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MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way

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posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Ha - I've seen men with comb-overs (as if you could fool anyone), hair plugs and toupees. I even knew a guy once that put a sock in his pants. Imagine how the woman felt when he took HIS pants off!

Most women do that sort of thing to look good to other women - it's a competitive type thing. Is that why men do it?

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: Soloprotocol
Might as well seeing no-one else is bringing it up..Hold me in Pants...Do you really believe us men wont notice when it comes to the time.
Trust me. I dont care how long i've gotten to know you, i dont care if you are a nice enough person. When you take those Hold me ins off and spread out on my bed like a lump of Magic Putty you will be dumped on the spot. not because you have a fat ares, but because you have deceived.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Ha - I've seen men with comb-overs (as if you could fool anyone), hair plugs and toupees. I even knew a guy once that put a sock in his pants. Imagine how the woman felt when he took HIS pants off!

Most women do that sort of thing to look good to other women - it's a competitive type thing. Is that why men do it?

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:02 AM
Threads like this remind me of Ole Jim a true story from General Motors engineering in Flint Mi.

Jim was early 40's married to high school sweetheart and worked a an Engineer and wife stayed at home. 2 Kids both in college so the wife decided she wanted to go back and finish. Well she really took a liking to the young guys and within a year moved out and took nothing. Divorce came and she wanted nothing!!! Jim got house, stocks retirement and everything depressed but moving forward he started dating a secretary that everyone warned him against because she was looking to have one more kid then she was going to quit and live on child support.

She was cute and 1/2 his age and he just couldn't say no. Lo and behold a baby was announced and then a wedding but she backed out of the wedding and dumped ole Jim!! and quit work

Well Jim was a bit depressed but not too went back to thirsty Thursdays with us again and seemed top of the world.

A week before his new son was due Ole Jim seemed happy as could be and that thirsty Thursday Jim told us the medical test acme back positive that his vactiomy was working as it had been the last 20 years and he wasn't going to be a father.

I don't think he ever bought another drink on those Thursdays because he was our hero. Not to mention the great pictures he had of his cute little ex.

Yes it's true I worked with the guy through it all. She actually tried to sue him but the judge wouldn't go for it because she never asked if he could have more kids.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:36 AM

A female factory worker in 1942, Fort Worth, Texas. Women entered the workforce as men were drafted into the armed forces.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:54 AM
i sympathize with the dilemma of males in the western world, but only to the degree that is rational. let me give you an example:

my niece, a native american girl who was adopted by my hubby's aunt, went out on a date for her 18th birthday. they had sex and she got pregnant. he told her to get an abortion because he wasn't ready to be a father or get married, but she didn't want to abort (nor did she want to marry him). so she carried the baby to term and had to have a c-section. during the c-section, amniotic fluid got into her blood stream. she got a massive infection almost immediately and went into a coma and died.

he, on the other hand, is just fine. someone adopted the baby and it wasn't till years later, when he had matured, that he realized he wanted to be with his child. this is the problem with the situation. when a woman has a child or children, it's typically, on her. she's the only one that's going to have real labor pains, change her diet, have morning sickness, breast feed, bleed profusely for days and so on. she's the only one that could potentially die from her pregnancy and she's also the only one who, statiscally, risks pretty much everything, when she has children. and in some countries, she's the only one that will be stoned to death if she's pregnant out of wedlock.

if the sexual revolution hadn't made it a point of condemnation for a woman/girl to wait till marriage, we wouldn't have so many laws protecting females who either get pregnant, have children or go to abortion clinics for that matter, because for the most part, they wouldn't be necessary.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:58 AM
Just got to throw my 2 cents in...

I was 32 and planning to never marry when I met my wife.

The problem is making sure you choose a woman that has a crazy that works well with you.

I was warned away from her by many coworkers, they just didn't understand her crazy was right for me. She isn't the prettiest by societies standards but she's honest with a better heart than I have.

We get so caught up by what the msm tells us is correct many get caught up in bad choices.

Sorry bout being long winded, don't give up on women... And ladies there are still real men out there stop paying attention to what society says as well.

Edit one last thing, marriage is hard work if you don't want to work at it don't bother. Be you man or woman.

edit on 24-12-2014 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 09:59 AM
As I said in the Sexodus thread... good riddance. Aint nobody got time for the likes of men on display in these threads. Your dominance is over and you're scared, that's all there is to this. As if women, as if the world hasn't suffered under your boots, most of us just have the common sense not to judge the whole by the few and lucky for us you are the few but you lot seem incapable of the same so yes, it's best if you just go about your lives without draining the life of any woman with your dead weight or furthering your genes.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 10:10 AM
A great deal of this thread reminds me of the fat boy in Junior High that for some reason believed he knew everything about sex and didn't hesitate to explain it in great detail to any kid that would listen. Never saw him around after High School graduation... I wonder if he ever found a girl willing to give him his first kiss? :rolleyes:

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: mikegrouchy

Many things today suck, which is why we should unite and work on a better future and situation, not blind ourselves with pointless strife based on what is between the legs. I think we live in dark times where both governments and people as well as organisations forsake aspects of their humanity, leading to many of the things I see today that revolve around self-gratification, money, letting others go to ruin over simple things or money just because you can. It's so much more ME.

I actually recently became rather pessimistic over things that happen here that shouldn't happen in this age and place. Throughout society as a whole there's a growing poisonous egotism and individualism that's been taken too far. We need more kindness and work on a better system, not rot it out further by creating even more division, lack of understanding and hate!

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: mikegrouchy

She opens by saying, in the first minute that it started because a woman online came into a "male safe space" for abused husbands and men, and started of by openly trolling the guys saying that men were wrong that they were just a bunch of whiners and complaining over nothing.

I have to correct you on this. The lady that is in this video is one of the most level headed speakers, especially in regards to gender dynamics. The beginning portion that you quoted was taken out of context as she is referring to a feminist that she encountered.

The first half of the video she discussed the history of the disposable male. Towards the end she offers her conclusion, (Watch from about 11 minutes in to the end for that part).

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: BelowLowAnnouncement
a reply to: ghostrager

Love is a dangerous game these days

Therein lies the problem. "Love" has nothing to do with the modern game that is now played.

Too often interpersonal relationships reflect the values of society at the time, and our modern culture is going through a trend in women that is particularly.... selfish.

It starts when they are young, when absentee parents leave their daughters to be raised by television and pop-culture, resulting in an inordinate multitude of self-absorbed bistros completely bereft of the values that bind culture and form strong relationships.

Our culture promotes and propagates selfishness, particularly in interpersonal relationships, which is the antithesis of what LOVE really is.

Yes, there are men who are selfish, too. I guess I'm commenting on the OP, referring to the particular flavor of delusional semi-sociopathic loveless divas going on right now.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: IShotMyLastMuse
just throwing this out guys know this is more an american problem?

maybe in america you need to stop being less agressive and learn to communicate more.

Less agressive?? Europeans have start 2 World Wars and your calling americans agressive?

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: InTheFlesh1980

originally posted by: BelowLowAnnouncement
a reply to: ghostrager

Love is a dangerous game these days

Therein lies the problem. "Love" has nothing to do with the modern game that is now played.

Too often interpersonal relationships reflect the values of society at the time, and our modern culture is going through a trend in women that is particularly.... selfish.

It starts when they are young, when absentee parents leave their daughters to be raised by television and pop-culture, resulting in an inordinate multitude of self-absorbed bistros completely bereft of the values that bind culture and form strong relationships.

Our culture promotes and propagates selfishness, particularly in interpersonal relationships, which is the antithesis of what LOVE really is.

Yes, there are men who are selfish, too. I guess I'm commenting on the OP, referring to the particular flavor of delusional semi-sociopathic loveless divas going on right now.

You nailed the issue. Most marketing is geared towards women, and always has been, and we're producing women who have unrealistic expectations when it comes to relationships. To me it's the "Disney Princess Syndrome". I recently started reading the book Dataclysm ( ) written by the Chief Data Analyst for (and also one of the founders) and the unrealistic expectations women have are brazenly clear in multiple data points. As an example: On a 1 - 5 scale of attraction, with about 50 million total votes tallied, women voted that 80% of men are 2's or below. To paraphrase the author, if this was an IQ scale, 80% of men would be mentally retarded.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: lonesomerimbaud

Perhaps things have not changed as much as we think. Have you ever entertained the idea that gender definitions have become even more polarised and extreme? This coupled with the inability of men to meet the criteria because of changes in the economy and work prospects.

I enjoyed reading your perspective. Things have changed incredibly, and in my opinion, for the worst. Far too many children are being raised without fathers, or have limited access to them. This is an on going problem that has increased exponentially with each passing generation.

Personally, while I would encourage men not to get married, I am still fully supportive of sustainable marraiges. I believe they are one of the pillars in our society. Again though, the majority of divorces are initiated by the woman, and they benefit most from them. This leaves the man in debt (often unable to find a job that can support his divorce obligations and himself) the child torn, and chips away at the pillar.

Gender definitions haven't really become more polarised. Feminism has worked hard to blend the positive aspects of the male role into the females, but they have conveniently ignored the negative aspects.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Evil_Santa

Just an idea: is OKCupid representative for the general populace? Not a rhetoric question.

I think that men have unrealistic expectations in their own way as well. We're screwing ourselves over, I guess. Yet at the same time many relationships still form and still end because of other reasons than one or both of the two either being horrible or completely unrealistic.

The men that seem to struggle in that sense also appear to have difficulties regarding finding an appropriate girlfriend or maintaining healthy interaction. The amount of vitriol after a bad experience shows. In that sense I suspect that it's unrealistic for that matter to expect for instance that a woman never disagrees with them, or puts up with immature behaviour.

On the other hand: I see what you mean. Admittedly many people around me seem too full of themselves and have a rather long list of 'demands'. I think that's dehumanising in a way.
edit on 24-12-2014 by Pitou because: spelling! *whips fingers with a straw*

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Pitou

Lol, yes OKC is a representation of the general population, and the author even states that he's looked at data from other persona's sites that mirror the same thing. At the time of the book being written 50% of single adults in the US are on one of the top personal sites. It's a very good data pool, and not some BS 1,000 person sample.

As far as physical appearences go, the men rating women was a standard bell curve with 3 being average, which the author remarked as being remarkable due to idea that men have warped expectations of women because of photoshopping/mass media. It really proved to not be the case though. The only area that i've seen that men have semi-unrealistic expectations is when it comes to age attraction. Women look for men that are within +1/-1 years of their own age, depending on if they're young or older - until their 40's. Then it's cougar time. Men on the other hand will seek women in their early 20's, regardless of the man's age, but due to societal standards will rarely make contact with young women.

Why do people get into relationships? Because we're animals that have evolved and survived based on family units for thousands of years. It's in our nature to partner up, but modern society seems to forget that at the end of the day - we're still just animals. People are very selfish in thinking that they're unique and different from everyone else (this is a byproduct of the "Have it Your Way" marketing that has dominated media for the last 60 years) and with recent pressures on women to have it all, be unique, and "get your man" - the fabric that held relationships together has been shredded and cast aside in favor of the "Me, me, me" persona.

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Ancient Champion
And america (and by extension, americanS) has been at war for about 300 of it' s 350 years of existence.
your point being?

posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 12:29 PM

that being said, a study was conducted by the canadian government some years back about how to make marriage/divorce/custody laws more equitable for both sexes. guess what? the findings indicated that the only way to redress those inequalities would be to abolish the institution of marriage altogether. study was instantly buried and forgotten, natch.

i'll give ya a what-if. what if there's a point to the media focus on the him vs. her debate beyond providing clickbait and butthurt? what if the point is that drop in the birth rate? not to say that both sexes don't have valid grievances, but there's a whole lot of gas being poured on that fire.

+5 more 
posted on Dec, 24 2014 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
As I said in the Sexodus thread... good riddance. Aint nobody got time for the likes of men on display in these threads. Your dominance is over and you're scared, that's all there is to this. As if women, as if the world hasn't suffered under your boots, most of us just have the common sense not to judge the whole by the few and lucky for us you are the few but you lot seem incapable of the same so yes, it's best if you just go about your lives without draining the life of any woman with your dead weight or furthering your genes.

The irony of this post is that the toxic, undesirable women will STILL most likely pass on their genes while draining the life of any man with their vitriolic, materialistic behavior and sense of superiority. Then take the kids after shes done and mold them in her own terrible image to procreate through the ages.

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