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german and british embassies attacked

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posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:03 PM
I'd be interested to know just how Libya suddenly became host to the kind of extremist Jihadi terrorists that Gaddaffi spent 40 years successfully keeping out. Libya under Gaddaffi was the best example of a moderate and even enlightened Islamic State. The standard of living there was good. Everyone had healthcare, everyone had a decent modern education, and while fundamentalism was vigilantly and robustly discouraged, it wasn't done at the expense of Religion, or Islam as a whole.

And unless I'm very much mistaken, The Bank of Libya was one of only three Banks that had managed to stay free from the rot and corruption of Rothschild control. In fact, Rothschild had set up and opened their own replacement "Bank of Libya" in Benghazi before the fighting had even stopped, so the real agenda of this regime change now starts to emerge. The so called "rebels" were just another CIA funded and armed insurgency, hired Chechen and Georgian mercenaries fresh from Africa's Sudanese and Somalian conflict zones, shipped in to destabilise the only politically stable Middle Eastern Country. (Except Saudi Arabia)

So now the dust has settled, America can't just leave Libya's vast oil reserves in the hands of a penny piss pot regime that can't even guarantee the safety of it's Embassies. Which is no doubt going to be the pretext for an invasive American Military presence in Libya during the next few months. The CIA pattern of false flag attacks to justify American Military presence in the Middle East isn't exactly a new thing, is it?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:54 PM
this is horrible and unacceptable.. All these Muslims claim Islam is peaceful, wtf with all this blood and stuff going on..I swear, they're making the world hate Muslims..I swear if it wasn't for a thread here that showed pics of people in libya saying they're against violence and terrorism and saying don't judge them..I was honestly judging them and saying " I hope we bomb them and take them off this planet" but it was ignorant for me to judge some cowards for the rest of innocent people.. But really, Doing all these attacks on innocent embassy is just outrageous.. wtf did anyone in the embassey do to deserve that..Muslim people have some brainwashed things going on, they really need to get out of there countries and realize what the world is really like..

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Dizrael

Nothing to see here,move along please.
Happens all the time,help a dog get better
and it will bite the hand that feeds it.

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by wagnificent

Originally posted by murphy22
Just a thought. I don't think Americans like swaping a chief in the middle of a war. Kind of handy and convenient I think, for the timing. The way our current one has acted, he didn't seem that surprised. Do I think he would do something like know and not act? Yes, yes I do. He may even keep the door unlocked. Cowards and traitors are so predictable.

I highly doubt that any president of the United States is in the position to orchestrate things like this. The president's job is to be the poster boy of the United States. Read this, sign that, smile for the camera. Guaranteed that the people behind these types of events are not people you see on TV.

It is very convenient, considering Obama is a Muslim, and don't tell me he isn't...his name is Barak Hussein Obama for cripes sake. That is hardly a western Christian name. Not to mention he has been snubbing Israel's Prime Minister lately and turning his back on him....this is what the Bible said the Antichrist would do, not to mention he will be so charismatic that he will have people all over the world in awe of him as he lies to them,...they will still believe in him....Check, check, check.

He may not be the Antichrist, but he might as well be, he's got the chip in the hand that the Bible speaks of wrapped up into his healthcare plan, also this jerk-off finished Bush's tyrannical policies for him (re-animated the Patriot Act 2 when it was time for it to expire), He said he would bring home the troops within 6 months in office, then it turned into a year, and then he sent more over there and then the media hype shouts "Obama to bring troops home", so he brings home a handful and sends 3 times that amount back over. Now that the elections are here, he is talking about bringing troops home again. I guess if stupid people fell for it once, why fix it?

He created executive orders that could get any one of us detained for nothing at all. only for thought crimes, and because of him, you get no trial and you can be detained and t0rch3r3d (remember Cheney? It's not t0rch3r until organ collapse) they can interrogate you brutally until your organs "almost collapse", as this is the new definition and standard for what t0rch3r is.
You can now, thanks to Obama,be detained for whatever reason they want, without a trial, detained indefinitely...and get this, even if a court finds you innocent...they can still keep you detained indefinitely.

Now, as we speak...he is writing an executive order to take full control of the internet to protect us from these illusory terr0rists. Which are nothing but lies, everyone knows this crap is orchestrated by the CIA, they do this crap all the time, they have been caught!

These are not the actions of a true American. His platform four years ago was "Change", the only thing that changed was the color of the skin. We are more in debt now than we were four years ago and he has spent just as much as Bush did. The only difference between him and Bush is that Bush tries to act smart but is stupid and Obama is stupid and tries to act smart. Want proof?

This man is running our country!!!!!!!


A montage of 65 blatant lies back to back....4 more years MY @ss.

Obama claims to be Christian, why not? In a country filled with Christians and built under that'll get a man into office right? Let's see how much of a Christian he really is.

Daniel 7:25 King James Version (KJV)

" 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

His whole platform was about "change" and changing the law and the times is exactly what he has done. Obama is most likely the real Antichrist.
edit on 14-9-2012 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by queenannie38

Originally posted by queenannie38
reply to post by ColCurious

That's exactly what I thought you would say.
Thank you.


I'll be glad to repeat it as often as you wish, as long as it's not "forbidden" to voice my opinion about religious wackos.

Freedom of speech doesn't cave in to demands of religious fanatics!

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by live2beknown
this is horrible and unacceptable.. All these Muslims claim Islam is peaceful, wtf with all this blood and stuff going on..I swear, they're making the world hate Muslims..I swear if it wasn't for a thread here that showed pics of people in libya saying they're against violence and terrorism and saying don't judge them..I was honestly judging them and saying " I hope we bomb them and take them off this planet" but it was ignorant for me to judge some cowards for the rest of innocent people.. But really, Doing all these attacks on innocent embassy is just outrageous.. wtf did anyone in the embassey do to deserve that..Muslim people have some brainwashed things going on, they really need to get out of there countries and realize what the world is really like..
I agree that it's horrible and unacceptable.

But just because we're told it was orchestrated by Islamist Fundies, doesn't necessarily mean that it was. It has the stink of a CIA backed black op to me. Ramping up the levels of unrest among Islamic Countries takes the heat off of Cousin Israel's preparations to lay waste to Iran and Pakistan. While the US pragmatically increases it's Military footprint in Libya (for the oil) Yemen, (for the renditioning of whoever the hell they want) and Egypt (Suez Canal) Global pillage on an industrial level, all to feed America's disproportionate addiction to oil. That's how the US Government was co-opted by the big Banking conglomerates, so that they rule you all, no matter who sits in the Oval office.

Corporate entities with the same Constitutional rights as American Citizens? Whose abortion of an idea was that then? Who stands to gain? Who stands to lose? And in whose interests are your elected representatives working? Not your's, that's for sure. Washington is owned by Bonesmen. Every Political or Financial big hitter has been suitably groomed by the subversive and secretive monster that is Skull and Bones.

By the time they get their hands anywhere near power, every potential Candidate has been co-opted through either blackmail, or bought lock stock and barrel by the Bankers, the Bonesmen and the Bohemia Grove.Cabal of the eschaton, invested to the hilt in bringing Ragnorak , Armageddon, and the Great Dragon riding Whore of Babylon to bring about the End Time Prophecies they have been propagating for centuries.
A Wargasm that will blast humanity back to the Stone Age. But hey, waddya gonna do right?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by mobiusmale

I missed the part where Germany had any connection whatsoever to this movie...

In a word...nuts.

The excuse for rioting and burning the German embassy isn't the movie, but a small right wing party named "pro NRW" (for North Rhine-Westphalia) ( sorry, no link in english, there is one in french though) that often demonstrates with caricatures of Mohammed, which tends to infuriate the muslims here as well. The muslims here and abroad think the government should not allow the members of the party (and anyone else) free speech if it goes against islam. Sounds familiar?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by BadBeast

I said almost the same thing in other post. The CIA supposes to gather the intelligence and hopefully help prevent. But then, I started to read news headlines from a thousand source and could not find one piece of intel that the U.S. could have intervene to stop this.

So now I guess the snip, snip of snip is behind all of this for whoever dirty agenda and the CIA is nowhere to be mention or found during the mayhem. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

All of us at ats said, something was going to happen before this year..and now what?

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 11:41 PM
Can't wait to watch Bill Maher's show to hear him blame all religions for yet another atrocity. The only difference is, I, as a Christian, don't feel the need to set his studio on fire after he tells me what a moron I am for believing in children's stories.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by sylent6

I've been doing a bit of thinking lately about the function and allegiance of the CIA. When you get down to the nitty gritty, they may nominally be an American agency, but this has started looking kinda shaky to me, like it's nothing more than a flag of convenience that allows them a cover for their activities. I know they receive rubber stamped funding from the US Government, which is probably all correct, and accounted for if anyone cared to look. But ever since Vietnam, they've had the lion's share of all international trade in illicit drugs. This must add up to a fair old wedge of green, maybe even limitless funds, to finance their various Black Ops around the World.

Technically, they are answerable to the US Government, but how much real control have successive US Governments really had over this Agency? It's just a nodding relationship between two complicit but separate entities. You don't get to operate under the radar with the impunity of the CIA, unless you have every angle completely wrapped up. The only concession I can find that the CIA have with the US Government, is that they are to have no jurisdiction on American soil. Now drain me for a catheter if I'm wrong, but an American Security / Intelligence Agency with no power of any kind . . . . in America? That just doesn't ring true. Every other Agency is bristling with legislature covering every conceivable risk or threat. But not the CIA. Their power doesn't come as an extension of the United States Government. If anything, it's the other way around.

The CIA have Security Advisers in just about every South American Country. Their Police and Security Forces and are all vetted, trained up by, and answerable to the CIA. They covertly own whole Governments down there. Bolivia, and Colombia are really only allowed to call themselves Sovereign States as long as they keep growing Coca for the Company. All the World's Coca is distributed by franchised Cartels, and they all pay the Board of Directors on the nail. Every time. The last time one a Company Man went freelance down there, they almost lost control of the Panama Canal. But Manuel Noriega wasn't quite as smart as he thought. He thought the only Embassy that wasn't owned by the Company, was the Vatican Embassy.

And he was technically right. But the last time the Vatican crossed the CIA, (The Banco Ambrosia debacle) they lost Pope John Paul I. (And almost lost control of the Italian Mob's slush accounts) So Pope John Paul II decided on prudence, and ordered the Consul to refuse Noriega's application for Asylum. He's now in a Top Security Federal Jail, for the next (I think) 11 years, and the Govt have already signed papers agreeing to extradite him to France to face conspiracy to murder charges, and France have agreed (if there's any breath left in him after that) to extradite him back to Panama to face charges.

The CIA was set up after WWII, to wrap up any loose ends, and consolidate American interests in the newly designated European Post War political Arena. And who were the ideal Agents to work this angle? Yep, the Nazi Party elites who bought their passage out of Europe with Nazi Rocket Technology, and
their rabid hatred of America's new enemy, the USSR.

.50'000 Nazi Party and SS Men, and their families were relocated in South America, where they rose to positions of power in Bolivia, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Brasil. Their SS and Gestapo training was right up South America's Military Junta Government's Street. And the first CIA operatives were all recruited from this pool. And the next lot of CIA people were recruited from their sons.

The arrangement with America must have been something along the lines of "We keep you ahead of the Reds, Militarily, and carry out any wet work you need doing, and supply you with preferential top secret information, on everyone else with our European Intelligence Network.

And in return, you give us Flag of Convenience, and a free, untaxed Market for our South American Yayo operations. And as a measure of our goodwill, we promise to leave successive American Governments to Govern themselves, with no Domestic Company Jurisdictional or Political interference. *Shake hands*

So the (we're no longer known as) Nazis, now had a body of International Pirates, Assassins, and Spies. They worked their anti Russian agenda out with the Cold War, and instigated what amounted to a pogrom against American Communists in the 1950's. In the 60's, they arranged the Vietnam War solely because they has Laos, Thailand, and Burma producing enough Heroin to take the international market from the Chinese. And of course, they had a whole new market lined up and ready for it, and a Military distribution network. Nice work, boys. Oh, and do you still say "Sieg Heil"?

"Of course not. We're Americans now, just like you guys"


posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:33 AM
the real anger comes from people being sick and tired of US and
Israeli sabotage over the years.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:33 AM
And of course who can forget present day enlargement of Israeli territory
by force by the so called "illegal settlements"

Israel is the ONLY country that literally grows its borders by force and no
one in the western world says they shouldn't do it.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by bellagirl

What a minute I thought Muslims were so tolerant. They usually turn the other cheek and welcome people that are not the same.......

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by flexy123

If we leave and let them "mind their own business", the first thing which will happen is that the islamic nations will attack Israel.

So or will blow up.

Please don't make me Laugh,

Israel has 200-400 nukes, which is also why Iran wants nukes so that your beloved Israel can't attack them.

Get your facts straight

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by SubTruth
reply to post by bellagirl

What a minute I thought Muslims were so tolerant. They usually turn the other cheek and welcome people that are not the same.......

the real anger comes from people being sick and tired of US and
Israeli sabotage over the years.

Mind Control
Genetic experimentation
Political Subterfuge
Financial Plunder

And of course who can forget present day enlargement of Israeli territory
by force by the so called "illegal settlements"

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Bullhorn
Can't wait to watch Bill Maher's show to hear him blame all religions for yet another atrocity. The only difference is, I, as a Christian, don't feel the need to set his studio on fire after he tells me what a moron I am for believing in children's stories.

Why don't you tell that to Mossad agents arrested and released on 9/11 taping the attack in advance.

You don't mind when Jews sacrifice 3000 Americans for purpose of making wars in Middle East

But you do mind when these same muslims decide that they don't like your little behind anymore.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:33 AM
What we need to do is install these in every embassy and crank up the voltage.

Or These.
Blinding Light
Speech Jammer
Top 10 Non Lethal Weapons Source
Top 10 Non Lethal Weapons ATS Thread

We have the technology it needs to be used.
edit on 15-9-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by LostPassword

Originally posted by flexy123

If we leave and let them "mind their own business", the first thing which will happen is that the islamic nations will attack Israel.

So or will blow up.

Please don't make me Laugh,

Israel has 200-400 nukes, which is also why Iran wants nukes so that your beloved Israel can't attack them.

Get your facts straight

Where is your source for the number of nukes Israel has?

If it is true you need to show proof or is that a made up number and not a fact?
edit on 15-9-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 03:49 AM
We need to kick these islamist out of the western countries, stop sending them islamist countries any more aid, and let them die under the hot boiling sun like the anmals that they are.
Don't like western stuff ? well i gues you dont like internet, bam all internet connections cut/blocked/firewalled by google/and dns servers to all these die hard islamist countries.
You also dont like stuff from China. ..embargo in place...all electronics are also western made 99%...embarog on that.all western clothes...embarog on that....
LEt the mlive in their locked up contries with only what they produce..which is mot much..a bit of goat fur clothes and what else ? If a proper embargo was made they wouldn't even have toilet paper, no pen to write , they be back to clay tablets in no time.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:57 AM
There will be a major war soon...I feel it. I hate to say it but I seriously have this strong feeling something bad is about to happen in the next week.

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