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I dont want to work again... EVER!

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posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Find a job where you can permanently telecommute or some sort of self-employment where you can secure a solid 1-2,000/month USD. Then, move to a nation with a favorable exchange rate like Costa Rica or Thailand.

I guess you'd still be working but it's MUCH easier to save up for retirement and retire early in that situation.

If that sounds too simple, it's only because it is simple. That's why there is a drastically growing number of expats these days.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:23 PM
It's a bittersweet symphony, this life.
Try to make ends meet, your a slave to money, then you die.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Take a vacation, bro.

I retired at 35. Know what? There was nobody my age to spend all that time with. I was happy to get back into the workforce. Funny story there.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:14 PM
Agreed. Feudalistic slavery is exactly what we are involved in in today's modern Western world... despite some who love their particular "job."

A common-ownership system where our employment is making or maintaining society's needs and pleasures and everyone is loaned what they need as long as they need it is a goal I believe we can and will meet one day.

Once there is even more automation, the main needs will be maintenance, exploration, science and art.

Obviously we aren't quite ready yet for this "utopia," but the ideas are spreading and it just makes sense to live like we would want to and can... we just need to break out of our hierarchical Protestant Western brain-washing and re-create our world into someplace we love and are free in.

Free to a point, that is... our bodies make economic systems of some sort necessary, but a fair system that is pleasant for all is completely possible.

One person amassing endless wealth and goods will be a relic, but nobody will want for anything. It is complex, problematic and who knows how long it will take to execute... but it is a doable goal that's worth working for.
edit on 3/27/2014 by Baddogma because: editted for brevity

edit on 3/27/2014 by Baddogma because: pipe dream clarity

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:28 PM
Figure out what you love to do.Then figure out how to make money doing it.They say if you do what you enjoy it's not like working.

Best I can do on short notice.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:34 PM
I guess I am one of the few who want to work.

Without work, I tend to go stir crazy and think way to much for my own
There have been a couple of times where I found myself unemployed and was doing ok without a job, but...
I need to work.

I'll probably work until I drop dead, and never retire.
I enjoy working, no matter what job I have.

I make the best out of it and take pride in it,
and a job well done is it's own reward, however, I hear ya OP.

I just think I am the opposite, as I do not look forward to retiring ever.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:49 PM
if you do not want to work again then dont - simple you live in a country where everything is free [communist

free money from the system if you want -/free healthcare/housing

trip/fall at work then sue

develop a drink/drug problem and rake in the money every month then be a volunteer for something you like

you only live once so enjoy it the hardest thing i do is sign my name

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:58 PM
This guy claims to have it all figured out, but frankly I'm dubious... However, there might be some good ideas in there to play with! So - not recommending this as I have NO idea if it would work or is just a lucky deal this one person managed to pull off for himself but...since you asked...

The Four Hour Work Week

(The link is to a pdf, btw, I found it easily online. Hope its cool to post it.)

Good luck to you. I know absolutely how you feel. My husband and I make our own way in the world to some degree - not as easily as Mr. Four Hours but we do our best, and have less because of it. I work part-time in a job that doesn't pay very much but uses my music degree, he runs his own music studio/ musician business (i.e. produces recording projects and plays gigs). I run a website for charitable purposes (I make $0 for it other than extremely low book sales). We have our hands full with family issues on top of that. I cannot imagine trying to work outside the home more than I do!


posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:22 PM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

So, really your only option is to start your own business


Most people I know who are self employed work harder than most hard workers I know

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

If youve got some secret to not having to work, and keeping up with the cost of living increases over the future years...please clue us in. I could retire, but even with what I have saved, and what I have in my 401k ($50,000) what I may or may not get through Social Security....I dont see myself being able to quit working until Im 70. Even then, it will be tough for my wife and myself.

And everyone I know now, feels the same way. With whats getting cut, reduced, removed...and the increase in living going up and up...I dont see me and most everyone else I know plan to keep working past 65+.

Not because we want to...but because the way the economy increases and benefits DE-creases...we are going to have to.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 07:38 PM


I have been working now for years, I hate the idea of having to work these 40+ hour weeks for the rest of my life........

This is the inherent problem with our political and economic system. Those who work "full-time" for a decent wage are expected to put in a 5 day week, 8 hours a day. From the day you leave education to the day you retire. That and the fact that some people feel under pressure to work extra hours to prove themselves. Effectively reducing their rate of pay voluntarily and also boosting the unemployment figures because they choose to donate free time to the "company".

I once asked a former boss why he felt the need to come into work early and leave late all the time. He replied that it was necessary to show the commitment to the job and was rather annoyed when I said it may give the impression that he actually couldn't cope with the job because he was working 20 hours a week more than he was paid for. He also wouldn't take more than a week on leave because he liked to tell people how important he was. When the real reason was that he probably feared people would realise how unimportant he actually was.

We are stuck with a Victorian mindset when it comes to working hours and it remains the norm in a society where there is now a rich elite, the working class and the non-working class.

I could go on but I think I'll leave it there for now as it's past midnight and I still have 20% of my working week to complete.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:10 PM
they make you believe all your life you can't live the way you dream to live.

But that's a lie.

Just do it, it's that easy : you don't need so much savings to go to spend them on your tropical beach, but in a poor country, living the local way.

You'll help the local bringing them little cash for you that is huge cash for them

Then you'll find yourself reconnecting with nature and the true reality.

if you volunteer into ngo work with some local project (if you have real skills to share or don't bother) you can expect many many perks reducing even more your expenses.

If you can't find a way to make money from the web from time to time to keep going, especially if you have a family, you may have to go back a few month to the west every now & then to work and save.

it's so easy, trust me, 17 years of experience (& with a family since 4).
edit on 27-3-2014 by anHairInTheSoup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:51 PM
I see people complaining all the time about having to work like a slave, blah blah, wah wah.

What they don't get is that they choose to be a slave to the system because of the lifestyle choices they make.

- Want to live in that 2000 sq foot house in the convenience of the city, on a nice street, in a nice neighbourhood ?
- Want to live in that fancy high-rise with all the amenities smack dab in the most popular area of a city ?
- Want to upgrade your vehicle to a newer one every 5 years ?
- Want to watch a big screen tv with 200 channels to choose from ?
- Want to upgrade your electronic toys every few years ?
- Want to wear "fashionable" clothes ?
- Want to eat a good porterhouse steak and drink a fine wine on a regular basis ?
- Want to go out to the bars, restaurants, and theatres for entertainment every weekend ?
- Want to take holiday trips to tropical landscapes ?
- Want to keep buying "stuff" because it's purdy and shiny and new ?
- Want to continue buying "stuff" with credit because you don't have the cash to buy it, whether you need it or not ?

Then guess what... you're going to slave everyday for most of your adult life at some kind of job to pay for and keep up with those things.

Don't want to be a "working plebeian" all your life, then learn to downsize and live a minimalist lifestyle in a place that doesn't cost an arm and a leg to keep a roof over your head. You'll be able to work at a less stressful job, with less working hours, resulting in more free time on your hands.

No need to bring in a big fat paycheck to live a comfortable lifestyle.

Time to reassess your environment.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:56 PM
If you want to work less hours do not start your own business. Try lotto..

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Perhaps permacultureing is in your future. In your shoes, I might think about creating a sustainable environment to feed myself prior to quitting a job that you like.

What are you basic needs? (don't answer that, just a rhetorical question)

Can you fulfil them absent of the system?

Will that level of existence make you happy?

.............and most importantly (imo) ....... is there someone to share these adaptations and changes with you that you love and who loves you?

Good luck and good skill!

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:07 PM
I have felt the exact same way. Frankly, it takes balls to do that.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:14 PM

I guess I am one of the few who want to work.

Without work, I tend to go stir crazy and think way to much for my own
There have been a couple of times where I found myself unemployed and was doing ok without a job, but...
I need to work.

I'll probably work until I drop dead, and never retire.
I enjoy working, no matter what job I have.

I make the best out of it and take pride in it,
and a job well done is it's own reward, however, I hear ya OP.

I just think I am the opposite, as I do not look forward to retiring ever.

EXACTLY how I feel. I LOVE my job, Love the people.

Do I want to watch TV all day every day? NO
Do I want to sleep till noon every day? NO
Do I want to clean house all day every day? NO
Do yardwork... repairs... looki for stuff to occupy my time? NO

I WANT to work. I LIKE it.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:14 PM
I can appreciate how you could feel that way.

For me I couldn't be happier professionally..Getting paid very well in the career I chose 20 years ago, mentally working hard with pressure every day for a company that is making a difference in the world. I look forward to getting up every morning and going in to work. I look forward to putting in my 8+ hours and can't think of another thing i would rather do right now.

I realize how that isn't always the case for people so every day when I get up I go as hard as I can in my job to make sure I take nothing for granted. Plus it's a competitive world so their is no time to sit back and be content.

My plan is to go this way for the next 15 years or so then to retire out west to Bozeman, Montana and just decompress.
edit on 2014pAmerica/Chicago3109ppm by opethPA because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:32 PM
Woah, this thread touched home more than any other.

You got me thinking so much I gotta stop typing. :-|

Thank you, i think!

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Be careful of what you wish for. When I retired I thought at the time I was going to kick back and do whatever I wanted. That got pricey, since once you are retired, you are on a fixed income for the most part, and I got extremely bored aswell. Everyone I knew was still working. I had no social life the majority of the day.

So I went back to work...finding a job I enjoyed. (That was my first criteria), but then I ended up injuring myself and I'm back to being bored [Snipless]! It looks like I will never really work again. Even my hobbies aren't doing a whole lot.

You don't want to work ever again? Be prepared to be bored...a lot.

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