purpose than making you feel good, is alike to self hypnosis, trance...

You say you believe in God and not in the cultural biased interpretation of that big words, but immediately the discussion goes "" did you ever look around you? Even on a "personal social level" god is a dick. Think jesus. Days of suffering, torture, what innermonologues do you think he had with God during his last days, carrying this big cross? He didn't even help his son. Your good loving parent, you expect to save us, will most likely not do it for free. If at all.
Yes I agree, god angels demons all that is probably real, but so very different from the labels we use, it's basically wrong to call them that.

Your philosophy is forever stuck on level one. You touch the power of your mind, but you use an nuclear reactor to warm your hands.

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 01:37 PM
thank you dear members of ats, for such nice thread(s)...i pray for all here and there to be freed from suffering and be happy. Humans, animals and also any other type of beings in existence like and aliens, gods, devils even plants, whatever why not?
in my opinion, we are all simply different combination of elements after all...but we all have the same essence - every living thing, in my humble opinion!

Yes, i am foolish about love, like a kid and falling in love more and more, as i know of its power and the transformation it brought within me...i have been on a spiritual quest for unconditional love and i now know that this quest may never end from human perspective...not because it is not there, but the depth is without limit and the mystery is only getting deeper, like a bottomless i have decided that there is no final answer, we only learn to love and share letting go of all ideas and exceptions about it and how it should be... yes, by simply letting go, without expectations.

this is my experience and observation...maybe foolish to some but i don't mind at all, i am simply learning to open up the heart and appreciate life in all manifestations and forms, without judgment or expectation, without separation or conditions.

Yes, to be honest, there is only simply learning and sharing however we can, even with simple kind thoughts...and practice of letting go, as each day there are new things the mind throws at us and if we notice it, as it is very subtle but once aware it is obvious and like a trail of breadcrumbs leading to the sun and moon and their union... we can learn by observation of distractions, emotions, situations and thoughts ... simply by knowing yourself and i am without a doubt that old and present and in the future things wont change as far as Love mystery goes... on this spiritual place we call earth.

now i will spam this thread with Rumi, a Sufi mystic, who has experienced and sung the songs of Love and Wisdom, and there are many many like him in the past or present and will be in the future...and bless you all and both, your "dark" and "light side", as they are for me, simply a dance of crazy atoms leading towards the same goal...Love and Wisdom!

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