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Gay Marriage and the NWO Agenda

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posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: eire91

We were the first country in the world here in Ireland to legalise same sex marriage by popular vote on May 22nd of this year.

Does that include forced recognition and ceremonies by Churches?

Or is it just government/legal.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: halfoldman
Speaking from South Africa where we've had same-sex marriage equality since 2006, it's been a mixed bag.
Obviously I'm celebrating for my USA lgtbi "family" across the pond.
However, I also feel that marriage equality has been the last unified attempt at pride and activism, and since then the fissures of wider society (concerning intersections of race, class and gender) have also become glaringly obvious.
We've turned into a lame-duck movement, when our continent needs a lot of work on human rights, including minority and lgbti rights.

The Janus-faced media would at first celebrate or convey the news, but quickly it focused on two or three cases of same-sex shotgun weddings that didn't work out (as in "We told you so").
The gay community can expect to be under extra media scrutiny initially.
Only in books will one read that many people struggled with Home Affairs, and official attitudes did not immediately translate into less homophobia.

Then gay pride events in urban areas were boycotted or even protested for being elitist, commercial, too white and too "privileged".
Organizers would claim the opposite, and that their attempts to be more inclusive of radical organizations were spurned.

Maybe it's been a little resolved this year, and urban pride marches did concede to demands to honor the victims of homophobia with a minute of silence.
The main protest was from black lesbians and bisexual women who suffer continued attacks and "curative rape" especially in the black townships.
Then there's the minority communities (whites, but also coloreds and Indians) who feel attacked by larger political discourses and issues, who feel their experiences are now marginalized, and don't feel sure what they can do against homophobia in other communities.
There's a whole bunch of smaller pride marches now, in a way that seems segregated between communities.
Only a very middle to upper class community seems truly racially integrated, which also reflects wider society (including the churches).
A major complaint is that pride events end up in commercial after-parties, that the poor cannot afford, which is why I don't attend either.
There's the gay spaces that pander to international identities and tourism, while the outlying areas (I'd argue both white and black) still have a lot of homophobia.

Apart from that even long-term couples don't seem to be getting married much.
I''m going to attend my second heterosexual marriage where the guy is around forty and the woman in her early thirties, and even they lived together a long time before getting married.
My only gay "married" friends are now in New Zealand and Canada.
I'm not sure marriage in general is that popular.

However, I'm glad the right exists for two adults to get married.
At least in my community it has made people feel more valued as equal citizens.
And who knows ... maybe one day?

Apart from that I cannot say it's empowered the lgbti movement in SA as a political entity.
Was it the ultimate act of assimilation and co-option into a wider divisive discourse (a few lgbti spokes-people warned against it).
Quite the opposite, but I guess it will have to find a new voice and grow again.
At least I hope so.

So far to me though, if there is a conspiracy, then legal same-sex marriage has hardly led to destroying civilization or making society queer.
It's generally very quiet about lgtbi issues in SA since 2006, and I feel we are divided as a community.
It's like progressiveness has been turned into a headless chicken.
But then again, every country is different.

Thank you for your informative post. It's good to hear from someone who has seen this in action for nine years. South Africa has such a complex social & cultural fabric.

Of course, the full effect of this will not be seen for decades. If we could take a sneak peak of how it will affect society in 20 - 30 years, 50 years, a hundred? It will have an impact -- that's for sure -- and I believe it's intentional.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: halfoldman

I hate to say it, but that's been observed in European countries where gay marriage has been legal. Less people get married.

The theory is that the idea of what a marriage is has been eroded. Marriage used to be something more than just a formal contract between two people in romantic love. It was life-long partnership for child-rearing and family. But allowing marriage to be redefined to allow any two people in love changed that, and if you are in romantic love, why do you need to trap yourself into such a painful to dissolve contract as marriage? Ergo, marriage doesn't mean anything, more children are born out wedlock, there are fewer families.

This is why I argued against redefining marriage. I don't think in the long run we will find it to be a good move. Not because I have anything against two people making each other happy, but because I think it erodes what marriage's purpose is and brings it into a more personally selfish incarnation for everyone. Ultimately, society erodes as a result.

Exactly what the NWO wants - isolated people, not strong families.

Another excellent post. Commitment seems to be gone. The ideals are gone. People seem not to know that there are spiritual and occult reasons for the traditional marriage between man & woman that cannot be fulfilled in same-sex marriage. One word: maithuna.

The Cabal does not want truly empowered people. Too independent.
edit on 28-6-2015 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: DelMarvel

originally posted by: AuranVector

The NWO slave does not need to have his loyalties divided; he does not need a family. His loyalties should be solely for the corporation who employs/owns him.

If that's the plan, it's definitely not working. I'm sure the average American has less loyalty to his/her employer than 30 or 40 years ago--especially if it's a large corporation.

I thought it would be obvious that I'm describing a person of the future. The NWO has yet to be fully implemented.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: halfoldman
a reply to: ketsuko
However, if there's one thing about the current imagery about same-sex marriage that's annoying, it is the illusion of egalitarianism.
Two soldiers, two models, two of the same.

Yeah maybe sometimes it happens and works out in marriages, but usually it has to do with more.

That's also a very Western image, and other post-colonial queer cultures may have a lot of gender identities where only the male (for example) "feminine partner" is regarded by society as "gay", while the more "masculine partner" is considered socially "straight" (no matter his orientation).

Maybe it's not only the gay imagery, but the exaggerated notion of egalitarianism may create false expectations.

If I think of egalitarian things to do with the same gender, I'd think more like a fishing trip, golf, gym, or a pub-crawl.
Marriage would be the least of them.
Yet in heterosexual marriage having a "trophy wife" for an older, richer man is quite acceptable.
So there are various stereotypes going round.
Not all of them are helpful.

I mean whatever your orientation, I feel as a male there's a love and a way to be with your comrades, and perhaps patriarchy is nothing but unadmitted "love" and bonding between males.

There's no way I could ever be egalitarian like that with a spouse - male or female.
I mean, not to be abusive in any way, but what I see on social media just does not take into account that people enjoy power relationships sometimes.
If I see another two bears, another two blond muscular twinks, or another two hipsters with matching glasses kissing I think I'm going to hurl.
Why not marry the mirror?

Your last paragraph made me smile. You know in the old days, psychiatrists labeled homosexuality a "mental illness" -- more specifically a form of Narcissism.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: AuranVector

Yeah and left handed people were made to use their tight hand.
Just because thry said it years ago doesn't mean they are right.
Go on continue calling others who disagree with you names like pod people.
I thought people couldn't get lower disguising their bigotry behind religion but obviously you can now hide it with crazy conspiracy theories.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: AuranVector

But you're not against gay people getting married at all. Riiiiiiiight.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

Not very well hidden, is it.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Yeah it's as bad as "I have gay friends but"...

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: AuranVector

Yeah and left handed people were made to use their tight hand.
Just because thry said it years ago doesn't mean they are right.
Go on continue calling others who disagree with you names like pod people.
I thought people couldn't get lower disguising their bigotry behind religion but obviously you can now hide it with crazy conspiracy theories.

I'm curious -- do you believe in any conspiracies?

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: AuranVector

Yup heres one Bigots are attempting to equate gay marriage (just marriage now btw) to every bad thing in the world.
They are getting together and attempting to hide the fact they are bigots by making crap up.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Willtell
Nothing is forever it could be that marriage is going the way of polygamy.

Maybe humankind is evolving to a non marriage arrangement where the state will care for the children

Sure the parents can come by a few days a week and hug their kids but at least the state want likely produce Charles Mansions, and Dylann Roofs…
What did Hillary say: It takes a village

What's your rationale for the state not producing Masons or Roofs?

Maybe the state won’t abuse the kids like many parents do and condemn the kids to a lifetime of misery

As evidenced by all those public school teachers who NEVER ever do abusive things? /sarcasm

Yes but clearly you already know that the NWO will have cameras EVERYWHERE for our own protection. So no abusing the kiddies in state care lest big brother be watching. They will be watching all of us, it will usher in a new age of employment as we will have people who watch people watching people that are watching a person.

I thought you guys already knew about the agenda.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: AuranVector

Yup heres one Bigots are attempting to equate gay marriage (just marriage now btw) to every bad thing in the world.
They are getting together and attempting to hide the fact they are bigots by making crap up.

LOL I'll take that as a "NO, I do NOT believe in conspiracies of any kind."

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: AuranVector

Did I say that?. No just not bat # crazy ones which at the core is just hate for a group of people.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: TrappedPrincess

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Willtell
Nothing is forever it could be that marriage is going the way of polygamy.

Maybe humankind is evolving to a non marriage arrangement where the state will care for the children

Sure the parents can come by a few days a week and hug their kids but at least the state want likely produce Charles Mansions, and Dylann Roofs…
What did Hillary say: It takes a village

What's your rationale for the state not producing Masons or Roofs?

Maybe the state won’t abuse the kids like many parents do and condemn the kids to a lifetime of misery

As evidenced by all those public school teachers who NEVER ever do abusive things? /sarcasm

Yes but clearly you already know that the NWO will have cameras EVERYWHERE for our own protection. So no abusing the kiddies in state care lest big brother be watching. They will be watching all of us, it will usher in a new age of employment as we will have people who watch people watching people that are watching a person.

I thought you guys already knew about the agenda.

Laugh now, but they will have cameras everywhere and sound recorders.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 12:14 PM
Oh I'm not laughing but it might be nice to get one of those camera installation jobs seeing as how the NWO doesn't discriminate against me and my opportunity for employment.

a reply to: AuranVector

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: AuranVector

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: AuranVector

You clearly get it, but don't expect much praise for that. The deniers and label-makers will be here full force, because you stated the truth. Hang on to your hat!

The attackers remind me of "Pod People" from "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers." You know when the pod people spot someone who's still human and not of their hive mind, they start this shrill, high-pitched shrieking to alert other pod people to attack the human.

You know, that's not a bad comparison. And, ewwww, seriously creepy scene! Sutherland always kind of creeped me out, but after seeing him in that, WAY worse!!

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

originally posted by: AuranVector

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: AuranVector

You clearly get it, but don't expect much praise for that. The deniers and label-makers will be here full force, because you stated the truth. Hang on to your hat!

The attackers remind me of "Pod People" from "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers." You know when the pod people spot someone who's still human and not of their hive mind, they start this shrill, high-pitched shrieking to alert other pod people to attack the human.

You know, that's not a bad comparison. And, ewwww, seriously creepy scene! Sutherland always kind of creeped me out, but after seeing him in that, WAY worse!!

The key term here is “hive mind.” I suspect many of the Leftists are part of a “collective mind” – they merely repeat what they’ve been told to say by the Leftist media and Leftist academia all their lives. They do not offer an opinion unless it’s “politically correct” and part of accepted groupthink.

Leftists plead for tolerance, but they do NOT tolerate opinions contrary to their own. The most offensive & persistent bashers are the most intolerant of differing opinions.

What I find disturbing is the badgering interrogation technique used – very reminiscent of Communist brainwashing methods.

The bottom line is the Gays have been used by the Left (where the Globalist agenda is most transparent) to further the NWO agenda of destroying marriage & traditional values. I fear the persecution of traditional Christians will only increase -- until they’re afraid to speak out in public.

edit on 29-6-2015 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: tothetenthpower
a reply to: BlueJacket

Then don't talk about sexual morality as your reasoning. That's a logical fallacy.

The blue countries are the ones with legalized same sex marriage:


Sorry I thought you were the OP for some reason.

Look, a map. It's the new world emerging. The NWO spreading across the globe! This is evidence. The OP is right.

Christians will fill concentration camps next. The communist corporations and banks will own us all- gay marriage is their Trojan Horse. Marx wrote about this in the NWO Bilderberg Manifesto. Alex Jones will save us. Ron Paul 2008!

posted on Jun, 29 2015 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: AuranVector

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

originally posted by: AuranVector

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: AuranVector

You clearly get it, but don't expect much praise for that. The deniers and label-makers will be here full force, because you stated the truth. Hang on to your hat!

The attackers remind me of "Pod People" from "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers." You know when the pod people spot someone who's still human and not of their hive mind, they start this shrill, high-pitched shrieking to alert other pod people to attack the human.

You know, that's not a bad comparison. And, ewwww, seriously creepy scene! Sutherland always kind of creeped me out, but after seeing him in that, WAY worse!!

The key term here is “hive mind.” I suspect many of the Leftists are part of a “collective mind” – they merely repeat what they’ve been told to say by the Leftist media and Leftist academia all their lives. They do not offer an opinion unless it’s “politically correct” and part of accepted groupthink.

Leftists plead for tolerance, but they do NOT tolerate opinions contrary to their own. The most offensive & persistent bashers are the most intolerant of differing opinions.

What I find disturbing is the badgering interrogation technique used – very reminiscent of Communist brainwashing methods.

The bottom line is the Gays have been used by the Left (where the Globalist agenda is most transparent) to further the NWO agenda of destroying marriage & traditional values. I fear the persecution of traditional Christians will only increase -- until they’re afraid to speak out in public.

If it were up to me I'd jail all these commie liberals. In order to feed the tree of liberty we need to be paranoid authoritarian barbarians and come up with the most absurd accusations possible. This Marxist capitalist NWO is being taught in American Universities. Ain't no way my kids are going to colledge. I'm gunna get'em jobs at the local gas station, so these commie corporations can't own'em.

The gays..pfft. They're not even gay. They're just Marxists trying to eliminate the family and Christianity. We need to outlaw Marxism and expose this fake gay agenda!!! Alex Jones! Patriotism!!! Cup O Noodles!! Down with the NWO corporate capitalist communist gay Marxist Muslim agenda!!

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