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“Police Brutality? How About Black Brutality?”

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posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Logarock

Until this line of reasoning, in its several forms, is booted out of the conversation, the crap justifications for celebrating a dead criminal and disregarding a dead child will persist. This nonsense continues to perpetuates the problem, the dissonant mindset that chases phantom in the name of justice while themselves disregarding the injustice committed at their own hand upon their brothers. Its not a time to see the problem as everyone's problem but for real black leaders to turn their people to some real introspection.

I feel you and agree with where you are coming from in an overall sense. Starred that one.

the crap justifications for celebrating a dead criminal and disregarding a dead child will persist.

I wouldn't label it "crap Justification" when people become outraged at the police for decades of ongoing brutality, inept behaviour, constant racially motivated harassment, unjustified killings, gross incompetence, and unfair arrest that strip one of their dignity and currency of life. A majority of the cases fuel very legitimate justifications. The issue is that many people who are NOT criminals are subjected to this reality and therefore the lines become blurred. The news media will focus many times on the criminal becoming the centre of these events and never focus on the many times when it is a law abiding pure heart who got the shaft.

The lack of awareness concerning the engineering of consent within this reality will often lead one when weighing out matters to seeing only one side of the coin and label it "crap justification".

However, there does indeed exist a dissonant mindset, as you have mentioned. Some people within all demographics within America, do indeed cherry pick what to become enraged about and ignore the ongoing brutality, inept behaviour, constant daily abuse, harassment, unjustified killings, gross incompetence, and other behaviour that strips one of their dignity and currency of life when committed by members residing within their own subculture.

The black population of America will turn a blind eye to "black on black crime" and focus more on "white on black crime" due to its history of racial warfare. The white population of America will turn a blind eye to "white on white crime" and focus more on "black on white crime" due to its history of racial warfare. The same can be said for every other racial demographic within America and although it happens in all first world nations to a lesser degree, it happens to the highest degree within certain first world nations such as America and South Africa than it does within other first world nations. South Africa. Australia, and the U.S are on par when such ingrained biases are weighed.

Do you notice this topic being discussed is not an issue within most other first world nations...? Most nations do not have these silly discussions involving race in 2015. I don't state that to throw a dagger. I state that to wake some people up to the subtle differences that often go ignored because it will nurture a more fair minded and honest perspective, which in turn may help breed better understanding, and a means towards resolution. I have faith in the future generations. It's those old dogs and their old ways of thinking due to the engineering of consent that are in the way. Let us who are born in the 80's and later carry this torch because the older generations (as the present has shown) really are f'ing things up still.

Spending a lot of time in America has shown me that American society overall sees race first in a negative way that often leads to separation (walls that divide each other) instead of seeing race first as a positive way for inclusion (bridges that connect each other). It is subtle most of the times, but can be witnessed right here on this site by those who are not bigoted or racist at all. For instance, anytime a person unconsciously chooses to identify the race of a person that is different than their own when the colour has no importance to the story presented clearly shows how ingrained this unconscious separation is within the minds of some Americans.

Let me expound:

...while themselves disregarding the injustice committed at their own hand.

See...? It is very subtle and unconscious.

But, I digress. Back to your above quote: That mindset arises from the engineering of consent which in turn results in manufactured outrage becoming acted out in many forms when perceived injustice plays out, such as when an officer oversteps their judicial boundaries and becomes judge, jury and executioner, despite the character, or criminal past of the person involved.

Although I agree it is indeed unbalanced, it is still justified; it is not a crap justification whenever people become outraged at constant violence and ignorant behaviour of the police. Also, the police in the States commit these atrocities towards all racial demographics despite the fact certain demographics, such as the black population, are more highly targeted and victimized by the police. The stupidity and inept behaviour of some in the States sees no colour and is perpetrated by officers of all racial demographics. Again, stupid arises in all colours. Again, the media picks and chooses which ones to highlight, which is usually the cases which involve a criminal who becomes the victim and they hardly ever focus the good person with no criminal past.

The deep seeded animosity that dwell in some people of all racial and socioeconomic demographic is what will cause many to ignore the plights of their own a whole.

Its not a time to see the problem as everyone's problem but for real black leaders to turn their people to some real introspection.

Why? Isn't that what government is for? Isn't that what the people's tax dollars that fund law enforcement is for? Why pass the buck onto private members of society? Is the American government that broken that it conjures up a ridiculous talking point such as above? Or are some just unconsciously sidestepping their boundaries...?

It is America's problem as a whole. Why is law enforcement not making a positive difference statistically wise like all other first world nations law enforcement? One would think that with such harsh actions and militarization of the police that it would be the safest nation on Earth.

Black American subculture is different and very unique than any other first world nation's black culture.
White American subculture is different and very unique than any other first world nation's white culture.
American police culture is different and very unique than any other first world nation's police culture.
America is extremely very beautiful in its own unique ways.
America is also extremely very ugly in its own unique ways.

Most Americans are intelligent, sophisticated, cultured and kindhearted souls. I flipped your above words in order to reflect a more global perspective:

It's time to see the problem NOT as a black, white, or brown problem, but for all of American society to remove their heads from the sand and towards real introspection. ;-)

edit on 23-8-2015 by Involutionist because: grammar and punctuation SUCKS!

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 03:01 PM


posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Involutionist

The woman who recorded this video about the rioters looting and burning over the memory of a criminal thug as opposed to a 9 year old girl shot in her own home while doing homework is a thumbnail sketch into how violent she knows the black communities to be. Some famous sports personality, Charles Barkley described it as crabs in a barrel.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: jude11

There are not enough words to describe how much that needed to be said, and she did it beautifully...that's a fine art, keeping it real and keeping it classy at the same damn time. Bravo! Thank you for posting

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Involutionist

they hold themselves to the low standard of sagging pants, popping caps, bragging about rap sheets, showing off their resume of prison stays, the rap music, and other behaviors designed to keep themselves and each other in the pig pens.
edit on 24-8-2015 by recapitulated because: correcting picture

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Simmderdown

Deflection and distraction, typical tactic

What did she say that was not true

Psssttt....don't feed the trolls!

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 04:25 PM
Bravo to this lady. Such a strong statement that unfortunately, like everything else, will be no change to those that need it. There are many in the black community that feel this way but the thugs ruin it for them. I feel so bad for them because they want good and are good. I really don't know what can change the culture of the black community. It has gotten so bad that sometimes other blacks that succeed and go to college are looked down on in the black community.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: cj6

With most criminals, you fear the harm they can cause your body. With white criminals, you need to fear for your very soul.


posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: ObservingTheWorld

Lol you're exactly right. With most criminals I worry they'll rob me of my wallet and money, with white criminals I don't have to worry because I know they're already taking my money through taxes lmao

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: ladyvalkyrie

originally posted by: Bundy
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie
I do get a little offended when cops act like people owe them something. I'm not one of the people who believes that if there were no police we would all fly off the earth. I think we would be better off.

So basically you're an anarchist. Why are you even bothering to discuss social issues when you think it should be a free for all anyway?

Not an anarchist. Police prevent justice and freedom, in many cases. I believe they are corrupt to the point they can't be fixed, only cured.

You have nearly said the same thing yourself. I know you know what I said above is true.

And me get over myself? I'm not the one giving a presentation on what a hero cop I am.. lol

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

I used to live on the east side on Tierney st...WOW
Desert Storm was SAFER.

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

No it is not THEY have factions of thugs that are using that as a pretext to commit hate crimes ALL over the

posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Simmderdown

Thank you.

posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

And the above people are PROUD to call themselves thugs! No politician told them to do that. Sorry Bundy.

Yes. It is a badge of honor in some places. A way to not only fit in, but to ensure that nobody will mess with you as well. If you're the baddest on the block, people will "respect" you. Problem is, it's not actually respect. It's fear and loathing. Kids are already susceptible to influences like this, just by virtue of being kids...they're sponges. We need to give them better ideals to soak up.

posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: Maverick1

If I could give you a thousand stars for your post, I'd do it in a flat second. What you said is powerful. I just wanted you to know that.

posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 04:43 PM
I hear there’s talk there going to put this woman up for sainthood!

Everybody Tweet the Pope

Even though she may not be catholic WTF

posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: jude11

This video shows a black man and woman brutally beat a white woman outside a gas station, the media hasn't touched it.

If this kind of stuff can occur and no one cares, then why should anyone care about Black Lives?

edit on 25-8-2015 by hammanderr because: wording

posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: hammanderr
a reply to: jude11

This video shows a black man and woman brutally beat a white woman outside a gas station, the media hasn't touched it.

If this kind of stuff can occur and no one cares, then why should anyone care about Black Lives?

I understand what you're saying, but the media is a complete joke. I hate that it has to be blasted on msm 24 hour news networks for weeks to be considered an issue.

Its as if we are literally expecting them to tell us what to get outraged over, and if we don't like what they tell us to get outraged over, we get angry over that.

Or am I wrong?

Edit: I just wanted to say I didn't watch it. I honestly have not watched the past few police brutality vids or the past few knockout videos or any of that. I think I've seen enough.
edit on 25-8-2015 by Bundy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: hammanderr
a reply to: jude11

This video shows a black man and woman brutally beat a white woman outside a gas station, the media hasn't touched it.

If this kind of stuff can occur and no one cares, then why should anyone care about Black Lives?

"Wrong hoods" as the nice man beating the woman in the video put it, are everywhere, spread accross the entire U.S., There is no-where these "wrong hoods" don't exist. The REAL truth is, a very large portion of blacks absolutely hate white people and don't want them in their "hoods". We see it every single day, and it's rampant racism completely out of hand. It's spreading like widfire and will get worse.

White guilt libs are fueling it, and PROMIOTING it by justifying this hate day in, day out. #Blacklivesmatter is the new KKK, that's ALL it is, being sold hook line and sinker to ignorant morons who want to see more black racist violence as justification for the thug culture cancer in the U.S, which WILL destroy the whole nation if something isn't done about it.

Personally, I have never had ANY reason to believe that movement is about ridding the country of racist white cops, when the movement has shown their own blatant racism while also destroying their OWN neighborhoods in the process. They just want to "blame whitey" while justifying their horrible thug culture of violence where they think it should be OK to resist, run, threaten and physically ATTACK cops, while claiming "I didn't do nuthin!" It's all BS!

That video is a great example of what is going on everywhere and it's total BS.
Sooner or later people are going to start to get REALLY pissed.

edit on 26-8-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2015 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: hammanderr

a reply to: jude11

This video shows a black man and woman brutally beat a white woman outside a gas station, the media hasn't touched it.

If this kind of stuff can occur and no one cares, then why should anyone care about Black Lives?

First, I want to make it crystal clear that the following is not directed at you personally, or anyone else; I am speaking colloquially, and any use of the word "you" does not refer to a specific individual.

Part of the problem seems to be that we have come to rely on the media to tell us what is worth our care and attention, what should or should not make us angry enough to do something about it. And sadly, basic human decency does not fit in with that. People are, largely, not thinking for themselves anymore...they are allowing others, who do not have their best interests in mind, to do it for them.

Of course, the media is going to sensationalize whatever trend is "hot" at the moment, what will garner the most attention, and these types of incidents simply are not going to get as much play as they deserve right now because their importance is being dwarfed by this huge battle over skin color...which was a large part of Peggy Hubbard's whole point in the video.

An innocent 9yr old girl with her whole life in front of her tragically lost that life simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time...not even being given a choice in the matter, and yet that horrific event took a back burner to the outrage over a criminal who chose to put himself in a bad situation and was, ultimately, responsible for his own demise.

If the little girl had been white, her killer also white, and the thug who chose to pull a gun on the police was white (and oh yes indeed, thugs are available in all colors too, believe that)...but the cops were black, would her death have been any more or less tragic? Would his have been any more or less his own damn fault? Would the cops have been any more or less justified in ending his life? If the answer to any of those questions is not a resounding "no", then you have the crux of the matter right there.

We should care about black lives. White lives too. And brown ones, green, blue, polka-dotted itself matters. Hell, I don't even know anyone here and disagree quite often with many of them, but I still care about their lives. If I saw a person being brutally beaten right in front of me (and I have, and damn sure didn't pull out my phone and start filming it either), I'd still intervene if that person was a stranger to me, and with disregard to their race; because if you remove our skin, regardless of its color, we are all squishy pink human beings under there.

No one should be given more or less attention, care, respect or dignity than anyone else, and the truth is, anyone who is continuing to feed the monster that is racial intolerance is ultimately responsible for the fact that it still exists in this country at all. Another truth is that it has become such a pervasive factor in this country's society of late that I honestly believe that many people don't even realize what they're doing. This should never be. Never...but it is. And every single child out there who hears the vitriole spewing from the mouths of their parents, teachers, favorite celebrities...anyone influential in their lives, is going to grow up tainted by it and, in many cases, grow up perpetuating it. It will never stop until we make it stop.

To hell with the media, seriously. Screw those soulless bastards. The only thing they care about is getting the juiciest story...lives, of any color, never really matter to them. I would be curious to know how many videos like the one linked above have been shared outside the immediate context of the racial divide. Are they shared with the general public, or are they simply serving as another point on the racial scoreboard? Instead of assuming that "no one" cares, maybe we should ask first: have they even been shown in the first place?

Social media is a powerful tool, because it works. Case in point; the video in the OP. Peggy Hubbard didn't expect to get millions of hits on her video, she just had something to say and said it. Information gets instantly shared with millions upon millions of people, which actually makes it even more powerful than MSM, who have to tailor it before posting. If something isn't getting noticed, it's because we are relying on someone else to make that happen. We have become a nation of bystanders instead of active participants in our own lives, our own destiny. We are stubbornly prideful, yet we have very little to be proud of.

The facebook page that this video came from is just another instrument of hate and I was not surprised to see that, paging through the first 400 comments or so, not one of the commentators was a "person of color". Yet, varying statements lamenting the lack of black people who care about white lives abounded. Well, it certainly didn't seem that the admin of that page really cared much about the woman being beaten either; she was just a convenient vehicle by which to continue the racial pissing contest. It's pathetic; we talk about each other, over each other, at each other...all the while keeping score...but we rarely ever talk to each other.

People are so quick to measure a person's courage by their tenacity and fierceness in a fight, but I think true courage comes from those who are willing to call a truce for the greater good of everyone involved, to find a better, more intelligent, peaceful way. It would require admittance by each side that they have wronged each other, and it would require a lot of forgiveness and it going happen? I don't know, but the alternative is going to be the end of us, regardless of what our skin color happens to be.

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