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Mom arrested for swearing in front of kids

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posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

That's awesome!
See, we all make mistakes, we all say things in the heat of the moment. I for one am impressed that she admitted she was wrong, that takes a lot of courage too. The whole world could use a bit of discretion at the moment, and step back to take a breath it seems. I thank you for posting that. I appreciate you, and so many others around here, I appreciate the ability to have a civil conversation like this. Hopefully it spreads.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

I don't think that's the same. That may have been an issue. This was not liking a person choice in words.

Sometimes we all need to cool down. I'm actually more angry when I'm not using curse words.

My children have many problems but, respect isn't one of them. The is a difference between the WORDS and INTENT. A person can belittled and berate without ever using a single curse word.

edit on 15-8-2014 by Iamthatbish because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Char-Lee

I completely missed this comment yesterday. I have to agree about the screaming in the face of a young one. That is beyond acceptable, and you are absolutely right, sometimes those little ones need an advocate.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Iamthatbish

Funny enough, I use fewer bad words in disciplining my children than I do in goofy conversation with my husband. It's obviously not the most stellar example for them, but we also have realistic discussions with them both about how it really isn't he most appropriate.

I'm still surprised the mom was arrested. I love that the woman who originally had a complaint apologized.
Thank all of you for your input!

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: woodsmom
a reply to: Char-Lee

I completely missed this comment yesterday. I have to agree about the screaming in the face of a young one. That is beyond acceptable, and you are absolutely right, sometimes those little ones need an advocate.

That is pretty much what I am picturing happening in the store also, she was not just using swear words clearly it was much more than that.

The women's apology made it pretty clear the anger displayed with the language was traumatizing, a grown woman did not relive childhood abuse because some words.

I think often people do not see how they effect their kids until they are grown and we look back...
edit on 16-8-2014 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: Char-Lee
a reply to: Iamthatbish

All of you that think your right not to hear words outweigh my right to say them are imposing your morals on others.

The laws are old and will soon disappear, they are from a time when showing respect for each other was considered important to a society. Showing respect to elders and the young and not exposing the young to every adult thought, word and picture. All old ideas the road ahead belongs to you.

You are so right.

People do have freedom of speech. And are pretty much free to dress as they will.

However, many people don't realize what their speech and dress say to others, and how rude it is in public to think that your speech/dress doesn't affect others around you.

Screaming obscenities at your spouse in public may bring back quite traumatic experiences in the life of someone around you who witnessed their parents abuse each other or subsequently abused them as a child.

When my children were young when I heard a potty mouth person, I'd discuss with my children the impression that person was giving to everyone around him/her.

I would never talk to the person, because it wasn't my place or right to do so.

But I could educate my children on how the people around them ARE silently judging and forming extremely negative impressions of the people either using "bad" language or dressing in inappropriate ways (slutty/scary/or body parts exposed that should remain under underwear).

As I said I never ever would tell the "offender" the impression they were giving everyone around them. I would be taking my life in my hands to do so, and I'm not their mother.

But I could silently form an opinion of them through their words and dress, and I could pass that opinion on to my children. While doing so I would educate them on the impression these people make on others (be they correct or incorrect assumptions) and the impressions are made even if the person is unaware or doesn't care.

As a result I never had a problem with the way my girls dressed. They always purchased and choose their own clothes as preteens and teens. I think because I made them aware of the impression (true or false) that dressing slutty or scary makes on others.

I can also tell you my girls never used bad words in my presence. Out of my presence I heard one of them did for a short while as a young teen, and I never punished her for it because I never heard it. But never, ever, would she even dream of swearing within my earshot. Not out of fear of what I would say/do, but out of respect for me.

If you get mad at what I am saying because you do these things;
remember, even if the impression you give is false and not true about you at all,
it is still an extremely negative impression you are making on most people around you.
If you don't care, that's ok, not my business at all.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

As a result I never had a problem with the way my girls dressed.

Yes mine too. I taught them that we don't live alone, we are part of a society, a town, a city, a country, the world of people, and we do affect each other. We also have an obligation to think of those others and not just our own wishes wants and needs.

What makes things good and right in the world is when we all show by our actions and words, respect for one another, even when we may not agree like, woodsmom stated, and even if we don't like one another.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 02:33 PM
I look at swearing the same way a feminist looks at the Vagina Monologues.

I'm going to do it because you don't like it. I'm grateful I saw something in myself I need to change. I am content with my morals and values and, even discussing this with you got another opinion out there.

So @#$% you. And me too.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
I look at swearing the same way a feminist looks at the Vagina Monologues.

I'm going to do it because you don't like it. I'm grateful I saw something in myself I need to change. I am content with my morals and values and, even discussing this with you got another opinion out there.

So @#$% you. And me too.

LOL I see!

However, please be careful who you try and "pi.. off" on purpose. There are people out there who might do you great harm because you purposely do something you know they don't like, especially strangers in public.

Just as it is quite dangerous for me to approach or speak to someone who is "speaking like a sailor" it is just as dangerous for the "sailor" who might set off some psycho whose parents said words like that before abusing him/her.

Unfortunate, in that we must all be aware and careful that our freedom of speech may incite or enrage someone else to the point of violence, but it happens all the time these days. Be careful who you purposely anger, wouldn't want to see you hurt, really.

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: nugget1 but as long as it's not in my mirror I don't need to let it affect me.

originally posted by: DarknStormy

originally posted by: nugget1
but as long as it's not in my mirror I don't need to let it affect me.

That is the exact mindset that is getting us into the ridiculous situations we are seeing today and I'm only referencing what you said because it sums up the attitude of society, it is not directed at you personally... I like that quote. Nobody is willing to take the initiative and stand up for each other because they are all about the ME and what is happening to someone else isn't affecting ME.

The way I see life, I am too full of faults to worry about the perceived faults of others. I think it may be mankind's habit of focusing on the behavior of others, rather than himself, that keeps us from evolving.
The best way to instill a desire in someone to be the best that they can be is to set a good example, IMO.
If everybody had the same views as Mother Theresa, there would be no war, hunger, homeless, etc. I know that's a simplistic id
ea that will never catch on, but that's the way I roll.

edit on 7u99America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: nugget1

This has always kind of been how I feel about it as well. We all have our faults, what gives us the right to throw the first stone. I do agree that we can always be a better example, to our children most of all.

Char-Lee and grandmakdw, I only wish sometimes that I had been lucky enough to have had such wonderful female role models in my life. I have already found myself watching what I say closer this weekend, lol.

I still hope that the end result of what happened with these two women can inspire us all to be a bit of a better person and encourage a productive outcome. I love that this forced a dialogue, too bad this attitude couldn't spread wider right now.

And iamthatbich, I want to give you a thumbs up, but alas, I still have no images available to me including the smilies.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 04:54 PM

On tonight, live from 10PM Eastern time!

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posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: woodsmom

The police are only able to do this because we the people allow it. We need to stand up, speak up, and fight back.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: adjensen

That's awesome, sorry I missed out on participating.
Hopefully it went well.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Not1Of8

It turns out in this case it was the store that called the cops and asked for the woman to be removed, which is totally within their rights.

The woman who was angered about it in the first place came out to apologize for any hurt she caused. I'm still surprised about the actual arrest, but as other posters mentioned, she must have gotten belligerent with the cop to have that happen. I only wish that reporters could do a better job fleshing out facts and information because I don't like making assumptions like that.

The simple use of a cuss word toward her husband was between them and should probably have stayed as such. It's too bad we have a tendency to become defensive and continue to escalate a situation. To me personally the word was just a word, but then again, I'm from the same place as our now infamous KTVA reporter.

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: Char-Lee

the word come from the days of suffragettes it is an acronym , it was written on a sign and placed around the neck of a protester whilst she was chained to railings , and if my memory serve me right it meant ( For Unlawful Cardinal Knowledge )

posted on Sep, 26 2014 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: tom.farnhill
a reply to: Char-Lee

the word come from the days of suffragettes it is an acronym , it was written on a sign and placed around the neck of a protester whilst she was chained to railings , and if my memory serve me right it meant ( For Unlawful Cardinal Knowledge )


All I know is that there once was words, words used when we hurt ourselves, when we are very angry, when we are startled, scared...exclamations, obscenities reserved for sever times. each and every sentence people speak or write they include these words numerous times to the point where there is very little real descriptive or useful language left. This shows a loss of language skills and effective thinking.

Even many posts now on ATS start with a big WTF instead of something descriptive, the absorption of these countlessly repetitive terms leads to them lodging in the brain and leaving no room for valuable real informative words..thus we get a UFO video with WTF SH## Fffff... instead of LOOK it is huge, it is moving faster than an airplane...and so on.

So besides being rude, crude, stupid sounding and the shock value lowering as it is overused, it is a misuse of the meanings of words themselves.

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