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Are Ancient Pyramid Complexes a Map to a Computer Circuit Board?

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posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:20 PM
My apologies.
Sarcasm is lost on you, isn't it?

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:31 PM
Sometimes, I was attempting to add to your comment however I did hook and bring up from the depth of the Persian Gulf the remains of an Apple III GS computer once.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Scribe611

i would be very interested to see that overlaid image.

Interesting idea. Would be even more interesting if they weren't emulating circuitry, but rather a numerical algorithm that is shared in modern times by circuit boards.

I do lots of PCB layouts and electronics designs, and I am not sure what numerical algorithm that might be. Nor do pyramids really look much like circuits. Or Nazca lines.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha

Originally posted by Sankari

No. That doesn't even make any sense.

You can't just give a trite one-liner without even backing up your claim. Why doesn't it make sense?

Well, they really DON'T look much like circuits. Maybe they do if you aren't real familiar with them.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:09 PM
Pyramids are very interesting indeed and need further research but this one seems like the longest shot I've heard in a while. I was thinking about the Giza plateau pyramids today at work, the pharaohs believe in life after death so much that they built pyramids? Pyramids that would last forever, almost going against their belief in life after death but as a 'just in case life after death doesn't exist at least people will remember me'.

I believe there is a legitimate supernatural connection to the pyramids, but I don't believe it's aliens, it's spirits. I believe spirits gave the perfect architectural and mathematical knowledge to the contractor, spirits that have been around millions of years before and will be around for millions of years after. Of course there are those that will say spirits don't exist. The expression on your spirit-face when you die? priceless.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:27 PM

Ok, look at the picture above. I can't see enough detail in the actual PCB to tell you what the parts are that you see, if it was about 5x bigger I could tell you what that was. The chunk off to the right is a voltage regulator.

What they've done, though, is sort of obfuscated things, and tried to give you a confusing view. The little bright points you see are test points. They connect through to conductors on the layers below, so that a "bed of nails" tester or "flying lead" tester can check out the bare PCB and/or the assembly functionality. You can do both. The traces are highlighted so that you don't get any reference to what they do, they're done that way to look vaguely like that pyramid picture below, in order to be deceptive.

In the pyramid picture, they have map legends that are no doubt supposed to look like the test points on the circuit board. But test points have no real function in terms of making the thing go. It's so you don't have to do functional testing on the assembly. You also see a lot of unassociated lines there, the one that goes around what looks like a pyramid -that has no function at all as a PCB element. Yet they showed you that in the picture above so that it WOULD look like that. They doctored up the real PCB so that dangling lines look like they ought to be ok.

You guys aren't privy to what one really looks like. So that seems ok to YOU. It's a history channel piece of work where they're altering what's going on to force you to a bad association though.

Here's a really simple one of mine from a while back:

Here I didn't cut out stuff to make it look visually similar. You see that the pins of the various devices have traces which go from one component to the other. Not just dangly bits of unattributed copper. Where they don't, they drop through from the front layer to the back layer (red). The back layer is a power distribution plane layer. So you'll see the power and ground traces leave a part and just end, in that case they're dropping to the red layer below and attaching there.

In real life, if you had a lot of copper that just wandered around like the pyramid picture, it would tell you that the guy that did it was on crack.

Not to mention, looking at a PCB layout doesn't tell you jack squat about what the components are, or what values they are, or what they're supposed to do. Thus, a secret occult PCB layout (in one layer, at that) made up of pyramids and roads wouldn't tell you # about the thing. You couldn't build it and get it to work.
edit on 2-6-2013 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-6-2013 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:46 PM
Sounds like a plot for the next Indiana Jones movie.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

Hey, cool theory and a great topic for ATS. Do not worry about the "one liner nay sayers" and keep up the good work.
I think the more we look at these mysteries from different points of view we could solve them eventually.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:54 PM
Oh you figured it out. Now the Masons have to go back to the drawing board and find another way to secretly manipulate mankind.

Architecture, being an extension of the mind of man, will have metaphysical qualities to it. The two main things that can be used are angles and heights, and often they are in tune with the laws of nature over mankind, in order to elicit certain psychological and chemical effects.

Think about antennas and how their length affects what signals they can pick up. Well what if that metal stick were a board, and what if that board were a building, what signals would it pick up? Ground signals mostly, and at a certain size they receive the right frequencies and pass on beneficial properties to the inhabitants. The inhabitants are likely to recognize this, which is why, perhaps through trial and error, perhaps deliberate, the good-feeling buildings last longer than the bad-feeling buildings.

Here is the thing: computer circuit boards were inspired from architecture and the laws of nature around the elements. It's scalar, the ratios matter, and it works at a tiny size, and a medium size, and a super large size. Fractal-like, they repeat through civilizations.

But I think those older ones weren't exactly drafted by people from this planet. In particular, the feathered lizard humanoids taught architecture to human workers to shape those South American pyramids... with their minds. Those metal shaping tools weren't for cutting but for electrical ablation of the rock. In essence what I saw was a beam of light, or human power, out of the forehead of the worker onto the metal instrument, creating vaporized smooth rock along the point of the instrument, not cutting. They might have been wearing metal bracelets too, more hardware for their technology, not exactly decoration. That was far out when I saw it long distance. I don't really believe the rock and chisel theory thrown out by modern made-for-TV archaeologists.

So those pyramids were for the feathered lizard beings, not exactly for humans. They may have been overpowering for humans. Still works today eh?
edit on 2-6-2013 by Sandalphon because: wow, ablation

edit on 2-6-2013 by Sandalphon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by brandiwine14
reply to post by Scribe611

Which epsiode from what season was this?

Sounds interesting...we love that show really makes you think outside the box sometimes.

I looked it up - it's from Season 3, and the episode title was "Aliens and Ancient Engineers." I admit I was in and out of the room while this rebroadcast was going on, doing some house work that desperately needed to be done. It wasn't exactly an overlay, but a fade from one shot to another.

The picture provided by tg_spider was fantastic (thanks again, by the way), but as one detractor suggested, I really am not so gullible as to think it was an actual, complete, working circuit board. I was remarking on the similarities, as most on this thread understand.

I've had limited experience replacing hard drives, motherboards, etc. in my job, and I love looking at the circuit boards. It just hit me in that moment when I decided to post this that it looked a lot like the street layout and placement of buildings in sometimes sort of odd places in some pyramid complexes.

Also I am familiar with video production and the use of "mock-ups" to suggest a correlation between two things that may not be easily visible without certain, umm... enhancements. I wasn't thinking, "Oh look, there's that exact little spot up there again on the pyramid diagram, so that must be an existing building for real!"

Thanks to everyone who's at least read the post and considered the possibilities.

To my detractors - I'm just stating an idea I had. So far I think it's still legal to do that, and I wasn't saying it was definitely so or carved in stone. Well, that one maybe, since pyramids ARE made of stone
I wasn't saying you had to believe what I said, and I apologize if that's how I came off. It's just a thought, it really can't hurt you if you don't happen to share it.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by SmertSpionam1
reply to post by Scribe611

Hey, cool theory and a great topic for ATS. Do not worry about the "one liner nay sayers" and keep up the good work.
I think the more we look at these mysteries from different points of view we could solve them eventually.

Exactly! And even if my theory turns out to be totally stupid, it might spark another idea in someone else's mind that may be more accurate. That's how brainstorming works - you come up with all the ridiculous ideas before you discover the really good one that works.

Or photography. You have to take a lot of really bad pictures before you learn to shoot the good ones.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Propulsion

Are Ancient Pyramid Complexes a Map to a Computer Circuit Board?,
And when activated......

The possibilities are endless

edit on 2-6-2013 by Propulsion because: (no reason given)

I'm not sure what they were saying, but they must have been commenting that it looked an awful lot like big balloons tethered to something!

It looked like they moved with a few gusts of wind or something. Strangely enough, I did see something not too long ago about the possibility of the pyramids being actual ships and one day lifting off from earth. Kind of reminds me of that video you shared. Thanks!

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:52 PM
Does this count?

edit on 6/2/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 10:15 PM
The most prominent crystal skulls have virtually been proven to be more modern hoaxes. And the claims of no tool marks, and other supernatural occurrences associated with them have also been proven to be nothing more than false claims, as evidence of being manmade is present in every single one that I know of that has been thoroughly tested. And the idea that these complexes represent a circuit board is ridiculous, plain and simple. Please do not take that as an insult however, as I am not insulting you personally, but rather I am claiming that the idea itself has no basis in fact, no scientific validity. If there were evidence to suggest what you claim, I would analyze it fairly, but this evidence is lacking.

The fact of the matter is that any layout that resembles something modern is nothing more than coincidence. Although these people likely laid out their cities and monuments with some stellar or religious significance, this does not, in any way, imply advanced technology. And that reminds me of the claims that aliens or advanced technology was used to build monuments like the Egyptian pyramids. All evidence suggests that the use of sheer manpower, and some primitive tools that were advanced for the time period, were how these buildings were constructed. We do not need to introduce an outside force to explain these things logically. In fact, doing so would be highly illogical, because there is no direct evidence of such things. Noting a handful of hieroglyphics that resemble things like modern aircraft and helicopters is not proof in the least.

In fact, if aliens were advanced enough to travel interstellar distances, they would not be using crafts like modern helicopters, because such technology would be ancient to their civilization. They would be zipping around at near light speed in ships that in no way resembled modern aircraft. Because modern aircraft are designed to operate within the atmosphere of the earth, and aliens who were travelling through space for long distances would surely be using some sort of anti-gravity technology, and thus they would not need to utilize the slow and ancient types of aircraft that we find on earth today. The very fact that they are so advanced that they know how to travel such distances implies a level of advancement that would probably not even be recognizable to us.

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by R0CR13

If you want a circuit

Here is the primary schematic for the great pyramid .


You DO know that the monument has writing on it and that we can read that inscription, correct?

It says nothing about schematics, construction or the Great Pyramid. It is, however, a drawing of an inscription of an offering given by the Pharaoh Menmaatre (the column on the right) and his son and co-regent Ramses II (Usermaatre -- column on the left) ... who lived around a thousand years after the pyramids were built.

The thing you are calling a pyramid is the sign for "offering." The sign for pyramid has no notch in the middle of the base and a long rectangle underneath it.
edit on 4-6-2013 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Byrd

And it's an offering given to Osiris (that's what the top lines say) by the king and his son. I see someone's trying to separate out the elements of the feathered crown on top, too... which is not correct. They're considered a single element and refer to the deity Osiris.
edit on 4-6-2013 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2013 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Scribe611
I've had limited experience replacing hard drives, motherboards, etc. in my job, and I love looking at the circuit boards. It just hit me in that moment when I decided to post this that it looked a lot like the street layout and placement of buildings in sometimes sort of odd places in some pyramid complexes.

That's merely the result of "we have to get something (electricity, people) from one place to another.

If you edit things enough, you can try to make the coincidence stick... and you can find a lot of individual maps that look similar to individual circuit boards. But the difference between housing and circuit boards is that inside the chips and so forth there's another HUGE system of microcircuits and gates as well as resistors and transistors and so forth. Unlike a circuit board (which is consistent in design across any number of things), each monument layout was "somewhat similar" but not "highly precise."

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by Scribe611

The answer is every successful civilization has a significant level of technology.

This technology may differ from the modern one that we use, but it sure must have made sense to that civilization.

The pyramids are for burial of the dead. I believe pyramids still contain undiscovered artifacts, even pieces of machinery used to build them. There is absolutely no doubt that significant science and technology was used to build the pyramids. Ancient Egypt had its own scientists, architects and engineers just like we have now, and a system of education was in place to train future ones.

The society goes through highs and lows. The level of technological sophistication of society does not progress in a single direction. Human society is prone to natural and man-made disasters that often set the society back quite significantly.

if you are wondering about computers being used in ancient societies, the answer is yes. These computers obviously differed from current ones but did similar job of computations.

However there is no need to think that the placement of pyramids resembles a computer circuit, as the pyramids were built over a period of more than 5000 years. Different pyramids were built by different kings.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Scribe611

Yeah, I've thought about this too. A while back ago, I went searching and looking at loads of images of circuits, circuit boards and grids to view the similarities between the two.

What if the whole city connected and became the circuit ? Maybe its not just a map showing the circuit connections but is or was an active live circuit board system being used at that time.

Wanna know what got me to looking at this stuff... I was doing research on ancient board games. LOL

This is an intriguing idea indeed !


edit on 2-2-2014 by leolady because: cuz

edit on 2-2-2014 by leolady because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Phage

Yes I think it counts. Our cities of today are layed out in a grid fashion just as they were in ancient times. Why do we lay them out in grid fashion ? To supply electricity and water supplies to the area. The grid fashion makes these things more easily distributed among-st the dwellings / buildings.


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