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A hypothetical scenario - what would you do???

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posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 09:59 PM
Okay I'm gonna give you a hypothetical scenario. You tell me what you'd do okay.

You're in a zombie apocalypse. You and 5 other acquaintances got chased out of a cabin in the middle of the night, as a large group of zombies tried to break in. The cabin had the only road leading back to the main roads.

You ran off into the woods by yourself, and in the chaos everyone got separated from the others. You sneaked around the woods for a while but ended up getting hopelessly lost.

Good news is you don't hear any walkers and it's morning twilight by now; and all you have on you is a bic lighter a pocket knife and a canteen of water, that might last a day or two if you're lucky. Bad news is it started raining, your not freezing but your a bit cold, as your not well dressed, plus your lost.

The woods you're in stretch all the way up into Canada so if you go the wrong way you could die. The cabin could be close by but your not sure anymore where? So could your friends. And so could the walkers.

What do you do over the next 48 hours to try and improve your survival situation? Explain how you'd go about doing each step?

edit on 7-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 10:29 PM
I would first climb a tree or find higher ground to hopefully gain my bearing.
Food wouldn't be the first thing I'm concerned about but if necessary I would eat insects and edible mushrooms for sustenance.
I would locate moss on a tree or wait until night time and use the north star so I wouldn't go North into Canada.
I would make spears by sharpening sticks. Maybe even a bow and arrow if I could gather the proper material.
I wouldn't yell for my friends but I might whistle every so often really loud.
I would keep moving in a grid type formation.
edit on 7-10-2012 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 10:54 PM

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 10:54 PM
The answer is quite simple.

I would become a zombie and I would no longer need to hide from them.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 10:55 PM
locate the cabin
put fire to it hoping other survivors see it and come back
take a stick and make it pointy with the knife
Climb in a tree near the cabin and yell to attract the zombies
poke them in the face all night
stay there until sunrise
Locate the north
walk half a day in south direction
make a shelter and rest
hunt, gather find water
walk south half a day, make another shelter
keep going until I find a town

What about you op?

edit on 7-10-2012 by AdamLaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:45 AM
First I'd mark where I am with some sticks or something. Then I'd walk perhaps 100 to 500 yards in various directions and back again until I found a familiar looking area that would lead me back to the cabin.

I'd get a big stick and maybe even mount a rock into the end if possible. And slowly investigate the cabin. If it was free I'd get back into it but try and figure out ways to secure the doors.

Then I might go trying to track down my friends for a day or two. I'd likely try and stay at the cabin if I could. If I couldn't I'd follow the road but I'd do it via the trees as to avoid detection.

I'd travel by night and build tiny leanto's by day that would camoflagh me as I sleep. I'd also build a mini fence around the sleeping area at least with something that would make some noise if someone pressed on it. Like a fishing line with some pop cans attached to it. So I'd hear the clanking if a zombie was to walk threw the fishing line, hopefully which would wake me up to alert me.

At night I'd pace myself. Just walking in the trees following the road back to the nearest villiage, or town. There I'd try and meet up with any other survivors, and or make my stand in one of the abandon houses. Fortifying the windows and doors and turning it into my command center.

Again I'd sleep by day and by night I'd go out creeping around to try and find other survivors and or supplies. If none of the cars worked I'd try and find a bike or something to get around on. If I ever needed to use that to make a break for it and go to the next nearest town or village.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:50 AM
Ok , i`d set up a little water collecting system using leaves and my canteen ..... i`d create a spear out of my knife by using a large stick and the most reliable bark / skin i can find , and i`d set out to survey the area whilst my rainwater is collecting ..... leaving marks on trees so i can follow the same route back.

Once i return wether empty handed or not i would look for a tree to sleep in for the night and make my way south in the morning.

(south since that`s where they`ll be , TPTB that is)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:09 PM
First I'd swig my canteen empty and then fill it with rain water.

Mark my spot and choose a direction, also marked, and start moving as light is starting to come up and will dry and/or warm me up at least a little. Making sure if I have to piss to swig more water and fill the canteen w/ rain if still available.

In terms of choosing a direction I'd like to get to a better vantage point but I'd want to avoid climbing a tree and potentially being off-the-ground if a Walker came my way. So I think I'd just gamble and and choose a direction toward any escalation I could see.

If I'm OK on water and don't need to stop or scavenge for hydration then I think I walk straight through high-noon and into the early evening before trying to find food. (I'm assuming the 48 hours is based on the idea you don't find friends or other help).

I'm not well-versed in the overall survival topic so I'd hope to see some animals eating any sort of flower to help identify some edible plants. I'm not sure how I'd try to make a snare with the supplies suggesting and I don't know that I'd risk a improvised spear with the pocket-knife. I know I'd be looking for a body of water and just about any place heading toward Canada I can think of must have some decent sized lakes along the way. Trapping and hunting around those would be a bit easier I'd imagine. Escaping from a pesky Walker might be easier that way too if it's not too cold.

Shelter for the night? See - for me - if it's a Walker situation, given the "pop" knowledge they're more active at night, I'd keep moving the first night and wait for late morning before hand-digging a bit of a crevice and tucking myself up against a tree for a nap. At the same time I'm also guessing we're in bear country (or wolf country) and I wonder if they'd be attracted to me or just drawn to the rotting Walker flesh?

(If you can't tell I like thinking about these sorts of things. Yep, I'm that lame.)

If I'm still alive it's somewhere around the thirty hour with a short nap. I'd be hoping to attract some more lively attention at this point - so I'm gather wood and stones and trying to setup a decent fire and smoke signal. I'd first choose a fairly open area that I can also find a good vantage point over from a decent distance (at least two-hundred yards). And make a few markers pointing in my direction in case someone live starts making their way toward the fire/smoke and sees the markers first. Markers are easy to carve into things with a pocket knife's tip (to avoid dulling the edge length too much).

If I had a bit of clothe to spare and a decent club of wood I'd probably make a torch to have handy and light if case I see live movement and don't want to make a ruckus. Light it and wave it around just enough to catch someone's eye then roll it out.

I'm guessing I'd spend four to six hours just in that whole process and wait. Water is probably low unless the rain continued (which brings up other complications).

Hrmm. Yep, I'm dying in such a situation. ;-)


posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:20 PM
I wouldn't do any of what's posted so far.

I'd improvise a shelter. First and foremost. I have built that sort of shelter before, and it is much more work, and more exasperating, than it looks. Web posters always assume that building a water-proof shed can be built in 15 minutes by anyone with a lick of sense.

The truth is, it will take 45 minutes, plus 5 minutes for starting when you're already cold. Add 15 minutes for how cold you'll be by the time you finish. Then add another 5 for the wind picking up as the sun rises. Add another 5 minutes once you've used all the suitable material near your site, and have to fan out in wider and wider circles. Add another 15 minutes when you crouch in horror at the sounds of footsteps wandering slowly i your direction.,...until you realize it's a deer...

Think about it. How long did it take you to put up a tent when you were cold and wet? 20 minutes? 30? And you weren't scared; you weren't trembling at every noise in the distance. And everything was pre-measured: no cutting or whittling or gathering involved.

Once you have shelter you can begin to collect rainwater from the "roof" (I'd use a tipi shape). You can also gather kindling as you look for edible plants. I'd probably inventory my pockets and clothes to see if I could improvise a snare. Tonight, I might consider lighting a fire a half mile or so from my shelter, just to see who shows up... in the meantime you can begin orienting yourself and drawing a map of the environs as you look for the cabin....


posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by tovenar

With all due respect , are you retarded ?

You dont build shelters and settle down during a zed outbreak man , get a grip of yourself.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by KillDaTelavisionsus



No Victory garden?

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by AdamLaw
Climb in a tree near the cabin and yell to attract the zombies
poke them in the face all night

Face poking zombies.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:35 AM
You could do whatever you choose to do.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by KillDaTelavisionsus
reply to post by tovenar

With all due respect , are you retarded ?

You dont build shelters and settle down during a zed outbreak man , get a grip of yourself.

I'm sorry, I assumed this was a thread about survival during a time of crisis. Did I intrude on your masturbatory fantasy wherein the end of civilization transforms you from a sexless geek into a macho hero, whose iron-thewed manliness will save the damsel in distress you plan to introduce on page 5?

It all depends on which zombies you are phantasizing about. Are these the semi-intelligent zombies of Shawn of the Dead, who are capable of playing video games? Or were you imagining the virus-infected creatures of Zombie Survival Guide?

If they are unfeeling automatons, the zeds around the cabin will quickly injure their limbs on thorny underbrush. Within a day, the flies will begin to make quick work of their supporating flesh. So unless you are fantasizing about the world of Day Z, the area immediately around the cabin will not be magically repopulated with zombies once the current ones starve or rot away.

And as long as you are downwind and far enough away, the zeds have no reason to wander off into the woods, where they have little enough chance of finding human brains. They will be attracted to noise and movement, and to the wilderness itself, unless they plan to eat animal brains. Wouldn't a pack of coyotes make pretty quick work of a wounded zombie, even before the flies.

Zombie apocalypse will be short lived---lasting only as long as it takes a body to putrefy.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by r2d246 about you you stop asking "WHAT IF" treads..cuz what if my sister had a penis..oh she would be my brother...just saying...really

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 04:31 AM
Chop off her hand and lock her in the cellar,
After she has been violated with a possessed tree branch.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 05:01 AM
Step 1.. build a fire to attract zombies
step 2..Run away from zombie attraction device
Step 3.. hunt and kill "former" friends for supplies
Step 4.. head to the road and find a vehicle
Step 5.. head to the nearest hardware/hunting outlet to stock up on items
Step 6.. head into the wilderness and leave the world to it's fate
Step 7.. over time go insane and talk to myself
Step 8.. succumb to the insanity leading to eventual death

it's not the happiest of scenarios but it's better than being a zombie

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by Ph03n1x
Step 1.. build a fire to attract zombies
step 2..Run away from zombie attraction device
Step 3.. hunt and kill "former" friends for supplies
Step 4.. head to the road and find a vehicle
Step 5.. head to the nearest hardware/hunting outlet to stock up on items
Step 6.. head into the wilderness and leave the world to it's fate
Step 7.. over time go insane and talk to myself
Step 8.. succumb to the insanity leading to eventual death

it's not the happiest of scenarios but it's better than being a zombie

Frankly, if you didn't stop by your local beauty shop for a case of AquaNet when you picked up the Bic, everything else is a moot point.
All the pointy stick people above must have been men.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by saltdog

Understanding the what if's isn't the end all be all of survival. You'll never work out ever mathematical certainty. You might increase your probability though. But I think just simple things like having faith that things will work out and trusting in God is just as essential.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Ph03n1x

Well you could talk to the animals. And eventually as you get to know certain ones you might not understand what they're saying but you'll pick up one the way they say things to give you an idea of what they might be trying to tell you. Like subtle cues in there vocals. And eventually you're bound to stumble into another group of moroders. By that time you'll be so emaciated that they'll get repulsed by the thought of eating you. Instead they'll feel sorry for you and give you something to eat. After you eat it you'll discover later that it was the remains of one of your lost friends. But you won't feel guilty like cannible feeling because you didn't know until you already ate it. And it just gave you enough strength to keep going and hunting so you and the new group are able to find some more food and keep going. And eventually you'll live happlily ever after, the end!

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