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I'm Not Voting

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posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by ctdannyd

Although I do respect your right to not vote, I hope you realize that as a result, you give up any right to complain about any political issue going forward.

For all those who hold to this belief, let me just say that whoever the winner of this "contest" turns out to be, when he starts signing legislation y'all find wrong headed and dangerous to your liberties (what's left of them anyway), most of us who didn't vote at all won't be complaining half as much as the once again jilted voters. We'll just be saying, "toldjaso".

You're voting for the leader of USGS ~ United Servants of Goldman Sachs.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by frazzle

The Rothschilds is the big dog .

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by frazzle

The Rothschilds is the big dog .

Okay, the USSR. The United Servant States of Rothschild (and associates). I'm easy.

edit on 6-11-2012 by frazzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:30 PM
1. Your right to vote is NOT an entitlement. It was won by the blood of millions of serfs who are sick and tired of being used and abused by the priviledged classes, and decided once and for all that THEIR next generations will be free to decide on the direction of society and be free, even if the present generation had to pay in blood.

2. Voting is a power, and with power comes responsibilities - to oneself and to others sharing the same space, same country and world. Ignore voting and you only abrogate your responsibility as a mature adult.

3. EVERY vote COUNTS. In a true democracy, the chances of vote tampering is very much lower. At times, big money can sway votes even in a true democracy, thus if you truly believe in it, then you must vote to prevent greed from ruling.

Your vote may end up as the final deciding vote, that may win against those with selfish interests detrimental to the nation and society, just as what happened duriing the Bush/Gore election - by a few hundred votes.

4. There is NO politician that can fulfill each and everyone of your fantasies. Politicians are servants of the People, but they DO NOT serve you alone, but rather - the entire nation - the majority and help as much as possible the minorities as well.

A civilised society served all, and not serves just one person. That would be tyranny. If you do not vote, you will only be leading the path to tyranny despite to delusional claims of being a 'constutionalist'. Voting is the only legal way to ensure changes happen, to work with others to find common grounds to co exist within civilisation.

The only other alternative is to wreck the system with armed revolt, where only thousands of innocents will die. Is that what you want to do, as that is the ONLY way to change the system to suit you and your personal deluded fantasies of governance, where only your say matters instead of society?

Wake up, and assume your responsibility as a free man, and vote the best possible person to save the nation, for the sake of all. Your vote counts.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by trysts

No I did not vote for Mussolini, but I did exercise my right to vote, I do vote and make sure that I make it to the polling place.

Nor do I believe that any political canidate is going to represent me fully. That is an unrealistic expectation, as there is no way that one canidate can represent all of the values that are with in the general populace.
The truth of politics that comes out, is that all politicians lie. Not one of them will tell you the truth, they will tell you that they will not raise taxes, but do. No matter what the issue is, not one is going to tell you their full opinion at all.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by cybro
Well, when it's a choice between a Goldman Sachs puppet or another Goldman Sachs puppet I can't see any reason to vote either.

true but people are too dumb to ever realize that.


the private banks are still raping our asses every day..

romney and obama are the same poo, doesn't matter.. Independence is some unknown entity i guess lol


edit on 6-11-2012 by MorkandMindy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

An exorcise in futility proven time and time again. After the election will we still invade countries for their oil ? Bomb and kill children only to have monsters like Albright say it was necessary ? You vote and it puts blood on your hands.

No matter what you do, PLEASE DON"T VOTE?
For anything ever anymore.
I suggest to you, that in today's world, your vote only condones, the things we see going on in Washington today.
When you vote ;

You are agreeing with everything that is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You are agreeing to open borders and very soon no borders. At all. Wow! maybe das why dey no secure border. Yeah ahuh!

You say to hell with the middle class who needs em? Tax 'em fine 'em spy on 'em, they step out of line? kill 'em. Do everything short of declaring war on 'em. Make sure they know their days are numbered.

You say it's ok for BP to pass gas in the face of the American people.

You condone the assassination of John, Bobby, Martin and Abraham. As well as other leaders around the world.

You support the slow erosion of our freedoms and liberties.

You support false flags!

You support the fat cats.

You very simply support the wicked. The war mongers.

You support slavery not freedom.

You support the best rendition of the matrix.

You say " hey when will the police be stopping by to get my guns?"

You support corruption and police brutality.

Election time. It seems to me the politicians use" voter turn out" for one thing only. I believe it is simply a stupidity gauge for the politicians. High voter turnout observed," Buah ahahahahah!
No way, there still buy'in it? CHEESE AND RICE THEIR NEVER GOING TO LEARN.!
aHHH AHAHAHAH! What a bunch of friggin goons man? I mean I know it was a nice dream and all but, why become a Rumple stilt skin over it? Wake up ! Buahahahah........."

Voting for the lesser of two evils.
Well that's still a vote for evil.

"It's your civil duty to vote!",

Maybe so. That doesn't mean you have to vote for criminals and
domestic enemies of the constitution. It's obvious that's the only thing in Washington today.
Since Washington isn't even a state, does that make it fair game?

Let's declare war on it.
I suggest that as of today, a state of war does exist between the United States of America and Washington D.C. We need to attack and burn that whole motha #@$%#$ to the ground. Destroy it all. At the same time purge the earth of every Illuminati bloodline. I mean purge it clean.

The people can't vote anything their way with out some Judge knocking it down. Arizona is a prime example. Same thing happened here in Calif. a few years back. On immigration no less!
The maniacal thing about it? There are going to be people come on this thread and defend against
what I'm saying here. I think I know why though!. Because if they don't, then what I'm saying becomes reality for them also. If they argue against it. It's as if their talking their selves out of believing this is the reality we need to address.

I may be jumping the gun a little. The way I'm seeing things is like this. Voting for anything in this country today, demonstrates the very definition of insanity:

Use of a single method in the aspiration of a goal, over and over again. Never changing or modifying the method. Never achieving the goal, only the same results, time and time again.
To the point where the method has come to mean more than the goal.

Don't listen to your favorite celebrity tell you how important it is for you to vote,
Most likely they are from the same place the politicians in Washington come from.
Bankers, Politicians, Media, Entertainment/Hollywood. All the same.

Dog pile on Washington!

Re-establish the Republic with the addition of a new system of term limits and rotation laws that requires half of all Govt.institutions in the U.S. to be made up of people, who are for the people. The middle and yes even the lower class. Yes even the uneducated. Because they who are in Washington right now, have made one thing clear. No one in Gods creation could do any worse. Term limits are needed big time so if corporations bribe someone. Well in a short time they will have to risk bribing some one all over again.

Then we the people will pass laws forever restricting government from interfering with the peoples pursuit of happiness. In fact forever baring Politicians and Millionaires from all Govt. facilities.
Even the bathrooms. If you are all ready a millionaire, just exactly what else do you need?
I would suggest a country that is strong on moral laws.
Make greed a crime. Those found guilty are stripped of everything and sent to SURVIVAL ISLAND.

edit on 6-11-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
reply to post by trysts

No I did not vote for Mussolini, but I did exercise my right to vote, I do vote and make sure that I make it to the polling place.

Nor do I believe that any political canidate is going to represent me fully. That is an unrealistic expectation, as there is no way that one canidate can represent all of the values that are with in the general populace.
The truth of politics that comes out, is that all politicians lie. Not one of them will tell you the truth, they will tell you that they will not raise taxes, but do. No matter what the issue is, not one is going to tell you their full opinion at all.

If you want to vote for the President, fine. It's your decision. But to actually have the nerve to say that because I'm not voting in this fraud election then I have "no right" to criticize it, must be a joke of yours which went over my head, sdcigarpig.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by trysts

Sorry to jump in, but you made 2 errors.

1. What evidence do you have that this is a 'fraud' election? Just because you said so? Then can I call you a fraud, or pervert, or anything dirty, afterall, NO evidences seemed to be required.

2. As you had already abrogated your right to vote - the system whereby your voice is heard to make changes, then what right do you have to criticize the system that you had fully relinquished all rights to?

By all means, you are free to talk, just like anyone else,, but NOT as a citizen, for you had refused to accept your very basic responsibility to society by not voting. You made that choice on your own free will, and now sadly, you lost your credibilty and will have to live with the consequences. It is your life, not anyone elses to suffer.
edit on 6-11-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by randyvs

I would disagree, cause ultimately what you are stating is why vote, cause it only enables policies that you do not agree with.

But here is the other question, if you are not happy with the way things are going in the country, have no interest in voting or even trying to get a candidate into office that represents you, or even participating in the actual process, why do you think are going to change? All you are doing is letting those, who you do not agree with, dictate what you do not like.

I have often watched and seen this happen more and more. The best example that I can think of is the sale of tobacco products and the ID laws that are on the books. Now while I do not support underage use of any age restricted, however, not one person of the age group that I had to ID ever wanted to even try to change the laws or get them repealed. Not one was interested in voting or even trying to change the very laws that governed their actions. It was always easier to complain and threaten, yet the very idea that they could do something politically and have a chance of pulling it off was totally foreign to them. And ultimately the process is so well simplified, it just takes a bit of reading and then getting the public backing, or a large enough group to actually agree with it.

The same can be stated for your statement, you complain as the policies to not match what you want, yet did you get out and try to get someone elected? While it is a time costly event, but it can be done, and does not have to be so costly, ultimately it requires that a person to plan, vet and get the idea into the peoples minds.

No, voting is not a waste of time, it is a waste of time not to vote.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:11 PM
Why the heck did you become an American Citizen then?? Sheesh!

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

you abrogate your right to bitch.

How so Johnny ? Explain how my rights depend on my vote ? I've never seen you so wrong.

Other arguments aside, your forefathers died to attain and preserve your right to vote...some of them fighting my ancestors just incidentally. To toss that right away is shameful. And let me retain the right to bitch, you just lose any credibility because you didn't assert your blood-won right!

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

candidate into office that represents you

There are none. Not one is worth a single vote. You'll never get that will you ?

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Other arguments aside, your forefathers died to attain and preserve your right to vote...some of them fighting my ancestors just incidentally. To toss that right away is shameful. And let me retain the right to bitch, you just lose any credibility because you didn't assert your blood-won right!

And every brave soul who died for this country is right now rolling over in their grave because of where our rulers, not leaders are taking this country. A livable job can't be had here and voting won' change it. Sorry you're all so wrong from my point of view.

Hit me with that forefather crap Johnny ? Really ! Washington has disrespected every single death . Everyone who has died in a war for America has now done so in vain. Liberty sacrificed for safety. My ass.

Voting for the very monsters that want you dead is insane.
You people think it would be some kind of glorious honor to meet the President ? I'd call him a coward and hac a lugie in his face.
edit on 6-11-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by The Old American

Originally posted by projectvxn

Originally posted by MsAphrodite
Fine and dandy. Don't vote, however don't come on here and whine either. ATS members have pretty good memories.

I understand.
But the choice isn't real.

I'm going to live in reality.

The reality is that we vote for a candidate you believe in or you give up. If you given up, why are you in the military? You care enough to be in the military, but not enough to even try to affect who directs you into who's nation?

It's true that only Romney or Obama will win this election. That's in the bag. But any 3rd party that gets 5% of the vote, gets a legitimate chance at the next four years to direct your ass home instead into the next hot zone.


Just picked your post at random, so it's not personal. The general opinion appears to be that voting third Party will somehow displace the two party system thereby allowing a viable choice for the people of America. From my very limited perspective this assumed outcome seems naive.
RP ran 3d and was ignored. Ralph Nader likewise. Insult to injury, RP ran Republican and his own party rejected him. I believe it is fair to say the Forth Estate plays a disproportionate role in swaying peoples opinions toward a particular candidate. This was overtly obvious in their treatment of RP during the Republican Debates. RP was always located to the far right of center stage. He was asked questions that lacked substance. One Ques " What makes you think you should even be up there " Insulting and outrages. I'd suggest, evidenced by the above, that the MSM has a stake in the status que. They will keep any candidate they are not in agreement with in the background. Only to be seen by their viewing audience in the most negative terms. Dem/Rep/ and anyone else who has a stake in the two party system will never allow a dissenting voice ( Third Party ) PERIOD ! My two cents ? Game Over !

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by trysts

Here is the thing Trysts:

Not voting cause you believe it is a fraud, then get the laws changed. Get the evidence and back it up, cause ultimately that is how you get such changed for the better. Sitting back and not voting, cause you think it is a waste of time, well it is the same as sitting back and complaining about a problem and not doing anything about it. I think it is foolish and ultimately does nothing constructive.

And if you do not participate in a process where doing such could have changed an outcome, is a choice, but at the same time it is wrong to complain about the outcome, if you do nothing. And not voting ultimately is the same as doing nothing. And if you do not participate, then you really should not be complaining cause it does not go your way. Laws get onto the books through non participation.

Let me ask you this: Are you going to sit around and not vote if they decide to remove your right to own a gun? Are you going to just sit there and complain when the police knock on your door and do a search and complain that the law was unfair? Would it matter if it passed by say 1 vote, or 10 or 100 or even 1000?

History is loaded with examples of where 1 vote made a difference. Think on this:
1 vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England, cost King Charles I of England his head, places King George I on the throne of England. 1 vote elected Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams into the office of President, admitted Texas, California and Oregon into the United States. 1 vote saved President Jackson from being removed from office. 1 Vote elected Hitler into position. In 1994, the U.S. House of Representatives enacted a law banning specific classes of assault weapons. The vote was initially tied but one member changed his vote to approve the ban. Bills proposing amendment to the U. S. Constitution require a 2/3's vote of each House in order to be approved. When the balanced budget amendment bill came before the U.S. Senate in March, 1995, the measure failed by one vote — Mark Hatfield, Republican from Oregon, was the sole Republican failing to vote with other members of the Republican Party which was the majority party of the U.S. Senators. When it became apparent the measure would fail, Senate Republican Whip Bob Dole changed his vote to enable him to bring the matter back up under parliamentary rules for a vote in the future.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
1. Your right to vote is NOT an entitlement. It was won by the blood of millions of serfs who are sick and tired of being used and abused by the priviledged classes, and decided once and for all that THEIR next generations will be free to decide on the direction of society and be free, even if the present generation had to pay in blood.

2. Voting is a power, and with power comes responsibilities - to oneself and to others sharing the same space, same country and world. Ignore voting and you only abrogate your responsibility as a mature adult.

3. EVERY vote COUNTS. In a true democracy, the chances of vote tampering is very much lower. At times, big money can sway votes even in a true democracy, thus if you truly believe in it, then you must vote to prevent greed from ruling.

Your vote may end up as the final deciding vote, that may win against those with selfish interests detrimental to the nation and society, just as what happened duriing the Bush/Gore election - by a few hundred votes.

4. There is NO politician that can fulfill each and everyone of your fantasies. Politicians are servants of the People, but they DO NOT serve you alone, but rather - the entire nation - the majority and help as much as possible the minorities as well.

A civilised society served all, and not serves just one person. That would be tyranny. If you do not vote, you will only be leading the path to tyranny despite to delusional claims of being a 'constutionalist'. Voting is the only legal way to ensure changes happen, to work with others to find common grounds to co exist within civilisation.

The only other alternative is to wreck the system with armed revolt, where only thousands of innocents will die. Is that what you want to do, as that is the ONLY way to change the system to suit you and your personal deluded fantasies of governance, where only your say matters instead of society?

Wake up, and assume your responsibility as a free man, and vote the best possible person to save the nation, for the sake of all. Your vote counts.

Your talking points would be accurate if this was a democracy. But we are not free the priveledges that you and i still enjoy are designed to keep us pampered long enough for them to drop the hammer on our skull. All those dead "patriots" won in the past wars was our illusion of power via voting.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Just one last thing and I'm done here.

I hate, I'm using the word hate here. Every single one of them. And Romney looks like a T.V. evangelist.

The pro vote has thee majority in this thread and everywhere else.

Washington giggles.
edit on 6-11-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Oh I get that there are none that will represent me fully. But however, here is the key, finding key points with those that are up for election. The political stage is one of give and take. The art of politics is the art of begging, giving and trading. Why sure you can have guns, but you lose points on another issue. Yes you can have safety for your country, but now you have to support an military budget that is bloated. Why yes we can give you this but at the same time you have to give up that. That is the politics at its simplest form, all wrapped up in the fancy language of legalese.

After all the greatest magicians are the ones in the halls of power, seeking to distract with smoke, mirrors and pushing their own agendas forward. And the people who are not watching are often taken by surprise.

Many politicians have learned that they have to speak for 51% of the voters in their district, in order to get into and stay in power. Language is the new weapon, often seeking to push forth agendas that seem like good ideas and at the same time turn out to be disastrous in the long run and run rough shod over all of us.

And unfortunately, the mentality of it is not my guy but your guy that needs to go, combined with a lack of votes is what causes bad governance.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by randyvs

You are hilarious!!

So funny how everyone's going so crazy on people who choose not to vote.

I didn't vote. I have a right not too.

I'm bout done with people saying if you don't vote, you can't complain!! Hah!

I sure can. I have a right too in all this corruption. But people seem to still have their eyes closed.

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