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Blacks in America are under attack.

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posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 02:45 AM

If roses can be red, yellow, pink and white,
And still be roses

If hair can be blonde, brown, black, white and red
And still be hair

Then why can't we be be brown, black white pink and yellow,
And still be people?

By Aoife

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 03:17 AM

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 03:31 AM
I'll preface this by saying I am a Black / African-American / Human / male.

[sarcasm begins]
I am a black man. I am probably going be shot by another black man because I am black, and if he doesn't shoot me first then I will shoot him. All my ancestors were slaves, but I don't know that because I cannot and/or refuse read a biased or non-fictional history book. I'm probably going to commit a homicide, rob or assault you because I play the race card and blame the man for all of my problems and don't want to succeed. My entire race of people has not evolved and we are all destitute and can't do anything without being raised within a different ethnic culture other than my own.
[/sarcasm ends]

OK I compiled that pile of garbage statement by reading a good majority of comments on this thread. I am a black man and I'm not going to ask for your sympathy, hand outs, or anything else from you. For example: I'll be the first to admit that I loathe affirmative action. The fact that affirmative action exists to me lets me know that in order to get a "fair" shot at a job, there has to be a law against apparent and blatant discrimination solely because of my race. Now that's ignorant. Maybe they think I don't have the mental faculties of a non-black, I'll steal office supplies, rape their wives, stab my other black affirmative action co-worker in a dice game, show up to work thirty minutes late with a 40, or God knows what else.

For those that do; There is no need for you to cross the street, clutch your purse, bring your child in closer, fear me, hate me, prejudge me, lock your doors when I approach your car at the intersection, think I am less intelligent, or (add whatever you like here) because I am probably minding my own business thinking of ways to better myself and my family; Which makes it is a waste of your precious time and energy which could be best suited towards something positive in life.

I don't need to give anyone a history lesson on what happened to blacks in the US and how far we've come and how far we have to go. I thank those people who stood up against insurmountable odds to grant me the liberties I have today.

But go on... Continue to think of me what you will simply because I'm black. I'm not losing any sleep over it...

edit on 25-3-2012 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2012 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:00 AM
for God's sake, everybody's under attack.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:05 AM
divide and conqure
as stated above

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by hammanderr
Blacks are being unfairly victimized all over the US and blah blah blah

Utter nonsense.

Blacks in America enjoy the highest standard of living of any blacks in this world.

And, statistically speaking, blacks are by far the least productive and most likely of all peoples to engage in violent crime. Blacks are roughly 13% of the population yet commit the overwhelming majority of violent crimes.

As long as blacks live amongst whites, or any other non-blacks, they will always feel 'unfairly victimized' and 'discriminated' against. And this is due to the simple fact that, on average, non-blacks have greater intellectual capacity than blacks. All known IQ and intellectual data supports this statement. Control for income & environment if you want; intelligence always comes down to descent (i.e. genetics).

People may think that statement is 'racist' or 'hurtful' but it is nothing but truth.

It is this truth that lies at the heart of 'evil' racism.

And why don't we hear Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and others making such complaints? Why aren't they playing the perpetual victim?

Answer: because these and other 'minorities' of east Asia have significant intellectual capacity, work ethic, and are highly productive. Consider the productivity of a tiny nation such as South Korea. Contrast with the productivity of the entire African continent.

Don't get me wrong: I like black people just fine. My favorite teacher of all-time was my science teacher in the fourth grade. He happens to be a black fellow. My PhD adviser in grad school was 'black' (in fact he still is). I chose him to be my adviser.

Ever notice how people that decry violent 'racism' point to a collection of events that can be counted on one hand? But they seem to neglect that blacks engage in racist violence against whites EVERY DAY.

Just in the past month we had the case of some black children pouring gasoline on a white kid and lighting him on fire BECAUSE HE IS WHITE.

Yet in this Trayvon 'case' there is witness testimony that this kid was beating up Zimmerman before shots were fired. And there isn't a shred of the incident having any racial motivations whatsoever.

It's just another incident that the race-hustlers will use as an excuse to promote yet more violence against non-blacks.

edit on 25-3-2012 by Spooky1 because: added stuff

edit on 25-3-2012 by Spooky1 because: clarifications

edit on 25-3-2012 by Spooky1 because: clarifications, typo; I should really proof-read before posting...

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:14 AM
Just a bunch of weirdos playing the race-card. (no offense meant) but you guys are already conquering the media, sports and who knows what else. what else the f**k you guys want? you don't hear the latino people complaining, maybe it is time to stop complaining and man the hell up. right?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Tsubaki
Barack Obama is mixed. Slavery in Africa pre colonization was akin to indentured servitude. Slavery by the Europeans was not, remember? Remember how Blacks couldn't feel pain? Were sub-human? Blacks are considered less intelligent, I wonder if the living conditions of most Blacks have anything to do with that? I wonder if Rap music is responsible for any of this? I wonder why Rap music was generally ignored by all but who listened until more White teens began to listen? I wonder why I get pulled over at least 6-7 times a month for generally no reason. I wonder why a high number of Mississippians would like to see Jim Crow laws return.
I wondered as a kid why I never saw to many people that looked like me on T.V very often. I wondered why my mom told me I had to cut my hair when I got older if I wanted to be successful? I liked my afro. I wonder why those old white ladies always pull their children/grandchildren close when I walk by? I wondered why I had to enroll in "special electives" to learn about the history of Africa? I wonder why that guy asked my Russian wife was she a "'n-word' lover" a few weeks ago? I wonder why Southlake Texas looks so nice. I wonder why I never see Blacks/Asians/Hispanics passing through on my way to work. I wonder why diversity is painted negatively here?

Having to cut your hair to be successful...there are a lot of white guys who want to have long hair, but they can't because it's not considered conducive to the starch-pressed business culture. Maybe an afro isn't either.

People on t.v. don't look like you...advertisers go for broad audiences, and it's just in the past 10 years or so that whites weren't such an overwhelming majority that it was ridiculous.

Getting stopped 6 or 7 times a month for no reason...I have several white friends that have the same thing happen. If you're young-ish and male, it could be because of that.

You had to enroll in special electives to learn about the history of Africa probably because you don't live in Africa (though, I'll grant that if you actually do live in Africa, that's really messed up).

My point is that all these things that you see as active discrimination against you because of your skin color may just be the results of other factors and you're just taking it that way because you've been socialized to think that whitey is out to get you.

I'm not going to deny that racism exists, especially in the areas that you're talking about. I'm just saying that maybe you shouldn't be so paranoid about every little thing being a slight against you.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Spooky1

I hate to be such a broken record but many of you did not click on the links or you'd get the irony of my initial post. I was attempting to address the Sociopolitical aspect of the revolutionary African American agenda in the US and the constant painting of themselves as blameless victims. Any of us that live in the real world recognize the obvious reality that blacks suffer no true inferiority in terms of ability or intelligence so this is not a thread designed to address that issue. Specifically I hoped to start a conversation regarding treatment of blacks in media and society in general.

The incident I provided links for in the OP is one in which some 18 African American men raped an 11 year old latin girl, and video taped it and apparently allowed that video to get out into distribution. There can be no question of their culpability in this matter as they recorded themselves in action. The African American community in Cleveland Texas came to their defense after the arrests occurred and seemed to be defending their men vociferously. They really seemed to be suggesting that an 11 year old girl was asking for it and that she was resposible for the ruining of the rapists lives and futures. These men were not all teenagers, some were in their late 20's. So my question is,

"If blacks in America want us to be up in arms regarding the shooting of Trayvon Martin, where is the outpouring of outrage for an 11 year old girl?"

I'm not even attempting to analyze the shooting of this kid in Florida, justice will be served eventually. I'm just wondering how many of the people defending the men in the Cleveland Texas rape case are now attending protests and walkouts for Trayvon Martin, and if they see the huge hypocrisy therein. Perhaps when blacks in America start holding each other accountable for something as horrific as the gang rape of a child by grown men, then the rest of us will start to take their "struggle" for justice a bit more seriously.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by ShadowAngel85

True... I experience this first hand all the time, most blacks just don't like whites.
White folks always invite black folks to things, but it's never reciprocated. Most blacks don't like whites, they want their own and their own only, and will look at you like you're crazy if you say so. FACT.

Isn't it obvious Obama is doing his best to destroy us? Follow his record; 100% LIES and EVERY single one of his appointees is from WALL STREET! WAKE UP!

edit on 25-3-2012 by Star128 because: Addition

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck
The only color BO represents is GREEN, as in MONEY.
Who is born in Kenya, forws up in Indonesia, then Hawaii, and goes to Harvard?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by hammanderr

So are woman, and whites are cosntantly being attacked by blacks but this is not as publized ( like jesse jackson or al sharpton would defend a caucasion who was attacked by his own race LOLOL) because we are not in the same catagory of what is right and what is wrong with racism. Its a hanias crime what happen to trayvon and I hope they hang zimmerman. But what about the recent attacks on white people because of this trayvon death? what gets me is zimmerman is a racist hispanic monster and not any mention ot his race verses who he murdered. This zimmerman ordeal is being tacked on the caucasion society and we didnt do it this time.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Spooky1

As long as blacks live amongst whites, or any other non-blacks, they will always feel 'unfairly victimized' and 'discriminated' against. And this is due to the simple fact that, on average, non-blacks have greater intellectual capacity than blacks. All known IQ and intellectual data supports this statement. Control for income & environment if you want; intelligence always comes down to descent (i.e. genetics).

Please link the proper studies that you referring to.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:55 PM
Until we realize that there is only one race(human)and decide to stand up and help one another, there will always be violence based on skin color. We are not hurting one another as much as we are hurting ourselves with racism. All races should take responsibility for their actions and their futures instead of pointing fingers. Nobody is responsible for the way your life is except you. We all make a conscious decision to be who we are every day. History or race has nothing to do with it. We as individuals make our own choices.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by majesticgent
I'll preface this by saying I am a Black / African-American / Human / male.

[sarcasm begins]
I am a black man. I am probably going be shot by another black man because I am black, and if he doesn't shoot me first then I will shoot him. All my ancestors were slaves, but I don't know that because I cannot and/or refuse read a biased or non-fictional history book. I'm probably going to commit a homicide, rob or assault you because I play the race card and blame the man for all of my problems and don't want to succeed. My entire race of people has not evolved and we are all destitute and can't do anything without being raised within a different ethnic culture other than my own.
[/sarcasm ends]

OK I compiled that pile of garbage statement by reading a good majority of comments on this thread. I am a black man and I'm not going to ask for your sympathy, hand outs, or anything else from you. For example: I'll be the first to admit that I loathe affirmative action. The fact that affirmative action exists to me lets me know that in order to get a "fair" shot at a job, there has to be a law against apparent and blatant discrimination solely because of my race. Now that's ignorant. Maybe they think I don't have the mental faculties of a non-black, I'll steal office supplies, rape their wives, stab my other black affirmative action co-worker in a dice game, show up to work thirty minutes late with a 40, or God knows what else.

For those that do; There is no need for you to cross the street, clutch your purse, bring your child in closer, fear me, hate me, prejudge me, lock your doors when I approach your car at the intersection, think I am less intelligent, or (add whatever you like here) because I am probably minding my own business thinking of ways to better myself and my family; Which makes it is a waste of your precious time and energy which could be best suited towards something positive in life.

I don't need to give anyone a history lesson on what happened to blacks in the US and how far we've come and how far we have to go. I thank those people who stood up against insurmountable odds to grant me the liberties I have today.

But go on... Continue to think of me what you will simply because I'm black. I'm not losing any sleep over it...

edit on 25-3-2012 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2012 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

We walk across the street, pull our children next to us our bodies shake out of control when we are about to face any person of any color who is dressed to the appearance of a gang banger, youknow baggy pants with their arss crack showing, red or blue bandana, gold teeth, to much jewlery you know the bling. White people dress this way also and I will walk across the street if i see a white person approaching me dressed in this manner. It isnt the color it is the look and the attitudes.

O and me being caucasion have not gotten a few jobs because I am not black. I lived in south carolina for 4 months left from the highb level a racism against the caucasion. My daughter at the time was in 7th grade, the school she was to attend was 3 years behind the national average, she would had been the 3rd caucasion student. my neighbor told me about a school of the mainland, ( i lived on Ladys Island, the mainland was beaufort) that accepted students from the islands. I went to register her and she was turned down, know why? because they had their quota of caucasion students from the islands filled. The school was 2/3rd capacity with 1/3rd seats left. still didnt let her in. SO I waited a week called the beaufort school asked them to send me a registration forms by mail, i recieved them filled them out and check Black as her race, I got a letter back the following week she was accepted. I went the next monday to enroll her they looked at the app they looked at us and said, You are not african american/black race she cant go here. I tried to argue we had african american from a great great great grandmother. They didnt accept her and one week later i received a letter that clearly stated she didnt qualify because the caucasion quota had been filled. Know that I am talking about this I am going to try and locate that letter, hopefully I kept it. Anyhow for know it is just my word against beliegf or dis belief. I talked my husband into quitting one of the hghest paying jobs he ever had so we could move back westward to where whites were not discriminated.
Racism has no boundries borders or limits color is never an issue when it comes to racism it is there across the board across the globe get over the whinning and live with it.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 01:48 PM
Heh OP, ya got me at first, I thought oh come on another race card pulled from the deck, then I clicked your links, I wish I didn't because I am so disgusted. That was an 11 year old, these men knew better dirty as* scum bags. To blame that little girl because of make up and her lifestyle, all be it that little girl seems to have grown up way to fast, I can't fathom my daughter having a face book page at that age and I'll be damned if she ever has one it's nothing but trouble. This girls mother seems to be proud of the way the little girl acts, "My little wild child", wrong!.
that doesnt excuse what those men did and that town defending them?. Just gather them up in the desert and drop a bomb on them. I am so sick to my stomach right now.

Look at what the black panthers are doing now, they have a bounty on Zimmerman's head, I am not defending that loser in any form but a bounty? it even says wanted dead or alive! I cant help but think this is the TPTB in control of this and race war is in the future. I am actually very worried.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 01:55 PM
Seriously, though - how many of you guys read the links in the first post?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by hapablab

That's exactly what I'm getting at, you got it. Had we put a "bounty" on the Cleveland rapists heads I am quite certain that that community would've protested loudly and perhaps even have claimed that this was a racially motivated treatment of their men. Where is the consistency? You get what you give, when they're willing to be equitable in their treatment of the scumbags within their own ranks, we can reciprocate.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 02:09 PM
An 11 year old girl gang raped and people are posting to racial issues. One woman speaking on the lin said something like (what has gotten into our young men, they need help). WHAT???? Blacks are blaming the 11 yr old hispanic girl for being gang raped. It was passed cell phone to cell phone while the RAPES were happening and the MEN need help. Why are ATSers not sick to their stomachs? This is a CRIME against a little girl and you are trying to make a race issue out of it. Of course I can see the sarcasim in that it is all right in our politically correct society for blacks to behave horribly, after all it did not happen to a BLACK. We have become so tainted and hardened. We have lost our moral core. We are doomed.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 02:22 PM

edit on 25-3-2012 by blueorder because: not happy with post

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