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Are You Interested in the Secret Space Program?

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posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: liveandlearn

When you say take pure info, if it were not for people like David Wilcock, we wouldn't have pure info.

I, also, have something I don't like about him - and that is his lack of humility much of the time, but he has done massive amounts of reading and he definitely has whistleblowers confiding in him. In my opinion, his knowledge is essential.

This subject matter is subject matter that gets people killed.

It takes courage to be public about it.

Additionally, this business of people objecting to money being earned in relation to conspiracy is asinine, in my opinion.

For God's sake, people should not expect others to do what they are unwilling to do themselves, which is to work for free while risking their life!

I am not here for entertainment. I am serious about this topic. I believe David Wilcock is serious about the topic. Too bad if he turns lots of people off. Those people probably aren't seekers.

It takes a seeker to pursue this information.

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
In the Cosmic Disclosure episode "SSP Think Tank with William Tompkins," Tompkins talked about the fact that planet Earth is almost a honeycomb - there are millions of massive caverns, and caverns within caverns, that is "bubble caverns" inside of caverns.

On Corey Goode's website there is an article written by him that has "Honeycomb Earth" in the title.

Goode has met in person with beings that live beneath the surface of the Earth.

The reason why he is being interviewed in Cosmic Disclosure is that he remembers, despite the fact that people brought into the secret space program are subjected to efforts to make them not remember, what he had been through during his participation, and, he has been chosen by concerned extraterrestrial beings to be an emissary to our planet to try to educate the public about the need to wake up and learn true science and history.

The title of the article is "Ancient Earth Break-Away-Civilization Subterranean Council Meeting & SSP Alliance Debrief Part I - 'Honeycomb Earth'" dated 23 September 2015:

The existence of a secret space program has been meticulously and carefully hidden from the American public, and the world at large, for well over 75 years.

As you know if you have read this site or watched our weekly Cosmic Disclosure series on Gaiam TV, I grew up in a world that is so far beyond the limits of most people’s imagination that they would immediately write my experiences off as fiction.

Most UFO enthusiasts believe the US government acquired working ET spacecraft from the Roswell crash of 1947 – almost 70 years ago. Many also believe these craft were successfully “reverse engineered,” giving them the ability to effortlessly travel throughout our solar system – and beyond.

Even with the crude rocket technology of the 1960s, we were able to send people to the moon, land craft there and drive rovers around on the surface.

However, people still hit a severe mental roadblock in imagining that our own reverse-engineered craft were flown to the Moon, Mars and elsewhere, and were used to build bases there out of local materials.

Is it possible that a secret space program could have existed without us knowing about it? Absolutely. . . .

posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: ConnectDots

I am like I say not up on this Corey guy but I do believe that Phillip Schneider was not a lunatic and that he believed what he relayed to the public, his death was also highly indicative of being an assassination of the type intended as a warning to other whistle blowers.
This is an old Video and no the best quality since it may be ported from a TV program or old VHS recording, also it was probably NTSC which was even worse than the old PAL system we used in the UK.

IF Phillip Schneider (who did not lie as he believed he was telling the truth) was telling the factual truth and not just what he had been programmed to believe by some clandestine operation and if Corey Good is also telling the truth then what we have is a small self elected group of Bigot's whom have commited GLOBAL TREASON against EVERY SINGLE NATION ON EARTH and against the human race.

If there are Alien entity's or non human sentience upon the earth whom pose a potential threat to Humanity and they have kept this secret then they have NOT done so to protect humanity but to protect there own interest's.

This is one reason that I approve of your thread, I may not wholy believe it but hey I may be the ostrich with it's head in the sand.

Look I know I said something wrong on this other thread as I felt the Chinese to be throwing there weight a bit too much, I am not anti Chinese but just don't like bully's and though maybe it is not as much the good guy anymore as it used to be I do still have a place for the GOOD USA in my heart and always will so on this other thread I am now directing your attention to I have said something that may not be palatable about shooting down a defunct chinese rocket as a warning, they did not I suggested they maybe should have done so and maybe I was wrong in that point of view but it may be interesting to yourself to have a quick read of it.

edit on 7-8-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
a reply to: liveandlearn

When you say take pure info, if it were not for people like David Wilcock, we wouldn't have pure info.

I, also, have something I don't like about him - and that is his lack of humility much of the time, but he has done massive amounts of reading and he definitely has whistleblowers confiding in him. In my opinion, his knowledge is essential.

This subject matter is subject matter that gets people killed.

It takes courage to be public about it.

Additionally, this business of people objecting to money being earned in relation to conspiracy is asinine, in my opinion.

For God's sake, people should not expect others to do what they are unwilling to do themselves, which is to work for free while risking their life!

I am not here for entertainment. I am serious about this topic. I believe David Wilcock is serious about the topic. Too bad if he turns lots of people off. Those people probably aren't seekers.

It takes a seeker to pursue this information.

You have deflected to Wilcox. This is not the only place this info is available. Give the pure info with documentation. do you homework.

You haven't been on here long so it may take a while to learn that ATS expects the pure investigated info.

There are other sources that are respected. Wilcox may have it right here but he has been wrong soooo many times, he is not a trusted source...Only the original source which would be Tompkins.

BTW, I have only the last audio from Rense to go. My source would be Tompkins...

Also, he almost confirms a thread that was posted about 18 months ago on ATS from an alleged participant in the Secret Space Program. A much respected participant I might add.

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 05:02 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
You have deflected to Wilcox.

I have not "deflected" to Wilcock.

I disagree with you.

Wilcock's perspective is invaluable in his interrogation of witnesses because of his experience listening to other whistleblowers. He knows the relevant questions to ask and can note comparisons. He's excellent at connecting dots.

His reading and understanding in the area of little-known and suppressed science adds a great deal.

Only the original source which would be Tompkins.

Who do you think Wilcock is talking to in the interviews?

Of course, it is Tompkins.

You're not saying anything.

Feel free to start your own thread doing it your way!

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 05:11 AM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
. . . he has been wrong soooo many times

No, he hasn't.

He's just unpopular with the ATS crowd.

Too bad.

This crowd needs to learn some respect.

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
If there are Alien entity's or non human sentience upon the earth whom pose a potential threat to Humanity and they have kept this secret then they have NOT done so to protect humanity but to protect there own interest's.

I always want the truth to be told even if it's scary, but sometimes I feel sympathetic about the military lying to us about the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, because of the fact that our technology was not as advanced as theirs. Putting myself in their shoes, I can understand a hesitancy to admit that.

But at this point in history, it's time to deal with the truth.

The truth outs.

War is not a solution, anyway. Focusing on building the superior weapon is an endless enterprise.

There has to be a better way.

But what I want to know is, what to do about the reptilians?? Especially the 14 foot Draco. Can humans teach them anything? Here's a screenshot:

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
William Tompkins is the author of the book Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries.

Here is the Table of Contents for the book:

Tompkins, William. Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs., think-tanks and Nordic secretaries (Kindle Locations 436-444). Kindle Edition.

The "divorce" referenced is talking about the separation of Project RAND, a way-above-top-secret scientific think-tank formed in 1945 as a special contract to Douglas Aircraft Company during the era of the Secretary of Navy James Forrestal, (who is later assassinated), from Douglas, to form a nonprofit RAND Corporation.

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: ConnectDots

Respect for what? Coorey has no proof and skepticism is always healthy. If anything, the coorey goode crowd needs a huge dose of reality.

Anyone with an imagination can write fiction from general ET lore.

He mixes in unoriginal information with his own. His own information has no evidence.

ConnectDots, you are being a bit naive about all this. However, maybe you are new to these type of people who claim to have all the information.

Intel dumps, ascension, disclosure, or financial relief through a new banking system is always right around the corner with these people. I fell into their trickery during 2012 and started belieiving.

Im sure youll understand skepticism in 3-5 years when coorey goode is still pumping out endless BS with no evidence to show for it.

Maybe im wrong and hes truthful though, i just highly doubt it.

posted on Aug, 8 2016 @ 01:30 PM
the secret space progam is just a psy-op to avert your of the humanoids
corey goode william tompykyns astr0 richard hall bob lazar and many others all disinfo agents
edit on 8-8-2016 by humanoidlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
William Tompkins is the author of the book Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries.

Here is a quotation included in Chapter 1 “A Think Tank.” The year is 1952:

“Today,” Elmer said, “we’re going to discuss the possibility of multiple extraterrestrial threats, and the measures we have conceived that the Navy should take to form a plan of action against them. We’re going to define defensive and offensive interstellar missions. We’re also going to discuss how we should configure our launch and landing facilities for our spaceship designs.

“Since it is virtually certain that these other vehicles originate from a sector of our Galaxy, let’s open the discussion with the types of alien species hypothesized previously, and what sectors of our Galaxy they come from. Dr. Sorenson, would you please disclose your findings for the group?”

Tompkins, William. Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs., think-tanks and Nordic secretaries (Kindle Locations 578-583). . Kindle Edition.

Tompkins had stated that Elmer (Wheaton) was the VP in charge and had a doctorate from CalTech which was never discussed, and Dr. (Nick) Sorenson was a geo-astrophysicist.

posted on Aug, 9 2016 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
Here is the Table of Contents for the book . . .

Easier to read (but cannot be linked to):

I'm looking forward to Chapter 12.

I am especially interested in reptilians and what we're up against with them.

posted on Aug, 10 2016 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
The next episode of Cosmic Disclosure will feature Clifford Stone.

I see in the Description for the episode that Clifford Stone served as what is called an "empath" in the U.S. Army.

Corey Goode's function in the secret space program has also been as an "intuitive empath."

The term "empath" is a reference to a person who has the ability to feel what others feel. This is useful to the military in dealing with extraterrestrials. That is, humans and extraterrestrials all come from the same universe (or perhaps multiverse).

I will post the link to the transcript of the interview, which was webcast on August 9, when it becomes available.

posted on Aug, 10 2016 @ 06:53 AM
The Astr0 thread, along with its companion "Weird California Sighting" are both far more believable, and both have more verification than any of the bilge spewing from the mouths of Goode and Wilcock.

posted on Aug, 10 2016 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: TomLawless
The Astr0 thread . . .

I have bookmarked that.

I will check it out when I have time.

Member "Astr0" apparently is a whistleblower who wants to remain anonymous.

I can sympathize.

posted on Aug, 11 2016 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
I will post the link to the transcript of the interview, which was webcast on August 9, when it becomes available.

The title of this Cosmic Disclosure episode is "Empaths and Extraterrestrials with Clifford Stone." Stone talks about being taken to see things at the Pentagon during the 60s.

Stone describes being taken underground, riding in the electromatically driven monorail, and experiencing apparent hologram technology.

posted on Aug, 12 2016 @ 10:43 AM


Corey Goode has explained that there are several factions of what we call the secret space program.

Some want disclosure, some want partial disclosure, some would like to protect their position.

I think this article is hilarious.

Who knows where Jean-Claude Juncker was actually coming from in what he said - who was calling the shots - what the strategy was at the time - what was going on.

But, it's funny.

Very interesting, and typical:

The official transcript released by the European Commission has been edited to remove the reference to “leaders from other planets”.

It is good that Dr. Salla used the resources that are available to seekers. The translation that he posted was provided by a person who posted on the forum Project Avalon, which has its roots in Project Camelot, which focuses on gleaning the truth one whistleblower at a time.

Salla also mentions William Tompkins in the article:

. . . A retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, has provided documents supporting his claims that he participated in a covert U.S. Navy program with 29 spies in Nazi Germany who had discovered that the Third Reich had made secret agreements with Draconians.

I’ve already posted an associated YouTube video. It is an on-camera interview of Tompkins, where he mentions slave labor being utilized underground by companies.

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
Corey Goode has a website which publishes the transcripts of these Cosmic Disclosure interviews.

In addition to the transcripts of the Cosmic Disclosure interviews, Corey Goode posts articles from time to time.

Recently he stated (SSP = Secret Space Program):

The level of technology in the SSP dwarfs anything we have on Earth, and includes replicator devices, teleportation, time travel, anti-gravity, free energy and healing technologies that make all forms of disease, illness and even aging obsolete. These technologies would transform our society into a true Star Trek age overnight. These assets already exist in our skies and we simply are not being allowed to see or use them, thanks to the Cabal and their overlords.

Perhaps it is just a matter of time before planet Earth becomes transformed.

posted on Aug, 30 2016 @ 01:00 PM
Besides whistleblowers Corey Goode, William Tompkins, and Clifford Stone, now Dr. Robert Wood, who took part in the on-camera interview of Tompkins previously posted, has joined the conversation on Cosmic Disclosure.

Dr. Wood has a similar background to Tompkins. He also worked at the same Douglas Aircraft facility, although not in the role Tompkins had in the Secret Space Program. But Woods had a keen interest in UFOs and technology.

The transcript of the episode of the first interview of Dr. Wood, “On the Other Side of the Veil of Secrecy,” is now available.

The timeframe of the happening in this excerpt is the late 1960s:

David: Could you just . . . For the viewer . . . I'm sure we're going to get comments if I don't say this. Explain to people who James McDonald is?

Wood: James McDonald was one of the scientists and atmospheric physicists, actually, who really dug into the individual cases, especially those that involved radar lighting up – all the physical cases. And he put them together so effectively that he testified to Congress that there were clearly . . . that there were objects there.

David: Right.

Wood: So Jim McDonald and I became good friends and colleagues, and I was dismayed to find out that he'd committed suicide a couple years later. I could never imagine that happening.

But, actually, I did . . . it was . . .

David: Do you think it was suicide or not? I mean, a lot of times these guys commit “suicide”.

Wood: I have now concluded, with all the apparently classified work that the CIA has done on influencing people and psychotic drugs and stuff like that, anything's possible.

David: Yeah.

Wood: But the one thing that told me that McDonald was really interesting is . . . I knew him well enough that once I was going through Tucson on business, and I stopped off, and he was willing to meet me at the airport. So we had been looking at the evidence, and he said, “Bob, I think I figured . . . I finally out how it's working.”

And in hindsight, I have concluded what he had found . . . he had found one of the top secret documents that said that we had really recovered lots of craft.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 09:56 AM
One of the other programs on is Open Minds. The host is Regina Meredith, who has a background in the mainstream media.

I’m watching an episode that was posted a year ago, “ETs: From Film to Reality with Len Kasten.”

I had never heard of Len Kasten. He is the author of two books, The Secret History of Extraterrestrials and Journey to Planet Serpo.

Has anyone read either of these books? Or are you familiar with Len Kasten’s research?

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