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Wage Strikes Planned at Fast Food Outlets in 100 US Cities on Thursday (12/5/13)

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posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Krystian

Person A bashes person B for thinking they're entitled to a living wage dunking french fries because person A feels that their oh-so-hard-earned wealth and name-plate has entitled them to that opinion. Amusing!

I guess what we really have is a problem with entitlement lol.

It's like, I don't care about the company you created with your blood and sweat. No one does or should. Chances are whatever you produced is much less enjoyable to me than french fries anyway. I do however care that other human beings on this planet are able to live reasonably well doing whatever jobs are available to them. No matter how menial you perceive them to be.

This problem you have with others claiming entitlement is the same problem I have with what you're saying. There is no divine mechanism that rewards hard work, this is merely an idea--and a caustic one at that. It promotes pride, arrogance, and selfishness.

Believing in the power of bootstraps is just as silly to me as believing in the old testament god--pahlease!

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 07:50 AM

It's like, I don't care about the company you created with your blood and sweat. No one does or should. Chances are whatever you produced is much less enjoyable to me than french fries anyway. I do however care that other human beings on this planet are able to live reasonably well doing whatever jobs are available to them. No matter how menial you perceive them to be.

This problem you have with others claiming entitlement is the same problem I have with what you're saying. There is no divine mechanism that rewards hard work, this is merely an idea--and a caustic one at that. It promotes pride, arrogance, and selfishness.

Believing in the power of bootstraps is just as silly to me as believing in the old testament god--pahlease!

Then I suggest you form a company and hire people. Walk the walk, don't just give it lip service. You build a sustainable business that gives all of it's employees good wages and benefits and don't pay yourself any more than most of your employees. See how far that business takes you. You can do it!

I know with my companies, that I provide employment and I continue to grow. My companies exist for me and my family first and foremost. I provide a needed service at a fair price and as a byproduct I end up creating jobs. But first and foremost it's for me to make Money for myself and family. It galls me to hear people spout off about things they know nothing of.

Last year we gave over $96,000 in charity out. I could only do that by having a business that allows me to do that. I don't say that to impress, but to impress upon you that having wealth is not an evil thing. It allows you to support others in ways. I have been called all the names you just stated, it doesn't faze me. I am blessed that I have a business that supports me and my family very well, grows, employees people and lets me give back. I've worked damn hard for it and you want to make me out as evil. Go tell that to the homeless Veterans we help or the new Home Owners with Habitat for Humanity, I'm sure they have a much different opinion of me.

That you think there is no mechanism that rewards hard work is laughable to me. There are about 5% or less of people who are willing to do what it takes to be successful in business, that's the big "The Secret". I routinely come across people not willing to put forth the effort required and then they bitch and moan about how horrible their life is as they play Farmville or what E entertainment and at the same time want to make what I do. Doesn't work that way.

Off soapbox now.......
edit on 6-12-2013 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:00 AM
So the supposed 'big walkout' is over. Everyone still got their burgers and fries.
The news couldn't have cared less. And the 'strikers' were outed for mostly being paid SEIU agents.


posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Yeah, and lead to the great workers that were caught last year, drinking in the parking lot of GM I believe.
Or the great union workers withing the Telecom world. You know, those workers that sleep in their trucks for 2 hours out of the work day, so as to not exceed work completed, or specialized in just running a wire from A to Z for 25 years.

Nothing promotes mediocrity like Unions.

Oh, and I have yet to need a Union to negotiate pay for myself, and have done very very well in life.

Seems you and others NEED someone else to do things for you. I expect nothing else from you and others like you.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:12 AM


How is pushing for fast food companies to pay their employee's a living wage a push for government dependence?

It is in context when you and others state without it, they must receive Govt handouts.
There should be neither.
People should be paid what the market dictates. Or what they can negotiate for their skill set.
Any idea of a "Living Wage" is not only another Wet Dream that will fail miserably once real world economics is applied, it teaches nothing to people that we need to be responsible for ourselves.

And it is dependency on Govt, as people look for Govt to dictate their pay.

What planet are you living on???

It used to be Earth, were people were responsible for themselves.
Don't know what we are turning into.

If they were paid a living wage less of your tax money would be wasted subsidising fast food companies labour costs. You've got to be very stupid if you dont understand that.

So, less taxes, but higher prices for consumer goods.

Hey, here is an idea. How about a market dictated wage, with lower taxes due to a huge cut in Govt theft and waste????


NO! I would rather multi-national companies who are making billions annually pay their workers a living wage!

So, now you get to tell what a company does with their money.
So, I guess you are okay then with Govt telling precipitants what they can spend their Govt handout money on.
If it is good for one, it is good for the other.


You offer no VIABLE solution in any of your posts. What you advocate is just dumping people in poverty and saying "Deal with it"

Yes, that is a viable solution, as I have faith in people, whereas you don't.
You have no trust, belief in or faith on others that they can overcome obstacles and be successful.
You would rather have the Govt helicopter parent each citizen, because you don't believe that hey can do it on their own.

I almost feel you should be lobotomised just to make sure you never do have a real idea, a brainwave would surely kill you.

Ah, how cute.
I would hope in turn that you are sterilized so......... Ah, never mind.


Not so simple when you actually consider what the american economy is made up of.

Oh, please do tell.


You wouldnt know basic economic's if it slapped you across the face. I almost feel like you're trolling me with your absurd view of the world, You cant be serious.

Coming from someone that wants to have a forced doubling of pay to low rung unskilled workers on a company, which in turn almost doubles overhead costs, which in turn will force a huge price increase on the goods/services offered and thinks this is not only a good thing, but sustainable.

Yeah, you really have made me rethink my understanding of this.

Okay, not really. Knowing that your emotional views will never change no matter how much logic is given in refute.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by zysin5

Well if that is the case, which economics would drive it as, if they double their pay, I should see my pay double as well.

Can't wait for that mid 6 figure income to roll on in.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by KawRider9

It should infuriate any business owner. The Union is basically the temper tantrum driven 7 year old, who only thinks of themselves.
They take no consideration in how the business operates, nor do they care.
They are the true greedy party in this.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:19 AM

When did success become bad?

When Progressives saw it as an angle to work to gain power with a certain class.

It is the oldest ploy ever. Take a group of people that are without something, and pit them against those with the item(s) they are lacking. Work to profit from this and rake in the dough as the 2 sides fight.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

So, regardless of the outcome of the individual, all should receive an equal portion.

How do you honestly pitch that a worker, an unskilled worker, should be able to take a portion from what the high end producer or business owner does???? Or an equal portion.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by cloaked4u

Oh you mean like the interns at several Progressive based companies like "Mother Jones"?

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by olaru12

Um...Please, once you remove your foot from your mouth, maybe you should go back and re-read posts from me and others stating all of that is wrong. Handouts to Companies like, I don't know GE (The same that made huge donations to 0bama) or Tesla or Green based companies and to people are wrong.

edit on 6-12-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by anon29

Regardless, it is true.

Poor is a mindset that is continued and encouraged by Govt handouts and Progressives.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:37 AM
We need import tariffs on all goods being imported from China. We need to raise the cost of cheap Chinese produced items to the cost of their well built American counterparts to force manufacturing jobs to return to America.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 08:47 AM
people are sick . Worthless eaters Talking foodstamps cost me money .
Worthless eaters getting a Job at a fastfood place accutle expect to make enough money to EAT??? let um Starve.
Well heres my OPPION A FULL Time job should compasate the employe to the degree They dont need footstamp nore do they need subdised houseing nore do they need public transport . Why did I add that ? because most places DONT have public transport and thouse that do are unreliable.
Garbage man sure isnt a skill BET he strikes you be here wineing about the smell.
People ARE SICK lets prtend for a mint the wolrd is EXCATLY what the replys keep insisting .
Now very singial person has a college degree so pal tell me whos taking out the trash? whos picking the fruit you eat ?whos growing the cows and chickens your getting fat on? Humm not the guy with a college degree thats for sure, why make pennies when you can make dollers.
You know every one whos posting how lower lv works should just get edacation .
well Spain was a world power back in the 14th-1500 they went on world conquest to south america after hearing about gold .well they got the gold all right now every Spainard was RICH RICH RICH .
guess what happend next .
The trash man quite working ((hey Im rich no way im picking up trash.
The shirt maker he quite to Hey Im rich why should I work my but off at a Worthless eaters job?
the farmer he quit to .Hey Im rich I can just buy what ever i want NO WAY IM working a worthless eaters JOB!
well Spain collapsed sure every one had gold THAT was all they had .Spain never recovered .
This is excatly what would happen if every one said no way Im working a worthless eaters.
pal without thous so called worthless eaters you wouldnt be EATING so next time you pick up a apple to buy REMBER It was a WORTLESS EATER who grow it and picked it.

edit on 6-12-2013 by midnightstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by macman

yes as long as government allows farm subsidies to keep the price of fast food ingredients cheap and as long as government allows this industry to pay a non livable wage. Other countries pay much more and there companies are still there making a profit, why can't they do it here?

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by macman

I assume the vehicle you drive was made by unions, and the roads you drive on and the bridges. If you fly guess what that plane was built by unions and they also built the airports. You like the US military? guess who builds all our war toys, if you answered unions you are correct. Unions are friends of the military lol

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

We are not other countries.
Subsidizes need to stop, regardless who they are going to.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Yeah, have you seen the recall notices for the Union based made vehicles?

There are several auto manufactures that aren't union based. And those are some of the highest sellers of products.

Roads and bridges??? Yeah, gotta love driving through those road construction areas where one guy is working, and 10 are standing around.

As for War based vehicles?? I bet you have never had to work on said vehicles once they are received by the Military. Yeah, really well built *Rolls eyes*.

Got any other turds you want to pitch as roses?

I wonder what the cost of a new vehicle would be to the consumer if there were no payoffs the company had to pay out to Unions. Me thinks a $30k vehicle would drop down to about $25k to the consumer.

Yeah Unions.

How about that wonderful Teachers Union. You know, the one that backs a group of workers that as a whole, are failing at their jobs.

Or how about the stage hand union that rules places like NY, where there is a law requiring that a $125 an hour union stage hand must be present to conduct a filming, even when they work for maybe 2 hours, but are required to be there the full time.

So yeah....Spit shining a turd is still a polished turd.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 11:07 AM

How about that wonderful Teachers Union. You know, the one that backs a group of workers that as a whole, are failing at their jobs.

You forgot to add all those teachers that the unions are defending who are child molesters. They're worst than the priests. Yea, I went there.

posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by macman

I bet you drive a car/truck made by a union.

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