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New ObamaCare "Fees" coming in 2014

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posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:03 PM
I have held from day one that this is one that this would be total disaster, and have people (even family) go into rabid attack mode.
I would just smile and proffer that 'maybe I'm wrong'.
Those people are whining their bums off now, and none of them seem to remember our former conversations!

Not only was it designed to re-tax the tax payers ( our taxes pay for Medicaid, people who receive Medicaid get tax refunds, even if their 'income' is our tax dollars in the form of Welfare) but our premiums will cover 'those of a certain income level' double jeopardy. Everybody is going to want (as TPTB are well aware of) to do anything to stop this madness, thus our next president is pretty much guaranteed
to be republican.
Which one is what I wonder....

( PLEASE don't tell me that the American people are mentally challenged enough to want 'Billary' in charge of ANYTHING!)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:04 PM
Sounds like to me all the doom-sayers on the A.C.A are starting to fade out. Are they starting to realise that given a chance it will probably work.

I would suggest you find a new subject, before you haft to eat crow............

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Well let add that great news to the fact that now my husband retirement pay will be cut because the government seems to think that military retirees makes to much money, America the land of the opportunity only if you are on welfare and work for pennies on the dollar, If I could be so lucky.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:09 PM

Sounds like to me all the doom-sayers on the A.C.A are starting to fade out. Are they starting to realise that given a chance it will probably work.

I would suggest you find a new subject, before you haft to eat crow............

You're kidding, right?

We've been shown to be right every step of the way!

In the immortal words of Ben Franklin, "Winner-winner, chicken-dinner!"

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by hoss53

Sorry to burst your bubble, but ACA is just getting heated and the debate just starting specially when is going to cause a lot of seats in the next mid term elections (meaning of shift of majority seats) and let no forget the next elections chances for Billary to become president. he, he.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:19 PM
finally...a thread about bashing the's just so hard to find one here on ATS....and all the info is so factual, and balanced. it's a shame really, after all those republicans tried to help get this going, the funding needed to make it work, the cooperation between parties, and now look what's happening!...good thing we have just a couple of astute republicans here to finally!!...finally!!!!....tell us that it is not working right.....thank you, thank you.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

I do not agree with this. The evidence is clear - when the ACA was passed the democrats were in complete control. A single payor system could have been passed. Nearly all democrats agree a single payor system is superior to the system passed. There was no need for subterfuge.

The reason single payor was not passed is simple, congress is NOT interested in what is best for their constituents, they are interested in what is best for themselves - ie the insurance, and medical lobby bribing them. If you cannot see how this horrific rewrite of our medical system is legalized corporate theft, you are either willfully ignorant or stupid.

edit on 26-12-2013 by proximo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Just work under the table and/or buy and resell things. No way to track that income.

The implementation of the ACA/Obamacare is not looking pretty right now. All the research I've done seems like it does nothing to make healthcare affordable to the middle-class, instead it increases the 'tax' obligation to the middle class, to those who are already stretched thin.

It is madness and hopefully one day the US can enjoy first world health care that will not bankrupt the working man.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:36 PM

finally...a thread about bashing the's just so hard to find one here on ATS....and all the info is so factual, and balanced. it's a shame really, after all those republicans tried to help get this going, the funding needed to make it work, the cooperation between parties, and now look what's happening!...good thing we have just a couple of astute republicans here to finally!!...finally!!!!....tell us that it is not working right.....thank you, thank you.

Well Umm uhh...

What IS working right anyway ?

Pres. Obama in 2009 says that Obamacare is not a Tax (September 20, 2009).

Obama in 2009: "Absolutely Not a Tax Increase"

In 2010 Gibbs tried to defend Obama's pledge that he wouldn't raise taxes from healthcare (August 3, 2010).

Gibbs 2010: Obamacare is Not a Tax

And Then....OOps !

Supreme Court upholds Obamacare individual mandate as a tax

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Most of us Americans here on ATS are a unique group. One thing that makes us different that most is our memory goes back further than 2 weeks. The lack of long-term memory has enabled politicians to break promises and still get re-elected(sometimes for a bigger seat) for my entire lifetime.


... The evidence is clear - when the ACA was passed the democrats were in complete control. A single payor system could have been passed. Nearly all democrats agree a single payor system is superior to the system passed. There was no need for subterfuge.

The reason single payor was not passed is simple, congress is NOT interested in what is best for their constituents, they are interested in what is best for themselves - ie the insurance, and medical lobby bribing them. If you cannot see how this horrific rewrite of our medical system is legalized corporate theft, you are either willfully ignorant or stupid.

This is how I see it, I'd say most are willfully ignorant and will not realize this until after it hits them financially. Then they blame the Democrats, the Republicans get in power and the cycle repeats itself.

In my opinion the only way to stop this vicious cycle is to vote all Democrats and Republicans out of office and try to put those who are willing to serve those who elected them.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:02 PM

Sounds like to me all the doom-sayers on the A.C.A are starting to fade out. Are they starting to realise that given a chance it will probably work.

I would suggest you find a new subject, before you haft to eat crow............

So the fact that my insurance premium has DOUBLED under Obamacare, with no increase in coverage, except pregnancy coverage (I'm 64) and with a greater deductible is just some Republicans lying to me, right?

You think the "doom-sayers" are fading out? Seriously? And you live on planet Earth?????

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by jrod

You do have a point in that, if the GOP takes the Senate then the White House, I think we'll still have some form of "Obamacare".

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:18 PM

Sounds like to me all the doom-sayers on the A.C.A are starting to fade out. Are they starting to realise that given a chance it will probably work.

I would suggest you find a new subject, before you haft to eat crow............

Do you get out much? Or maybe your only source of News is NPR and Huffington Post.
But, I think you're just Trolling Really.

A CNN/ORC International survey released Thursday also indicates that President Barack Obama may be dragging down Democratic congressional candidates, and that the 2014 midterm elections are shaping up to be a low-turnout event, with only three in 10 registered voters extremely or very enthusiastic about voting next year.

The 13-point swing over the past two months follows a political uproar over Obamacare, which included the botched rollout of and controversy over the possiblity of insurance policy cancelations due primarily to the new health law.

GOP has Edge in polls
And other Obamacare articles that prove you Wrong!
Obamacare Fees for 2014
After a month of trying
Patchwork of Obamacare

Because of a quirk in the Affordable Care Act's drafting, the Northern Mariana Islands and the four other American territories are subject to some parts of the law but not others. This has messed up the individual market in the Northern Mariana Islands so badly that the one plan selling policies there told the territory's top insurance commissioner it would not sell new plans for 2014.
In other words: Beginning Jan. 1, regulators expect it will be literally impossible for an individual to buy a new policy in the Northern Mariana Islands, and difficult in other territories.

Obamaca re So Sloppily Drafted

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:30 PM

reply to post by jrod

You do have a point in that, if the GOP takes the Senate then the White House, I think we'll still have some form of "Obamacare".

The current form of "Obamacare" is very similar to what the Republicans countered with when "HillaryCare" came close to passing. Not many people remember that.

Both Republican and Democrats do not serve the common citizen, the serve the corporate 'machine' that essentially buys legislation that favors them. ObamaCare is a gift to the insurance industry, the opposition to it by Republicans is nothing but a show. When the average voter realizes how much ObamaCare is going to cost them, they will likely blame Obama and Democrats, thus assuring more Republicans in office the next election, then a few years down the road something will pass that is unpopular and rips off the working man, Republicans get blamed and Democrats find themselves the majority in DC. That is how the cycle works.

It will never end unless we can break the two party system.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:35 PM

I am of the opinion that the ACA was never intended to "work". It was designed to fail and it was designed to get Americans talking about healthcare.

We will eventually see a single-payer system like the European countries and Canada have. America just wasn't ready to make that leap, so something in between that fails was needed.

When it starts to really fall apart Americans will scream "save us!" .... Enter the single-payer system.

VERY expensive way to start a conversation.
When you are spending other peoples money.... who cares, right?

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by jrod

I would only counter that the insurance companies will also get the shaft when it proves untenable to pay for and government buys them out, thus securing single-payer under the guise of a sham choice in the market.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by beezzer

What is so bad about a single-payer system? Or perhaps a government standard type of insurance that would still enable private insurance companies to exist?

I think those who write the rules think they can get away with it. All they have to do is demonize the single payer system and sell the idea that insurance companies making obscene profits it the American Way and those who oppose that are evil socialist, communists, ect....

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:05 PM

reply to post by beezzer

What is so bad about a single-payer system? Or perhaps a government standard type of insurance that would still enable private insurance companies to exist?

I think those who write the rules think they can get away with it. All they have to do is demonize the single payer system and sell the idea that insurance companies making obscene profits it the American Way and those who oppose that are evil socialist, communists, ect....

Like I stated in a previous post in this thread, single-payer won't work in America unless you restructure what doctors get, what nurses get, what any medical professional gets. Also, the basic structure of hospitals, and "for-profit" would have to be restructured in the way hospitals are owned and they pay their share-holders.

Too many people would have to change from, "I determine what my services are worth" to "the government determines what my services are worth".

Single-payer works in Canada because the government owns most of the hospitals.

The US Constitution enables Americans to self-determine. Self-sovereign, self-rule is a cornerstone to the freedoms that we have.

In order for single-payer to be successful in America, you'd have to basically re-write the US Constitution.

I know that there are a great many people on this site that may be able to more eloquently phrase what I have written, I am no Constitutional scholar, but even my most puerile understanding grasps the fundamental changes that would have to occur to enable single-payer.
edit on 26-12-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by jrod

I agree, I also believe that ACA is bound to fail within the end of the next year, specially when the mid term elections hit the political parties.

What was the biggest accomplishment of the first black American president will become his worst nightmare and legacy.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:09 PM
I seriously hope that romneycare works out for americans, better health care and a better education should be the number one priority for the people of the usa.

Im kinda hoping that the republicains win the white house next election, and see them keep romneycare

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