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Hot Topics: 15 Days

  1. Judge Postpones Trump Classified Docs Trial INDEFINITELY 153
  2. New Bombshell Evidence Strongly Suggests Trump was Set Up in Classified Docs Saga 78
  3. Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases From mRna Jab 70
  4. James O’Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. 68
  5. Chris Cuomo, who pushed vaccine shots on CNN, admits Moderna vaccine destroyed his health 66
  6. OBAMA ordered illegal SPYING on TRUMP and BIDEN ordered the illegal RAID on TRUMP. 52
  7. President BIDEN's FBI Raided Donald Trump's Florida Home for OBAMA-NORTH KOREA Documents. 48
  8. German city in chaos as 'extremist' march sees calls for 'caliphate' and ISIS-style flags 44

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Top Topics: 45 Days

  1. New Bombshell Evidence Strongly Suggests Trump was Set Up in Classified Docs Saga 47
  2. President BIDEN's FBI Raided Donald Trump's Florida Home for OBAMA-NORTH KOREA Documents. 40
  3. Trump Just Paid Off Murdered NYPD Cop, Jonathan Diller, Family's Mortgage 38
  4. Is there a hole at the North Pole? 36
  5. Judge Postpones Trump Classified Docs Trial INDEFINITELY 36
  6. -@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44-- 35
  7. Ashley Biden's 'INAPPROPRIATE SHOWERS WITH DADDY' Diary is Real--DOJ 35
  8. Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases From mRna Jab 35
  9. 23,000 Dead People Registered Within a Two Week Period In One State 34
  10. George Knapp AMA on DI 34
  11. Breaking Baltimore, ship brings down bridge, mass casualties 33
  12. It has begun... Iran begins attack on Israel, launches tons of drones towards the country 32
  13. German city in chaos as 'extremist' march sees calls for 'caliphate' and ISIS-style flags 30
  14. Chris Cuomo, who pushed vaccine shots on CNN, admits Moderna vaccine destroyed his health 30
  15. Democrats' fight against democracy goes into overdrive 29
  16. Alabama Man Detonated Explosive Device Outside of the State Attorney General’s Office 27
  17. The US Supreme Court Appears to Side With the January 6th 2021 Capitol Protestors. 27
  18. British TV Presenter Refuses To Use Guest's Preferred Pronouns 26
  19. James O’Keefe: I have evidence that exposes the CIA, and it’s on camera. 26
  20. OBAMA ordered illegal SPYING on TRUMP and BIDEN ordered the illegal RAID on TRUMP. 26

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