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Five different stores make sudden announcement, claiming “plumbing” issues

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posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
Take another look:

Exactly the same map, no wrapper whatsoever.

Yes let us take another look...

Here is the original Government image:

You will notice...they are quite different. I seriously hope you are able to see the obvious changes to the original.

The images are not the same, though the latter one is obviously derived from the original...

edit on 19-4-2015 by tanka418 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: tanka418

and a level that would permit that range would be dangerous to public health.

and we all know public health is one of their main concerns.
edit on 19-4-2015 by GoShredAK because: Stupid spelling

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: tanka418

and a level that would permit that range would be dangerous to public health.

and we all know public health is one of they're main concerns.

Yes, though while we all know the realities there; I don't think you appreciate the magnitude of the possible issues there.

So...let me put it this way...society would not tolerate multi kilowatt transmitters every 200 meters or so just to track these things.

Society has difficulties putting up with power transmission lines, and cell phones and towers...which could be considered by all as perfectly safe in comparison to the tracking of transponders.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: tanka418
Sorry dude, but you have no clue what you are talking about.

I've combined them both pictures in between exactly 2 sips of coffee, just in case you missed it.
Of course they are the same, if there would have been any differences we would see them by now.

Now please do me a favor and get some basic photoediting-skills before I start spilling my coffee due to another joke.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:37 PM

2 out of the 5 Walmarrts in question aren't even on this map so I don't see how it's relevant.
edit on 19-4-2015 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2015 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2015 by DelMarvel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology
The creepy part was not even mentioned:

The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.


So yeah, some people already did go completely mad and started to use their skunk works literally at work as well...
Frigging depressing to witness this devolution of democracy into some form of idiocracy. I would prefer plumbing-issues at Walmarts instead, but I can't bring myself to become a strong believer of Flying Spaghetti Monsters either...

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: tanka418

And just what would those probabilities be? One chance in several 10's of billions?

Haha, 10's of billions, you crack me up..

Dude, you have absolutely nothing except your own fantasy. Now, just in case I'm wrong here; produce some sort of compelling evidence...and not that fake map of yours.

No, you are so right, I have nothing. Except the 7 attached files on page 18 (government released documents and reliable publications), which all mentions Walmart/RSF and DHS/FEMA connections. + 2, I recently posted
And, yes, you got me on the fake picture as well.. You’re such a good researcher. I definitely see that you have your facts straight.

The whole association to this governmental operation fell apart at the beginning of this thread, and here you are trying to bolster it

Priceless! So by that you are implying that if any evidence, sources, statements which would connect Walmart with DHS/FEMA and so forth happened to be presented after the ”beginning of the thread” (guessing page 14 when you joined in) they automatically should be considered false? What a great mind you have.

After reading all 14 pages, I made my first post on page 15, with the same conclusion as I have been conducting since. I have told both you and other members who arrogantly have ignored the things I suggest to read the attached files in my post on page 18.. But both you and other have conveniently ignored them solely because they didn’t fit your own baseless arguments. I find that very sad and almost embarrassing.

It’s not my fault that you are too lazy to go to page 18 and read the documents I attached in my post.. If you and other members would take your time and sift through that information, you would understand why I say that there is a chance that the 5 closed Walmart stores may have a connection to the planned Jade Helm 15 exercise.

Just some food for thought and a tip for your future ”debating tactic” (which it hardly isn’t, considering you only apply strawman arguments, without facts), instead of making baseless complains and saying that I produce fake and imaginary claims, research the connections I make, and then If you find something that says the contrary, re-post those facts to me. If that’s to hard, stop addressing me on this forum.

And btw, its a bit shilly in here, isn’t it..

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: tanka418

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: tanka418

and a level that would permit that range would be dangerous to public health.

and we all know public health is one of they're main concerns.

Yes, though while we all know the realities there; I don't think you appreciate the magnitude of the possible issues there.

So...let me put it this way...society would not tolerate multi kilowatt transmitters every 200 meters or so just to track these things.

Society has difficulties putting up with power transmission lines, and cell phones and towers...which could be considered by all as perfectly safe in comparison to the tracking of transponders.

For sure, can't argue.

I fixed my stupid misuse of they're......
edit on 19-4-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: Crowdpsychology
And btw, its a bit shilly in here, isn’t it..


I wondered how long it would be before people started screaming "shill."

Not long at all, apparently.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: tanka418

Sorry man, but a 100 meter range for a RFID transponder is not possible with todays technology. The activating field must always be above a fixed level, and a level that would permit that range would be dangerous to public health.
No, those things only work over a few feet at very best.

Haha, talk about looking for statements you can "use against me" I made a long and elaborate post about the things you so eagerly are trying to deny, and the only thing you comment on is this. You are sad!

And yet again, you make statements without any facts/links that backs them up. A few feet at best, sure.
The (100m) range is not of importance because the readers are/ and can be placed all around the place. The more the better is the preferred mindset, that way they can pinpoint the location of the chip and it's movement. I only addressed the 100 meter (actually 183) because It was new to me..

It's time I pull the plug on you so other people know what you are. You are a shill, and your only mission is to derail, flood and disrupt the thread. You haven't contributed with any material, except ridiculing "sensitive" statements which are backed by facts, and your latest brilliant idea is to ridicule the Jade Helm 15 map I morphed into google map to show that Livingston is within the circle.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: SubSea

Livingston is not "ghetto". It is a small town. My inlaws live near there. They will now have to drive about 30 miles to shop.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: Crowdpsychology

Very clearly you do not understand the technology.

What you are describing is a data acquisition night-mare...a system that would be untenable in today's world. Not that it wouldn't be possible, just very cost prohibitive.

And, no, sorry, not a shill...more like someone who actually knows the technologies you so obviously do not.

No, you did not support your wild fantasy with any facts, only lose conjecture. Neither you, nor any other has shown ANY connection between Walmart and Jade Helm, or indeed anything else.

While I have stated that; probabilistically Walmart would be far more interested in some sort of elaborate Union busting scheme. By the way; One can't support conjecture with conjecture, One needs real facts.

By the way; I'm a retired Electrical / Software Engineer...I have forgotten more about those technologies than you will ever know. I have developed networked data acquisition systems, still in use in the insurance industry. So, I know a wee bit about what you are trying in vein to describe; and it don't work that way.

Fear mongering is unbecoming.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: texasgirl

Yeah, I saw that video in the other thread. It is definitely interesting. Maybe they're blocking it off so no one can see them pulling up the tiles in the area they think a sinkhole might be forming?

I suppose they may have blocked it just so people will not go hide in the unopen store or wander around, they are trapped into the pharmacy section. Weird they made her stop taking pictures though, nothing to see!

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Crowdpsychology

Haha, 10's of billions, you crack me up..

Here...the probability that 5 Walmarts would share the same fate at the same time...

1 in 15578178096881849400000

This of course presumes a random selection.

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 10:31 PM
There have been multiple videos and photos from the closed Wal-Marts showing a constant police presence. One photo even showed police cars parked literally right in front of the doors blocking them.

Since when do the local police guard stores that have closed?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 11:07 PM
Anyone familiar with these locations? Midland is not in a busy area, I know (sent some years in Odessa). How isolated are the other towns? Enough remote areas around them to hide something big? There has to be a reason for this. You don't close stores for plumbing issues, on this scale. A small business, maybe, but a mega business??


posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: TXTriker
a reply to: SubSea

Livingston is not "ghetto". It is a small town. My inlaws live near there. They will now have to drive about 30 miles to shop.

I'm guessing then the Walmart in that area they closed down stayed busy if it was the only one in 30 miles. Seem really odd for Walmart to shut down a store for any reason beside it not making enough money. From when the local people near them have been saying they make good money or at least stay busy.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: tanka418

Fear mongering is unbecoming.

Spot on... but facts should have been considered before the militarization of this police-state started due to a lot of fearmongering, not afterwards. Fear is just constantly wandering around now, but who let the demon out of the bottle in the first place?
That beeing said, I don't think the presentation of facts could be called fearmongering without arousing laughter anyway, nor would it be a decent reply at any realistic disussion.

Tell me - who is acting s(h)illy here?

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: tanka418

Fear mongering is unbecoming.

Spot on... but facts should have been considered before the militarization of this police-state started due to a lot of fearmongering, not afterwards. Fear is just constantly wandering around now, but who let the demon out of the bottle in the first place?
That beeing said, I don't think the presentation of facts could be called fearmongering without arousing laughter anyway, nor would it be a decent reply at any realistic disussion.

Tell me - who is acting s(h)illy here?

Get some relevant facts, then perhaps you can have a realistic discussion.

Over the time I've been visiting ATS I've noticed that the folk with the wildest, least plausible, least supported notions are the very first to cry "shill"...that is what I believe the case to be here.

You have provided a story and support that so far has no foundation, and is contradicted by logic and common sense.

posted on Apr, 20 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: tanka418

You have provided a story and support that so far has no foundation, and is contradicted by logic and common sense.

Provide fully detailed evidence regardig plumbing-issues and I will be the first to shut up about it.
You could have debunked any story with some facts on the matter, but diceded to mess around with sophistry instead.

Blabla and assumptions don't expose expertise at all, that's why I coulnd't care less about your take on this matter.

You have a nice day now!

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