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Paranormal Legends - Poltergeist

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posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 11:34 AM
Paranormal Legends - Poltergeist

This is one of nine videos I've been working on, briefly going over paranormal legends. Creatures, objects, places, ect. I'm fascinated with all things weird (that's why I'm here lol) and I have been creating short mini-documentaries on different related legends. This one is my latest and I've always had a fascination with this certain phenomena ever since the movie was first released, many moons ago.

This is an ongoing project/series. Please enjoy.
Video summary: Levels of interactions, brief history, possible theories.

I have not had this experience myself and I do not discount witness testimony. I am fascinated with the RSPK aspect and the correlated patterns that have appeared throughout history. It is extremely interesting that this phenomena has been immensely documented in Europe and America, making me wonder about the tie in from media brain drenching, ala the Spielberg movie. This phenomena is clearly controversial and enigmatic when approached scientifically and fail to ascertain proof to a natural explanation.

Thank you for checking this out. What do you guys think about this? Constructive please

Video Link:
edit on 6/12/2016 by mcx1942 because: add summary

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: mcx1942

I have always been curious about poltigeist activity.

I myself have experienced to some extent this wonderful phenomenon.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: mcx1942

Your video is really amazing. 5 years ago I saw my pen move 4 inches and I was like WTF. So I believe in the Paranormal.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Tindalos2013
Indeed. The more I've researched these anomalous happenings, the more I realize how little we actually understand about this Universe. Thank you Tindalos

a reply to: Quantum12
Thank you, I truly appreciate that. I myself have yet to experience any of the "cliché" paranormal experiences but I've had some strange things occur and the more I've explored this avenue the more strange things have opened themselves up to me. Thank you again Quantum

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: mcx1942

Your kindly welcome, I subscribed to your YouTube channel and will watch your other videos.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 01:40 PM
I dont belive that Poltergeist is not somthing from the dead ( i could be wrong) but I more belive its something to do with the living, something we dont understand. I remember see a person going through a bad reaction to drugs given to them for cancer, the way they were shaking and the bed shaking it looked like demon procession, but it was just a bad reaction to cancer drugs. Perhaps a Poltergeist is just a reaction to someones state of mind.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 01:40 PM
In your video you say poltergeist activity can centre around young adults entering puberty, does this mean there is no poltergeist and its a form of telekinesis from the young one
or is it a poltergeist charged by the out of control hormones, thoughts and feeling of a young person?
Cool video btw I really enjoyed it. a reply to: mcx1942

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:15 PM
I deal with one on a regular basis.
Doesn't cause any harm.
Just passes by and leaves a floral scent of perfume.
Doesn't bother me at all.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:27 PM
The Enfield poltergeist is probably the most documented case.

The previous tenant was blind and died from a stroke in his sleep. So somehow that leads to him not knowing he has died and haunting the house after a couple of girls play with an Ouija board.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: mizin
Thank you mizin

It seems that this side of the phenomenon is one of the more popular ones in parapsychology. It does make sense with the onset of puberty and hormones. But it does not appear to be exclusive to adolescents, but it appears those researchers lean more towards innate telekinetic abilities over spiritual explanations.

The toughest part about studying this phenomenon seems to be its sporadic and random nature, but it does appear that we may play a part in this oddity, either unknowingly, or knowingly with hoxers.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: mcx1942
a reply to: mizin
Thank you mizin

It seems that this side of the phenomenon is one of the more popular ones in parapsychology. It does make sense with the onset of puberty and hormones. But it does not appear to be exclusive to adolescents, but it appears those researchers lean more towards innate telekinetic abilities over spiritual explanations.

The toughest part about studying this phenomenon seems to be its sporadic and random nature, but it does appear that we may play a part in this oddity, either unknowingly, or knowingly with hoxers.

Every case that documented "teleportation" like stones appearing out of nowhere or objects flying around always observed that the objects were warm to the touch.

From a physics viewpoint in order to impart motion to an object you have to interact with the electrons of the atoms that comprise the object. A small localised magnetic field would be perfect. But to levitate a frog requires a magnetic field several Tesla in strength - like a MRI scanner with a supercooled magnetic coil.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: stormcell
The Enfield poltergeist is probably the most documented case.

The previous tenant was blind and died from a stroke in his sleep. So somehow that leads to him not knowing he has died and haunting the house after a couple of girls play with an Ouija board.

and the general consensus was the girls were faking it

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:55 PM
We are all puppets, but the thing very very few people understand, not even shamen, is that we can chouse our puppet master, and sometimes a very very few that walk the earth are puppet masters.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 07:46 PM
Polts are always one of the more easy to "prove" aspects of the paranormal... once one actually investigates the reports it's nearly impossible to discount them unless one wants to run with the 'heads in vats' info model where all tertiary info is suspect... and good luck with that, if so.

My fav is Gef the 'mongoose' for sheer weirdness ... and as far as the Einfield affair, the view that the girls "hoaxed" all of it doesn't add up... but that psychology is part of the phenomena is pretty solid, and some shenanigans and uncertainty is always part of the scenario... until the fridge moves across the kitchen, showers of rocks hit you and phantoms appear from nowhere, that is.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:10 AM
Loved the video! ATS is really lacking for quality paranormal threads. This reminded me of many moons ago. Worlds away, really. When this place was fun. I always hope there will be something like this when I come on, but there so rarely is. Thank you.

I never knew what to make of poltergeists. I'm familiar with the lore - that's the problem. It's such an odd doesn't necessarily fit perfectly anywhere. The way in which these things tend to manifest is outside of the normal rule book, so it makes me wonder what their rule book says. There still seems to be some sort of law in place. The repetition, weird or not, would suggest that.

I always liked the latent telekinesis idea...there's a great episode of the X-Files where the weather is affected by a man's pining heart and unexpressed love for a colleague. Poltergeists always made me think of that episode. I had a football coach I'm convinced could control the weather. It was uncanny. His frown could chase the clouds away. A practicing we would go.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: thektotheg
Thank you thektotheg. Yes! I remember that old X-Files episode! I too am fascinated with the telekinetic aspect. I haven't had these type experiences in real life but I've had recurring dreams where I could move stuff with my mind. For example, one dream I was focusing on picking up an empty can from the floor. It felt so real and I was eventually able to have the can fly into my hand like Luke from Empire Strikes Back lol.

Life is so weird lol

posted on Jun, 28 2016 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Gef the mongoose is also my favorite, thanks for bringing it up. Time to go dig up some reading material on that one again. My least favorite poltergeist story was my own. No fun at all, I like reading about this stuff but I can only take so much before I start to feel oppressed.

To the op, good job on the video I'm going to check out your other efforts on Youtube.
edit on 6/28/2016 by wtbengineer because: to add

posted on Jun, 28 2016 @ 11:49 AM
I believe the word Poltergeist encompasses many different types of spirits/entities. Some Poltergeist cases could be dead people but I find that explanation hard to believe, don't ask me why, it just doesn't seem right. A non physical Intelligence that can manipulate space time at will doesn't seem human to me. I think alot of Poltergeist activity is confused with Inhuman Malicious entities (aka demons) instead of whatever an actual Poltergeist is. Remember that a true Poltergeist is a mischievous spirit, something that basically performs parlor tricks seemingly for amusement and not to intentionally cause harm, fear, etc. The events depicted in the film Poltergeist are Demonic in nature. There are my two cents.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: 191stMIDET

Indeed, thank you.

My gut leans towards our incomprehension of this and all other paranormal subjects, they are things we truly can not comprehend. As in our brains are literally not wired to understand these phenomena and will probably never be fully able to.

Sort of like how a dog's brain is wired to understand simple math but because of the way their brains are composed, they can not comprehend advanced math.

I really feel our brains are the same. We are trying to figure out stuff we simply can not.

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