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Wage Strikes Planned at Fast Food Outlets in 100 US Cities on Thursday (12/5/13)

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posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by stargatetravels

Sure, they have the right to strike.
Employers also have the right to fire them if they do.

See how that works?

Look how Hostess worked out. They striked, Hostess folded. They simply could not afford to pay what the strikers demanded. but how about the Hostess Corporate? You do realize, they got theirs. And, they got rid of the over-payed, ever demanding more Union workers. Bye bye job history, bye bye pensions. Yeah, that really worked out well.

So go on, talk yourself out of a job. Even minimum wage as it is now is better than zero wage.

But people don't think longterm, and refuse to see the entire picture.

Reagan fired a lot of air traffic controllers. The country survived. Do you think with the amount of people claiming to be looking for jobs, desperate to make ANYTHING, McDonald's is going to fret over firing people.

Heh. Some will probably be grateful to have a reason to fire some employees. Who in their right mind, in this economy, would even consider risking a job? Half the country is unemployed!

But, go on. Picket, and if you find yourself part of a mass firing, don't whine. Since you aren't happy with your job, some employers are likely going to rid you of that burden.

edit on 4-12-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by stargatetravels

Oh, by all means...strike until your heart is content. But, be prepared to live with the consequences of said action.

The worker can strike. The business can fire them. Freedom for each.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

Another aspect to union caused shut downs that rarely gets mentioned....

Severence packages for upper management and execs. while the 'little people' get pink slips in their christmas stockings. [maybe a couple weeks worth of pay if they were long term employees, if they are lucky]

I seen alot of that happen in Wichita [a heavily unionized city] right before we left.

edit on 4-12-2013 by palmalBlue2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:00 AM

In not so many words, natural selection. There is no point for one fail to breed three more into the world to rinse and repeat, multiplying w/ each generation.

You are describing the movie 'Idiocracy'. Excellent movie. And probably rather prophetic.
Those who shouldn't have kids ... over breed.
Those who could do a good job/afford them ... don't have them.
The world gets overrun by McDonalds workers and has a shortage of doctors and engineers.
But the McDonalds workers expect the few doctors and engineers to take care of everything.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:03 AM

So you don't believe that workers have the right to take strike action to improve their pay and conditions?

Sure. Have at it.

The SMART thing to do would be for these people to try to get their continued educations paid for. Have the fast food place pay for them to take college courses (or to get GEDs) so they could raise themselves up.

But threatening not to flip burgers for a day??? That's not going anywhere. The company can fire them and, in an instant, replace them with other non-skilled labor. It's easy.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:06 AM

reply to post by Libertygal

Another aspect to union caused shut downs that rarely gets mentioned....

Severence packages for upper management and execs. while the 'little people' get pink slips in their christmas stockings. [maybe a couple weeks worth of pay if they were long term employees, if they are lucky]

I seen alot of that happen in Wichita [a heavily unionized city] right before we left.

edit on 4-12-2013 by palmalBlue2 because: (no reason given)

Absolutely. Unions HAD an important role in employment standards for everyone, but their usefulness died out a long time ago. People took a good thing and monopolized on it, literally ruining it for everyone. What was once a good thing has turned sour, and only a few are willing to admit it.

There will always be disparity among the "big guy" vs the "little guy", and the solution to that is if you aren't happy working for someone else, start your own business. Then, treat people how you want to be treated. Some start out that way, like Walmart did, but after Walton died, the company took a decidedly different direction. But, I digress.

Jobs, like Walmart, flipping burgers, etc., are what is known as "entry level positions". These were never meant to be carreers, not even management. These jobs serve two purposes.
1. Teach young people HOW to have a job, be responsible, and show up on time. Then, you take what you learned, and move on.
2. Jobs for seniors on Social Security that either need some extra income, or want something to do to feel productive.

The saddest part of all of this is the Seniors. Raising minimum wage will likely end any possibility of them having a job if they need a little extra money. Too much income, and they lose their SS. But, no one is even thinking, nor speaking about that. Instead, it will force formerly self-sufficient folks onto the government dole, too, right where this administration wants them.

That means higher taxes for all, higher food stamp enrollment, and further destruction of the country from within, and less disposeable income for everyone.

This is, afterall, by design.

edit on 4-12-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Almost everywhere, GED classes can be found for free. Taking the test costs what, 10-15 dollars? I think just about any employer would be willing to do that, but I bet more parents would.

The problem isn't expense. It's lack of willingness to take action, laziness and simply not wanting to DO more. Many people do the minimum they can on a job, forcing others to pick up their slack. This is totally intentional, and known as people that are "just here for a paycheck".

These are also the same people that want a 40k a year job for nothing, having no skills, because they somehow feel entitled. Too many people feel they deserve a lot for little in return, and refuse to actually earn it.

College though? I simply cannot imagine any McDonalds, or any other entry level type company with a high rollover in employment, paying for college.

There are lots of other ways to do that.

edit on 4-12-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

I got most of my college degree for free. My family couldn't afford college. I couldn't get loans.
So I went into the Army (as a chaplain assistant - all paperwork and no 'grunt' work). I got my
Psychology degree almost totally paid for that way, and I earned a paycheck and got on-the-job
training at the same time.

There are ways to get a degree. I found one. Others can find ways ...

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Exactly, we agree. But not McDonald's, Wendy's, or even Walmart. The return on the investment isn't worth it to the company. They will be paying for college for you to leave for a better job! The rollover rate on employees is far too high.

Not only do people have military as an option, but even healthcare in most states will provide grants for nurses who are willing to sign a two year contract.

Same with most police forces. They will go for a 4 year degree, if you sign a contract.

Lots of free ways to get college degrees, but people don't want to do the work. It's hard, takes time, and requires a commitment.

The types of people that find themselves carreer burger flippers are not likely candidates, or we would not even be having this discussion!

They simply want more, for little. They want simple, and want to get paid for it, because someone told them all their lives how special they are.

Some people are simply not able to strive for higher education due to education disabilities, or what have you.

I think the problem is two pronged, though, for the most part. The want it now generation, and simple laziness.

Hard to fix either of those.

edit on 4-12-2013 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

I"m just saying that if these workers really wanted to 'get ahead', they'd be asking for that benefit instead of something impossible like $15 an hour. And the company would be more likely to pay for college classes (part or all) then the raise to $15 an hour because not many workers would actually take advantage of the free college classes but everyone would get the raise. So I'd think the companies might actually go for the free college classes for employees as a benefit, knowing that not many folks would go for it AND knowing it would be a great PR campaign for them.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 11:42 AM
Do they not realize if their pay doubles everything else will follow. Well DUHHH!!! Thats the way it works ya know.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by mikell

The cost everything has already gone up and then up again... and yet again all without wage increases. No, it's not career material jobs that's for sure, but it's all that is available to too large a portion of the population, we can't ignore that and just dismiss people as lazy and wanting handouts.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 12:30 PM


But I think these humongous global companies such as McDonald's could afford to pay their workers more and not pose much of a financial risk.

I'm not sure how that works. Aren't each of the McDonalds or Wendys or _____ (fill in fast food place of choice), owned independently? They are still part of the chain and have to follow the chain rules and pay the main company a certain amount, but isn't each restaurant bought and owned individually??

I"m not sure .... But I think that's what I remember reading ...

Some are and some are not. McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's etc., all do offer franchises, but those companies are not exclusively franchised out. McDonald's owns many of their restaurants, with franchisees either taking over a McDonald's controlled location or buying out an existing franchisee. According to their website, the conditions of obtaining a franchise are very strict and even acquiring one from an existing franchisee requires the permission of McDonald's. They pay McDonald's an upfront fee, a monthly rent for the property, and 4% of sales.

I could not determine this for sure, but I would assume that those McDonald's locations under control of a franchisee probably pay their employees through a dba, so it would come out of the specific store's income.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 12:42 PM

reply to post by stargatetravels

Sure, they have the right to strike.
Employers also have the right to fire them if they do.

See how that works?

Look how Hostess worked out. They striked, Hostess folded. They simply could not afford to pay what the strikers demanded. but how about the Hostess Corporate? You do realize, they got theirs. And, they got rid of the over-payed, ever demanding more Union workers. Bye bye job history, bye bye pensions. Yeah, that really worked out well.

Incorrect, the main reason they went under was the vulture capitalism borrowed so much that the company could never pay it all back.

You either lying or have no clue about the college educations you all are going on about. People with degrees can't find good jobs because there are so few good jobs. People with degrees already work at walmart and burger king!!

How is it ok that the government is helping the rich get richer pumping money into the stock market, when half the population can't participate in the stock market because they don't make a livable wage?

How is it that its ok the Americas larges employer doesn't pay a livable wage so there employees are forced to get government assistance, and walmart isn't taxed extra for this?

edit on 4-12-2013 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:31 PM


Neither. Cut taxes, cut free handouts. Very simple really.

Cut tax and handouts - So how then would people survive? By training up to be lawyers? Get real.

Why not, many already do. Sadly this is the best defense you got??? Even sadder this is the mindset of millions.

Its not a defence when its pointing out holes in your logic. If people cant work and earn a living wage then why not just sit on your ass and get welfare? What is the point of working at all if there's no personal benefit?

And the paying people to do nothing is wrong. It is theft from me, and slavery to the one receiving it.

But its okay for fast food companies to thieve your tax dollar's because they wont pay their staff a living wage? Hilarious. You must be very deluded in your viewing of the world.

You, the tax payer, are paying for fast food companies labour force.

And it is wrong both ways.

What else do you got?

Yes, but your advocating that people should neither receiving a living wage OR receive top-up's on their minimum wage paychecks, its not "What else have i got" but "Thanks Searchlights, i didn't realise i completely misunderstand basic economics and the human need to survive in the modern era"

You're welcome, always happy to teach.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:34 PM

reply to post by Kali74

I think I already stated this.

Cut taxes, stop handouts to companies and people.

That doesnt solve anything.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:44 PM
15.00/hour is @ 30,000 a year.

Do you know how much the average franchise OWNER makes?

Owning a fast food franchise can take a significant investment, and many owners work 60 or 70 hours per week when starting out. Some even go on to purchase additional franchises, once they have their restaurants operating efficiently with experienced managers. Fast food franchise owners oversee all operations of their restaurants, including food preparation, customer service, inventory and storage. They also closely manage their labor and food costs to maximize profits. These franchise owners earn incomes averaging just below $50,000.

So average 65 hours per week.

Average income 50,000.

65 x 52 = 3380 hours.

50,000 / 3380 = 14 dollars and 80 cents/hour.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:45 PM

reply to post by SearchLightsInc

I will never understand people that are willing to work at a job 40 hours a week if they need more. What's wrong with getting another job? What is wrong with bettering ones self so they CAN?

You must be very unaware of something that happens to every human beings on this planet, Its called "Life"
"Life" happens and it means that not all of us can be well paid, well skilled human beings. There are many obstacles in the way. You shouldnt need this explaining to you.

Why is it that when someone is unwilling to help themselves, someone else must step in and do it for them? Or even better, rescue them?

Okay, how does someone who cant read or write help themselves in modern america? Hit me. Throw me your perfect story of how motivation made someone rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Why should someone that has never flipped a burger walk into a place and get a job making close to what it took me 12 years to get to? Why is that ok? What ever happened to working your way up, just like everyone else? It's called career advancement.

Because the service sector is a false economy and has been since Reagan got on the gravy train. You've not flipped a burger in your life? Maybe you should, speak from experience rather than your deluded view that wage should be based purely on "skill" and not actual hard work endured.

A term that now simply seems out if the vocabulary of the "want it all and want it NOW" generation.

Oh Jesus, you're not a baby boomer are you? You stink of entitlement and begrudging of new generation's that want a little something for themselves. Like the ability to move out out of their parents house's before they hit 30.

Someone just needs to put it on the table. Get off your butts and make yourself worth more, quit expecting to be propped up by others, and maybe, just maybe, the fry guy is just NOT worth that much money. Ya think?

"The fry guy just isnt worth that much money"
Have you heard yourself? You know you're speaking about another human being right? Those people dying in africa, they're just not worth saving right because they have no skills? What about the indian rubbish tip pickers? Living their lives picking through the rubbish that the west sends them, why should they be able to earn a living wage? They have no skills.

The skill argument in outdated and invalid. Its about time people shelved it and actually got real.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 05:58 PM
I just pointed out that the workers actually want to get paid more than the owner of the franchise.

Anyone notice?

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 06:40 PM

When the government has to give subsidies to people who are working full time then that company isn't paying their workers enough. Even burger flippers deserve to make a decent wage.

Gotta post to your comment cause I luv your dedication man, even though I don't agree with you. Here's a little clip when Obama was campaigning in 2008 and promising to raise minimum wage.

Didn't happen though. And then in 2012, campaigned again for minimum wage increases. Here's part of his State of the Union address in 2013. What's his opinion? You guessed it. Raise minimum wage.

State of the Union 2013 transcript

We know our economy is stronger when we reward an honest day’s work with honest wages. But today, a full-time worker making the minimum wage earns $14,500 a year. Even with the tax relief we’ve put in place, a family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line. That’s wrong. That’s why, since the last time this Congress raised the minimum wage, nineteen states have chosen to bump theirs even higher.
Tonight, let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty, and raise the federal minimum wage to $9.00 an hour. This single step would raise the incomes of millions of working families. It could mean the difference between groceries or the food bank; rent or eviction; scraping by or finally getting ahead. For businesses across the country, it would mean customers with more money in their pockets. In fact, working folks shouldn’t have to wait year after year for the minimum wage to go up while CEO pay has never been higher. So here’s an idea that Governor Romney and I actually agreed on last year: let’s tie the minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on.

Read more:

So here's a question for everyone: Why didn't Obama raise the minimum wage when he could have with no opposition to block him in the first two years of his 1st term since he campaigned on it? His actions betray his orations.

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