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Why do peole think that Jesus was god?

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posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: Specimen
a reply to: OpinionatedB

Was he the Son(Sun) of Man, or was he the Son(Sun) of God? Was he the King of Jews, or King of Kings?

I'm not sure why the English word "sun" has to be inserted here and attempted to be confused with the English word "son". You do understand that the originals were not in English, right? I have to wonder if it's not just an attempt to distract and steer the discussion away from the question of the nature of the divinity of Christ.

As an example, in Greek "υἱός" is not "Ἠέλιος", and cannot be mistaken - they are not the confusing homophones introduced here, in English. "Deer" and "dear" could be similarly obfuscated to blur the picture in some languages... but not others.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 03:32 PM
Aliens Exist, How do you tell the difference between an alien and an Angel?

They both come from the heavens.

They both are written as Existing before man.

And Aliens Meddle with Religion, Same as angels and *Fallen Angels*

So honestly. What is the difference?

You are relying on this Jesus figure when his cult dosn't even operate around Yahwehs Higharchy.
It's Jesus's Higharchy instead.

And let us not forget who the father is, Who WILL make a personal appearance with the given name YHWH
It is written in the Dead sea scrolls.
And those are but fragments of the whole story, As the scrolls were taken by the hebrew preists and hidden in a cave in the deadsea during the raids on Alexandria.

" 4Q109 Qohelet a

Fragments of Ecclesiastes from Qumran Cave 4

These fragments of the biblical book of Ecclesiastes are only some of the hundreds of fragments of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, that were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is largely because of the presence of biblical texts like these that the find at Qumran is considered one of the most important of this century.
Click the image to view an enhanced version.
Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the earliest copies of biblical books in Hebrew dated to the medieval period, which was nearly 1,000 years after the first books had begun to be considered sacred scripture by the Jewish community. The finding of the Scrolls has meant that we now have copies that are older by hundreds of years than anything we had before 1947.

Among the Scrolls are copies of every book of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, except for the books of Esther and Nehemiah. Some of the books, however, are only represented by very small fragments. The most common biblical books among all of the scrolls and fragments found at Qumran are Psalms, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Exodus, Genesis and Leviticus. The only complete book still preserved among the Scrolls is the book of Isaiah.

One of the questions that frequently arises in connection with the Scrolls is "Did the Qumran community have the same canon as rabbinical Judaism?" (The word "canon" refers to the collection of books considered sacred and authoritative by a given community. Scholars use the word when they want to talk about the collection of books that are considered to be part of the Bible.) The Bible of Judaism today contains 24 books that are considered "canonical":

Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Minor Prophets

Writings: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, The Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles

Protestant Christians accept the same books as part of their Bible, but use a different system of numbering and arranging the books.

What we do not know is whether the Jews at Qumran had the same books in their Bible. Other texts found in the caves show that some aspects of their belief system were different from those of other Jewish groups, so it is possible that some of the other texts were part of the Qumran Bible. We may never know, since the people who hid the Scrolls did not leave us a list of the books they thought of as their Bible. "

You have to keep in mind that ceasar died in 44AD and that the Library of Alexandria Existed in 300 BC.

It is not possible to make references to other books or other *prophets* work without having a collection available.

Meaning these documents were forged in Alexandria, where a large archieve existed.
Where cross referencing could be made.

Since the whole place was burned down, and only a small fragment of the scrolls were saved by non roman scolars.
All the contents of importance are within the vatican. Anything the romans took with them would be stored in the church vault when the Christian mob and roman troopers caused chaos in the city.

When the romans gained control over it, They took everything they needed then sent the mobs and soldiers to tear the place apart.

I myself am not even so certain as what to believe was formulated there in those times.
But all the scrolls and works of *prophets* and scolars poured into Alexandria.

It's much like trying to sift through Abovetopsecret for the truth.
Abovetopsecret is very much like Alexandria, Things can be brought here and even manipulated through oppinion.
It does not mean what people are posting is true or accurate.

Same as ancient Alexandria, Itself was an *Abovetopsecret* Community that held religious zealots, Free thinkers, Political propaganda, Mythical stories - such as sasquatch, Legends of contact with the gods, Alien encounters.

Would you rely on ancient ATS and deny ignorance within the walls of Alexandria? Because that was their belief.
Tho so many people were writing so much, There were hardly any *Moderators*.

Many people went there, poor men and woman seeking education and learning how to read and write.
Schools didn't exist in ancient times, So people had to rely on collective study. Where ever it was allowed.
In many parts of the world at the time collective study didn't occure because of religious rules. Within the walls of Alexandria, Anyone and everyone were allowed to fully express themselves through belief systems and literature.

The Roman Empire is like the Feds, What would happen if ATS was shut down? Fragments of passed posts would linger as rumors across the internet. Rome feeds you a God that acceptible to humans because it draws upon very humanistic ideals. Well at the same time insulting all other Gods, Even being so low as to deem humans even slayed such a god. Creator of the universe.

Yes im sure rome would love you to continue to believe they ended the life of the muslim/Hebrew *messiah*
But it never happened because the Dead Sea Scrolls were written around the same time a few centries later *Jesus* pops up and dies. Unfullfilling the Scriptures. So they replaced your scriptures and gave you the new testament.

Jews didn't even have the old testament until the cave was found. They only had what was obtained from memory.
This is why the 2 books are so strickingly different.

Just trying to put it into perspective here.
Rome killed God. The creator of the universe.
And according to rome, Hes not coming for a while.
Speed up to 2000 years later, And everyone who lived back then who knew of the incidents are Dead. The roman church spread to assimilate the world. Islam was latched loose when the Christians burned down that building.

There were A lot of *nations* studying there, Not just jews, Not just romans, Not just Greeks, Not just arabs, The indians and hindus also travelled to study there.

Alexandria birthed much of the religious texts and scrolls we have that date back to 0AD-BCxx beyond. Because they were obtaining and forging scrolls at the same time... Like Abovetopsecret.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: nenothtu It is a time travel thing. Some believe that the word of god was givin to the past from the future and that the son of GOD a living person had a light inside him that was used by a computer system with the aid of filters and amplifers to also be the sun. They believe that people are planets and so on... I take that back some people do not believe that. it is just probaly me that believes that. I have made several threads where the thought that people make up everything we see including the stars the trees plants animals.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick

Everything is one.

The universe is only expressing a fraction of what is compressed.

Compression happens when mass and density accumilates to much in a localized zone.

So much so, that it would be magnitudes in the 1000s times more powerful than the splitting of the Atom.

When you split the Atom you get Energy =Eve

But if the funnel sucking power is more powerful than the atoms ability to expand, Everything just gets pooled together, No matter if the particles lose ionic function or not.

Since space sucks in random, It will most likely have 0 Ionic charge. So it cannot interact with the physical until its *quarks* or shards break apart and rapidly combine, Billions and trillions of years into the future.

But things that have been lingering in such a state for trillions of years eventually expand and the shards go flying all over the place rapidly combining with its ionic cousin to form the building blocks, Which then form the Atom and its electrical orbitting charges.

This means that the universe must be Full in order to function indefinantly.
Since it is full, we are being pushed together, Which forms *gravity* as the pushing comes from all directions. Forming *Spheres*

When a vortex occures, It creates a Jet stream of all the particles being condensed on the other side.
Well at the same time, Particles are movng towards our galaxy and reforming with its closest ionic cousins.

The best way to understand this, Is that this has been occuring for Eternity.
And so All physical mass at one point was a living breathing intelligent entity like you and me. At one point or another.

And so was all the compressed mass out there, With the probability of Infinity was too an intelligent living being.
As galaxies collapse and reform, This occures forever. In a Universe that is Infinitly big, And yet, Is completely full.

With physical mass and energy being the expressed *existance* of all things that cannot exist right now.
But will in the future.

So life is very precious, Because all that empty space. Is some creature waiting to be created and freed from its black matter prison.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr

So honestly. What is the difference?

Angels don't drive flying saucers, nor do they double park them, and aliens are not hanging out with God when they aren't mucking about in someone else's religion.

Pretty easy to tell the difference if one keeps basics in mind.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
a reply to: nenothtu It is a time travel thing. Some believe that the word of god was givin to the past from the future and that the son of GOD a living person had a light inside him that was used by a computer system with the aid of filters and amplifers to also be the sun. They believe that people are planets and so on... I take that back some people do not believe that. it is just probaly me that believes that. I have made several threads where the thought that people make up everything we see including the stars the trees plants animals.

There is no "time", so it cannot be traveled in. All "time" is One, it's all the same, it's all "now". Insisting on divisions like "future" and "past" is just a human invention to deal with things that would otherwise overwhelm them.

edit on 2014/7/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: nenothtu

originally posted by: Specimen
a reply to: OpinionatedB

Was he the Son(Sun) of Man, or was he the Son(Sun) of God? Was he the King of Jews, or King of Kings?

I have to wonder if it's not just an attempt to distract and steer the discussion away from the question of the nature of the divinity of Christ.

And this is how you tell what you are talking about is of serious importance in the spiritual realm, and most certainly when your on the right track. The satan show up to distract and obfuscate the truth by any means possible.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 04:46 PM
Jesus was, is, and will be God.

The same can be said of many mystics from all cultures. God is in every religion, every culture. Sorry, fundamentalists.

Jesus is God, but not the God that orthodox fundamentalists think. He is God in a much more... esoteric and cross-cultural sense. Not in the exoteric, "my way or the highway" myopic sense.

Research Summary

Also called Transcendent Experiences, Ego-Transcendence, Intense Religious Experience, Peak Experiences, Mystical Experiences, Cosmic Consciousness Sources Wuthnow, Robert (1978). Peak Experiences: Some Empirical Tests. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 18 (3), 59-75.

Noble, Kathleen D. (1987). ``Psychological Health and the Experience of Transcendence.'' The Counseling Psychologist, 15 (4), 601-614.

Lukoff, David & Francis G. Lu (1988). ``Transpersonal psychology research review: Topic: Mystical experiences.'' Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 20 (2), 161-184.

Furthermore, Greeley found no evidence to support the orthodox belief that frequent mystic experiences or psychic experiences stem from deprivation or psychopathology. His ''mystics'' were generally better educated, more successful economically, and less racist, and they were rated substantially happier on measures of psychological well-being.

(Charles T. Tart, Psi: Scientific Studies of the Psychic Realm, p. 19.)

Long-Term Effects:

Say their lives are more meaningful, think about meaning and purpose
Know what purpose of life is
Meditate more
Score higher on self-rated personal talents and capabilities
Less likely to value material possessions, high pay, job security, fame, and having lots of friends
Greater value on work for social change, solving social problems, helping needy
Reflective, inner-directed, self-aware, self-confident life style
Experience more productive of psychological health than illness
Less authoritarian and dogmatic
More assertive, imaginative, self-sufficient, intelligent, relaxed
High ego strength, relationships, symbolization, values, integration, allocentrism, psychological maturity, self-acceptance, self-worth, autonomy, authenticity, need for solitude, increased love and compassion

Short-Term Effects:
(usually people who did not previously know of these experiences)

Experience temporarily disorienting, alarming, disruptive
Likely changes in self and the world, space and time, emotional attitudes, cognitive styles, personalities, doubt sanity and reluctance to communicate, feel ordinary language is inadequate
Some individuals report psychic capacities and visionary experience destabilizing relationships with family and friends
Withdrawal, isolation, confusion, insecurity, self-doubt, depression, anxiety, panic, restlessness, grandiose religious delusions

edit on 961TuesdayuAmerica/ChicagoJuluTuesdayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: TinfoilTP
So was Adam. And all of us, since we are all supposedly his and Eve's descendants.

Adam sinned, Jesus is without sin just as the Father is without sin. Even the angels sinned. So no the only likeness of God is Jesus.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP
Not according to the bible.

And God saith, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth.'

And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them.

Obviously from genesis.
edit on Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:21:45 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: nenothtu

originally posted by: AnuTyr

So honestly. What is the difference?

Angels don't drive flying saucers, nor do they double park them, and aliens are not hanging out with God when they aren't mucking about in someone else's religion.

Pretty easy to tell the difference if one keeps basics in mind.

Angels don't sit in flying saucers? explain ezekiel's encounter. Better yet, Look at the book of Enoch.

What's the difference between a cheriot and a saucer?

If ancient people called space *The Heavens*
Then what would an angle be? What's an Alien? Are angels seperate from the Heavens *Space* But yet are from it.

Seperate of the Heavens *Just because*?

So here you are, clearly stating that Humans are the center of the Universe.

Humans are not the center of attention as most of us would like to believe.
There is no God given right that dictacts we are above Aliens any more than we are above angels.
Those were written by man.

And only beings such as a species can create liturature.
Every book you Read was written by a man or woman, Most of the time. Didn't live or experience the things they write about.

You can't just turn it around and say that aliens don't matter but Angels exist.
That's contradiction at its highest forms.

You imagine angels as something seperate from all the life in the universe? What of the Aliens? DO the aliens follow the same *angels*

Do the angels appear from a crack to an alternate plane of existance seperate from the universe and everything in it. *Just because*

Or do they come here with their flowing white robes and harps from the deepest reachest of space with wings on their back and a dude flying on a horse.

What you believe is more likely? Riduculing the Alien agenda.
But believing in a flying man on a horse is perfectly acceptible to rationality.

So an army of Ghosts is going to take over the world or something. Just trying to understand your wave length of what the end times are.
edit on 15-7-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

As the topic of discussion is the divinity of Christ - and you are far far far from discussing the topic at hand - all by yourself at that... so I am left feeling like your only goal in life is to discuss any topic at all so long as its NOT the divinity of Christ so as to disturb the rest of us from our conversation who ARE interested in discussing the actual topic.

edit on 15-7-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 06:05 PM
hey if you want to believe Jesus is God.

Your gunna have to deal with the Angel buisness.

This is directly about the divination of Jesus. Hes claiming god over the whole entirety of the universe.
*Son of the cosmos*

What exactly do you expect to pop up when you prey to *God*.

The world isn't so cut it black and white.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: TinfoilTP
Not according to the bible.

And God saith, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth.'

And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them.

Obviously from genesis.

That was obviously before they gave in to temptation and sinned.
Then there was the Fall of Mankind, death, toiling for bread all the days of their lives and so on.
Seems a drastic change occurred, from dominion over earth to slave to it.
When Jesus was tempted by Satan, he did not give in.
Only one in the image of God remained perfect, that was Jesus.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: AnuTyr

Angels don't sit in flying saucers?

Essentially correct, although what I said was "angels don't fly flying saucers".

explain ezekiel's encounter.

Ezekiel explained it, no reason I should. But really, you don't want me to explain Ezekiel's encounter, you want me to explain Joseph Blumrich's take on Ezekiels encounter. Not gonna do that, either, since I don't subscribe to it, and therefore cannot defend the indefensible. I'll let Blumrich explain it if he has a mind to - it's his baby, not mine.

Better yet, Look at the book of Enoch.

Already have, and can't, for the life of me, find a reason to do it again.

What's the difference between a cheriot and a saucer?

Chariots have wheels.

If ancient people called space *The Heavens*
Then what would an angle be? What's an Alien? Are angels seperate from the Heavens *Space* But yet are from it.

See? THIS is what I mean when I say "keeping the basics in mind" - you ain't doing that, your trying to overcomplicate a very simple matter. Don't blame me if I refuse to take that bait.

No, angels are not from "space". That's where you're doing it wrong. The rest just carries the train farther off the rails.

Seperate of the Heavens *Just because*?

Say what?

Not "just because", but because - because they are different things, different materials, different realms.

So here you are, clearly stating that Humans are the center of the Universe.
Congrats. You're ignorance persists you. But does not have to be.

When you can quote where I said that, rather than where you claimed I said that, then I will answer it.

Humans are not the center of attention as most of us would like to believe.
There is no God given right that dictacts we are above Aliens any more than we are above angels.

Exactly. There are reasons for that, none of which bear on the question of the nature of the divinity of Christ.

Those were written by man.

Those what? The "God-given rights" that you said don't exist? If they don't exist, how could they ever have been written by ANYONE?

And only beings such as a species can create liturature.

You sound very certain of that - have you encountered beings who are NOT a species in order to gauge that?

Every book you Read was written by a man or woman, Most of the time. Didn't live or experience the things they write about.

That's a very sweeping statement, too. How does one write about something one knows nothing about to write?

You can't just turn it around and say that aliens don't matter but Angels exist.
That's contradiction at its highest forms.

Sure I can! Didn't I just do that very thing? No contradiction, any more than there is a contradiction between apples and oranges.

You imagine angels as something seperate from all the life in the universe?

I imagine nothing at all - my imagination sucks.

What of the Aliens? DO the aliens follow the same *angels*

I don't know - why ask me? I'm not an alien. Ask an alien if you want to know the answer to that. I've never quizzed one.

Do the angels appear from a crack to an alternate plane of existance seperate from the universe and everything in it. *Just because*

Maybe. I've never been there to see one emerge from a crack (or anything else), though, so I can't say for sure. It all sounds very roach-like, doesn't it?

Or do they come here with their flowing white robes and harps from the deepest reachest of space with wings on their back and a dude flying on a horse.

What robes? What harps? and What "rest of all that paraphernalia", including "deepest reaches of space"? That would be for you to explain, not me, since it's YOUR notion, not mine. I've made no such assertions that I should have to defend.

What you believe is more likely? Riduculing the Alien agenda.
But believing in a flying man on a horse is perfectly acceptible to rationality.

"Flying man on a horse"? If you could be so kind as to quote where I ever made the assertion of a "flying man on a horse", I'll explain THAT to you, as well - but not until.

So an army of Ghosts is going to take over the world or something. Just trying to understand your wave length of what the end times are.

I don't care about "end times". The "end times" come for someone every single minute of every single day. The important thing is to be ready for whatever comes, rather than sitting around obsessing over the mechanics of it. I guess you could say I'm a "Pan-Millenialist", because I think it will all pan out in the end, and don't care how.

"A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign".

edit on 2014/7/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

hey if you want to believe Jesus is God.

I'm not in this thread arguing Jesus is God, actually my belief is that Jesus is not God, and that Jesus never claimed to be God, and that Jesus literally denied such accusations.

Your gunna have to deal with the Angel buisness.

Deal with the angel business? I didn't know that angels had businesses. The bible says angels are "messengers of God"

This is directly about the divination of Jesus. Hes claiming god over the whole entirety of the universe. *Son of the cosmos*

Again, as I said originally, I do not believe Jesus to be God, and in his own words denied such accusations.

God is God, and the creator of all things... whether that includes lifeforms on other planets is God's knowledge, not mine.

The bible itself specifically deals with God and how HE relates to his earthly creation, and in turn, how that creation should relate to both itself and HIM. Some of that relation involves a creation that HE sends to us for his own purposes from time to time, they are called messengers for God, His angels. Some very small percent relates to how some of those didn't want to be His messengers, and such is to teach us something of God and helps us in our relation to HIM.

What exactly do you expect to pop up when you prey to *God*.

Actually, I pray... (not prey) and I don't expect anything at all to "pop up". All I know is that God hears my voice.

The world isn't so cut it black and white.

No, it isn't. But the bible is specific in God dealing with this creation, because it is us HE is talking to. Any of the rest simply doesn't much concern us for the purposes of dealing with God on a personal level.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid


Believe what you want.

The Bible is propaganda, and apologists are propagandizers.

Have a good night. I'm out, folks.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 07:27 PM
All I read was your title, I know what comes next...

To answer the question in your title, I would say;

Because they are blinded by stupidity, and the lack of ability to think for themselves.

I don't need to say any more, they're just another example of sheep. Under evolved ones at that.

I believe that what people call god, is just a force of nature out of the realms of our comprehension. He/it does not know us individually. He/it is merely a force that can have amazing (to us mere mortals) effects on our undiscovered universe.

He/it has no conscious, he it is a scientific power that we never understand. Not in our lifetime anyway.

Once this universal inevitability becomes understood by our future ancestors, then maybe we can see things beyond the realms of what we call 'reality'

Our reality is so far from the truth, but damn! We will try hard to understand more.

I think we need another 70-100 years of this before we even come close.

I truly believe the universe has the answers, and even more believe it had/has NOTHING to do with God or Jesus.. These dudes are just cave drawings and an inaccurate book. When we wake up, we'll realise there's no omnipresent deity, that's cave man talk.

Start to understand the universe (no man made religion involved!) and THEN we might be getting to some real Answers about where we're from.


posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: TheChrome

Hebrews 1:8,9 - But to the Son He (God) says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions.”

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: OpenEars123 the end of you life....if you are wrong, then what?

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