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51 Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan Suffering Thyroid Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Tumors After Participati

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posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:48 PM

reply to post by wishes

So So So,
when you are soooooo educated in the US-Law you should know
that they sued Tepco-USA because there is no one here in Japan
who want/ will to listen to a US Court Decision, what they decide
is not legally binding here in Japan, they try to sue the legal Body
of the US Tepco!

The Case was dismissed because of Stupidity:

Garner originally submitted the case a year ago. A federal judge in Southern California granted the company’s Nov. 26 motion to dismiss the case, but Garner and the sailors will have another chance, he told Navy Times.

Garner agreed to drop some of the allegations in the lawsuit, including a conspiracy charge, and said the judge would reconsider the case in the new year.

Navy Source

edit on 16-2-2014 by Human0815 because: see edit

I'm not following this law suit so there's no reason I 'should know' anything about it. The "Navy" link is not working and I have no clue if you've 'jumped' discussions, i.e. lawsuits. There are probably several law suits flying all over the place from this. The lawsuit you previously referenced was dismissed because they had NO jurisdiction.

Like I said, they (and anyone) can file lawsuits anytime - they can file a thousand lawsuits in the US - but if the court has no jurisdiction it will CONTINUALLY be dismissed. There is NO such thing as a law suit being dismissed on the grounds of "stupidity" - that is an opinion, not a fact of law. And I'm in Canada, not the US - but jurisdiction is jurisdiction is jurisdiction no matter where.

If you want 'facts' you'll have to dig up the actual court documents and read the actual judge's decisions. If the prosecutor made a motion to dismiss it because of jurisdiction and the judge ruled in that favor then that's the way it goes. Just because someone files a lawsuit doesn't mean it gets anywhere! The judge can entertain all they like - if the prosecution makes another motion to dismiss it next time on grounds of jurisdiction and it has legal merit it will again get dismissed. There's nothing like defense lawyers making a lot of noise about law suits - they get paid by the hour and the more time they waste on behalf of clients the richer they become! Prosecutors are on salary... Defense lawyers gain in their bank accounts by throwing out law suit after law suit usually knowing full well when they won't get anywhere.

I'm not saying this defense lawyer for these guys is doing that, I'm not following this law suit details and don't care to. The legal system in North America is very similar and lawyers get rich for a reason. I don't believe these guys will get anywhere in the US - if for no other reason they belong to the military and why aren't they suing in military court? I don't believe a civil court in the US will ultimately entertain a law suit from military personnel while on duty - they are quite separate and distinct - but if they file more papers then it will go before more judges and they can do that for decades and still get nowhere.

Suing Tepco is just as hard - Who is supposed to get sued as the owner? Shareholders? Government? These corporations are set up by lawyers and are well protected from lawsuits and liability. They're all playing with us, we have no recourse because they've set it up that way. Who can afford to hire lawyers to take Tepco to court? No one I know!

I wish these guys all the success they can possibly get with this, they need it!

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 01:34 AM
@Wishes, find the link: 0.0004 Seconds, Domo for Google& Fliends

Their Lawyer is just wrong,
with such a stupid Claim they cant win a Lawsuit in the US!

Also Tepco never said everything is fine or there is no Melt-Down,
they just don't use the Word because they had no confirmation.

Everyone here in Japan knew that the Cores are molten!

As i wrote already the Ship is a nuclear Powered Warship,
equipped to work and fight in a nuclear Apocalypse and they
don't need "Information" from Tepco because they have much better
Detecters on Board!

According to the Navy Files none of the Soldiers of Operation Tomodachi
got more than ca. 5 mRem Air Dosage.

I hope this People who suffer find medical help asap
but it look a bit strange!

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:30 AM

@Wishes, find the link: 0.0004 Seconds, Domo for Google& Fliends

Their Lawyer is just wrong,
with such a stupid Claim they cant win a Lawsuit in the US!

Also Tepco never said everything is fine or there is no Melt-Down,
they just don't use the Word because they had no confirmation.

Everyone here in Japan knew that the Cores are molten!

As i wrote already the Ship is a nuclear Powered Warship,
equipped to work and fight in a nuclear Apocalypse and they
don't need "Information" from Tepco because they have much better
Detecters on Board!

According to the Navy Files none of the Soldiers of Operation Tomodachi
got more than ca. 5 mRem Air Dosage.

I hope this People who suffer find medical help asap
but it look a bit strange!

The previous link was/still is not working, the one in this post works fine.
That article says they had until January 6 to amend their complaint. It is now February 17 - that is old and outdated news, how is that relevant now?
Yes, the Navy files and the Tepco files will all say they are sick from something other than Fukushima, that's how they (multinationals, governments, energy industries, etc.) play the game - deny, deny, deny.

I still say the US will say they have no jurisdiction and they'll have to go against Tepco in Japan or go to an International Court - either way the military and Japan are going to say there 'was' no high dose radiation which most of us know and agree that is only one of the many, many lies. I'm sure they're all sick from the egg sandwich and it's just a coincidence it happened at that time in that place *sarcasm*.

They will be left to fend for themselves and brushed under the rug - can't let any real truth get out, people might begin to wake up...

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by wishes

I just got the answer:

TEPCO was served with the lawsuit in Washington.
If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know.

And now Bow.

20 Years Jura, Rofl!

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 10:58 AM

reply to post by wishes

I just got the answer:

TEPCO was served with the lawsuit in Washington.
If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know.

And now Bow.

20 Years Jura, Rofl!

Why are you CONTINUALLY immature and insist on making PERSONAL digs at every turn! What do you mean "bow"? Bow to you? How arrogant and egotistical you are thinking you're so much better than everyone else - this isn't 'your' forum to abuse other posters for your entertainment! Grow up! What are you, 15?

For one, you give no source or what this refers to who served who? What was the case, the same or a new/different one?; For two I already said at least twice if not three times you can start lawsuits ANYWHERE - "IF" they will stick is the bigger question! So what if they were served in Washington? It means nothing yet you think you've won the lottery! Will it hold up in court is THE question or GET THROWN OUT! And what does it matter anyway? Is so irrelevant, you just want to pick away at anything and everything anyone ever says - that's why it's mostly YOU left on all these forums in case you haven't noticed - your attitudes are really pathetic and a turn-off for everyone.

You just can't let anyone post and sit with it, you have to snark back time after time after time. You are the reason these threads come to a grinding halt - not because you're right, because you're rude and in everyone's 'face' so to speak with insults and attitudes. That you get away with it time and again amazes me. The entire Japan forum has your attitude in virtually every thread and virtually every thread is.... stalled.... congratulations on a job well done - not because you're right, because you aren't - because you're persistently annoying and intrusive and rude. You continually go after the player, not the ball and that speaks volumes for your lack of emotional maturity.

Have at it - the entire forum is yours to talk to yourself in... no one likes talking with you because you're simply nasty to people.

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by wishes


it was you who created this,
you started to be noisy and said that my Info is wrong
(that Tepco get sued in the USA/ Washington and not in Nippon)


Edit: Why do you not stop to post Bs?

Your wrong claims create Fear and Anger,
both will eat your soul alive when you not take care of it.

People like you killed more People than this whole Accident!
edit on 18-2-2014 by Human0815 because: see it

Here, i will show you the Reason, you wrote:


There is absolutely no basis to think TEPCO should (or even could) be sued in the US just like was already said - with corporations their "head office" is where they are "served" with any law suits - their "head office" is in Japan! Read your own post! Having an 'office' in another country does not make that office culpable. The incident happened from Japan, the company's head office is in Japan, the company is now controlled by the Japan government. The US sailors could try and sue the US for putting them in harm's way - but they cannot sue the US for the 'harm' because the harm is Japan's responsibility even though they don't admit to anything unless caught lying.

Do you see how wrong you are

edit on 18-2-2014 by Human0815 because: quote to the Topic

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Human0815

New mantra -go after the ball, not the player!
How dare you accuse me of 'killing' anyone! It is when people downplay the seriousness of everything and people feel like they're safe, when they're not, that real dangers occur! I'd go with "better to be safe than sorry" any day! If I believed Tepco and lived in Japan I'd be at HIGH risk for dying!
What I posted was absolutely true, if you can prove what I said (that if a court does not have jurisdiction it will get thrown out and that anyone can file any lawsuit anywhere but it doesn't mean it 'sticks') then go ahead and prove it otherwise let it go and move on. More personal attacks is so ridiculously immature and inappropriate.
You did not provide a link for the source or clarify 'what' was filed in Washington and served - it could be 'anything'. It could be a whole new lawsuit for something completely different.
My apologies for all other posters in this Japan forum - I too am most saddened that the opportunity for real discussion has been quashed at every turn.

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 12:07 PM
Stop the personal sniping now


(post by Human0815 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 10 2014 @ 07:50 AM
I don't know if this has been posted , but I'll post it:

In transcribed telephone conversations between U.S. based federal government officials, nuclear authorities, U.S. embassy officials in Tokyo and military staff in the Pacific Command (PACOM) made available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the U.S. government response to the nuclear crisis can be seen in real-time as it played out over the course of the first month of the crisis:

ADMIRAL DONALD: (...) Earlier this evening, as the USS Ronald Reagan was operating off the coast of Japan, we - the ship just arrived. We had given the ship some guidance as far as positioning was concerned to stay clear of the area of the potential plume, basically told her to stay 50 miles outside of the radius of the -- 100 miles -- excuse me -- 50 miles radius outside of the plant and then 100 miles along the plume with a vector of 45 degrees. The ship was adhering to that requirement and detected some activity about two and a half times above normal airborne activity using on-board sensors on the aircraft carriers. So that indicated that they had found the plume and it was probably more significant than what we had originally thought. The second thing that has happened is we have had some helicopters conducting operations from the aircraft carrier and one of the helicopters came back from having stopped on board the Japanese command ship in the area, and people who had been on -- were on the helicopter who had walked on the deck of the ship, were monitored and had elevated counts on their feet, 2500 counts per minute. But I wanted to get you guys on the line and my expert on the line so we can get the data and then the proper people notified.

MR. PONEMAN: Okay, I have a couple of questions. Number one, in terms of the level of radiation that you are picking up, what's the delta between that and any information we have from the Japanese or other sources of what the level of radiation would be, given the venting and so forth that we know has occurred?

MR. MUELLER: So -- this is Mueller -- the sample that was taken and then what we detected, we were 100 nautical miles away and it's -- in our terms it's -- compared to just normal background it's about 30 times what you would detect just on a normal air sample out at sea. And so we thought -- we thought based on what we had heard on the reactors that we wouldn't detect that level even at 25 miles. So it's much greater than what we had thought. We didn't think we would detect anything at 100 miles.

MR.. PONEMAN: You didn't think you'd detect anything at 100 miles. Okay, and then in terms of the regulations and so forth of people operating in these kinds of areas, I forget some you know, acronym for it, PAG (Protective Action Guidelines) or something, how do the levels detected compare with what is permissible?

MR. MUELLER: If it were a member of the general public, it would take -- well, it would take about 10 hours to reach a limit, a PAG limit.

MUELLER: Right. For a member of the public.

PONEMAN: Right. You mean, at the level you detected?

MR. MUELLER: Yes sir. But 10 hours, it's a thyroid dose issue.

MR. PONEMAN: Okay, but the net of all this is that the amount of release that is detected by these two episodes whatever you would call them, is significantly higher than anything you would have expected what you have been reading from all sources?

MR. MUELLER: Yes sir. The number specific number we detected was 2.5 the times 10 to the 88 minus nine microcuries per milliliter, airborne, and that's particulate airborne. It is -- we did not take radioiodide samples so I don't know that value, but this is particulate airborne...

MR. PONEMAN: Tell me again exactly how you picked up these two forms of samples.

MR. MUELLER: We have automatic detectors in the plant that picked up -- picked up the airborne, and all of our continuous monitors alarmed at the same level, at this value. And then we took portable air samples on the flight desk and got the same value.

ADMIRAL DONALD: These are normally running continuous detectors, continuous monitors that run in the engine room all the time, monitoring our equipment.

MR. PONEMAN: These are detectors on the Reagan?

ADMIRAL DONALD: On the Ronald Reagan, correct.

MR. MUELLER: Yes sir.

MR. PONEMAN: On the Ronald Reagan. They are there because you have got equipment there that you know, it could emit stuff and while you were there, you picked up stuff that was ambient which indicated that you actually were in the plume?

MR. MUELLER: That's correct.

MR. PONEMAN: And this was -- this was 30 times higher than what you would have expected?

MR. MUELLER: Yes sir.9

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:55 AM
The first of the Ronald Reagan sailors suing TEPCO has succumbed to a rare form of cancer.

One down and seventy to go. his-leg-muscles-forced-to-retire-blames-fukushima-radiation

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: Psynic

I remember watching two of the containment units exploding into plumes of smoke and debris. This was from a security camera or amateur videographer.
If U.S. Carriers detected and were affected about a hundred miles off shore, then by now all the food chain in the Northern and Equatorial Pacific is contaminated.
Perhaps this is why starfish are turning into goo. This makes me mad because I love seafood.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Kratos40

It's not just sea stars.

The Canadian west coast Sardine fishery, a multi-million dollar enterprise, was called off this year when they failed to find a single sardine.

Whales, Dolphins, Sea Lions, Polar Bears, Tuna, Marlin, Salmon, Pelicans are just some of the species being decimated by the three reactors continuing in meltdown in Japan.

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 08:24 AM
The lack of concern for the crew exposed to Fukushima fallout and dying from bizarre forms of cancer blows my mind.

Seems everyone would just like to pretend it isn't happening.

What happened to 'Support our troops'?

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Psynic

Can't find anything on the subject since early last year.

I must have missed the memo.

ixnay on the dying aillorsay?

posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 09:09 PM
Well I found an update on the situation.

It claimed 500 of the Reagan's crew are now suffering from acute radiation sickness.

Six recent thyroid removals.

Horrible symptoms of tennis ball sized testicles and swollen and discoloured limbs.

Can anyone disprove or confirm this report?

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 10:15 PM
Der Spiegel has a most excellent article on the fate of the USS Ronald Reagan sailors.

The title of this thread mentions 51 crew suffering from some form of radiation sickness or another.

That number has shot up to 247 stricken men and women who were aboard the Aircraft carrier when it was attending to the earthquake and Tsunami at Fukushima.

Worse, 247 victims does not include the still births and abortions happening to Navy parents.

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