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For people who believe homosexuality is a choice.

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posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: BelowLowAnnouncement

Blooming well said.
If I were gay I would kiss you for that post reflects my thoughts also.
Oh heck come here you desearve a man kiss for that anyhow.
*chases below down and gibes him a massive man kiss*.

Ahh, had I known I had a man kiss incoming I would have shaved and wore chap-stick for the occasion!

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: BelowLowAnnouncement

Hope our facial hair doesn't get tangled up.
Thinking about it can this happen? Lol.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:55 AM
Religion is a choice.

...Well, it is if one's neural pathways have not been fashioned in such a way as to espouse such fanciful delusions; as result of an upbringing consisting of continuous psychological molestation in order to indoctrinate.

Just sayin'...

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

Maybe if one of us has a slightly longer beard while the other one sports some Clint Eastwood stubble we can have a velcro-stye entwining of man hair. xD

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: BelowLowAnnouncement

We need conformation on the situation.
Any gay folk with beards in?.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: mortex
It's funny how people can bang on about Monsato poisoning us with all sorts of chemicals and GM crops...but when someone points out what all these various chemicals and poisons do, and there are thousands of them in our food/water supply and air, they get all upset and pretend their abnormal behavior is normal.

*blah blah some stuff about hollywood in there too like it actually means something*

Turns out homosexuality is older than Monsanto. And the industrial revolution.

What is more likely? Monsanto and Hollywood make people gay, or is it just that when society accepts gays they are more likely to come forward (or out, if you will)?
edit on 30-7-2015 by BelowLowAnnouncement because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: OpenEars123
When the penny dropped aged 17 it went exactly like this.. Hands clutching my hair, a look of pure fear/terror on my face. The words "OMFG I'm gay!!!"
which followed by an hour of crying into my pillow, screaming "NO!!" and "WHY ME?!??!"

SAME!! But I was 18 and driving in my car. It was a sudden rush of acceptance, then panic, then sadness, then..ok.

I'm so glad you shared this! I also experienced being born this way, unquestionably.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: mortex

Talk about Brainwashed.... May i ask where you got all your information from? your research? studies? who 'Told' you what you believe is right? or where did you read it from... or are these your original concepts and theories?..let me guess...facts right?

let me ask you this,these chemicals that turn people gay, how come they don't affect more people? how come there are not more GLBTQ+ people? don't you think we would have taken over by now?

Look, at the end of the day you believe what you want and get your life because you don't control my life or anyone else for that matter...

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: OpenEars123

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story and posting this thread. While I am not gay (i'm a woman born different, ie: transgender) I certainly relate to much of your story. Sexual orientation and gender identity are completely separate things. Sexual Orientation is usually realized in the teens while gender identity is usually known by age 5.

I knew I was a girl as far back as I can remember. My family remembers me as a toddler pretending my blanket was a dress and stuff. I was finally allowed to live my truth at 7. My parents and I shared the difficult story of my early life through to their experience raising a 7 year old transgender daughter into my teens here in this ATS thread.

We did not choose to be what we are or who we love. We just are.
edit on 30-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: raedar

originally posted by: OpenEars123
When the penny dropped aged 17 it went exactly like this.. Hands clutching my hair, a look of pure fear/terror on my face. The words "OMFG I'm gay!!!"
which followed by an hour of crying into my pillow, screaming "NO!!" and "WHY ME?!??!"

SAME!! But I was 18 and driving in my car. It was a sudden rush of acceptance, then panic, then sadness, then..ok.

I'm so glad you shared this! I also experienced being born this way, unquestionably.

I didn't expect to get so much nice feedback on this thread, especially the thank you's. That touched me.
I'm really glad it was appreciated, and I too am very grateful to each and (almost) every person in this thread that has responded.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: JadeStar

originally posted by: OpenEars123

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story and posting this thread. While I am not gay (i'm a woman born different, ie: transgender) I certainly relate to much of your story. Sexual orientation and gender identity are completely separate things. Sexual Orientation is usually realized in the teens while gender identity is usually known by age 5.

I knew I was a girl as far back as I can remember. My family remembers me as a toddler pretending my blanket was a dress and stuff. I was finally allowed to live my truth at 7. My parents and I shared the difficult story of my early life through to their experience raising a 7 year old transgender daughter into my teens here in this ATS thread.

We did not choose to be what we are or who we love. We just are.
Hi, thank you too for sharing your story too! I'll have a look your link too. I have so much respect transgenders, your lives are so difficult and challenging for so long, it's so nice to see you persevere and finally get the hapiness you deserve. Thank you for posting

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: OpenEars123

originally posted by: JadeStar

originally posted by: OpenEars123

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story and posting this thread. While I am not gay (i'm a woman born different, ie: transgender) I certainly relate to much of your story. Sexual orientation and gender identity are completely separate things. Sexual Orientation is usually realized in the teens while gender identity is usually known by age 5.

I knew I was a girl as far back as I can remember. My family remembers me as a toddler pretending my blanket was a dress and stuff. I was finally allowed to live my truth at 7. My parents and I shared the difficult story of my early life through to their experience raising a 7 year old transgender daughter into my teens here in this ATS thread.

We did not choose to be what we are or who we love. We just are.
Hi, thank you too for sharing your story too! I'll have a look your link too. I have so much respect transgenders, your lives are so difficult and challenging for so long, it's so nice to see you persevere and finally get the hapiness you deserve. Thank you for posting

Thanks for the support.

Just one tip. It's just "transgender people" not "transgenders". Common mistake but one I thought I should let you know in case you ever find yourself in conversation with a trans woman or trans man or a non-binary identifying trans person
edit on 30-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
a reply to: mortexlet me ask you this,these chemicals that turn people gay, how come they don't affect more people? how come there are not more GLBTQ+ people? don't you think we would have taken over by now?

May i have a word with you at the next meeting at the undisclosed location? Disclosing "teh gay agenda" on a public forum has consequences.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: lightedhype
a reply to: Wetpaint72

I do not get it. I have no objections to people being gay. It is who you are. But i do not get statements like yours.

I knew at the age of four. Transgender people say the same thing. How did you know at age four? Were you sexually active at that age? Did you have sexual feelings and desire at that age?

I doubt it. Four year olds do not have sexual desires at ALL. How would you know?

and for transgender people. They say i was born a man but i am really a woman. How?
Your mind was born into a 21st century gender role? I do not get it.

My son is 4 and wears nail polish sometimes because he thinks it looks cool. Does that make him truly a woman? I would say hell no.

Do not take any of this wrong. These are honest questions.

Please read my and my parents posts in in this thread.

And to answer your question, no, wearing nail polish does not mean your 4 year old son is trangender. Have you ever asked him in a non-threatening way what he felt he was inside? Be careful with this if you do it because if he actually is transgender and detects any hint from you that you might not love him if he says the "wrong" answer then he may not be truthful.

We learn very early to hide. Some of us do. Others like me do not.

As you said, it's probably nothing. All kids go through phases. He happens to like nail polish. Even if he liked wearing dresses and playing house that wouldn't necessarily mean he was a transgender girl in a boy body.

Only a qualified medical professional could make that determination and that would have to be something which went on for YEARS not a few weeks or months before you would even want to consider having him evaluated.

If your son is not transgender, and it sounds like he isn't from what you have shared, then count yourself lucky. My parents and I went through a lot dealing with my difference back then as you'll see if you read our posts in that thread I linked.
edit on 30-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: JadeStar

Oh wow, that's a great tip thank you! I shall remember that

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:38 PM

originally posted by: mortex
Yes, yes, sure, being gay, being attracted to the same sex, is perfectly normal.
Yep, of course.
I'm sure that's just your own personal opinion, right..? Of course.

It's funny how a "social justice" issue where people can champion some cause to feel good about them selves is taken on by so many, but even worse that it's taken on by people on a conspiracy forum. People who should know better, people who should have open minds and be considering all the possibilities.
But such is the media manipulation and brainwashing from the media and hollywood that people actually dont even question it now. That's how far gone humanity is.

If being gay is normal, then explain to me why women have a vagina and men have a penis?

Um, didn't mommy and daddy already explain that to you?

Can you explain to me how being gay is normal, when the function of our reproductive organs is to reproduce(I know, what a shock right?), and reproduction in humans is done by two members of the opposite sex....??

Why do men have nipples? What purpose do they serve biologically? Do you know the answer?

Oh and hey, assuming you have a girlfriend or wife, I feel bad for all the children she's going to have to raise because you obviously are opposed to birth control .

No answers? None exist to those questions, because being gay is not normal.

Neither is sex with a condom.

If God wanted us to have sex with condoms he would have made men have a retractable condom right?!

That's your reasoning in a nutshell.

I could of course argue that there is a range of sexual and gender diversity in nature which goes far beyond your 9th grade education of biology or that homosexuality serves a purpose within that context but it would all go over your head. I'm studying to become an astrobiologist by the way so I know a little bit about that.

One can argue that it's a God/Devil thing.
One can argue that it's our environment we live in, the chemicals in our food and water supplies.

Chemicals which we know are bad for us, not just chemicals that make us fatter and unhealthier, but bad for us becuase they are altering the normal functioning of our bodies and minds.

But hey, keep believing that being a homosexual is perfectly normal and that you were born that way.

Hella what!?

You aren't even making sense. First you say it's Hollywood then you say it's chemicals (of course it's neither) but then you say they couldn't possibly be born gay even though presumably if it was chemicals which gave their mom's embryo the gay then that would be exactly the case that they'd be born that way as a result.

I'll sit back and continue to laugh at the ignorance and stupidity, and the ease with which the homosexual agenda is being pushed. People are that blind and stupid, that they can't see that what they think, is what the media/hollywood has told them to think.

I'll sit back and laugh too... at your expense.

PS: Go HOME ALEX! YOUR DRUNK!@ (but first tell me where I can join the "space cult". idk, sounds kinda cool.

edit on 30-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: JadeStar

I know, we have already said to much.. i fear the Gay Mafia and GLBTQ+ Agenda may punish me and i would have to give back my GLBTQ+ Card

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
a reply to: JadeStar

I know, we have already said to much.. i fear the Gay Mafia and GLBTQ+ Agenda may punish me and i would have to give back my GLBTQ+ Card

Not for your first offense.

We just confiscate all your drag outfits and make up.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: JadeStar

That made me smile, thank you

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 10:18 PM
First let me say I've many gay friends men and women. I've been a supporter for equality long before it was the "cool" thing to do. And I did it in Utah, the most homophobe state.

I wonder if we can discuss WHY! People are gay?

I mean it's obvious men have dicks and women have vaginas and they are able to reproduce. It makes perfect sense. Having sex without that ability or goal to reproduce is almost always lust- based or in the best of situations, influenced in sensual love of pleasing the partner.

It doesn't make much sense to choose to be gay unless you're a lustful man seeking other easy lustful men, and at that point your sin is lust, not being gay.

So I'm saying no one in their right mind would CHOOSE to be gay, so why are many of my friends just that?

I think there is some # going on here... Behind the scenes things that no one wants to talk about. Eugenics? Chemical poison? Radio wave manipulation? Archons? Idk!

But we should be pissed and the strength of the LGBT Movement should ask this WHY!? More seriously.

I'm sorry if I offend any homosexuals. I am straight though admittedly have had minor Attraction to one or two males in my life. Never acted, and have no regrets about it. Despite this feeling of 'attraction' my thoughts of sexing any of these men repulsed me.

why are we different?! I don't get it and id really like to know.

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