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My thoughts on the CIA Torture "revelations"

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posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: recapitulated

Huh. Something done to an adult who voluntarily took part in a war effort.

Beheadings and raping of children.


Frankly, the idea that you'd prefer someone having their head hacked off (yes, hacked, the knive/machetes they used aren't exactly designed to separate the spinal columns, and the vids I've seen show that they're not exactly a swift strike with a katana, which would slice right through), and having any child be raped, a lifetime of the gift that keeps on giving....

I think that kind of stands for itself.


posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: kelbtalfenek

I am a computer programmer. I truthfully have no extended knowledge, direct or indirect to speak of.

When I need advice on health issues, I talk to a Doctor. When I have computer networking issues, I go to friends who work in that field. When I need financial advice, I go to friends who work in that field as well.

In all honesty, I don't think any of us here on this forum *actually* have experience enough that qualify as being knowledgeable on the topic.

Now, that being said, I have based my personal views and opinions off of two things. Talking to those who know about interrogation and torture (military and otherwise, as alphabet organizations), as well as putting myself in the shoes of someone being interrogated / tortured, guess what? If I knew what the people wanted to know, I'd tell them so quick they may not even hear it as my vocalization would be so quick and high pitched from fear it may override their eardrums. Second, and more importantly, I also trust the opinions of the aforementioned people I'd consult. As is seen, the convictions amongst those military personal asked are not always the same.

Suffice it to say, I've only heard one person in the military voice the opinion that they believe it is "wrong". I respect their opinion. But respect does not necessarily mean agreeing.

All of this being said, I truly wonder how it is that you find yourself in a position to determine someone is wrong, based off of the idea "that NO beneficial and verifiable information has ever come from torture".

Much as my view, that, yours is an opinion. Neither of us can claim anything more than just that.


posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:45 PM
Torture rarely yields results and it depends on the person in question that you're torturing too. Some people simply will not break and you'll have to use different tactics.

As a rule, torture is not an effective method of extracting information from prisoners.

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