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Does Opening Your Third Eye Mean You Will See Ghosts ?

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posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:18 PM
I am thinking of looking into opening the third eye and what it means but I wanted to save myself time if it is not what I want by asking here.

You see the thing is I don't want to do anything that ends up with me seeing ghosts and visual manifestations that scare me. I am the sort of person that refuses to watch horror films. I am agnostic about ghosts and such and would like to stay that way.

I don't want to be on of those people that is cowering in the corner tears streaming down their face as a puddle of urine becomes a trickle down the upstairs landing when I leave my room for a midnight snack. Nor do I want the pleasure of a dark demon thing looking at me from the end of my bed as I become a ghost myself from a shock induced heart attack.

I don't mind feathers as metaphorical angels but I draw the line with bright and winged actualisations.

All I want is to have better this-world intuition and knowing. I would like to be better at seeing through BS and more importantly I would like to have better 'seeing' when it comes to deciding what to do about it.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Tsu322

Opening yourself unprepared or being opened from without by such as you speak of is dangerous, any conduit into another realm can also be used from the other realm and not all that would use it are nice, without your consent they will take you and use you, what do you think a (true) medium is, they are someone being used or very rarely in cooperation with entity's of another realm nature.

I would seriously advise against all manner of tampering as if it is meant to be open it will open of it's own accord and if it is closed like a defence it is meant to be closed.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:27 PM

I am thinking of looking into opening the third eye and what it means but I wanted to save myself time if it is not what I want by asking here.

You see the thing is I don't want to do anything that ends up with me seeing ghosts and visual manifestations that scare me. I am the sort of person that refuses to watch horror films. I am agnostic about ghosts and such and would like to stay that way.

I don't want to be on of those people that is cowering in the corner tears streaming down their face as a puddle of urine becomes a trickle down the upstairs landing when I leave my room for a midnight snack. Nor do I want the pleasure of a dark demon thing looking at me from the end of my bed as I become a ghost myself from a shock induced heart attack.

I don't mind feathers as metaphorical angels but I draw the line with bright and winged actualisations.

All I want is to have better this-world intuition and knowing. I would like to be better at seeing through BS and more importantly I would like to have better 'seeing' when it comes to deciding what to do about it.

I would say that if you are easily scared then dabbling with the "unknown" is NOT for you.
Because by its very nature the "unknown" invokes a certain amount of fear.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:14 PM
OK, thank you guys I get the point. Lol

No third eye for me.

Does anyone know any tricks for better seeing on this realm?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Tsu322

Fear is the issue to be dealt with. What do you fear ?

How can a non-physical being do any physical harm to you ?

Another thing to address is this, "I wanted to save myself time if it is not what I want by asking here."

Awakening to your own higher levels of awareness have nothing to do with what you want, and everything to do with you needing to Remember what you are.

Face your Fears head on, and you will discover there really is nothing to be scared of physically or non-physically.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Tsu322

Do not throw meditation out of the window completely. Remember you are still in control of the situation throughout the process.

Granted, it is a little scary the first time it all goes purple. The vivid, colorful beauty and numb feelings are strange and scary at first. See where it takes you.

The first time I experienced the float it scared me so I left, and it took real determination to go back. But.... you can see things that amaze and captivate you. Be influenced by things that you can not understand.

Good Luck, Traveler.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Tsu322

The opening of your third eye is a thing you don't play about with. If you have your fears then I suggest you are not yet ready. Forget about your third eye and just meditate instead.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by taoistguy

Isn't it kind of inevitable that at some point in your meditation you would open your third eye? (provided you stayed on track and were meditating with the intent to advance your spirituality or awakening latent psychic abilities.) I don't think its something that can really be "forced" open anyways if your not ready for it, or afraid to do so.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:13 PM
I read up on opening the third eye, and messing with the body's chakra's.

From the testimonials of people who have done it, it is something you do not want to do.

Although not all spiritual entities are bad, some are benevolent, it seems that demons and evil entities seem to have a strong foothold on the spiritual realm, or there just seems to be more of them populating there.

There are testimonials of people being attacked spiritually by demons, and people also hearing the voices of the demons when they are awake or asleep.

I think that's why God explicitly says not to mess around with this, he knows there are demons abound, and there ais too great a chance to invite one, or many, in.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Tsu322

I would like to be better at seeing through BS and more importantly I would like to have better 'seeing' when it comes to deciding what to do about it.

That comes in time. Remember--

Warmongers come in peace (while preparing for war).

Politicians lie (disguising it as truth).

Money grubbers always want (to make a deal).

Preachers turn you away from the gate, asserting you are saved (come back next week).

Keep reading what goes on, seeing what others say and comparing it with results down the line. You'll learn how to tell the truth from the lies after falling for deception enough times. Its going to be a lot easier for you, you have the whole Internet.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Oldie

I fear being out of control, that's what it all boils down to. I fear things that I can't comprehend too, and then there's the fear of finding out that there really is an afterlife and that my suffering can be taken with me and the simple pleasures I have to distract me will be left behind. I mean, I doubt they allow smoking and chocolate in purgatory!

I am afraid of things that hurt me when I can't see them coming (on any realm) and afraid I will not cope if bad things happen or that I will make a decision that makes it worse.

I am afraid that one day I could be a ghost myself. A ghost with no control over the situation, just the same place every day for eternity repeating the same action over and over and suffering. I fear the same for my family too and other people.

I have had an entire life of searching for something in vain and don't want it when I'm dead aswel. I want a life of knowing and strong protecting intuition and a death of blissful peace.

But you see I can read as much as I like and I have a great amount in common with idegos but there is a block. Like an clamp on the part of my brain that would allow me to be a member of the Golden Age. I want this world enlightenment and another fear is that I will die without it.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:46 PM

I am thinking of looking into opening the third eye and what it means but I wanted to save myself time if it is not what I want by asking here.

You see the thing is I don't want to do anything that ends up with me seeing ghosts and visual manifestations that scare me. I am the sort of person that refuses to watch horror films. I am agnostic about ghosts and such and would like to stay that way.

I don't want to be on of those people that is cowering in the corner tears streaming down their face as a puddle of urine becomes a trickle down the upstairs landing when I leave my room for a midnight snack. Nor do I want the pleasure of a dark demon thing looking at me from the end of my bed as I become a ghost myself from a shock induced heart attack.

I don't mind feathers as metaphorical angels but I draw the line with bright and winged actualisations.

All I want is to have better this-world intuition and knowing. I would like to be better at seeing through BS and more importantly I would like to have better 'seeing' when it comes to deciding what to do about it.

pray to God for these things as you seek and u will be given the eyes to see. live righteous and with good conscience and you should be ok. trust your intuition. seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and pray for truth.

this thread outlines the path. u may also begin with studying and practicing 'lucid dreaming'.

if u have a clear conscience you will not feel guilty, you will not feel fear and you should not experience anything bad under the protection of the God Supreme and Holy Spirit.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by translation

reply to post by taoistguy

I might get back into meditation. I tried for a few weeks on my own after watching western Buddhists on youtube talks. Buddhism wasn't for me though but I might try a different type.
edit on 2592013 by Tsu322 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Tsu322

I think I'd first want to clarify what you mean by third eye. Your OP makes me wonder a bit and that's a term I've certainly heard more than one thing referred to as. If you mean ESP or what some insist on calling psychic ability. That's what would be internal and from within. Not a problem, IMO. Probably where you need to start. Really. Defense and energy manipulation among the very first things to get a working skill with.

...Then move into areas where interacting with other things may be a possibility. I have absolutely no question in my mind there are other intelligent beings sharing the same "space" with us, but in a different phase or different state than we are. Ghosts? Demons? Past human Souls? Aliens? I have no idea for certain. I don't think anyone does.

Just don't do what I did and what lead me to being Wiccan in the first place. It wasn't a happy path for how that came to be, and it was about trying to get benefit or proof of Magick (which included Astral Projection) without first learning control and patience... Not to sound like a fortune cookie, but that impatience almost got a friend killed.

Just educate yourself well is what I'd say above all else. Prior to doing things, if at all possible.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:30 PM
I don't know about ghosts, but it can reflect/or mirror your thoughts, and make strong projections in your sense of view. As for the exact nature of this tricky chakra and symbolism is said to be insight for pro, while as illusions for con. Think of a angel on one shoulder, while a devil on the other.

Knowledge is pretty much general in a nut shell really, but one can only learn so much, can they.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by intrptr

I have to agree internet makes it all a lot easier but ir makes misinformation easier too. I'm looking for a way to see through it all, experience is the only defence I have really and I'm working on bettering it as much as I can. I still feel that something is missing though.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by filledcup

I have been doing my best to be a good honest person but there are things in my past that I am not proud of at all.

I just hope that my good can outweigh my bad if I stick to good from now on.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:21 AM
This is my personal belief, that its not necessary to actually want to open your third eye. I believe its like the Lily of the Valley or Lotus Flower, and that your pituatary, penial and thalamus activate naturally, at the perfect timing, when you do the work you came to do, and when its done right, you are on the right frequency, love and goodness, having purified your flaws, with compassion for all people, nothing to forgive, for on that frequency as a higher up, one in allignment with Higher Self, God/Goodness and Source, you would view all who are not Love and Goodness yet, as children trying to ride their bikes without their training wheels making tumbles, and some as children who gave up doing that and are now bullying the others, but children nonetheless, and with understanding, you can walk vicariously in everyones path and know that you would have a large chance of turning out exactly like each person, even the bloodline mismanagers of the planet, the so called elites, if you lived their lives. So you have compassion for all.

(having read that have to edit. Not viewing self as a higher up who is perfect and above the others, but with humility, having compassion on your own weaknesses too, and trying over and over, but still rising above the group mentality and striving to be of help to others, lift those around you out of hardhsips and sorrow and find solutions)

When you purify your temple, body, and overcome the lower mind, and all primitive impulses and judgments, the higher mind flowers forth, and you BECOME. You become your higher self or one with HS.

If you push the awakening of third eye, and put the horse in front of the cart, so to speak, as the elites here do, rather than being christed, they seek the path of dark magician. You awaken on lower frequency, with bad guys around, who have access somewhat to you. You get misdirection, as they have gotten some bad beliefs and direction given by entities that are not from on High, and they're working for the wrong side.

If you do this, you're picking up the phone, ie your third eye, but not dialing Home. Home is a frequency of Love/Goodness/Helping Others, ie. in a classroom of disruptive special needs kids, you are attempting to become a grown up and help them.

Doing the work you came to do means meditating and deprogramming from the world and all the ISMS, and smiting beliefs of justice and retaliation and inequality, and dog eat dog jungle boy crapola, and it means LOVE, and monitoring and overcoming our dark shadow spots.

If you awaken your third eye on a lower frequency inadvertantly, you can still work on raising frequency and banish negative awarenesss.
edit on 26-9-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:54 AM

reply to post by Tsu322

I think I'd first want to clarify what you mean by third eye. Your OP makes me wonder a bit and that's a term I've certainly heard more than one thing referred to as. If you mean ESP or what some insist on calling psychic ability. That's what would be internal and from within. Not a problem, IMO. Probably where you need to start. Really. Defense and energy manipulation among the very first things to get a working skill with.

...Then move into areas where interacting with other things may be a possibility. I have absolutely no question in my mind there are other intelligent beings sharing the same "space" with us, but in a different phase or different state than we are. Ghosts? Demons? Past human Souls? Aliens? I have no idea for certain. I don't think anyone does.

Just don't do what I did and what lead me to being Wiccan in the first place. It wasn't a happy path for how that came to be, and it was about trying to get benefit or proof of Magick (which included Astral Projection) without first learning control and patience... Not to sound like a fortune cookie, but that impatience almost got a friend killed.

Just educate yourself well is what I'd say above all else. Prior to doing things, if at all possible.

What I mean by third eye is an ability to see things as they are and not how they are projected to be. I want a sieve in my head to seperate fact from fiction like seperating seeds from dirt. I want to be able to open a part of my brain (enen if it's not the third eye) that will allow me to just walk up to a fork in the road and take the correct path without deliberation or wrong moves. I can see a lot of lies and manipulations all around us and my reaction is usually to put up all of my barriers. I think it would be helpful if I could stop doing that and learn to choose wisly what lies to react to and which to let go. I know people lie to look good without wanting to harm but I can't always tell when that is.

I don't want to use it to harm, I just want to avoid suffering because of wrong ideas or wrong decisions.

ESP and psychic ability sounds OK but I don't want it to see winning lottery tickets and all that. And I definietly don't want to be a medium.

Working on defence sounds like a thing for me. That's something I definiely need. I am also open to working with energies.

I pray to ancestors for guidance and protection and this as far as I am willing to go as far as working with other entities. I am not exagerating when I say I would end up in a mental institution if I saw a visible ghost, even if it was a family member that I love and who loves me. I just couldn't cope with it.

I am not to far from wicca myself. Some of my earliest memories are reading about these things and I have been interseted ever since but I think the Catholic church twisted it and now people use symbols attributed to wicca by Catholics and not the real symbols that were lost when paganism became a crime. I do have wiccan rituals that I use but I go by my own ideas more than I go by books. I mean, even in todays society where wicca is allowed there is still big pharma holding back info on herbs (including the one that shall not be named because of ATS rules). Again it all boils down to trust.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Tsu322

Call me a pessimist, but I'm not convinced there is a true duality of "fact" and "fiction" or true/false, good/evil, etc. Almost all research I've done personally seems to reflect that the "third eye" is really the symbolic unity of making the TWO halves a whole again. Hence the third eye, holy trinity, etc.

So in my own humble opinion, the opening of the third eye, would be the ability to see everything as it belongs to the "whole" and not just as separate components.

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