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President Obama’s Plan to Revamp Discipline in Schools

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posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: Scouse100

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Scouse100

Figures. One of the authors of your report.

Tony Fabelo was the executive director of the Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council from 1991 to 2003, when the agency's budget was vetoed by Governor Rick Perry. This was the research and evaluation agency created by Texas in 1983. Dr. Fabelo was appointed by Governor Ann Richards as Executive Director in 1991 and served in this capacity until August 2003. Prior to 1991, Dr. Fabelo served in different capacities at the agency, including Director of Research and Deputy Director. During his tenure, he assisted five governors and ten regular biennial Texas legislatures in developing criminal and juvenile justice policies.

Sorry Anne, that has all gone right over my head I have to admit being from the UK

Ok. Rick Perry is a Right Wing Christian Republican, former governor of Texas, who also ran for president.

If it's school funding, medical funding, Womens health, etc ---- they cut funding.

Any school plan Dr. Fabelo helped create, no matter how awesome, it's gone now.

edit on 27-7-2015 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 05:55 PM
Expulsion is the worst idea. They'll become more awful, fall more behind, continue the same crap habits and become criminals.

Set up what is essentially a juvenile home/school and send them there. If it's clear the parents were complicit send them the bill. Bitch all you want about government cost of doing this, but I'm betting it would save money in the long run with less crime. I'd rather pay a tiny fraction more every year and see crime rates plummet and someone be given a chance than get robbed by a kid that lacked moral fiber and options.

Keeping these ass clowns in the classroom is a huge disservice to all the students that actually are trying. Leaving them in their parents care is clearly not going to work either. It's not always the parents fault, but if it's not they aren't going to be able to do anything and if it is, the problems are just going to be reinforced.

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 06:16 PM
It's not just a discipline problem at home as some speculate; although it may be a percentage. Kids are growing up in single homes with Mom more times often than not. She may have to work, leaving the children unattended or unsupervised to care for themselves.

I don't see anything wrong with trying to find alternative solutions to this problem. On a side note, remedying this problem may help to stem another problem facing these kids; the school to prison pipeline.


The term "the school-to-prison pipeline" concerns the national social trend by which children are pushed out of the classroom and funneled into juvenile centers and prisons, creating what Smith coins "a lost generation of youth from poor communities." The trend is garnering greater currency and is now a focal point of Obama's second term, in attempting to reverse the pattern and give these children the benefit of a greater education.

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: Daedal

trend is garnering greater currency and is now a focal point of Obama's second term, in attempting to reverse the pattern and give these children the benefit of a greater education.


get your head outta your fantasy land state of the world and POS Obama reasons to correct a problem situation with out-of-control school thugs/disrupters....

the POS Obama is not on a magnanimous/loving point of help to American!
he is a deadly serpent that is intent on subduing the rebellious youth causing 'discipline problems'

if he does not immediately have ISIS agents in the USA decapitate the offenders he will DICTATE that all underage minors attend Islamic schools and "Submit"--- enter the Madrasa learning centers, prayer rugs and all to 'discipline' the unruly youngsters

edit on th31143804490727552015 by St Udio because: citation

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: St Udio

You paraphrased me as if I wrote that, when in fact you chopped it up and took it from the article. How we went from helping kids to decapitation and paranoia is beyond me.

Slow down on the koolaide man...

edit on 27-7-2015 by Daedal because: edit

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Domo1

In Florida we have the earned return program.

If a student does something bad enough to warrant an expulsion they are given a second chance at an alternative school to earn their way back to the school they got in trouble at.

These alternative schools have smaller class sizes, more individualized attention, and less free time which allows them to focus on improving their grades.

The severity of the offense they committed at their home school would determine how long they have to stay at the alternative school. Most violations (possession of drugs, grand thefts, multiple incidents of fighting/harassment, etc) require them to stay at the alternative school for the semester (9 weeks).

If they follow all the rules and maintain good grades at the alternative school, they are welcomed back to their home school.

Their transcripts would reflect the home school so it never looks like they went to the alternative school. Most come back with better grades.

There are very few violations that mandate a student go without schooling. Those charges would be things like bringing a gun to school, creating a plot to bomb the school, possession of explosives, rape, etc.

In my 5 years as a School Resource Officer I saw only two students (in a school of 1700 kids) actually be expelled and go without schooling for a year.

One I arrested for bringing a loaded firearm to school, and the other was in possession of homemade pipe bombs he was planning to use to kill students and teachers.

I would imagine most states have similar programs.

That said, I wonder if the statistics of the number of students that have been expelled include those that went through an earned return (alternative to expulsion) program?

If they are including those that utilize such programs, the study is disingenuous.
edit on 27-7-2015 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-7-2015 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 11:28 PM
I swear folks...ATS is as schizophrenic as it gets.

If the article is about an abusive teacher, everyone trots out the "teachers are lazy tyrants" meme. When its about discipline in school...the teachers get a free pass.

What ever happened to being interesting and engaging? While I was taking one of my freshman level classes in college it was pointed out that schools spent a fortune training and preparing their teachers to teach. But not one penny on teaching their students to learn. So poor study habits run rampant, critical thinking skills are stifled, etc.

Sure, parents and schools should support each other in the childs best interest. But the school should still feel a need to be interesting and engaging. While some are, most are not.

posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 06:22 AM

originally posted by: Daedal
a reply to: St Udio

You paraphrased me as if I wrote that, when in fact you chopped it up and took it from the article. How we went from helping kids to decapitation and paranoia is beyond me.

Slow down on the koolaide man...

don't you know I sometimes write posts to energize the topic. or to expand the scope of debate/viewpoints

how did we get to the extremes you see as unwarranted....
the 'How' is through the WH led "Illegal Immigrant Relocation Program"... specifically shipping the 'right' illegals to certain final destinations to regroup-reconstitute their sleeper cells of Jihadists inside the USA homeland
edit on th31143808265028242015 by St Udio because: etc.

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