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Obama proposing $478 billion public works program in budget

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posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: neo96

Lol, so this is "robbing the rich," I suppose those businesses can do just fine and dandy without those roads and bridges, god forbid we pay for their renewal with taxes. BTW, still waiting for the outcry on "robbing the rich" to pay 4-6 trillion in Iraq. Not to mention how much more we "robbed from the rich" to pay for fake wars and needless corporate welfare.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 03:14 PM
Maybe you guys aren't looking in the right places...

I can attest to the fact that here in St. Louis, since the last big infrastructure stimulus was passed, multiple decrepit highway bridges have been refurbished or torn down and replaced. A brand new Mississippi River bridge has been constructed right in downtown, the Archgrounds have gotten a major makeover... Parts of the city have really improved.

The more infrastructure spending, the better.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Blackmarketeer
a reply to: neo96

Lol, so this is "robbing the rich," I suppose those businesses can do just fine and dandy without those roads and bridges, god forbid we pay for their renewal with taxes. BTW, still waiting for the outcry on "robbing the rich" to pay 4-6 trillion in Iraq. Not to mention how much more we "robbed from the rich" to pay for fake wars and needless corporate welfare.

Yeah since their manufacturing, and bulk of their business is IN ANOTHER G'damn country!

I am still waiting on the social programs to PAY FOR THEMSELVES.

YA know the WELFARE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX dunno why someone is ignoring that still.
edit on 2-2-2015 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 03:24 PM
Hell alrightie then LET''s TALK ABOUT FAKE WARS!

We’ve Spent $22 Trillion on War on Poverty. What Have We Achieved?

Guess who funded that eh?

The evil rich folks.

What do we have to show for it ?

Not a G'damn thing.

Now rinse, and repeat, and the new lefts 'righteous' little cause is 'infrastructure' !!!

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 03:24 PM
It's about time we fined those corporations for all the unnecessary wars and innocent lives lost.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Corporations pay billion$ in taxes.

Corporations provide millions of jobs.

Yes they do in many cases double,triple etc taxation.

Income tax plus dividend tax plus others etc.

They really have no idea of what they are talking about.
edit on 2-2-2015 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 04:34 PM
Oh hell!

The Obama budget calls for a stealth increase in the death tax rate from 40% to nearly 60%. Here's how it works:

Obama's GREED knows no bounds.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Blackmarketeer
a reply to: stosh64

The type who grouse about taxes being used to repair or maintain our nation's infrastructure yet were mum when trillions were squandered in the Middle East on a fake war. Of course anytime someone mentions the Republicans should be accountable for their actions out come the fringe defenders or those who quibble "they're all the same," yet oddly never themselves try to hold half of the political system responsible.


Pretty presumptuous statement there considering you dont know a thing about me.

Enjoy your generalisations, stereotyping and blaming. You have been programmed well.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: neo96

And the gas tax. That is suppose to pay for infrastructure'.

Well, Neo, HALF of the program's cost will be covered by the EXISTING gasoline tax. I'm surprised you, as the OP, weren't already aware of that. Surely you read the source, right?

This thread is more of the banal partisan hype from those who clearly can't be bothered to investigate on their own what the issue is versus having their thinking done for them by right-wing media.

Here's the real deal on this:

Half the program's cost will be borne by the existing gas tax, the other half will be paid by a new 14% one-time only tax on overseas profits. Here's the kicker - the tax on overseas profits when repatriated to the USA is 35%, under existing tax code (and it's been that way for a while). So if a company wants to return that money to the US they can do so under this program for a huge tax savings 14% versus 35%.

That appears to be why the Repubs are supporting this as much as the Dems.

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Well, Neo, HALF of the program's cost will be covered by the EXISTING gasoline tax. I'm surprised you, as the OP, weren't already aware of that. Surely you read the source, right?

No IT WONT guess why ?

Because the GD gas tax doesn't generate the revenue it use to.

That push for more fuel efficient vehicles YO.

This thread is more of the banal partisan hype from those who clearly can't be bothered to investigate on their own what the issue is versus having their thinking done for them by right-wing media.


So what research have you done, other than parroting whatever the administration says?

Half the program's cost will be borne by the existing gas tax, the other half will be paid by a new 14% one-time only tax on overseas profits. Here's the kicker - the tax on overseas profits when repatriated to the USA is 35%, under existing tax code (and it's been that way for a while). So if a company wants to return that money to the US they can do so under this program for a huge tax savings 14% versus 35%.

The kicker is some people STILL don't get it.

What Obama says, and delivers AINT ever been one in the same.


posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 06:01 PM
Considering the Free COllege Idea Obama was promoting was partially funded by pilfering the 529 savings plans I have no doubt the middle class will get the shaft if congress doesn't do something.

Geez 2 years can't come fast enought. Sadly I just wonder what kind of damage we will see in the interim?!?!

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

OK I have to know ... were you aware that the money a company makes overseas is taxed by the country it's made in?

So, as an American company, why would I make money in China, get taxed there and then bring that money back to the US to get taxed on it here?

Simple answer is that I won't, I'll just continue to reinvest it there. So much for ever getting any jobs back here or anything else that money could have potentially done. What do you think businesses are STUPID?

posted on Feb, 2 2015 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Darn now I know why this year my neck of the woods backward town in southern Ga wants to increase the gas tax, hell is to pay for the shortcomings of Obama new ideas.

So in other words more state and local taxes increases to pay for Obama infrastructure merry go around.

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