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Cop films himself on bodycam taking a brick of marijuana and giving to his girlfriend

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posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: odzeandennz

I had respect for you, despite lacking articulation. No longer.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss


posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 06:04 PM

President Barack Obama on Tuesday granted 111 commutations to federal inmates serving time for non-violent drug offenses. Of those receiving commutations, 14 were from Texas, including four from Houston.

He reduced life sentences for some convicted of drug offenses.

So the "why doesn't he" has been some what answered.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: imsoconfused

originally posted by: Sremmos80

originally posted by: imsoconfused

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

And you are ignoring that even if he did this guy would still be in trouble! Literally has nothing to do with this outside of you just reaching to find a way to blame obama...
Aldo you might want to look into who has been fighting him on it. Oh and the outrage every time he does something using his pen and phone.

So if weed was totally legal would this guy still be in trouble? At least for this. would there have been weed in an evidence room for him to steal?

Yes if he was caught for embezziling and conspiring to so.
You seem to think that legalization = no laws on the book period. Plenty of things that are legal have laws regarding them. It is beyond hilarious that your are so hell bent on blaming obama for this. The epitome of ODS.

And if you don't understand why distribution could still be illegal then we clearly don't need to continue this conversation as you are being willfully ignorant to reality.

And you seem to think legalization means you cant sell it.

Never said that, you seem to be creating your own argument by twisting what I said. Of course you can sell it, but that doesn't mean it is a free for all. Do you really think legalization would mean no one could get in legal trouble with it at all full stop?

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one that can recognize that progress HAS been made under Obama. It certainly hasn't gone far enough, but to pretend like the state of the war on drugs is EXACTLY the same as it was under Bush or even worse than when he was President is so naive it isn't even funny. Things have DEFINITELY improved. We aren't where we need to be yet, but this is something that shouldn't be ignored.

They're just deflecting so no one mentions that the Republican controlled Congress has done absolutely NOTHING to end or soften the War on Drugs.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: enlightenedservant

The Congress ebbs and flows. POTUS is the real 'law of the mind'. That's where the focus is, and that's why I keep it there. Likewise, GOP (whom I am NOT a part of) don't pander to blacks as if they love and support them ESPECIALLY so, as does the DNC oh so sickingly deceptively.

This argument I;m referring to is like 'lets demonize the deckhands of the ship, but not the captain of the ship'. Think about it!

C'mon dude I just posted you a HUGE response. Respectfully! I currently respect you about most off all my 'opponents' around here these days. Lets not be lame. Without respect between adversaries, all is already lost.

I'm not a conservative! Aside from my opposition to Obama / Hillary / SJW mania, all of my words reflect that. Currently they've been at the helm so they take all of my flak, precisely as the Neocon's / GOP / etc did pre-Obama.
edit on 31-8-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Uhh, that's a lot to digest & respond to. But I'll try to hit what I think are the main points.

1. 300 pardons is better than no pardons.
2. 300 pardons is nowhere near enough.

I think we're agreeing on these, right?

3. Pres Obama should've de-scheduled MJ, or at least lowered its federal classification.
4. Congress also could've de-scheduled MJ.
5. Congress can end every federal aspect of the War on Drugs, but they refuse to do anything.

We should be able to agree on these, as well.

6. I wholeheartedly believe neither the Dems nor Repubs want to end the War on Drugs. WOD related programs help too many contractors, pharmaceutical companies, and police depts for them to end it unless absolutely forced to. It also helps disenfranchise poor American voters/workers because of their criminal records. And it fuels the illegal drug market, gives our govt an excuse to meddle in Latin American countries, and helps boost the finances for cartels and organized crime and "Black Ops" groups and intelligence agencies.

7. I'm far more aligned with the Green Party than I am the Dems because of issues like this.

8. And actually, I think we need to light the proverbial fire under all politicians' feet, regardless of the party. Remember something, Repubs control 31 State Governorships, 31 State legislatures, and both chambers of Congress. It's hard to pass any meaningful changes when you have that many politicians aggressively opposing you.

Remember how Obama's executive order on immigration was overturned? Even many of his federal appointments & recess appointments have been blocked. So do you really think the Repubs will let an executive order on MJ go through, especially since they support the WOD?

Umm, I think that covered it all.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 12:04 AM
weird double post happened when editing above post
edit on 31-8-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

See I knew I liked you. Congrat's, you're likely one the most reasonable, realistic AND knowledgeable "leftist's" around here IMO. I try my best to be same at being the most center of center. I took myself out of the left-right etc loop a good few years ago because of the Institutional Futility of Freedom (IFF) [lol] it represents. This summer I was acquainted with the "SJW" term for the first time by being called one for firing up a new iteration of my 'classical' anti-American imperialism rants. Then got sucked into all this stuff again.

So I missed the over-turning of the immigration executive order thingie. I don't recall the Dem's (whom I used to support on MANY ways) ever doing that to BushCo's EO's. Interesting lol!

On point, due to the binary rep/dem system, the endless FOCUSED back/forth bickering (of many stupid diversionary topics), and then the WOD agenda and stuff like that the constant deliberate Diversion Campaigns are ongoingly hatched to distract US from, I say"
A: POTUS is the surest way to victory on the federal level. Cuts straight to the 'chase'. POTUS is the captain of the ship, etc. If the agenda is real the Puppet Media will get on board. Etc.
A: People need to take their states on in every way they can (ballot initiatives, etc).

(yes: A & A)

SO my logic follows that every institution herein & above, say they're going to support BLM stuff isn't my beef. If BLM had WOD as their center piece focus (which they dont) I wouldnt have a talking point right now... My beef is when BLM doesn't focus on policy, and then Media + POTUS etc all openly support BLM, while themselves not making WOD their own related centered issue, then such (Media + POTUS etc) are just scheming to run the status quo while exploiting the general do gooder sense that I'm sure did bring lots of individuals into that scene originally. I find all of that highly offensive, especially since they claim to be all about helping the blacks but in reality are about maintaining their status quo undermining of them, while exploiting them in the same strokes. Now add in the parts of them labeling opposition (to the practice as a whole) as RACISTS and this is just sick #.
edit on 31-8-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

If 'ohmama' de-scheduled MJ, do you not realize what the rhetoric on ATS would be? black president decriminalized MJ?

do you know why by post #2 this Disgraced LEO's actions turned the thread into what it is now by page 6?

you can put 2 and 2 together.

do you think the conversation would be about declassification of drugs had the LEO been of other 'melanin persuasion'.
this is what kills me. im all for sensible thinking, intellectual consideration, and pragmatic insights; no matter which side is receiving criticism. but i cant stand the elephant in the room anymore. ffs.

page1 an officer gets caught peddling to his Mrs... page 2 obama and blm gets involved. officer happened to be black.
so the issue no longer became about an officer's actions.

i wonder if the topic would have drifted to what it is now if it wasnt what appeared to be an AA LEO...?

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
If 'ohmama' de-scheduled MJ, do you not realize what the rhetoric on ATS would be? black president decriminalized MJ?

If that's not paranoid victim mentality reverse-racist conjecture I dont know what is.

do you know why by post #2 this Disgraced LEO's actions turned the thread into what it is now by page 6?

My arguments were related, and timely. While the debate almost surely gave the (BAD COP) OP way more limelight than otherwise.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 03:08 AM

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: boncho
a reply to: Sremmos80


Funny how you use this word, as if its a legitimate product. Of course, it is when they bust people and take/use the money, but not if someone gets got. I guess the money those people owe for it is taken to court...oh wait, right...violence. Who's the cause of the the problem again?

Did you not read the source article? It said he also took almost $800 in cash from the department, so he's being charged with embezzlement. It's not just "product".

Okay, and where did the $800 come from?

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 05:50 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Did you ever stop to think this guy sent people to jail for the same thing he and his girlfriend was doing

really iwas not aware that cops send people to jail, thanks for educating me. i stand by my statment

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: ladyteeny

exactly.. it's been going on for years... i knew someone 20 years ago that bought his weed from the local police... the fact that this one got caught just means the force wanted him out

i know a female cop that wanted to jojn the force so she can be corrupt and rings the people houses they are going to raid to give them heads up. i undersatdn if people get tempated in being corrupt, temptation and peer pressure is a bitch. But to go into it knowing you want to be corrupt is unusual. hope south wales keeping you well.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: odzeandennz

Who's "ohmama"?

And honestly, I don't think race is a big factor in this specific case or in this thread (since that's what you're obviously alluding to). People of all complexions use MJ and its derivatives. Posters of all complexions are in this thread debating the pros & cons of these issues. And police of all complexions should be prosecuted for illegal actions, too.

And while there are certainly people who would chide Pres Obama for rescheduling or descheduling MJ, so what? Those people will attack him no matter what he does. But there would also be just as many other people who would thank him for doing it, including people who oppose him on other topics. Leaders should do what they believe is right, regardless of what people think of them. That's where I think he's failing on this topic (unless he think he is doing the right thing).

BTW, I'm an African American but I neither use nor personally encourage the use of MJ. However, I think it's foolish to lock people up for growing or using a plant, especially when alcohol and tobacco are legal. Plus, I acknowledge that it has known medicinal uses; probably also has a lot of unknown medicinal uses which need to be researched; and that it would be much better if people could grow their own medicine. And to be honest, I'd rather people be laid back stoners than for them to get drunk or be out hurting others.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one that can recognize that progress HAS been made under Obama. It certainly hasn't gone far enough, but to pretend like the state of the war on drugs is EXACTLY the same as it was under Bush or even worse than when he was President is so naive it isn't even funny. Things have DEFINITELY improved. We aren't where we need to be yet, but this is something that shouldn't be ignored.

They're just deflecting so no one mentions that the Republican controlled Congress has done absolutely NOTHING to end or soften the War on Drugs.

If anything they've inhibited it with their "wait and see rhetoric" directly funded by anti-legalization lobbies.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: imsoconfused

Here you go. Just today:
Obama Just Gave 111 Federal Prisoners Back Their Freedom

President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 111 federal prisoners on Tuesday as part of an initiative aimed at shortening the prison stays of individuals incarcerated under the nation’s harsh drug laws.

The White House said the commutations brought Obama’s total for the month of August to 325, the most commutations granted in a single month in United States history.

The total number of prisoners who met the administration’s criteria for clemency is believed to be around 1,500. So far, Obama has granted clemency to 673 individuals. Advocates have called on the administration to do much more.

Go on. Keep telling me that Obama is doing nothing.
edit on 31-8-2016 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

I agree.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:16 AM
So dumb, now his professional life is over as an officer. And over what? 8oz of garbage Mexican brick weed (Schwag). He's in New Mexico and its compressed as a brick = ultra low grade cannabis not with the body cam he was wearing.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: imsoconfused

Here you go. Just today:
Obama Just Gave 111 Federal Prisoners Back Their Freedom

President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 111 federal prisoners on Tuesday as part of an initiative aimed at shortening the prison stays of individuals incarcerated under the nation’s harsh drug laws.

The White House said the commutations brought Obama’s total for the month of August to 325, the most commutations granted in a single month in United States history.

The total number of prisoners who met the administration’s criteria for clemency is believed to be around 1,500. So far, Obama has granted clemency to 673 individuals. Advocates have called on the administration to do much more.

Go on. Keep telling me that Obama is doing nothing.

You act like I hate Obama. Other than this one issue I have 0 problems with Obama. And it is the same problem I have with the right. Why doesn.t he direct the DEA to stop arresting people or investigating people or using any taxpayer resources on weed prevention.

You huge Obama fans just want to blame the right congress or other presidents.

Barrack Obama smoked pot probably cant wait to smoke some more and his daughter smokes pot and his wife probably smokes it.

Poll after poll has shown the vast majority of Americans want it decriminalized. He is supposed to be a man of the people.

What has he brought to congress that they refused when it comes to decriminalization? He could so so much more and that is what the people want.

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