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Baddogma's Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

eta: and that thought about distractions may be seen as a Trickster aspect, as the annoyances aren't catastrophic as in some cosmic door slamming shut (or death or a blazing angelic figure waving a finger and shouting "No!"), but rather electronic or mechanical interference, random calls and neighbors and general situations drawing attention away from the ephemeral...

That's the second time you've mentioned electronic interference - what is it? You said something about a calculator before.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

Well, I hate mentioning this stuff as it is improvable of anything but magical thinking or lunacy, but whenever I refine my thoughts and put together a long, relevant post, Or read something that sets off the cascade of relevant realizations, the connection to the internet stops, the computer suffers a catastrophic freeze, the electricity goes out or a never before met neighbor comes by with some strangeness and when I return the computer has reset... or the thought is gone... stuff exactly like that that when I really think on it, has happened upwards of forty times and this stuff NEVER happens when I'm goofing off and "keeping it light" ...

but it could be statistically rare coincidences brought into focus by attention, and likely is, but there is this niggling feeling that something is working in the periphery.

But that brings up thoughts of "boy, I must be involved in something important that some sinister agency doesn't want me to know" and I'd be the first to laugh long and hard at that.

It IS weird, though... either way.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: beansidhe

Well, I hate mentioning this stuff as it is improvable of anything but magical thinking or lunacy, but whenever I refine my thoughts and put together a long, relevant post, Or read something that sets off the cascade of relevant realizations, the connection to the internet stops, the computer suffers a catastrophic freeze, the electricity goes out or a never before met neighbor comes by with some strangeness and when I return the computer has reset... or the thought is gone... stuff exactly like that that when I really think on it, has happened upwards of forty times and this stuff NEVER happens when I'm goofing off and "keeping it light" ...

Me too.

but it could be statistically rare coincidences brought into focus by attention, and likely is, but there is this niggling feeling that something is working in the periphery.

But that brings up thoughts of "boy, I must be involved in something important that some sinister agency doesn't want me to know"...

Me too.

The timing is just ridiculously perfect, isn't it? Like right before you hit "send"...

Yes I'm still here, lurking and reading along.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

For anyone who cares, I am writing some "blog-only" stuff, and have recent updates. I usually do that when I want to prevent some sort of ego-hormonal storm from taking place, or want to make sure that the "ATS effect" (losing a long post) does not strike; yah, it strikes me too sometimes.


posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

Yes I'm still here, lurking and reading along.

Me too!

And this post got NO interference... go figure. But it got so bad that I was almost "trained" to veer away from anything near "profound" ...and just writing that makes me laugh, but it's what I feel, so there ya go... and a perfect excuse to stay light and lazy (OR more holistic rather than reductive if one wants to sound more erudite about being a gen x slacker).

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Hmmmm. Could you thwart it with a pencil and paper? (only half joking)

You know how you said you always get people together?
You said before you were a sort of ring-master, like a gatherer of souls (that makes you sound like a freaky creep, I don't mean that at all, I think you're adorable) but does that have something to do with it?

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

Yay! You're back.

a reply to: Mr Bear

Will definitely read it.

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Baddog...sometimes I start writing/typing a story or poem, and the words just flow like I'm not thinking of them first. I did that today with a story I entered in a contest.
Then beansidhe read it and made a name connection that was actually really vital (lol), only it was an accident because I didn't even SEE it myself earlier.
I basically wrote a 'creation' story...likely a copy of many from the past, but I have no idea where it came from.

I completely relate to you with electronics. Sometimes I actually walk around yelling "stop it already!".

Sometimes just reading certain material online will make me physically sick. My cursor will start moving around on it's own, or move away every time I try to click something.
When I'm thinking weird and woo-woo, it's almost like the computer and I are having some sort of shared experience.


Edit: beansidhe: Yeah, I'm back! I might be intimidated in here at times but I'm too interested to pipe down.

edit on 27-2-2016 by jacygirl because: more to say

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

I well might be, and 'creepy ringmaster' a la Cabaret is an over-used horror meme I won't be using next All Hallow's Eve, thanks very much... but I have always been the Fool in the tarot meaning, so sure... I could even be self limiting through powerful arcane powers... who knows... the % mix of external/internal variables upon our environments is a discussion that would likely make the meth-head neighbor come by to ask me for bleach, or get buzzed by an out of season bee again, and I'd like to try pen and paper to see if I can operate in a more serious manner, but the work in doing this same thing in an analog manner makes me wanna go play Fallout!

And the bee metaphor... organized hierarchical labor bringing sweetness but tempered by a sting comes to mind for our "Melissa."

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

Oh, and I was going to add above to mention the calculator but decided to post it here... so here...

The calculator function on my 'puter was open on the task bar but unused and, when brought up, had a series of numbers on the screen that formed words (like the lost art geeks used to have of making words from numerals 8008, etc.) followed by a series of "666" space "666" like a high schooler metal-head had hacked me and they sure seemed to have been entered on purpose and I had NOT touched it, though it was open ... so hacker of some sort is my guess or somehow I typed it in a fit of some sort and don't remember?

and my smartphone has been going into recording mode by itself, daily, for almost a year now, usually at 1 ish in the afternoon and early eve... and I cannot figure out why nor can the local carrier techs... no apps or open voice features, etc... but it started when I posted about secret spacemen... along with rare 'pocket texts' that make almost perfect sense about weird subjects that show tangential relevance to conversations I've had...

so general electronic mixed with some analog weirdness of more or less frequency??? It simply sounds insane and is certainly not that common, except for the smart phone recording which is daily, but it IS curious seeming "harassment" ... from my own brain or an external one is a decent question, though.

edit on 2/27/2016 by Baddogma because: clean up

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

making words from numerals 8008,



posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

No, I think you should go with creepy ring master. It'll keep the neighbours away if nothing else.

What if you are self limiting? All that stuff you say about bees, computers stopping working, interruptions - they're all obstructive things. What if the universe is just providing you with what you expect: to not do. What if you just ignored them determinedly (ok, a bit hard when you're about to send a post) - what would happen?

And the bee metaphor... organized hierarchical labor bringing sweetness but tempered by a sting comes to mind for our "Melissa."

Who are you supposed to be organising and for what end? Just rambling now, but it's curious, no?

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

The seeming metaphorical language of Jungian synchronicity comes to mind... and it's darned curious... even IF badd's just loosing his mind (and referring to one's internet alter-ego in the 3rd person isn't too sane either!).

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Can you hack someone's computer calculator? Why would you (not you) do that and not just hack their computer properly? That sounds like the guy who investigated Mothman, whose name escapes me. He had horrible phone calls for ages. It does sound like harrassment, it sounds annoying and things like 'fairies' or whatever would do. Is that why you think you shouldn't be writing things, 'they're' trying to stop you?

If it is your 'secret spacemen' ask them to send you a proper message instead of BOOBS (or whatever they write :lol

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

John Keel is the name of that "mothman guy" heh, ... yup, a less sinister type of the same sort of harassment occurred to me, and it's a story long attached to those idiots, like me, who love to investigate the "paranormal."

Thankfully, the sinister men in black haven't showed up (...yet, gulp) ... though some poltergeist effects always follow me to some degree.

I have no friggan clue, but that stuff outlined above is what I mean by "general weirdness."

and yeah, the "hacker" I think about is not some guy in a basement, but some amorphous force of nature ...perhaps in a basement of sorts, but likely not wearing tighty-whities.

eta x2 and 8008 1134 were some of the words and I wish I could remember the two or three others ... followed by 3 sets of "666" so the force is presenting itself as somewhat retarded... no? Even more evidence it's origin is likely in my own skull!

edit on 2/27/2016 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/27/2016 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Aye, Keel, that's the fellow. Hope you don't get MIBs round, but if you do can you make them drink jelly out of a bowl for me? I read that in Keel's book, I'm sure I did and it still makes me laugh.

That's what I meant about hacking calculators, a normal (lol) person wouldn't hack a calculator. What words did it spell - did they mean something to you? I wonder why you and Jacy have this stuff going on?

eta - oh you edited that to answer my question before I posted it, spooky face.
HELL BOOB? That's ....curious, lol.
edit on 27-2-2016 by beansidhe because: eta

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

The scary thing about stopping the obstruction of yourself, is that you have to grow up then.


posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Whew... felt backed into a corner after listening to a half hour lecture from unrelated directions...

in the time honored phrase...

never mind!

I thought the universe was attempting an intervention of purpose.

etax2 and don't EVER grow up ... anymore growing up (or in any other dimension) and you wouldn't fit on our home rock anymore!

edit on 2/27/2016 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/27/2016 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2016 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

I was talking about my own growing up.


posted on Feb, 28 2016 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: beansidhe

... but I have always been the Fool in the tarot meaning, so sure... I could even be self limiting through powerful arcane powers... who knows... the % mix of external/internal variables upon our environments is a discussion that would likely make the meth-head neighbor come by to ask me for bleach, or get buzzed by an out of season bee again, and I'd like to try pen and paper to see if I can operate in a more serious manner, but the work in doing this same thing in an analog manner makes me wanna go play Fallout!

And the bee metaphor... organized hierarchical labor bringing sweetness but tempered by a sting comes to mind for our "Melissa."

I have to preface this reply by saying that I feel very reluctant to post it, as it will leave me vulnerable to ridicule...

...the thing is - though I'm not psychic at all, I sometimes when a person is explaining difficulties they are experiencing, I get flashes of insight that can be helpful to them, and I'm feeling a bit compelled, soooo....

--First, I have to point out that 'The Fool' in tarot is not really representative of 'foolishness' - to 'play' the fool is not to 'be' a fool...
..."The Fool" knows the wisdom of taking a light hearted approach to the seriousness of life (even if only on the surface)...He is a seeker on a journey and has paused 'at the edge' of a vast view of 'directions' (down across furthest valleys or up toward high mountain peaks)

Re: the trickster 'trouble' you've been experiencing:

I am getting a very strong sense that your "niggling feeling that something is working in the periphery" is on target - you need to stop believing yourself to be 'insignificant' in the 'scheme of things' - you don't have to be 'the second coming' for your existence to 'matter'!
And whether 'likely' or not - it is entirely 'possible' that you are "involved in something important that some [type of] agency doesn't want you to know"...

--There's a bit more (I think), but it's way too late for my brain to process it into words - hopefully I'll remember and be able to continue tomorrow...

...Just - don't minimize the fact that you seem to be experiencing 'deliberate' distractions from relevant thoughts and new might not even be about 'you' -
- sometimes the ideas 'percolating' at the edge of our awareness involve knowledge pertinent to the 'journeys' of other people, and the 'interference' you experience is there to prevent them from learning something of importance.

Or, all of the above could be absolute bollocks, because it's 3:00 a.m. here and way past my bedtime!

edit on 28-2-2016 by lostgirl because: grammar

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