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[HOAX]UFOs sightings to come in october 2013 over LONDON.[HOAX]

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Olivet

I respond to what I deem is worthy of a response.


you started mentioning the 31st after a few weeks had gone past, you know more than a few days or even in the coming days.

So is Halloween when all this happens, why risk exposure and a another Navy interference like in past as you say and start the thread so early and not just wait until 28th or 29th?

Why risk the bad guys getting the upper hand again?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:04 AM

reply to post by InhaleExhale

You didn't notice I already gave the date of the first event, hidden in one of my posts. Your reading my mind is BS.

My reading your mind is BS? Only you can know, hopefully you leave lights on, don't dim them once they come on, you will see better.

Yes I did notice and I believe it was called out even before as a joke about Halloween treats being stolen or something around those lines.

If its the 31st .

But I have missed a few things like this and I asked to be corrected and you did so thank you

I clearly mentioned that it was not what was announced in the OP:


I only interact with "you" here because I am concerned and want the best for you.

My play of words and misunderstandings of what your saying could very easily play a bigger part of something that has eluded you because you're so caught up with this message/warning.

The way you have exposed what you have, to some it will be lies, to others mad ramblings, to others something to look into , to you.... the truth, has created a butterfly effect of sorts of secrets of something so profound that security measures must be taken to not withhold anything that may endanger the royals.

You're creating an abyss,

Very scary things can come from such and one can loose themselves simply by peeping in to see how deep it goes.

That's about all the BS (according to you) I can post for now.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Way to move the goalposts.

Back and forth,

that takes talent.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:26 AM

reply to post by Olivet

I respond to what I deem is worthy of a response.


you started mentioning the 31st after a few weeks had gone past, you know more than a few days or even in the coming days.

So is Halloween when all this happens, why risk exposure and a another Navy interference like in past as you say and start the thread so early and not just wait until 28th or 29th?

Why risk the bad guys getting the upper hand again?

This has been exactly my thought since the beginning. See when someone uses the term "in the coming days" that tells me literally a few days away. If there is SO much risk involved that there has to be this level of secrecy then why even announce it in the first is a very ego-driven thread in that Olivet wants to be the ONE that announced it and he is ONLY doing so on ATS.

He also used the term "just after" in regards to the "just after" to me, and I think most people, would mean same day or maybe one day off if you give some serious leniency to the term. But I am sure he will blame his english not being up to snuff.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

See when someone uses the term "in the coming days" that tells me literally a few days away.

I was being a bit pedantic with Olivet about the use of words,

But surely you want to make things clear for the readers and not just so he understands himself whats he is posting and telling others they cannot comprehend unless he only wishes to converse with himself.

If there is SO much risk involved that there has to be this level of secrecy then why even announce it in the first is a very ego-driven thread in that Olivet wants to be the ONE that announced it and he is ONLY doing so on ATS.


If there is so much need for security when discussion is at hand,

why not just wait a day or even hours before the event to post because he seems to believe he has this info?

But I am sure he will blame his english not being up to snuff.

That is the joke on us all,

he has said this previously, posted very coherently where there is no confusion in what he says and on top of that saying his English isnt up to stuff he actuall had a go another poster about their use of grammar.

If he has said he is troubled expressing himself using English how could he possibly judge another's use of it?

To many running around in circles,

I didnt understand the logic of some what he saying,

Pointed it out, asked questions,

replied to with his opinion of being mocked instead of helping me, a reader of his thread, understand exactly what he is saying, it is quite profound so I would like to see what Olivet see's.

Instead of trying to further the interaction he allows his judgment or he is having the same issue I am and not understand what we are saying or asking of each other.

I pointed out that "few days" and "in the coming days", gave definitions for the words and asked for clarity.

Was he mistaken when he wrote this, was a deception to keep the bad guys of his scent,

Questions, question, questions.

Yet you will never anything clear cut from Olivet, only rough edges of something extremely malleable so it can change form with ease.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:22 AM
He said he had "hidden" the actual date in one of the threads earlier posts, but wouldn't that completely fly in the face of everything he has been saying about the need for secrecy, "damaging the future" and all that?

And I don't understand if he was having "internet connection problems" yesterday, how did he login as was proved he did? Logged in and yet didn't post on such a portentous day for his story??
edit on 10/24/2013 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Well an "abduction" of baby George-Jesus and Kate AND a return to much fanfare within the next 7 days is certainly painting himself into a corner not so easy to get out of.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:49 AM

Vasa Croe
Oh yeah...those are rich. I love it when people quote the bible AND combine it with alien stories.

I am reading his book "The Science of Extraterrestrials" right now and want to point out something really ironic.

I am not really too far into the book yet, maybe 25%, but for now it's basically a general "how science is wrong" and rant against the various dogmas of materialism/science. IN PRINCIPLE, this is of course correct and I don't have anything against this. (Ever since we know about Quantum Theory we know that the old-fashioned materialistic views do not apply anymore).

But what I find where the irony here is that he goes on and on with his criticism about the old-fashioned, Newtonian and materialistic sciences..while HE HIMSELF has no problem believing in the biggest dogma and belief of them all: the BIBLE! Obviously, for him the words in the Bible are exempt from any criticism and he even takes them literally (the literal bible interpretation is what his entire thread here is based on)... so he contradicts himself massively.

Obviously, criticism and a change of view is only allowed when it comes to science, but NOT to religious beliefs, those are "always true"... I wonder whether he himself notices this extreme contradiction. The book conveniently leaves out the religious stuff.

Ah yes...from the book "“Belief in the Big Bang is an act of faith”. Correct - Belief in the Big Bang is an act of faith, but believing in revelations is NOT?????

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by samuel1990

Thank you for your post. The changes are coming fast.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by NoRulesAllowed

I think you misunderstood my point with the Bible. My views on the Book of Revelations is NOT about faith, but about a description of visions. Since I had visions myself which came true, I can more easily understand what John was conveying.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:02 AM

He said he had "hidden" the actual date in one of the threads earlier posts, but wouldn't that completely fly in the face of everything he has been saying about the need for secrecy, "damaging the future" and all that?

And I don't understand if he was having "internet connection problems" yesterday, how did he login as was proved he did? Logged in and yet didn't post on such a portentous day for his story??
edit on 10/24/2013 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

You believe that YOUR misunderstanding is my fault. How convenient it is.

The internet connection problems surely come from the local network I work with. Too many people using it. It can take tens of minutes to be looged on and then suddenly, no more connection. It's a matter of bandwidth.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:03 AM

reply to post by Chamberf=6

Well an "abduction" of baby George-Jesus and Kate AND a return to much fanfare within the next 7 days is certainly painting himself into a corner not so easy to get out of.

That's what makes the claim unique.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

You make the case more complex than it is:





It's not a brainer.
edit on 24-10-2013 by Olivet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

Sorry, I didn't see you were a victim here.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:11 AM

restless genius
7 days to go and still no show.

Everything is fine. Planned schedule.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Olivet

reply to post by Olivet

This forum, and also many books, are full with people who had "visions". I do not even doubt that people have visions. The problem is only that visions are amongst the most subjective thing of all things I can even think of.
ESPECIALLY if we understand that visions may in fact be glimpses into alternate or parallel realities which in fact may not even relate to our current reality, respective where we still have free will to potentially change the outcome so that a projected vision (or potential future as shown in a vision) may not even come to pass. There are COUNTLESS examples, eg. from people who had abduction experiences, NDEs etc. "Visions" are NOT set-in-stone "objective" realities and I am pretty sure you KNOW that.

Also..if we assume in good faith you did in-fact have a vision of a Tsunami back in 2006, obviously something ELSE happened at the end because there *was* no tsunami.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Olivet

Been reading the thread for a while. Fairly interesting.
I would like to ask you what changes you speak of?
So I can spot them?
And please, keep it real so that people other than you can identify these changes that are "coming fast".

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Olivet

You make the case more complex than it is:

The readers made what you wrote more complex?


Me reading this words that you have written is what makes what you write hard to grasp.

So if you didn't make this thread the return of Christ over London would be some other type of event?

NO I don't get the security reasons, there are none, its your way of saying I have no clue and cannot explain myself, just go with what I am saying, please.

Its one hell of brain fart if you ask me

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:45 AM

reply to post by InhaleExhale

Sorry, I didn't see you were a victim here.

If I am a victim and recognize myself as such, I have myself to blame.

A victim of what do you see me to be?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 12:38 PM
Olivet - you do realise that The Bible is a work of fiction right?
most of it was written many years after the events it describes, and not even by first hand witnesses but second third or fourth hand. It's been copied/edited tens if not hundreds of times between the 'first' writing, and a standardised version like King James. You'd be amazed at the amount of books were left out of KJ version.
What you read today, in a new publication, of Revelations is quite possibly several degrees different from what was written down originally which might have been several persons accounts of what they heard, from someone who heard it from someone ,... etc, etc. - a bit like Chinese Whispers - "send for reinforcements - we're going to advance!" - becomes "send for three and four pence, we're going to a dance"
so IMO you're basing your predictions, of events that are happening now on what are little more than fairy stories.

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