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It's not racism, it's Peniaphobia and Scelerophobia

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posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 11:35 AM
Classism probably has a lot to do with it.

It's odd because racism and classism are confused for one another in countries where minorities make up a large percentage of the urban poor
edit on 16-6-2014 by NonsensicalUserName because: shorterNow

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: ImaFungi

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: Snoopy1978
a reply to: neo96

Racist oligarchs tend to be extremely hypocritical as well.

Yeah well it is not the governments job to meet the materialistic wants of the masses.

That ain't racist.

Those that think it is are fascist.

Its racist for you being a constant full throttle jerk to them for being dealt worse hands then most in the game of life, in america.

What ever.

People have the ability to adapt.

It is called evolution.

People can either change or become victims of themselves.

Americans think they have it so 'bad'.

They should trying living in Africa. or the Middle East.

And see what real hardship is.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: ImaFungi

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: Snoopy1978
a reply to: neo96

Racist oligarchs tend to be extremely hypocritical as well.

Yeah well it is not the governments job to meet the materialistic wants of the masses.

That ain't racist.

Those that think it is are fascist.

Its racist for you being a constant full throttle jerk to them for being dealt worse hands then most in the game of life, in america.

What ever.

People have the ability to adapt.

It is called evolution.

People can either change or become victims of themselves.

Americans think they have it so 'bad'.

They should trying living in Africa. or the Middle East.

And see what real hardship is.

That is a bad argument, I can sense there is no getting through to you so you can just enjoy that cozy bubble you live in.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: neo96

social darwinism.

how lovely.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: NonsensicalUserName
a reply to: neo96

social darwinism.

how lovely.

Beats living in a zoo.

That was said here:

Guess it's better to have government provide every little WANT the masses have.

That has been working out so well since the 'war on poverty' began.

But I digress anyone who doesn't support the zoo keeper state' feeding' the animals is 'racist', and a 'jerk'.

edit on 16-6-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: ImaFungi

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: Snoopy1978
a reply to: neo96

Racist oligarchs tend to be extremely hypocritical as well.

Yeah well it is not the governments job to meet the materialistic wants of the masses.

That ain't racist.

Those that think it is are fascist.

Its racist for you being a constant full throttle jerk to them for being dealt worse hands then most in the game of life, in america.

What ever.

People have the ability to adapt.

It is called evolution.

People can either change or become victims of themselves.

Americans think they have it so 'bad'.

They should trying living in Africa. or the Middle East.

And see what real hardship is.

There were/are many people in America who've had it just as bad as people in the places you mentioned,-but many of them rose above it. Africa is blessed with so many incredible animals and resources that I could never understand why anyone would starve to death or go hungry and depend on airplanes dropping food and clothing. My mom came from a poor family. So didn't my dad. Both sides were farmers. You know what they did when they were hungry? They hunted and fished. They got livestock and built barns so that they could breed them for future food. They also grew gardens and canned it. They built their own log homes and made their own water wells. If they didn't have clothes they made them. They made medicine from herbs and plants because they couldn't afford to go all the way to town to the doc. My mom started a few business' and my dad became a coal miner(this was when coal miners made a damn-good living). They adapted to their surroundings. They rose above it.

So to say that Africans have had it worse than anybody else, I call BS.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: Fylgje

I really don't care.

Never in my life have I determined my self worth by how much stuff government gives me.

Or by what someone else has.

There are more important things in this world.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: Fylgje

I really don't care.

Never in my life have I determined my self worth by how much stuff government gives me.

Or by what someone else has.

There are more important things in this world.

The system/s is/are not designed for everyone living to be successful, in a 'ability to have a stable means of living' kind of way. It is not entirely every poor person in the worlds fault that they are struggling to get by.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 09:01 PM
Anyone who has watched very small children will quickly realize they do not see people of other colors any different than they do anyone else.

You watch a group of 3-4 year old kids playing and you won't see any racism unless their parents have already ingrained it in them.

Racism and hatred of different peoples/cultures is something that is learned and acquired from living and life experiences... it doesn't exist in the minds of innocent children.

My second wife was black, I am day my 6 year old grand daughter was visiting and suddenly she just stopped what she was doing... looked at my wife and asked her, "Why is your skin so dark?" Before my wife could answer her, I told her "Because her parents left her in the oven too long" After I picked myself up off the floor, I explained to her the real reason for the difference under the watchful eye of my wife who I had just learned carried a pretty mean right hook.

edit on R062014-06-16T21:06:44-05:00k066Vpm by RickinVa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: Skyfloating

You are misconstruing what I have said in a circumspect manner to try to "prove" your point. This is a classic maneuver of those without actual studies behind them. It is a mind game that doesn't work.

"But isnt it true that you are primarily concerned with crime and poverty, and then, as an afterthought, attempted to link certain darker colors and facial features to that?"

nope, I love poor indian people in India, and I have genuine empathy for their situation, and I have empathy for their situation, and wish them no ill will. I also empathize for those victim to crime in India as well. I have no empathy for those victim to hurricanes in Haiti, and I am indifferent to those who are famous Haitians, or rich haitians-i.e. if they died tomorrow I could care less.

"as an afterthought, attempted to link certain darker colors and facial features to that?"
What is wrong with you I just said it was a trained indoctrination, not a conscious decision. Read if you actual want to speak to a "genuine" racist.

"And you do think its inherent in their genes and unalterable or a matter of upbringing/culture? "
From an indoctrinated view, I view it a value of their genes. From an intellectual view, I view it as a matter of upbringing, independent of wealth at birth.

"Here's a list of famous Haitians many of them black. Do you feel the same way about the musicians, athletes, painters, movie directors, etc. listed here as you do about Haitians in general? "

Depends if I were to meet them in person or not. The whole racism thing doesn't kick in till they are in my presence, and I realize they are either a)Haitian or b)look or smell Haitian. Just slapping a picture and some text and the word Haitian doesn't really do the trick. It's not a visual I don't want to see it thing, it's a physical die or leave thing. I also have a semi fear of heights, so I know what a phobia is. This isn't a phobia. This is an angry reaction in my gut that bubbles up that I have to control.

"Whether its called fear or hate of crime/poverty is secondary. Your explanations don't debunk the premise of the OP, they confirm it."

This is a common ploy to redefine what a person has said in order to amplify your point, and demphasize theirs. It is common to those who don't actual do research to back up what they say, or provide anecdotal evidence to their point. I wasn't really intending to debunk it, but let me provide you with a small anecdote.

I was speaking to my grandfather approximately 3 years ago. He relayed to me quite candidly that the matter of blacks demanding reparations is a load of bull#, that they should be happy to have endured 300 years of slavery and discrimination to allow us to bring them through 3000 years of societal evolution. He said everything short of "white mans burden" and "black mans societal lower evolutionary stance" in terms of describing their present situation.

There is a large difference between phobia(fear of), hate, loathing, and disliking. I would say my emotion towards this particular race that I define inside my mind is near loathing, and can be accurately described as highly disliking their existence. My emotions would argue that these famous Haitians only thrived and bloomed under the presence of -redheaded
(jk on that),- of other races guiding them down their pathway. But that is just my emotions. # em.

And to answer the guy about sexual preference, I would not have sex with a Haitian woman as I would be cautious enough to know she would lie, manipulate, then stab me in the back later on.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: Skyfloating
This applies if they get to know members of said race closely. But it doesn't apply peripherally or generally. There are more racists in southern states because there are more blacks and whites living side by side...but not really side by side, because they choose to segregate and separate. So while they are in constant view, there is never a "getting close" and "making friends" going on.

It does apply generally, race relations have improved because we have a general awareness that we are all human. You don't have to be someones best friend to recognize their humanity. Racists are stuck in the past with their heads in the sand, they refuse to join us in the real world. In the south blacks and white do intermingle, they even marry and have kids. The problem with race relations in the south is the type of racism that was practiced there as opposed to the north. In the south, blacks were never expected to gain power however whites didn't mind them living close. That belief system is still hard wired into the racists of the south, which causes problems because they view blacks as subhuman.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: NonsensicalUserName
Classism probably has a lot to do with it.

It's odd because racism and classism are confused for one another in countries where minorities make up a large percentage of the urban poor

Classism would be, from what I can tell, a more apt label than racism in 80% of the cases.
edit on 2014 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: wantstoknowmore
a reply to: Skyfloating

You are misconstruing what I have said in a circumspect manner to try to "prove" your point. This is a classic maneuver of those without actual studies behind them. It is a mind game that doesn't work.

Excuse me for trying to defend the point made in the OP.

nope, I love poor indian people in India, and I have genuine empathy for their situation, and I have empathy for their situation, and wish them no ill will. I also empathize for those victim to crime in India as well. I have no empathy for those victim to hurricanes in Haiti, and I am indifferent to those who are famous Haitians, or rich haitians-i.e. if they died tomorrow I could care less.

Well, then I`ll have to concede that you are genuinely racist and that applying the fear-of-crime-and-poverty diagnosis does not apply to you. So be it.

"And you do think its inherent in their genes and unalterable or a matter of upbringing/culture? "
From an indoctrinated view, I view it a value of their genes. From an intellectual view, I view it as a matter of upbringing, independent of wealth at birth.

...but not quite that racist because you believe people can change and improve themselves and are not damned to being one way because of their genes.

I was speaking to my grandfather approximately 3 years ago. He relayed to me quite candidly that the matter of blacks demanding reparations is a load of bull#, that they should be happy to have endured 300 years of slavery and discrimination to allow us to bring them through 3000 years of societal evolution. He said everything short of "white mans burden" and "black mans societal lower evolutionary stance" in terms of describing their present situation.

Yes, BUT, both your beliefs about blacks and his beliefs about blacks come from experiences with them in relation to crime and poverty. Had you experienced blacks in relation to fun (for example), you`d both have developed other beliefs.

So the links you made in your brain are set through bad experiences and will probably perpetuate because we mostly perceive what we already believe while filtering out everything that does not match our beliefs.

Regardless of whether your judgment of Haitians is pre-judice or post-judice, isnt it a drag to be preoccupied with them in the way you are?

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 05:37 AM

These just sound like rich people fears.
There...I said it.


posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: Eryiedes

These just sound like rich people fears.
There...I said it.


Middle Class too.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
Interesting theory. It could very well be true when discussing middle and upper class forms of racism. It doesn't really work when you look at the lower socio-economic group of whites. I have known the type of people one would classify as "white trash", i.e., poor, uneducated whites who only "loosely" follow the laws. Those guys tend to hate on other races worse than the middle and upper class do. I guess they just need to have someone lower on the totem pole than themselves...

Some good points there. Its been my observation, living closely with blacks, that they also have a disdain for "white trash" because they also know how better off white folk feel about "honkeys". Even blacks like to think someone is a little lower. lol.

Now the racism of upper class whites is more like xenophobia due to lack of contact ect.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 08:30 AM
How would you classify this lady? (I like how the question mark comes right after lady) *haha*

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Staroth

I don't know this lady, I don't know how she lives, but it sounds like she believes everything she's been told in the media. I would classify her as ignorant. She sounds like she is from southern WV. I live in the heart of WV and many people that I know are a lot more articulate and think better than this. But people like this are everywhere. Her accent means nothing in my consideration, but that's a problem. Thanks to Hollywood and other medias, people with southern/Appalachia accents are immediately deemed as "dumb" or "white trash". I know jewish people in DC who hold the same views as this woman. I know black people who hold the same views. I'm not gonna waste my time digging up videos of other races/religions saying even dumber things because it would be too easy. You can't fix stupid, and it is everywhere. No one is immune.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: Staroth
How would you classify this lady? (I like how the question mark comes right after lady) *haha*

That's not racism, its imbecility. And its not a "lady" either.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Skyfloating

This video is also what is known as a "hick hunt" amongst news reporters. When dealing with the opposition, they intentionally seek out the biggest idiot that they can find and try and portray them as being a common representation for that areas population. It's a Zionist trick to dehumanize a population of people.

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