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What if the World Already Ended Years Ago

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posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 04:00 PM

So, you have also had the surreal experience involving the Cops and a forced potencial institutionalized visit as well (shut him up before he awakes). I also was handcuffed and seated in back of a patrol car. I cant believe the similarities between our experiences. As I think about it all today, (this happenned in 2000) one of many of my strange encounter occurances; I saw this as the first serious opening salvo to QUIET or cause great mental harm to KEEP ME FROM DOING what I was destined to do later. I saw it as an attempt to quash or qwell me, shake my resolve; convince me I was insane and give up; IT DIDNT WORK as I and my 'posse' recognized it for what it was (here is the thing they cant intervene because you told them before this current incarnation this is a necessary for my/your soul progression or testing of); they can only aswage or tell you to be calm its just a game you set up for yourself, this is where supreme courage is required. …

I really didn’t know what to make of it… Just sat back, relaxed and watched it unfold.
At the time, I was experiencing a wide array of ‘super-natural’ or ‘para-normal’ or ‘otherwise-unexplainable’ phenomena…some of which were auditory, some – physiological, and others – just wildly synchronistic.
I suspected that the ‘auditory’ phenomena were not a figment of my imagination (mental fabrications), and while in the hospital, I believe that said ‘suspicion’ was validated…as every time one of these auditory demonstrations would evince, the nurses, security guards, &/or mental health professionals would startle & react to them, as well (often looking for the source of the sound/s in the same area/s where I perceived them to have derived).
At the time, I thought they were all ‘in on it’, and were simply ‘acting’ surprised or startled…but, as time passed, my interpretation modified.
When you say “…this is where supreme courage is required…”, I believe you are correct.
Sadly, I don’t think I am as courageous as you (nor as courageous as I should be). Hopefully, there is still time and opportunity to acquire or exude said courage… Hopefully.

…my first surreal experience…at a hotel…and had one of my dogs in tow, a cairn "The Wizard of Oz" terrier ToTo dog. He slipped out of the hotel room door and ran. I was not wearing shoes, still in 'pajama attire sweats' 7:00 am raced after him. He crossed a busy 4 lane blvd and wound up in a strip mall maybe 400 feet from the hotel, arfy barking and running around. Suddenly 2 cop cars squealed up, 4 officers asking me what I was doing. I said "trying to catch my dog; hes loose". I had no identification on me, they knew my name and addressed me by it. …

Your name wouldn’t happen to be “Mister” …would it?
Just kidding.
BTW – my ‘avatar’ is ToTo-related.

…I was handcuffed and taken to the small local precinct… I was asked generic questions that…were extremely odd… I was handcuffed again and taken to a psychatric facility. I…felt I was being abducted… …I was reassured by invisable voices "its all going to be alright" I was given a hotdog and a full on birthday cake with one candle on it (what!?) I was shown pictures of all of the art work Id ever done (this as a slide type show on one of the walls), no one else saw the display that was dipicted.

A hotdog and birthday cake…? Some people have all the luck.
About 9 o’clock (3 or more hours after being apprehended), I asked if I could get something to drink or eat, since I’d had nothing to eat since shortly before lunch. They apologized profusely, called someone and asked them to bring something… 2 more hours, and I still had nothing. Shortly before releasing me, they brought a small Styrofoam container of baby carrots and broccoli… Yum!

…I…know it was a setup…

I’m guessing that you suspect the ‘setup’ to have been devised by the Demi-Gods, or some other group?
Back to them knowing your name… Is it possible they had already spoken with the hotel manager, before confronting you?

… I knew at this point the gloves were off regarding the Demi-Gods and their desperate tactics to silence those that have a job to do…

My question… Why do you think/feel that you would be able to go toe-to-toe with Demi-Gods, if they are real?
Maybe your understanding or definition of Demi-Gods is a little different from what I have understood (read).

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Hey Vet, can you talk more of the three days of sleep that everyone went through? I've always been interested in that since I have heard of it. You can pm me so we don't derail the thread if you want.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 06:43 PM
If I thought I had also experienced something as you OP and WanDash during the Fall of didn't go very well. That whole spring and summer was a whirlwind of activity and experiences I'd never had before, but "normal" by comparison. Then in the fall there was a suicide in my family and I pretty much dropped everything and fell asleep for the next 4 months. We were not even that close, but everything I was fell around me and I'm still dealing with the repercussions now.

I suppose I should have expected it. I did get a warning via a series of dreams about 10 years earlier. I just feel like all of this is for something...I just don't know what.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by awakendhybrid

I really liked your first post in the thread... How strange - to read some of the conversations in here, and actually almost understand them!
Sorry to hear of the suicide and its affect on you.
Death has a profound affect on me.
I sat at the foot of the bed, and watched my father's last 3 hours of life (he was 81).
It was odd and strange to know that his body was still doing the things the rest of our body's do...but that he was not going to be here any longer.
When he took his last breath, it was as if nothing had changed...except that we were no longer waiting for the inevitable.
I went back to work the following morning, and the next and next... Even went to work, the day of the funeral (but left early to attend). May have shed no more than a few tears from the moment he passed 'til well after his body was in the dirt.
The last year, or so, though, I've shed many tears.
Strange how such things can affect you.

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 08:04 PM

Err...I feel like I'm reading a thread FROM a different dimension where I agree with what I think I'm reading, but language and sentence structure is just slightly off and slightly random. I'm not trying to offend anyone and I'm used to reading things from people where English isn't their first language, but this is the first time where the majority of the posts are reading the same. I digress...
Actually, I feel like I've crossed into a different timeline sometime in the last couple of years, but I've just been noticing it in the last couple months.

That is the beauty of Infoseekers posts; the words and punctuation have a very strange cadence that for me allow for (anything goes here), its not just the subject matter, its a strange kind of 'special invitation' totally non threatening.

awakenhybrid....That being said, I do kinda feel like my life is running on a loop right now...but that is probably my own fault more than being stuck in a cycle of some sort. What vexes me, is why I Believe this to be true ... As if belief would somehow matterI ask myself this all the time. I almost feel like because I think I believe something it must have been put there for me to believe...regardless of its truth. Whether or not it is truly true is unknowable, but the fact that is springs into my mind in the first place is (or is supposed to be) enough to accept my belief in it. If something exists then a believe in it arises.

You dont have to 'believe' anything; just experience your relationship to an ideaform and how you resonate with it. It either rings with self truth (or rememberance of something) or not. I have a personal pet peeve. Why do people flock to the various religous dogmas in order to understand themselves (because they seem to BELIEVE something). None of them has the imagination to pull themselves out of this mass manipulation. Human imagination (including thoughts upon the creator) is the key to personal soul growth and can change this world exponencially. Im not sure why you are trying to decifer truth outside of your own (thats impossible if you are even remotely attaching yourself to others false belief systems which are by their nature dogmatic expressions of a fixed idea). This is where implementing your imagination comes into game play.
edit on 10-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by WanDash

Today I was given power over the yard, lumber yard that is. Boss said I was to tell them lazy ones to do this or that and left it at that! So what if they won't listen? Boss does not have the time to do anything nor have any balls so I'm at a stand still!

I've only been there 1.5 yrs. Used to be a cook at a bar for 6 yrs and it went under. Due to management wanting to sell. People are trained to be actually Lazy for some reason! Even today being told this; why should I deal with it? I see this not as a problem, although it will become one due to the understanding I would not ask anybody to do anything I would not do myself! Plus if your their getting a paycheck, might as well Earn It!

Not that I could care less if people actually like me, some do and other think I'm crazy, missing some bolts; input what ever one needs too, yet. Do the Job! When there is no correcting whatsoever, people do whatever. Some Need to be told what to do, few ever actually look . If one does not know, ask. Darn school system!

I see 2 groups of people now. One side is following, while the other side is trying to hold everything togetter. More like 1/4 th holding it actually! Problems today became apperent to me long ago, just did not pay any attention until lately. Puratory has done the self-reflecting I needed to understand what it is to know myself.

Have you ever had a dream that you went to the pit's of your Being and Free the demon you held captive! All this time spent in fear was no more then being afraid of your own Power? More like having a talk to god, satan and opening a door of truth forgotten!

I've spent my life trying to be perfect, do whats right and hide the other side of me without anybody being the wisest. That was 20 yrs ago and still working on it! The fact that one could be saved; by another, is lacking! Some might come and sow a seed in your Life, still! Watch and pay attention to what actually grows!

Now I can be by any person and know 3 things. Open Heart, learning to open it and last is the ones who really do not care! Somehow inside their going to hell, already there, and bent on fixing it do our storys from long ago.

I had to question everything; still even today. My belifes, ideas, and facts that now no longer apply in todays world! Some are outdated, been there since childhood, lacking and needs attention. People have a hard time dealing with it. In purgatory, thats all that there for you to do, Deal!

Only there, you have too. By yourself, with yourself and learn. Thats when Life shows you the other side of the game. And there ane Many! Actually the game going on in ones head though. That game is what one thinks Life shoud be and in the end it is not.

Simple really. How many voices, while sitting, come to mind? Take 10 min's and one finds many. Emotions created out of experences all asking for just one thing. Can You Hear Me Yet?


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Hexadecimus


Thats why nothing changes. It is held as old, fact and everlasting in ones mind. It is no longer applying, working, yet we keep it!

We come to a point in time people need to change and won't. So now life will make us, God if you like, highter self it's all the same. No longer can we not play, time has ran out in a way. Man needs to evolve or die, plain and simple.

Lately most of us are facing issues we left alone, hidden and sweeped under the carpet. Even things that override you ideas and toss you into questioning yourself, your ideas and what runs on auto-pliot.

Although it's more like an EMP within your core, soul, being. One should be greateful it is allow to come in waves and not just a bang!


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by veteranhumanbeing

WanDash I don’t even believe a lot of my experiences. Or, I should say – I have a hard time believing them. While I can’t know, for sure – I’m pretty sure I have had many experiences that correlate with your statement – “…there is a shift in the local surroundings…not a reality as you would know…but…as if being in completely different dimension simultaneously straddling both…”.For me, they were very unsettling.

You will get used to it enough that at some point will notice the sensation is 'missing' and feel abandoned.

April (eastertime was the catalist, 3 days of the entire world asleep to realign what? the planets; probably someone awake would notice if the sun did not come up on one of those days). It was easy reset the atomic clock and all is fine. Being awake during this period was the oddest of experiences. No one on the roads, could walk into empty grocery stores berefit of people not having to pay anything (even my animals were asleep). Not a dream; this happened; this was a serious event and was glad to be a prt of it. All ritualistic Majick took place in my front room of all places with others I could feel but not see.

WanDash This entirely reminds me of the story told near the end of Journey to Ixtlan. When you say that you were glad to be a part of it…is that an after-the-fact sentiment, or were you just as pleased in the midst of it all?
Do you ever question your memory/memories of such events…wondering if you deluded yourself?

I didnt have a choice as I had initiated the idea to retake control of the human probably hundreds of years ago (it takes great cunning and planning to fool those that percieve themselves as overlords). For instance to figure out my soul insert into what family which decade when, to correograph my life movements so at this time and place I was exacly where this geographically had to take place. I was glad to see the operation carry through because so many things could have gone wrong; for instance I may have not been in the right place at the right time location wise, I may have accidentally had a mishap (abducted and put in a physility beyond my contol). During the actual event; my main concern was to see it through fruition and not be boomeranged, the the house inexplicably burns down). This was a Top Top secret endevour.

WanDash Something, I don’t think many people consider, is – such a delusion would be virtually as remarkable as the same ‘reality’.

They are the same thing and one can impact the other or be inserted artifically. One of my specialties is changing time constructs. I insert ideafroms into the past that will manefest into the present immediately (talk about the potencial conspiracy quotient here). I can give you examples that have worked specifially involving the relationship Jews and the Palestinians living in the Jeruselem area.

WanDash Revelation? Probably need to save that for another venue…
18,000’ significance? Don’t know, for sure…but, in numerological terms, I am a ‘9’ (also a 9-1-1-9).I cannot believe your ‘bat’ experience. That is what the small owl did (though, for a significantly shorter period of time).It was sitting on the end of a stack of drill pipes (actually – landed there shortly after I reached the end of the ‘pad’). I was deeply emotional as a result of what had just transpired (that ended with me in the dirt outside the trailer), and so happy to see it…and I called out (though I don’t think the owl could have heard me) asking if I could ‘see it’…
It changed position – I could tell it was getting ready to take flight…and, unbelievably, it did take flight, heading directly toward me… It was coming pretty fast. I was getting ready to duck for cover, thinking it might actually strike or claw/talon me – but, instead – about 10 feet away, its progress stopped, and it went into a hovering flutter about 5 feet higher than my head… It continued to hover, letting me view its breast, belly and fluttering wings. I spoke to it – primarily thanking it for the view, and saying how beautiful it was… I began to grow anxious about what was actually happening – as this was way beyond my understanding of how the world works…
I broke gaze…and…it flew off into the darkness.

Bat or owl; whom to be more anxious regarding, one has talons the other a rabies potencial. The bat was very significant to me because is of the Maya culture; it is treated like the jaguar, rattlesnake, monkey considered a demigod 'fixer'. You need to look into your cultural beginnings and why your genetic forebearors (or yourself) presented an owl as a talisman reminder to you. You probably planned this awakening and have simply forgotten it.

edit on 10-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by DonVoigt

You do mean finding out the people in your life have more control of it then what you actually thought?

Then knowing this you changed, yet the so-called people you knew like forever, don't like you as much, want the old you back, why you being this way, Lines? Or how you youself do the same?

Or the idea that something crossed your mind that there is no answer, reason and your going nuts? It's either your gonna explode or inplode really?

Could be simply finding yourself the only one sane in the world! Need more info! Plenty of us here could shed some light, how one sees it anyways! It's all good!


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 08:56 PM

reply to post by WanDash

Today I was given power over the yard, lumber yard that is. Boss said I was to tell them lazy ones to do this or that and left it at that! So what if they won't listen? Boss does not have the time to do anything nor have any balls so I'm at a stand still!

I've only been there 1.5 yrs. Used to be a cook at a bar for 6 yrs and it went under. Due to management wanting to sell. People are trained to be actually Lazy for some reason! Even today being told this; why should I deal with it? I see this not as a problem, although it will become one due to the understanding I would not ask anybody to do anything I would not do myself! Plus if your their getting a paycheck, might as well Earn It!

Not that I could care less if people actually like me, some do and other think I'm crazy, missing some bolts; input what ever one needs too, yet. Do the Job! When there is no correcting whatsoever, people do whatever. Some Need to be told what to do, few ever actually look . If one does not know, ask. Darn school system!

I see 2 groups of people now. One side is following, while the other side is trying to hold everything togetter. More like 1/4 th holding it actually! Problems today became apperent to me long ago, just did not pay any attention until lately. Puratory has done the self-reflecting I needed to understand what it is to know myself. ...

Thank you for the thoughtful reply!
What do you think about 'holding everything together'?
What is being held together? Should it be held together...for some intrinsically 'right' reason?
Perhaps - the only reason that matters, at the moment, is - your/our survival...
I don't know.
Else - why do so many seem apathetic about...letting someone-else earn their pay?
I have found this, as well. It is highly frustrating and taxing...and it seems, there's little reward for stepping forward and carrying the extra load (which, by right, should be shared among all beneficiaries).

...Have you ever had a dream that you went to the pit's of your Being and Free the demon you held captive! All this time spent in fear was no more then being afraid of your own Power? More like having a talk to god, satan and opening a door of truth forgotten!
...I've spent my life trying to be perfect, do whats right and hide the other side of me without anybody being the wisest. That was 20 yrs ago and still working on it! The fact that one could be saved; by another, is lacking! ...

Beautifully said.
I have considered the same... If someone did what was necessary to 'save' me...I would still, always, be...a debtor (insufficient - lacking).

Now I can be by any person and know 3 things. Open Heart, learning to open it and last is the ones who really do not care! Somehow inside their going to hell, already there, and bent on fixing it do our storys from long ago.
...I had to question everything; still even today. My belifes, ideas, and facts that now no longer apply in todays world! Some are outdated, been there since childhood, lacking and needs attention. People have a hard time dealing with it. In purgatory, thats all that there for you to do, Deal!
...Only there, you have too. By yourself, with yourself and learn. Thats when Life shows you the other side of the game. And there ane Many! Actually the game going on in ones head though. That game is what one thinks Life shoud be and in the end it is not.
...Simple really. How many voices, while sitting, come to mind? Take 10 min's and one finds many. Emotions created out of experences all asking for just one thing. Can You Hear Me Yet?

And, again - very well said.
Thank you.
edit on 4/10/2014 by WanDash because: expanded thoughtform

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by WanDash

One of the evils in the world is to be in jail only to get out after 2 AM! Everything is either closed, sleeping and whats left is nothing but the dark! Took me 5 days to get home! I know how this feels!


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by bugbite

Toss one of them ideas of yours and we'll tell you if your a pot head. Just Joking!


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by awakendhybrid

You could be spending your time looking at ways the world might end! This dream, idea, gov, aliens, camps, rad from Japan and Yellowstone.

Or one could come and speak their mind on all the crazy stuff thats been happening and most do not talk about. Things that you yourself can not explain, please post! Their is no explaining, we just either been there, with you are going there ourselves!

They say that there is a reason for everything. How so?


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by WanDash

Gean Roddenbeny made Star Trek right?

You do know the idea came from some data found in a computer the Gov had right? One day a cleaning being done and a file was found way back in the 60's!

That was one big computer and one very large file! No one knows How it got there so the story goes! I do not recall any computers that good back then, and if so. One would have needed 1,000,000 floppy disks to input the infomation!


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:39 PM

Wandash I really didn’t know what to make of it… Just sat back, relaxed and watched it unfold. At the time, I was experiencing a wide array of ‘super-natural’ or ‘para-normal’ or ‘otherwise-unexplainable’ phenomena…some of which were auditory, some – physiological, and others – just wildly synchronistic.
I suspected that the ‘auditory’ phenomena were not a figment of my imagination (mental fabrications), and while in the hospital, I believe that said ‘suspicion’ was validated…as every time one of these auditory demonstrations would evince, the nurses, security guards, &/or mental health professionals would startle & react to them, as well (often looking for the source of the sound/s in the same area/s where I perceived them to have derived).

Your perceptions are changing the reality surrounding you, you were simply hyper aware that you may have been orchestrating that particular scene in the movie; this does not mean it never happened; in fact you experienced a dimension shift.

WanDash At the time, I thought they were all ‘in on it’, and were simply ‘acting’ surprised or startled…but, as time passed, my interpretation modified.

If indeed you were experiencing *at the same* a parallel universe would explain this. One is no different than the other; except if you are in the lighter one (less dense) you would percieve this as being of a more 'virtual' or 'crazy or drug induced' construct; not so at all; it just means you were not grounded in the third D adequately enough. This is easy to explain; as you must have been frightenned explaining a lack of awareness.

Wandash When you say “this is where supreme courage is required…”, I believe you are correct. Sadly, I don’t think I am as courageous as you (nor as courageous as I should be). Hopefully, there is still time and opportunity to acquire or exude said courage. Hopefully.

Get used to it and do not think your not up to it; you need more experiences is all and for whatever reason are lacking a foundation that involves trust with your higherselves. Are you just not listening to them or havent found a way to communicate?

WanDash Your name wouldn’t happen to be “Mister” …would it?
Just kidding. BTW – my ‘avatar’ is ToTo-related.

Really? Toto? (Ive always owned one) is an icon that people miss, popular culture gives us the clues and "Wizard of Oz" "Cinderella", "Bambi" are huge clues going totally unoticed; as far as 'mister' is concerned be more specific as I have a bunch of metaphors screaming at me.

VHB I was handcuffed and taken to the small local precinct… I was asked generic questions that…were extremely odd… I was handcuffed again and taken to a psychatric facility. I…felt I was being abducted… …I was reassured by invisable voices "its all going to be alright" I was given a hotdog and a full on birthday cake with one candle on it (what!?) I was shown pictures of all of the art work Id ever done (this as a slide type show on one of the walls), no one else saw the display that was dipicted.

WanDash A hotdog and birthday cake…? Some people have all the luck.
About 9 o’clock (3 or more hours after being apprehended), I asked if I could get something to drink or eat, since I’d had nothing to eat since shortly before lunch. They apologized profusely, called someone and asked them to bring something… 2 more hours, and I still had nothing. Shortly before releasing me, they brought a small Styrofoam container of baby carrots and broccoli… Yum!

It was unbelievable (an entire vanilla white birthday cake in the round 2 layer traditional) what was most intreging was what it said around the one candle burning: "Today is the day to be celebrated as you are finally born". Broccoli and carrots, jeez I at least got a hotdog within a bun and mustard. What they didnt have a grocery store near by; I would have demanded at the least a large bag of 'Cheetos' and a coke.

VHB I know it was a setup…

Wandash I’m guessing that you suspect the ‘setup’ to have been devised by the Demi-Gods, or some other group? Back to them knowing your name… Is it possible they had already spoken with the hotel manager, before confronting you?

No it happened literally within 7 minutes of leaving the hotel room door. Manager of the hotel was contacted after I was in custudy 2 hours later. They knew my entire name beforehand (this was when the manager was informed a ToTo dog is on the loose and to find it). Im pretty sure I orchestrated all of this before incarnating in this lifetime, and simply forgot. You are having similar problems yourself (its the rules) you may think "I have these plans for this next lifetime" go over it again and again, and are told you will not be allowed to remember (you say; of course I will). NOT.

VHB I knew at this point the gloves were off regarding the Demi-Gods and their desperate tactics to silence those that have a job to do.

WanDash My question… Why do you think/feel that you would be able to go toe-to-toe with Demi-Gods, if they are real? Maybe your understanding or definition of Demi-Gods is a little different from what I have understood (read).

Funny you should finally get around to that (because I created them and know exactly how they tick) they have been anticipating the possibility I may have actually incarnated. No need for me to be 'Undercover Boss' anymore; its too late for them (they had their chance). Have I ever incarnated before? yes as the individual expression of the humanbeing; hense my name. What can I say it is my truth/reality of what I am. Imagine Jesus's tribulations (he, Moses, Abraham, and John B. should have been locked up). These are my percievable truths as I understand my being is all.
edit on 10-4-2014 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:43 PM

You will get used to it enough that at some point will notice the sensation is 'missing' and feel abandoned. ...

Yes - I have experienced that.
Kind of like a rollercoaster ride... Extreme, exciting, drastic, terrifying... And as soon as its over - you want to go again.

I didnt have a choice as I had initiated the idea to retake control of the human probably hundreds of years ago (it takes great cunning and planning to fool those that percieve themselves as overlords). For instance to figure out my soul insert into what family which decade when, to correograph my life movements so at this time and place I was exacly where this geographically had to take place. I was glad to see the operation carry through because so many things could have gone wrong; for instance I may have not been in the right place at the right time location wise, I may have accidentally had a mishap (abducted and put in a physility beyond my contol). During the actual event; my main concern was to see it through fruition and not be boomeranged, the the house inexplicably burns down). This was a Top Top secret endevour. ...

How long after, did the house burn down?

vethumanbeing ...They (delusions) are the same thing and one can impact the other or be inserted artifically. One of my specialties is changing time constructs. I insert ideafroms into the past that will manefest into the present immediately (talk about the potencial conspiracy quotient here). I can give you examples that have worked specifially involving the relationship Jews and the Palestinians living in the Jeruselem area. ...

I agree that *delusions* may be equally as real (or - impactful) as...reality.

vethumanbeing ...Bat or owl; whom to be more anxious regarding, one has talons the other a rabies potencial. The bat was very significant to me because is of the Maya culture; it is treated like the jaguar, rattlesnake, monkey considered a demigod 'fixer'. You need to look into your cultural beginnings and why your genetic forebearors (or yourself) presented an owl as a talisman reminder to you. You probably planned this awakening and have simply forgotten it.

I don't know what esoteric significance there might have been, in the owl (am not even certain 'what kind' it was - though I have researched and believe it was a Burrowing Owl)...but... Only a couple of years earlier, when living in another state, I (and my family) returned home one night, fairly find a fairly large owl in the driveway. It ran from the car as we drove up... After getting out of the car, I saw that it had risen from the ground, and was perched atop a tree stump. I knew this wasn't normal behavior (to remain so close, when people were near), and began walking toward it. Very shortly, it became apparent that the owl was injured, as it tried to fly, but one of the wings wasn't working correctly...and it ended up running on the ground.
We called around, got ahold of the Wildlife Management services...and they were onsite early the next morning. They caught the bird, and delivered it to an injured Birds of Prey facility somewhere on the Front Range of Colorado.
So - in that sense, at least, I had a connection with Owls.
edit on 4/10/2014 by WanDash because: with

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 09:50 PM

reply to post by WanDash

Gean Roddenbeny made Star Trek right?

You do know the idea came from some data found in a computer the Gov had right? One day a cleaning being done and a file was found way back in the 60's!

That was one big computer and one very large file! No one knows How it got there so the story goes! I do not recall any computers that good back then, and if so. One would have needed 1,000,000 floppy disks to input the infomation!


I neither knew, nor had heard any of that.
Do you recall where you might have come upon this information?

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

That would be the one question we all ask ourselves in the end. Some sick and twisted God out there treating us like we do to cow's and chicken's! Lead to believe we have a soul that can not ever be taken away, or that some shiny Light comes down one day and saves us all!

We spent so much of our time wanting to be saved, cared for and loved! Yet most can not even love themselves! If one could Love themself First, this world would become perfect and One with Everything! We have 7 charkas, 5 sences and a Ego with Brain power!

Now its time for more Energy! Say another 3 added charkas, the six sence and Ego gets a cut-off for the time being! Since your mind can not grasps anything it does not know, it will try to create. It should be balancing the extra energy.

Our world is either expanding or falling in on itself, their is no other way! Stories about good vs evil, heaven or hell, do not apply in todays world. It's gone, outdated and needs to have a reset. Or a new Birth.

Even the idea that you are alive is questionable, yet we all feel the pain! Just what pain do you feel? Yours or Everyones? Extend it even more to the sky and sea, how do they feel? Extend it to other living things, and the planet we call Earth!

My pain is small comparied to what everything else is experencing. Best one could do is accept some of it and forget about themselves for the time being. Empath I Am! One of my Blessed Jobs! And sometimes my curse; I totally forget about myself.


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by Voyaging

What derail? Why not! Thats what opens the door to new awareness, and we do come back from time to time pleasing the Mods. Plus even I need to hear the 3 days since I thinks I might have gotten 5 days!

Actually more like a week! Time did not exist, I was in 3nd person view of things, myself and thought I was going nuts! I'm surprised Vet and Snarl stayed till the End!


posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 10:22 PM

reply to post by veteranhumanbeing

Hey Vet, can you talk more of the three days of sleep that everyone went through? I've always been interested in that since I have heard of it. You can pm me so we don't derail the thread if you want.

I absolutely can detail these occurances. I dont think there would be a problem here as this thread is very open minded. I just made some statements to WanDash that might change your opinion of my veracity/sanity you might want to read first. Im ready if you are to be witness to what happened (the 3 days of sleep; all humans and animals) in April of 2005 'the Christian Eastertime Celebration'.

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