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Ron Paul won't win.. but WE still might

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:06 AM
Despite the recent gains in delegates, takeovers of state conventions, and talk of rule 38, the numbers just aren't there for Ron Paul to get the republican nomination. Being a strong supporter, this is a sad conclusion for me to come to, but it's reality.

In this video from Adam Kokesh, former aide to Dr. Paul's 2008 campaign, Don Rasmussen explains the details.

Disclaimer: If you're a Ron Paul supporter, I advise to watch the entire video through the end

HOWEVER.. this does not mean the end, or even a step backwards, for the freedom movement. In the past several months, enormous gains have occurred in the name of non-interventionist foreign policy, sound monetary policy, and the Constitution. Supporters of not only Ron Paul, but his overall message of liberty, have been infiltrating the republican party at the county level, the state level, and even within the GOP's national ranks. People from all over the country who say Ron Paul is the reason they're running for office will be up for election in the coming years, at not only state and local levels, but for congress and senate as well. As the video says, Ron Paul's Revolution has gone from being a fringe cult in 2008, to becoming a significant portion of the mainstream political spectrum. This is huge. This movement is just planting its feet, and it's planting them hard. It is playing the game and following the rules, and it's setting itself up to be a force to be reckoned with for many years to come, not just in this election cycle or in Tampa or whatever. This is longview, true grassroots type of stuff going on here.

And it is my personal opinion that this may be better for us in the long run. I authored a thread a while back, elaborating on the idea that TPTB could easily use a Ron Paul presidency to sabotage the entire awakening that is taking place.

What Concerns Me About President Ron Paul

I'm not saying that's definitely what I think would happen. And I'm definitely not saying I wouldn't give absolutely everything I have to see Dr. Paul in the white house. I'm just saying let's face reality and look forward to the extremely bright future ahead of us. I'm saying this could be the last shot we have at peaceful revolution in our lifetime, and we have to play our cards right. Ron Paul knows this, and he has said time and again how he just wants to be the best messenger for the revolution that he can be. He knows this whole thing is much bigger than him and it certainly doesn't fizzle out along with his presidential hopes.

We all know that with EITHER an Obama re-election or a Romney administration, the lies will continue, the wars will continue, the corruption will persist, and the raping of our currency and thus our middle class will continue.. and therefore

the revolution will thrive

The awakening will continue to grow at an incredible rate, just as it has since 2008. Because every day, more and more people are simply fed up.

this is only the beginning

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by bacci0909

Can't he run third party?

Pardon my question if it sounds silly but I'm NOT american and I don't understand the whole US voting process.

Wiki says third party candidates rarely win elections. Does this mean they still can?



posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by CityFarmer
reply to post by bacci0909

Can't he run third party?

Pardon my question if it sounds silly but I'm NOT american and I don't understand the whole US voting process.

Wiki says third party candidates rarely win elections. Does this mean they still can?



Yes, he could run 3rd party. And I actually hope he does. That would present a whole new set of possibilities (and impossibilities). But I doubt that he will.

It's true, a win by a 3rd party hasn't happened in a long long time, but it's still a possibility.

Funny thing is, people always say Ron Paul running 3rd party would "hand the election to Obama" (because they think it would split the republican vote), but a recent poll suggests the opposite. I guess enough democrats and independents would vote for Paul that it would actually hurt Obama's numbers.

Ron Paul Third Party Run Would Hurt President Obama, New Poll Finds

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by bacci0909

Yes I think many people are waiting in the shadow to be given the opportunity to vote for a decent candidate.
Plus the alleged fraud by Romney and the current Obama policies that people are starting to come aware of.

Ron Paul would be crazy nuts if he didn't take his chance on a third party run.
Going so far in the race and then pass the torch to Rand for 2017? Sounds like a crappy plan to me.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:33 AM
Finally a supporter of Ron Paul talking some sense.

You all need to listen to him, it's over for the chances of RP being POTUS but he has made an impact on the GOP party if, and that is a big if, his supporters stay around in elected positions for a number of years.
After all it is an easy model to follow, get elected, always vote no and never get any legislation passed that you author.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:13 AM
I refuse to believe that anything is over until the proverbial fat lady sings, and I will do what I can for Paul all the way to the ballot at the end of the year. That said, I agree with the idea that we now have a strong foothold within the GOP, which will only make our future endeavors easier, by weakening the opposition from the establishment, which so far has used every dirty trick in the book to try and steal this nomination from us..

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by CityFarmer
reply to post by bacci0909

Yes I think many people are waiting in the shadow to be given the opportunity to vote for a decent candidate.
Plus the alleged fraud by Romney and the current Obama policies that people are starting to come aware of.


Ron Paul would be crazy nuts if he didn't take his chance on a third party run.
Going so far in the race and then pass the torch to Rand for 2017? Sounds like a crappy plan to me.

I don't know.. there are a multitude of new issues that spring up when considering the 3rd party run. I mean, in theory I agree with you, but it gets complicated

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
After all it is an easy model to follow, get elected, always vote no and never get any legislation passed that you author.

I think you experienced a glitch, allow me to correct you

** Get elected, always vote no, and in the process educate millions upon millions of people about central banking, non-interventionist foreign policy, and what true freedom means

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by bacci0909

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
After all it is an easy model to follow, get elected, always vote no and never get any legislation passed that you author.

I think you experienced a glitch, allow me to correct you

** Get elected, always vote no, and in the process educate millions upon millions of people about central banking, non-interventionist foreign policy, and what true freedom means

I'll give you your little jab and laugh along with you, because you are the only one talking sense around here as a hardcore Ron Paul supporter.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 12:58 PM
Too bad your thread died here and nobody was willing to listen to you.

I'd feel abandoned if I were the OP, by all of the hateful Ron Paul followers.

This is a true indication that the Ron Paul movement will die quickly as soon as the Convention is over.

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 01:53 PM


posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
Too bad your thread died here and nobody was willing to listen to you.

I'd feel abandoned if I were the OP, by all of the hateful Ron Paul followers.

This is a true indication that the Ron Paul movement will die quickly as soon as the Convention is over.

On the contrary, I see it as more of an indication that the Ron Paul movement simply won't take no for an answer, which is a great thing. People call them delusional.. I bet many said the same of the revolutionists that brought on America's independence.

I could understand how they wouldn't want to check out something that says "Ron Paul won't win". Can't blame them, I probably would have avoided it, had it been a couple weeks ago. Also, I could have worded the title better.. it might sound truly anti-Paul to some people due to the wording.

edit on 27-5-2012 by bacci0909 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2012 @ 02:38 PM
I had similar thoughts in 2008. Was hardcore Ron Paul supporter, and although I really wanted to believe he was electable, I conceded that although he was unlikely to win, just getting higher numbers than the average 3rd party candidate of the past would inspire people to consider him electable in the future. I reasoned it was a start to prove to the American public that we could reshape the political terrain to include more than a two-party, corporate controlled system.

Although a certain pace in gains has been set, I honestly don't think it's even close to enough to get through this mess civilly. Although more people are aware of this or that issue...and take it more seriously than, say 4 years's still very few people who are staying on top of this game and integrating a good chunk of the pieces so that they may (if in positions of power) actually thwart future calamities.

I'm pretty well apathetic towards politics now. Have been so for the whole year. I'm aware that this is my choice, and believe I have chosen wisely considering the circumstances. Maybe it's just maturity. I don't know. I'm more interested in focusing on the day to day, and what I can tangibly take care of to better myself, my loved ones, and my local community. Besides that, I plan on meeting whatever comes my way head on. I'm not denying the world, just choosing not to focus on what obviously is set on automatic overdrive off a cliff.
edit on 27-5-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

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