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Third Temple / Ark of the Covenant

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posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by helen670
There are many pre-figurations of the coming of Jesus Christ (Messiah) in the Old Testament.

The funny thing is, the more Jesus fulfills these prefigurations, the more the question of his existence is polarized.

A believer can use these as evidence of fulfilled prophecy/symbolism, an unbeliever will use it as evidence that Jesus was pure myth fabricated by the NT writers for the purpose of fulfilling these.

Which is the simpler explanation?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:41 AM

A believer can use these as evidence of fulfilled prophecy/symbolism, an unbeliever will use it as evidence that Jesus was pure myth fabricated by the NT writers for the purpose of fulfilling these.

A believer is a believer....and that is enough for some.
Fullfilled prophecies from the OLD TESTAMENT are proof if any one seeks them.

If Jesus Christ was.... ''pure myth fabricated by the NT writers for the purpose of fulfilling these'' then I must say that the EARLY church have done avery good job in fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies/and I mean ALL of them.....and what's more, they should be applauded for their accurate work so well done.

For me,It's truth I found and find in the scriptures and knowing that one's SOUL thirsts for Christ.....For we are all made in the IMAGE of God.


posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

I read about the Ark being in Ethiopia but nobody seems to take the Ethiopian claim seriously enough to really investigate it. It could also still be in place underneath the Holy of Holies in a cave in the temple mount, but because the arabs have a mosque there, and they haven't been able to complete the explorations. I imagine if the temple is to be rebuilt, the mosque will have to be destroyed first, causing a bit of tension, to say the least.

Does anyone have any insights on these issues?

Graham Hancock took the Ethiopian story VERY seriously. He has an entire book dedicated to tracking down the ark. The Sign and the Seal. It's a wonderful read.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by helen670
If Jesus Christ was.... ''pure myth fabricated by the NT writers for the purpose of fulfilling these'' then I must say that the EARLY church have done avery good job in fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies/and I mean ALL of them.....and what's more, they should be applauded for their accurate work so well done.

I'm not nearly as impressed as you at these "fulfilled prophecies". The vast majority of them are out of context non-prophecies to begin with, such as the NT writers' obsession with Isaiah 53.

Some of the "fulfilled prophecies" are not even found in the OT, such as the one that Jesus would be called a Nazorean.

Even so, suppose we all agreed that the OT prophecies Jesus is said to have fulfilled were actual prophecies in the OT. You still have the problem that the NT could be at best a myth developed over time, and at worst an outright fabrication. We already know people have a tendency to develop myths and legends, and we know some people will lie outright to promote themselves, and we know people will conspire to spread lies to promote themselves as a group.

However, we do not witness people rising from the dead, nor the sun going backwards, nor talking snakes/donkeys/pigs. Nor do we witness indisputable miracles such as missing limbs growing back or the repair of brain damage, or 500/5000 people being fed from 5 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

Jesus said belivers would do miracles even greater than those he did. Where are they? The 'miracles' Christians perform today are unimpressive to say the least, but even more telling, similar 'miracles' are performed by non-Christians.

Which then is the simpler explanation? God actually came to earth in human form and left only crap evidence behind to document that fact, yet demands everyone have faith based on nothing other the the words of a few mostly anonymous writers of unknown motivation from thousands of years ago, or it's just a collection of stories?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 10:50 AM

However, we do not witness people rising from the dead, nor the sun going backwards, nor talking snakes/donkeys/pigs. Nor do we witness indisputable miracles such as missing limbs growing back or the repair of brain damage, or 500/5000 people being fed from 5 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

If I told you ,you wouln't believe!
'' In December 2004 a Saudi Arabian man, a Moslem, appeared before several new agencies to relate the following incredible event he experienced and which changed his life (this story appeared on TV, the Internet, radio, and was circulated in newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets throughout Saudi Arbia, Syria, Palestine, and evidently in all neighboring countries.''

There are many miracles happening's what our eyes see and our ears want to hear..
I can give you many more, ......


posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by helen670
If I told you ,you wouln't believe!
'' In December 2004 a Saudi Arabian man, a Moslem, appeared before several new agencies to relate the following incredible event he experienced and which changed his life (this story appeared on TV, the Internet, radio, and was circulated in newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets throughout Saudi Arbia, Syria, Palestine, and evidently in all neighboring countries.''

Your link doesn't work, but here's one that does: The miracle in "someone deosn't know how to spell syria"

No, of course I don't believe it.

Conveniently, no information is given that could be corroborated. We don't even know the name of the man and wife in the story, nor are references provided to the supposedly numerous news reports on this, nor does a google search find such references.

But, I suppose it has as much credibility as "many were raised from the dead and walked about the holy city, seen by many" (paraphrased).

I suppose next you'll provide the story of the 8 Jesuit priests who survived a nuclear blast? Maybe you'll tell us about the Hindu statues that actually drink milk? How about the geenie who grants wishes? That's a good miracle too.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 11:47 AM
spamandham......The miracle did was put on the news in december of 2004 in Israel and the surrounding countries also's documented proof by the police that investigated the report of the taxi driver.
The actual report is in Arabic....but I dont have it,nor can I find it because I dont speak Arabic.
The actual report that I got it from was a Greek page......
There are many miracles.........there are also many people who wish to not believe in any miracles that leads one's soul to God.

I've had wierd scary things happen to, when I was involved in occult practice ......also saw scary stuff happen ..

I guess there's not much I could say to make anyone believe if they choose not to believe.


Sorry for getting your name wrong!
I did fix it....

[edit on 7/24/2005 by helen670]

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by helen670
spamandham......The miracle did was put on the news in december of 2004 in Israel and the surrounding countries also

Well that's all I needed to know. Praise the almighty icon of Mary! All kneel in worship of it!

Seriously, that fact that neither of us could find the actual news report should be a clue that this is a hoax. Don't believe everything you read.

Originally posted by helen670
The actual report that I got it from was a Greek page......
There are many miracles.........there are also many people who wish to not believe in any miracles that leads one's soul to God.

The Greek Orthodox clergy as well as laypersons have masterminded numerous "pious frauds". This one isn't even particularly clever.

Originally posted by helen670
I've had wierd scary things happen to, when I was involved in occult practice ......also saw scary stuff happen ..

...and you just assume it's real?

Originally posted by helen670
I guess there's not much I could say to make anyone believe if they choose not to believe.

Those who choose not to believe are every bit as irrational as those who choose to believe, so you're probably right. A rational person does not choose what they will or won't believe, but rather is led to belief by the evidence. Without such evidence, non-belief is the only rational option, but it isn't a choice.

posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 10:06 PM
I heard that Australia has the second largest Holocaust surviver population and there is a reason that the Jews are pulling the Jews out of their 'promised land', it ain't it, this continental sized country of every needed primary resource is the land God described to his people. Australia's place in world history is the biggest secret the world has yet to 'click' to. The mount of 'olives' is the mount of oil bearing trees, something Aus. is famous for and the 'Dreamtime' stories of Ayer's Rock (Ullaroo) splitting at the end of this age better fit the second coming than all the mid-east bickering.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 03:00 PM
Wherever the ark is today.....Ethiopia or buried somewhere in that wicked city where they crucified the Son of God, or somewhere else, it's proper restingplace is within the inner chamber of Mt. Zion(otherwise known as the great pyramid).

However, the ark will not be of much importance in the millenial kingdom, because, quite frankly, we'll have the the actual body of God to worship.

Jeremiah 3:16
And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 10:56 AM
There was a guy-forget his name- who recently said he knew where the ark was and had just been given permission to find/retrieve it.

I don't believe the temple needs to be rebuilt for the "anti-christ to be born. It was my understanding that "after" it is rebuilt, the anti-christ will come and make it his home/temple. One would assume his age to be at least 30 if not more.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by noosnomrm
There was a guy-forget his name- who recently said he knew where the ark was and had just been given permission to find/retrieve it.

Ron Wyatt

I don't believe the temple needs to be rebuilt for the "anti-christ to be born. It was my understanding that "after" it is rebuilt, the anti-christ will come and make it his home/temple. One would assume his age to be at least 30 if not more.

Well, not exactly....true the temple does not and will not be rebuilt before the wicked man of sin comes. All that needs to be established is the animal sacrificial altar atop Mt. Zion, after the commandment is given to restore Jerusalem...(Dan. 9) the commandment however, will be only to rebuild the "wall" and "street". This word for wall is translated "sharp pointed things" which can be meant to be the angled casing stones which are currently missing from the Great Pyramid. The street can imply the causeway that leads to the altar.

The prince of the host spoken of in Dan 8 and Dan 11 will be the man who will give the commandment and the one who will come to the altar after 7 literal weeks to perform the duties. He is the man which the kjv titles "Messiah the Prince" in Dan 9, which is somewhat misleading, for he is not the true messiah(Jesus Christ is) but is an anointed one, which what the verse really translates to. This is the same man spoken of in Is 45 as Cyrus, who is a latter-day Cyrus.

Millenial Temple

Once the sacrificial sytem is set up, it will continue for 69 literal weeks, then the man of sin will come and slay the prince of the host. The man of sin will stop the sacrificial offering, he will cause Lake Nassar, the largest man-made retained lake in the world held by the High Answan Dam, to flood the holy city. The earth will open to dry up the land and then he will build his palace right at the base of the holy mountain(Great Pyramid), on the east side between the 2 pools or "seas" as the bible calls them. This is the exact location of the future millenial temple.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Personally it will be interesting to see how the Palestinians, Arabs will allow the sacrifices to be renewed on the temple mount. Makes you wonder what cataclysmic changes are in store around the corner.

I've always felt that the Temple didn't have to be rebuilt for the sacrifices to begin again. There's no mention ( in Matthew 24:15-22) of the "holy of holies" or "most holy place". Just a "holy place". The temple mount itself would suffice to fulfill this prophecy.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 12:47 PM
Considering that modern day Jews have no interest in reinstating the sacrificial system, you have to wonder who it is that's going to do it.

By the way Ron Wyatt is deceased, so he's not going to be locating the ark anytime soon.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by spamandham
Considering that modern day Jews have no interest in reinstating the sacrificial system....

The majority may not, but there may be a minority that does.

Remember, in most wars/revolutions-only 2-5% of the population gets directly involved in the fighting. It may only take a small sect to do this.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 04:34 PM
Well, ok, which small sect would that be then?

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by spamandham
Considering that modern day Jews have no interest in reinstating the sacrificial system, you have to wonder who it is that's going to do it.

Yes, that's the question. Who will reinstate it?

My belief is that the true Christian church will.
I'm expecting some sign from heaven to convince people where the true Jerusalem is.....Like a pyramid-shaped house descending upon the great pyramid.(Is 2:2, Micah 4:1)Once this happens, I believe world revival will start. The prince of the covenant will be magnified, world peace will be established, countries will beat their swords into plowshares. The blind, lame will be healed and pilgrimage to Zion. The cities of Judah will be rebuilt.

By the way Ron Wyatt is deceased, so he's not going to be locating the ark anytime soon.

Yes, I knew this. I was just mentioning him thinking this is who the poster was thinking of.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by CyrusTheShepherd
The blind, lame will be healed and pilgrimage to Zion. The cities of Judah will be rebuilt.

The blind shall see:

The deaf shall hear:
(Scientists Use Gene Therapy To Correct Deafness In Mice)

The lame shall walk:
(Prosthetic Legs Controlled by Microchips)
(treatment for rickets --- the softening or weakening of the bones also known as osteomalacia in children and caused by Vitamin D deficiency)

The Dead shall rise:
(CPR certification)
(electric defibrillation paddles)
(3rd degree ceremony in which the Masonic candidate is "raised" )

Wow, even the Freemasons are getting in on this prophecy thing!

OKOKOKOK The last one was just to be funny but you get the point.

What exactly are all you prophecy-watchin' folks waiting for? Aren't "the signs all around you"?

So NOW what? More waiting? More arguing semantics?

A billboard, perhaps?


At what point do we try to make the world a better place on our own rather than waiting for some Messiah to come and fix everything for us? Didn't we make this mess after all?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I read about the Ark being in Ethiopia but nobody seems to take the Ethiopian claim seriously enough to really investigate it.

Never take the claim seriously? there are numerous books on the subject and documentries onto the theory of the Ark of the Covenant being in Ethiopia. Plus you have the numerous Christians who believe the ark is there and many have travelled.

The Ark of the Covenant is believed to be in this building

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 07:02 AM
What exactly will happen when the 'ark of the covenant' is discovered?

Does this mean that the Old sacrificial law will begin?

Or do people think that this is a sign of Christ coming to earth for a second time?


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