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Saddam Died Brave

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posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: muSSang
Maybe it was a staged scene, that'll explains the cool as a cucumber!
I think him and he's sons are probably living it up in Florida.

Well, he was on the CIA payroll for many years, which enabled him to stay in control all those years.

Not a great recruitment advert for being a CIA stooge to actually hang him after he'd done their dirty work for them for decades is it...i agree, he and his cronies are probably living it up somewhere, while a poor sap look-a-like was dangling at the end of the rope.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: DiggerDogg

Saddam died a piece of crap, and that's just as well, because that is how he lived. Just because everyone around you might be a murderous bastard, does not excuse becoming the most murderous, sadistic bastard possible, and making no apology for it at any time.

A good man in his position would have had more humility than he was ever able to muster, even if he had killed anyone who laughed at him having mistaken humility for weakness.

As it is though, he is dead, and regardless of the outcome for the region as a whole, he damned well deserved what he got.

That said, he should have gotten there by the efforts of the Iraqi people, and not by an illegitimate and illegal invasion of a nation which had nothing to do with the terrorist incident which lead to the war being declared in the first place. Bush and Blair would look just as good on the end of a rope, and in my opinion, Blair would look much better on the end of a rope, and even better than that if he had wet himself and wept for his life first. Dirty traitorous whoreson that he is.

Agree, I really respected them (new labour) at first but probably because my parents hated thatcher so much I did and voted Labout not really being savvy of politics. I also supported the Iraq invasion and the wat in Afghanistan. Once i realised what a crime this war was, I do now want B - Liar and Bush, Rumsfeld, Powell, that guy they put in charge in Iraq, all tried for war crimes. This needs to happen.

As fpr Saddam, no, this thread is wrong, he was an evil man who deserved to die, but UK/USA did not have the right to invade and kill him. Same with Libya, same with Egypt, same with Syria.

He died and good riddance, but we did a really bad job of it.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: Forensick

If we are equating and quantifying 'evil' according to numbers dead and injured, displaced and bereaved...Bush and Blair and the other 'coalition' members take the crown....Saddam is reported to have murdered up to 30,000 people during his 30 year stint as totalitarian controller of Iraq...about 10,000 per decade on average...not a nice fellow i'm sure we'd all agree.

The coalition managed up to 1.5 million dead and millions more displaced, with yet more dying still every single day in less than a decade...if we'd have simply left saddam to his own devices, at the rate he was killing his enemies, he'd have taken centuries to murder and maim the numbers our western 'civilisation' managed to get through in that country..and it's still going on in large numbers today as a direct consequence of our murderous rampages across the ME.

Who's the evil murderers again?

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Maybe we shouldn't have put him in power to begin with. Our puppet broke his strings so we had to put him down

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: IsntLifeFunny

I understand just fine.

As for killing Christians just for being Christians? Maybe not. But killing Kurds for being Kurds? He did that just fine, didn't he? So he was just a differing brand of filth, wasn't he?

Beautiful? I know what you're trying to say...all I can say in response is...Even monsters can have courage when one has reached the end of the noose. Please spare me the attempt to color him as some sort of martyr to "order".

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

We in the US sit back and compare everyone to ourselves, never considering for a second that the people over there are nothing like us. Different beliefs, different concerns, different levels of hate.... Maybe different people, or groups of people need to be handled differently.

And by the way...that goes for different groups here in the US also. There are groups of people who will follow the law and when an authority tells them to calm down...they do. There are other groups that don't and only respect and behave when treated more aggressively. The liberal idea that all people are the same is idiotic. The same as saying that the temperament of all dogs are identical. For example...why are cops more violent in black cities? Maybe because black cities are more violent and therefore, the cops have to be also.

And if anyone wants to argue that or disagree...consider this...

So what you're saying is black people deserve Saddam like treatment from police in America because they, like the Iraqi people (according to you), are savages.

Of course you're going to deny this. When confronted. The old "we have different dog breeds" so humans must all be different breeds argument. White people are of a calm temperament, black people are violent and unpredictable. Roght? The same thinking justified slavery years ago and continues to justify gross mistreatment within American society. Good job champ! Way to go.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: SPECULUM
If Bush had left Saddam alone, Isis in Iraq wouldn't exist. And for sure all the Murdering Lying Sunnies would have remained on a real short leash.

Bush and his greedy cronies have opened a Pandora's box that can never be closed

Instead of wasting taxpayers money on Iraq they should have finished up in Afghanistan with Binladen first, and none of this would be happening now and innocent lives would have been saved

If the first Bush had left Saddam alone, he'd still be in Kuwait and maybe have invaded other countries as well.

The Middle East was artificially divided up by the west in the early 20th century. Many people living there don't want to respect these artificial borders.
edit on 20-6-2015 by JeanPaul because: Typo

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: SPECULUM
If Bush had left Saddam alone, Isis in Iraq wouldn't exist. And for sure all the Murdering Lying Sunnies would have remained on a real short leash.

Bush and his greedy cronies have opened a Pandora's box that can never be closed

Instead of wasting taxpayers money on Iraq they should have finished up in Afghanistan with Binladen first, and none of this would be happening now and innocent lives would have been saved

If the first Bush had left Saddam alone, he'd still be in Kuwait and maybe have invaded other countries as well.

If Kuwait and the US hadn't been cross drilling Iraq and trying to force Saddam to get on board he wouldn't have invaded in the first place.

Literally every individual Foreign outlaw leader that cut deals with the US has been double crossed by the US and created an enemy, as if it was intentionally planned to boost sales for the Military industrial complex and their Cronies. In this case it was to invade Iraq and Steal oil and create a perpetual cash flow for tax paid contractors

edit on 20-6-2015 by SPECULUM because: more cowbell

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: IsntLifeFunny

I understand just fine.

As for killing Christians just for being Christians? Maybe not. But killing Kurds for being Kurds? He did that just fine, didn't he? So he was just a differing brand of filth, wasn't he?

Beautiful? I know what you're trying to say...all I can say in response is...Even monsters can have courage when one has reached the end of the noose. Please spare me the attempt to color him as some sort of martyr to "order".

It was beautiful. Even the ugliest of us can have a beautiful moment. He was a monster, no doubt. But he kept order, something the greatest military in the world has abandoned at face value understanding it simply cannot instill that type of order. Like I said, you don't understand the ME. The world was a better place with him running that country. It really can't be argued any other way. End results matter, and the end result of our actions is that Iraq is a failed nation being ran by several different sects, including a massive influx of islamists hell bent on a caliphate and the end of the world. The devil you know and all that.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: IsntLifeFunny

Unless, of course, you were on his enemies list... Ask them if the ME was a better place?

The Devil you know is still a devil.

We've reached an impasse here. We're never going to agree. So, I'm going to leave you to it. ...and argue with you on another topic, another day.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: JeanPaul

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

We in the US sit back and compare everyone to ourselves, never considering for a second that the people over there are nothing like us. Different beliefs, different concerns, different levels of hate.... Maybe different people, or groups of people need to be handled differently.

And by the way...that goes for different groups here in the US also. There are groups of people who will follow the law and when an authority tells them to calm down...they do. There are other groups that don't and only respect and behave when treated more aggressively. The liberal idea that all people are the same is idiotic. The same as saying that the temperament of all dogs are identical. For example...why are cops more violent in black cities? Maybe because black cities are more violent and therefore, the cops have to be also.

And if anyone wants to argue that or disagree...consider this...

So what you're saying is black people deserve Saddam like treatment from police in America because they, like the Iraqi people (according to you), are savages.

Of course you're going to deny this. When confronted. The old "we have different dog breeds" so humans must all be different breeds argument. White people are of a calm temperament, black people are violent and unpredictable. Roght? The same thinking justified slavery years ago and continues to justify gross mistreatment within American society. Good job champ! Way to go.

First...quit trying to put words in my mouth. You don't do it well and sound like an ass while trying. If you want to go around in your liberal dream and believe that every single person in the world is peaceful...go ahead. Your full of it! There are violent people and there are non-violent people and there are those who fluctuate. And yes...there are groups that are more violent. And considering that black people are 20% of the population and commit a disproportionate percentage of violent crime...I guess that would fit that they tend to be more violent. Poor people too...homeless people...people without jobs...stressed out people.

What? You want me to be an idiot liberal and paint everyone the same. BS! We are all different and if you want to talk about violence...if you want to talk about serial killers and mass murderers...look to white people. We are the winners in that category. So quit your race card games...oops...forgot you're a liberal. Never mind.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 01:03 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
I wonder if Saddam was brave in life? In a perverse way he probably thought it was brave to order the Halabja thtgassings, or the any number of other crimes and atrocities.

Can I ask you, have you considered the reality that Saddam was supported in all of this during the Iraq/Iran war by the US and West? We were all for it.

And, did you know that there is strong evidence that the US provided targeting information for Saddam's troops when they targeted Iran for chemical attacks?

THIS, is why all of the critiques become hypocrisy. Not because Saddam was right, nor because his atrocities were okay, but because he was supported, armed, provided targeting information for, etc, by the WEST.

Someone is NOT awake until they understand that the West has committed or been complicit in countless war crimes. Once one understands this, the whole "we need to intervene for democracy and to stop atrocities" becomes exposed for what it is: a bold face lie. If they aren't ready to admit all of this, they aren't being intellectually honest and are not deserving of respect.

edit on 20-6-2015 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: Forensick

Who's the evil murderers again?

Exactly who I said, Blair, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney - I would watch grainy videos of them swinging by the neck, the lying murderers.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 03:13 AM
The U.S. will die cowardly.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 11:12 AM
There is some bitter truth in there somewhere that oddly enough seems to resonate. Brutality to hold brutality in check? I like it...

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: muSSang
Maybe it was a staged scene, that'll explains the cool as a cucumber!
I think him and he's sons are probably living it up in Florida.

LOL. They are all in Florida or Caribbean Islands with 2 Pac.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

originally posted by: JeanPaul

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

We in the US sit back and compare everyone to ourselves, never considering for a second that the people over there are nothing like us. Different beliefs, different concerns, different levels of hate.... Maybe different people, or groups of people need to be handled differently.

And by the way...that goes for different groups here in the US also. There are groups of people who will follow the law and when an authority tells them to calm down...they do. There are other groups that don't and only respect and behave when treated more aggressively. The liberal idea that all people are the same is idiotic. The same as saying that the temperament of all dogs are identical. For example...why are cops more violent in black cities? Maybe because black cities are more violent and therefore, the cops have to be also.

And if anyone wants to argue that or disagree...consider this...

So what you're saying is black people deserve Saddam like treatment from police in America because they, like the Iraqi people (according to you), are savages.

Of course you're going to deny this. When confronted. The old "we have different dog breeds" so humans must all be different breeds argument. White people are of a calm temperament, black people are violent and unpredictable. Roght? The same thinking justified slavery years ago and continues to justify gross mistreatment within American society. Good job champ! Way to go.

First...quit trying to put words in my mouth. You don't do it well and sound like an ass while trying. If you want to go around in your liberal dream and believe that every single person in the world is peaceful...go ahead. Your full of it! There are violent people and there are non-violent people and there are those who fluctuate. And yes...there are groups that are more violent. And considering that black people are 20% of the population and commit a disproportionate percentage of violent crime...I guess that would fit that they tend to be more violent. Poor people too...homeless people...people without jobs...stressed out people.

What? You want me to be an idiot liberal and paint everyone the same. BS! We are all different and if you want to talk about violence...if you want to talk about serial killers and mass murderers...look to white people. We are the winners in that category. So quit your race card games...oops...forgot you're a liberal. Never mind.

I don't put words in your mouth. You straight up said people are like dogs, different breeds with different characteristics. You said certain races in America reflect this. This post I'm quoting here just made it even more obvious that you were talking about black people. You want me to just quietly ignore your racism? No can do. Sorry.

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: SPECULUM
If Kuwait and the US hadn't been cross drilling Iraq

Do you have a source for that claim (apart from Saddam, that is)?

posted on Jun, 21 2015 @ 11:15 PM
No worries, I'm sure he's looking up from the depths of hell at what is Iraq today and smiling...

Maybe they could do a Bush like ad campaign in Iraq?

Ads, adverts, bumper stickers and billboards with Saddam's image, and the words: Miss me yet?

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 02:40 AM
Saddam is retired and living in a French villa by the sea with armed new world disorder stooges guarding and protecting him about as well as any ex - U.S president is.


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