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"US DoD have confirmed the UFO phenomenon is real"

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posted on May, 9 2015 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

I read your thread (and also seem to remember reading at least part of the Astr0 thread).

I agree it's a really good story.

But I think that's exactly what it is. A few said it in the thread. It looks like someone was testing out their own science fiction story by dressing it up as real . Then waiting for people to try and pick holes in it. Maybe it was for a book or a TV/film script or something like that or maybe it was just to have a bit of fun.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Choice777

ATS is hopelessly inefficient at rendering some website links

So to help here I've used a tinyurl

All the documents relating UAP studies (Condign) are available from the link below :

Project Condign & UAP Documents

There are also many more documents due for release :

Unidentified Flying Objects:Written question - HL5778

Q : Asked by Lord Black of Brentwood Asked on: 16 March 2015

Ministry of Defence

Unidentified Flying Objects


To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Astor of Hever on 10 March (HL5350), why the timescale for the transfer of the 18 unidentified flying object files from the Ministry of Defence to the National Archives has been delayed from the end of 2014, as previously announced, to late 2015 or early 2016.

A Answered by: Lord Astor of Hever Answered on: 23 March 2015

The schedule for the transfer of files from the Ministry of Defence to The National Archives consists of around 10,000 files per annum. The schedule is continually updated to take into account changes in priority and progress on different record sets. Additional processing requirements on the unidentified flying object files and focus on other Departmental records from the period 1982 - 1986 led to a change in the planned transfer date to late 2015 or early 2016. The Ministry of Defence will, however, continue to discuss with The National Archives if the 18 unidentified flying object files can be transferred earlier

Source : UK Parliament

Of course December 2015 will be the 35th anniversary of this event as well!

posted on May, 27 2015 @ 04:52 PM
A small update.

Colonel Charles Halt (Retired) recently discussed the case on a webcast

He is so familiar with the story that a lot of it he probably repeats in his sleep.

However around 5:30 in he does make the claim that Bentwaters tower did record an object on radar and also "Eastern Radar" as well on the night he was called out to investigate. But he did not find out until years later. Debunker will claim this is not on record and so not corroborating evidence!

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 12:33 PM
Everyone knows that UFOs is a real phenomenon, the only ones trying to hide away the evidence is the govt.

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 05:11 PM
This story gets even weirder (or sillier)

Join Dark Journalist for the return of acclaimed Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter and Star of Ancient Aliens Linda Moulton Howe, for a special extended 3 Hour Episode where she reveals some of the most controversial, stunning, eye-opening, and shocking revelations on the Alien Reality!..................

She also explores Never Before Revealed details from cases like the RAF Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest UFO encounter of how an entire house that was close by to the sighting "Vanished into Thin Air" during the incident, but was covered up by covert intelligence forces.

Source: ufosightingshotspot


I'll have to report back on this one. A house disappearing in Suffolk really?

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Ooooh...some synchronicity for you -

- there's a thread going on ATS right now about "Vanishing houses" Suffolk!!!

CarlGrove's thread

posted on Jun, 3 2015 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Thanks lostgirl. I've posted in that thread to see if Carl knows any more about this mysterious vanishing house.

For the sake of this thread I will also post the details here.

It concerns a building that was close to the East Gate of Bentwaters that suddenly vanished over the Christmas weekend (Fri 26th - Mon 29th December 1980

The direct story comes from one Linda Moulton Howe around 1hr 15 min to 1hr 20 min into the video below.

The details are suitably vague so that the exact location is never given out (which makes me a bit suspicious that this is just a story).

She is claiming the story came from a (now) 85 year old lady who at the time who worked in a local school. She even mentions how builders asked her where it had gone when she returned to work at the school after the Xmas weekend. (I also find this a bit odd as who in 1980 returned to school during the holidays between Christmas and New Year?) . Apparently it was reported but nothing ever came of it? (Which I find very hard to believe).

But let's wait and see if anything more comes of it.

posted on Jun, 3 2015 @ 03:18 PM
link the military admits that "radiation" from the UAP damaged his heart....what type of radiation?....and why did the DOD admit that this radiation came from this UAP?....maybe they could have made a case about this guy being exposed somewhere else around the base. or, in his civilian time off at some other location, or, by a friend being around him with something dangerous that they both didn't know about..... this is a bizarre admission, to say the least.

posted on Jul, 15 2015 @ 12:26 AM
Smoly Moly. And here I was thinking I didn't miss anything during my LOA. I'm experiencing induced cognitive dissonance, alarm bells, and relief all at the same time. Must. Sort. This. Out.

Don't know if "accident" would be the exact right word, Springer, but nice to see the "aliens" and their "EM death rays" starting to come into focus for more and more folk.

Dr. Green disclosing all kinds o' stuff. I feel like I slipped into an alternate reality...

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 03:19 AM
I'm kind of glad I'm late to this party after all. I would have been like the monkey in the infamous coc aine monkey experiment and kept slapping the handle for more. Heck of a party here for a minute, though, so it's bittersweet.

So, whether meaningful or no, I've pondered what Dr. Green's information may infer in light of Burrough's favorable decision and the possible implications of the Project Condign assertions.

Now, bear with me a minute here. Springer speculated, if not postulated, that the injuries might have been an accident. As I pondered that, the 3 days popped into mind. Specifically: Are "accident" and 3 days of whatever happened compatible? Maybe sort of.

That took me right to Kit's inference that there were more personnel injured (a few at least, then, since we already had indication that Penniston apparently suffered some injury and, I believe, some reports (medically supported?) of the rather common ufo/uap "eye burn." Which of course then impels the consideration of Project Condign's remarks of longer than usual exposure to UAP EM effects. While maybe not injured exactly on purpose, at the very least it looks like negligence if not blatant disregard for human consent and health.

If I take all the above at, basically, face value, then I think Doc Jock (Vallee)--longtime friend and professional associate of Dr. Green--probably clued us in the general but correct direction as regards Rendlesham.

Dr. Vallee first got me willing to consider the possibility and after a hard look I had to agree it was most probably some type of U.S./U.K. co-operative testing. Probably with multiple objectives and testing modalities--apparently a historic pride of, especially, the CIA. They love the heck out of killing multiple birds with one stone. Admittedly impressive I should say.

Which brings up another possible and interesting piece of evidence for the general assertion that involved some pretty sophisticated and rather exotic security testing of nuclear equipped bases and facilities. Been about 4 or 5-yrs since I looked at that documentation, but I know mirageman has studied it pretty good recently and also thought it worthy of consideration. Don't know if he or anyone else have covered it here already?

It seems that all the new revelations (some heard here for the first time?) support some form of the black ops and/or psyops testing theory.

Just for fun: "If we landed one of these mind-effing muthas in Sadamma-GoDaffi-Usama's compound all loaded with Tier 1 troops, would the bad guys all succumb to the trip/illusion and not shoot? Let's get some G.I.s and find out!!"

edit on 16-7-2015 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: The GUT

Just for fun: "If we landed one of these mind-effing muthas in Sadamma-GoDaffi-Usama's compound all loaded with Tier 1 troops, would the bad guys all succumb to the trip/illusion and not shoot? Let's get some G.I.s and find out!!"

Like a modern day version of a "stalking horse" and humans have been using that tactic for a very long time to confuse their prey.

As mastery of technology continues towards the eventual convergence, the boundaries (intentional pun) between reality and none reality will become almost inseparable for us poor humans with our vulnerable biological senses and chemistry based emotions.

People on here say they have seen systems that can manifest 3d objects which emit sound and I cant find one practical technological reason to doubt them....

It would be too much of a temptation not to at least test out a few systems in my opinion- and even more of a temptation if the systems weren't sometimes used in none approved scenarios ( such as pranks and off book studies).

edit on 16-7-2015 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: mirageman

UFO does not mean Extraterrestial.... they admitted they didn't know what it was. ... hence it was an unidentified flying object.

The account is interesting but a lot of it does not jive. You can try to pin it on mindcontrol but I don't think mind control has been proven definitively although many people, Including me, believe it has.

The interest of the UK and the USA is not abnormal.. what if it's the roooskies or chinese.

fun read thanks for posting

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Which brings up another possible and interesting piece of evidence for the general assertion that involved some pretty sophisticated and rather exotic security testing of nuclear equipped bases and facilities. Been about 4 or 5-yrs since I looked at that documentation, but I know mirageman has studied it pretty good recently and also thought it worthy of consideration. Don't know if he or anyone else have covered it here already?

Hello GUT. Welcome back to the unreal world my friend!

I haven't specifically mentioned the details of the "document called the “The Role of Behavioral Science in the Physical Security Proceedings of the 5th Annual Symposium June 11-12, 1980”

The one that talks of all sorts of weird experimentation at an Air Base

Not in this thread anyway. It seemed to attract little discussion. Well non actually when I've mentioned it before.

I have mentioned the Greenham Common protesters (you may remember some of our female population were not happy that American Nukes were being stationed in Britain in the early 1980s and camped out for months against nukes, CND and all that) .Some claimed they were being hit with non-ionizing microwave radiation.

Source : Microwave News 1986

Again it attracted little (no?) discussion. Even though others have hinted Rendlesham was an experiment that went wrong.

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: mirageman

My take on it is that, retrospectively, I think we would have heard more about this if there was any basis in the "blasting" angle, instead, the area has been extensively, and independently, tested and found to yield no signs of radiation. The article above indicates that there was no evidence at the time either, other than the symptoms that they were experiencing. I expect that simply making the suggestion, in the right ears, would have manifested the symptoms, which soon would have spread thus, one way or another, undermining confidence and creating the dischord amongst the women and locals the article describes. As with Orfordness, those locals were economically, as well as socially, tied to the base, knew not to bite the hand that fed them and the government, or whomever, therefore knew that they were not going to back the testing which would have confirmed things one way or another. Why go to the trouble and expense of blasting them, when you can just start a game of Chinese whispers with the closest hypochondriac?

That's what I think...for what it's worth, sorry if I appeared rude by skipping over it before

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Anaana

Oh dear, Anaana, you're not suggesting your sisters were a hysterical bunch of women easily agitated into psychosomatic symptoms and paranoia are you?

But let's go with that. If it were Chinese Whispers then we're talking about Psyops, no?

What did you think of Dr. Green's testimony? What are your thoughts on the origination of John Burroughs and others injuries?

And what about the 3 days? More hysteria?

After looking at it all, I can only come to two, imo, strong opinions:

1.) Whatever "High Strangeness UFOs" are, they happened over at least 3 nights at Rendlesham.

2.) High Strangeness--whatever it is--can either be induced or mimicked.

Something complex happened with the affected G.I.s and the answer is not always psychology and hysteria my dear. Hug and

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Anaana

One of my closest friend's sister was part of the Greenham Common girls and believe me many of them were as tough as old boots and they had to deal with loads of "mind games", the most common of which was, "testing" engines within clear earshot of the protest camp. Thatcher apparently took umbrage that they couldn't "break" them and it has been claimed that, after a while the Yanks , with a grudging respect for their physical and mental toughness, just let them be. I'll have my mate ask his sister if she was ever hysterical though and come back to you, might be a while though.

posted on Jul, 16 2015 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Thanks. Brother. Like Al Pacino, Every time I try to get out, I get sucked back in by some bird watching haha. That document is fascinating reading in a number of the chapters whatever its relevancy may be. Lots of testing scenarios and objectives that sound familiar and even Rendlesham-esque. Suggestive and demonstrative, anyways, in some instances, of how such tests of operational importance are addressed.

What reaction to Kit's statement do you have in overall context? Was there anything suggestive of the source of the RF? I recall Springer hinted at something from that time frame. Maybe something--or not--that he got from Kit?

edit on 16-7-2015 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-7-2015 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 03:47 AM

originally posted by: FireMoon
a reply to: Anaana

One of my closest friend's sister was part of the Greenham Common girls and believe me many of them were as tough as old boots and they had to deal with loads of "mind games", the most common of which was, "testing" engines within clear earshot of the protest camp. Thatcher apparently took umbrage that they couldn't "break" them and it has been claimed that, after a while the Yanks , with a grudging respect for their physical and mental toughness, just let them be. I'll have my mate ask his sister if she was ever hysterical though and come back to you, might be a while though.

There are ample resources detailing the experiences, the arrests and the court cases, accounts directly from the women themselves that clearly demonstrate their commitment to the cause. Almost everyone can lay claim to knowing someone who knows someone, better, I find, to get as close to the horse's mouth as possible.

I didn't call the women hysterical, TheGUT twisted my words and, by suggestion, you picked up on it. In doing so, we three demonstrate beautifully just how easy it is, that even without trying (on that I can only speak for myself, not TheGUT of course), to change the direction of a conversation.

The Greenham Common protest was peopled by numerous factious groups who came together, often putting aside prejudices and difference, to unite against a common cause. As the Guardian newspaper has consistently demonstrated over the past couple of decades, in their dogged determination to highlight the extent of the campaign of Thatcher's government to undermine left wing groups, MI5 were excessively utilises to institute smear campaigns, as well as keeping all CND leaders under surveillance throughout the late seventies and eighties. It is well known that left wing groups, including gay and lesbian liberations movements, Greenpeace and other green organisers, trade union leaders, etc etc, were infiltrated and or place under surveillance. The Greenham Common protest, which by it's nature united many disparate groups, enabled more casual infiltration which would have allowed for Black Propaganda to be verbally disseminated. Pretty basic trade craft there. The beauty of highlighting a health hazard is that it also helps to discourage reporters, and other interested outsiders, from spending too much time on the site. And, as TheGUT demonstrates, concerns expressed can easily, at distance, be twisted into accusations of hysteria, on the ground they can build distrust. As these women demonstrated though, it only works if you fail to communicate with each other, ensuring those differences are ironed out before they fester, Black Propaganda can only work in already divisive circumstances.

Either way, retrospectively, I'd be more inclined to ask your mate's sister about the article itself, rather than asking her whether the women were prone to hysteria, the already available record contradicts that so you'd only be demonstrating your general, rather than specific, ignorance. And as we can now all see, "Hysteria" is not limited only to those in possession of the said "womb".

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: The GUT
Something complex happened with the affected G.I.s...

Gosh! Really?

originally posted by: The GUT
and the answer is not always psychology and hysteria my dear.

Depends upon where you're sitting, Peaches.

originally posted by: The GUT
Hug and

I'll take a rain check on that thanks, not a big fan of that passive aggressive #, I'll see how I feel should you find yourself able to extract your head from your arse and take the time to read my posts. If you have a point to make then, make it.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:31 AM
Then you heat them sisters up a little and stand back and expect to watch it fall apart. You seem to agree that government factions are capable of some pretty vile tactics, yet for some reason would never use the technologies and weapons that are known to exist.

That part seems "always in the head" with you. Which it often is, but not always. It's been made to seem silly to you. Maybe even in part because of Thatcher's propaganda as you were growing up?

What brave folk they were, btw. It's not like they were bully groups lobbying for some selfish issue while the rest of the world starves and burns.

However, that info was offered as an item for consideration of the questions related to this thread. So my question is:

What do you think the source of the RF that hit Burroughs and others in addition to the fact that something very weird happened over multiple days suggests? Do you not detect in any of the events some items that could suggest staging?

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