ATS is first and foremost a conspiracy site. I love a good conspiracy theory as much as anyone here. (Note that I said 'GOOD' conspiracy theory).
What makes a 'GOOD' conspiracy theory is that the theory is actually plausible. It has to be able to work. It has to at least have some facts to
back it up. A "GOOD" conspiracy theory has to be able to have dots (facts) to connect and even if some of the connections aren't found YET, those
dots have to be fairly reasonable. A GOOD conspiracy theory can't work against what is unquestionably true.
Example -
Good conspiracy theory - there are possibly structures on the moon not from the Apollo space missions. The 'dots' ... photos of possible
structures, discussions by the astronauts of possible structures, earth based telescopes picking up possible structures in their lenses. etc.
Bad conspiracy theory - the moon is made of green cheese. The 'dots' disproving this ... the astronauts walked on the moon and didn't sink into
cheese. Moon rocks brought back are rocks and not moldy cheese. Basic scientific truth/fact disproves the possibility. etc.
I've always defended good conspiracy theories. To name a few of those (IMHO) plausible theories - The JFK assassination conspiracy; Marylyn Monroe
murdered conspiracy; The NWO; The Bilderbergs; possible structures (man made or alien) on the moon; Alien UFOs visit Earth; Princess Diana may have
been murdered; Governments around the world aware of UFOs visiting; Gulf of Tonkin; and so on.
After nine plus years here, I finally decided to enter a 9/11 discussion. I don't remember if I've ever actually entered the discussions on it
before. I don't think so. Of course I don't buy all of what we have been told by the government about that event/time period, but ... MAN .. WOW
... some of the theories about what happened with 9/11 are so far out there and implausible and impossible that I can now understand why the
non-conspiracy minded folks mock 911 'truthers' (or whatever they call themselves).
According to some of the 'truthers' ...
-There were no planes that crashed that day. It was all project bluebeam.
- The planes that crashed had no people on them. The lists of the dead are made up.
- The planes that crashed were remote controlled and no one was on board.
- The pilots of those planes didn't exist. They didnt' really die.
- The real planes landed safely in Canada. The people inside .. hundreds of them .. relocated.
- Plastic surgery was given to the people who were in the planes and who relocated.
- The pentagon was hit in the exact spot of important papers showing massive gov't theft so it was all a plot to destroy the paperwork.
- 9/11 was orchestrated to destroy papers on the 23rd floor of one of the twin towers related to ENRON. The Pentagon and shanksville and the other
tower being hit were covering up the main hit on ENRON papers that supposedly were on the 23rd floor of one of the towers.
Providing facts such as structural engineering information about how the pentagon was under renovation and that it literally just had TONS of
reinforced concrete and steel added .. and how it was nearly EMPTY when it was hit ... mean nothing to these 911 'truthers'. Neither do the lists
of the dead. Neither do the names and pictures of the pilots who died. Never mind the hundreds of pieces of airplane debris found at the pentagon
and never mind the basic materials engineering facts that prove there would be no major fuselage pieces that could have possibly survived hitting the
reinforced building which collapsed on it. Never mind that ENRON was based in Texas and that the scandal didn't happen until months after 9/11.
Never mind the facts ... just hug the wild conspiracy theories.
Like I said, I don't buy everything about what we were told. But at the same time, going hog wild with absolute insanity type 'theories' (they
don't raise to the level of theory) doesn't help find truth. Finding the truth is what conspiracy theory discussion is supposed to be about. It
isn't supposed to be about who can come up with the most outrageous fictional story surrounding an event or situation. It's supposed to be about
exposing truth or discovering truth. Claiming that no one died in the airplanes that crashed is an EMBARRASSMENT to those who are open minded to
conspiracy discussions. Claiming that no one died in the planes gives credence to those who are negative toward conspiracy theory discussion and just
hurts the chances of truth being uncovered where it needs to be.
Want to talk about 911 conspiracies? Want to do some good and help uncover truth? Great! But be serious and be reasonable. And knock off the
attitudes that anyone who disagrees with your outrageous claims is somehow drunk on kool-aide or are ignorant.
Otherwise, you do more harm
than good.
These extremists and their wild impossible theories are the reason why conspiracy theorists are mocked.
I can't blame the mockers for doing so. They have a point.