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yes, my handle is a metaphor

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posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 08:23 PM
Brace yourselves for shocking news...I WAS starting to get into glp. The idea, rather, as my ears bled constantly from the harpiesque wail of incessant squabbling and monumental claims of lizard gods having EVERY secret revealed. I caught on quick regarding trinity, and can say i graced their halls of wanton dumbphuckery for only a month or so.

They-trinity is not one person(do the..math)-decided to ban me for starting a thread with a simple question:

"Will i REALLY be banned for my ettiquite-clad opinion regarding ows? Ive heard rumours to that effect, and id h8 to make friends somewhere i have to tiptoe in silenc3, only to be rejected and banned for voicing my opinion."

Thread vanished in 3 minutes. Banned in 5. Hard drive fried in hours. Im not pointing fingers-how could i? @any r8, i no longer have a pc. Im using a tablet now, henc3 the con3tant typos. Im a great typist/pianist, but even my dexterity pales under the weight of touchscreen keyboard, and to spellcheck is nearl-bah enough about that.

Hello ats. My interests are AE, AI, music, the mind and God. In reverse order. Ive been developing a sneaking suspicion that because of my faith i wont fit in. The only mention of Christ I have seen-in the countless threads ive lurked-were ridiculing Him. That or ppl made fun of for it, like theyre failing some internetual coolness test by believing. Guess ill see with my own three eyes huh.

Here's where my popularity wanes: in honesty, since ive started here, ive been met with cold shoulders and pretentious know it alls. Rud3ness, and a collective mentality implicating that if i dont speak the resident language, no one cares for anything other than what they can say about it.

Crummy outlook, yes? I agree. Please prove me wrong. I came here hoping to make a couple friends, and exchange ideas. I have a lot to offer, love and peace being the only normal things.

Im exnavy, and had a TSSCI. If what i hear is true i shouldnt need to explain. Im also not a moron, so please dont expect any blatant secrets revealed. I knew enough about my job to know my carefully chosen words are subject to the eyes of my former employer, even now, ten years after discharge. By law, however, i AM allowed subtlety, suggestion, and the occasional nod.

Ive had multiple OBEs, some so phantastic i have to share them. Visions that easily lay waste to the level of creativity found in todays media. Not bragging, as i didnt create them.

Musician, by definition. That means im not a 'guitar player', or 'singer'. I play anything i get my hands on, and compose my own music. Lyrix, bassline, rhythm, lead, synth vox etc. 5 of my best songs were stored on that hard drive i mentioned earlier. No, i didnt back them up. Yes, its almost like losing a me, anyway, but i suppose thats still a little extreme.

Well my ego hurts from all this me crap. Im working on humility, so for the sake of said efforts, im going to stop tooting my own horn before someone hears it and posts another "strange sound in the sky" thread.

On last thing about me i guess. Last year i had a titanium cage cast around part of my spine to support the gaping void my disc left in exchange for a one way ticket to the surgical waste bin. Little bastard didnt even wave goodbye. As a result of the surgery, im in 24-7 chronic pain. I take drugs. Legal ones. Dangerous and powerful ones. It might explain why im still babblin on.

Yeah, i just exposed my life-or lack thereof-to an internet full of strange faces i dont recognize. I feel naked now. V

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 08:31 PM
Welcome welcome welcome to our humble abode...

I hope you find the hallowed halls of ATS as enlightening as I do.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 08:33 PM
Not strangers for long

Welcome to ATS

Your insight is most welcome

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 08:35 PM
Wow ... very witty I like you already Look forward to seeing your threads
I might stalk ya hhahaha good luck and have fun

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by threewhiteeyes
Im exnavy, and had a TSSCI. If what i hear is true i shouldnt need to explain. Im also not a moron, so please dont expect any blatant secrets revealed. I knew enough about my job to know my carefully chosen words are subject to the eyes of my former employer, even now, ten years after discharge. By law, however, i AM allowed subtlety, suggestion, and the occasional nod.

Yes you are being watched, and no a subtle nod, suggestion, is not OK. Unless of course your 65 year term of agreement is up.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

Welcome, have fun and play nice....

Try not to preach about jesus and you won't cop any flak about it, people on here absolutely HATE having people ram jesus down their throats.

I'm a bit more approachable on the subject though i also hate it when people can't debate the topic but rather use 'Jesus' as the answer to everything, pretty sure thats not 'what jesus would do' if you follow...

Anyhoo. have fun and try not to feed the trolls

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by threewhiteeyes

Welcome to ATS friend!!
I for one will not be quick to judge, and welcome your stories and experiences here. There is a dynamic here I am still getting used to. Yes, there's many overly skeptical and sometimes downright rude people here. But also there are some great rational-thinking minds and very open souls here too, it balances out I think if you have thick skin.

GLP turned me off and I never joined since it seemed to be where all the "aliens are coming to save us and have all the answers" people are. Not that I don't believe in ET, just not quick to trust they have our best interest in mind.

I also think Christ existed in many different ways, as did Buddha and many other religious figures, so you won't get disrespect from me.

Welcome again and enjoy your time here

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:02 AM
Well that certainly was an interesting introduction. So you had a rough time at another place, sorry to hear that. We are unique in the sense that we are extremely strict about being civil. I read in your intro the need to voice your opinion. I can guarantee you that as long as you stay civil, respect the thoughts of other members even when they don't coincide with your own, and don't promote lies and hoaxes that you'll do just fine here.. You can always contact a staff member by PM if you have a question.

And with the above said.. here's your friendly 25 cent tour..

Welcome threewhiteeyes

To save yourself a lot of searching and even possible future heartache and frustration, please review the below....

For now you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive (PM's) Private Messages to Staff only for now.

Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads in the appropriate forums and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.

Some handy links, links and more links.

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Be sure to try out our Ask ATS with the 'topic' search words of your choice. I'm sure you will find many threads to pick from to add your thoughts and opinions too.

AboveTopSecret is much like a theme park with many, many rides, so with that said...

Here's a few thoughts before getting onto any one of the 1000's of topical rides at Above Top Secret (ATS), the world's largest Civil & Unique Discussion Community.

* Please check out those links posted above before getting on one of the rides. This will save you a lot of future stress, frustration and possible action by one of your friendly neighborhood Mods!

* Please be sure to act like an 'civil' adult and are at least this tall to get on any of the rides, (Johnny stretches his arm outward).

* Please remember that some members are very passionate and vocal depending on what ride your all on. You should be mentally fit, stable and have a strong stomach for theories, conjecture, research and evidence presented that may be contrary to your own.

* Please be "open-minded" enough to understand that sometimes the ride isn't always what you might expect. Be aware you also might end up learning something new and 'out-of-the-box' before you get off the ride.

* Please note that at times the ride gets overly-heated and "it's strongly suggested" to get off the ride to regroup one's thoughts before continuing. This will also help guarantee that the ride will move forward without getting derailed or explode into a fiery trashbin.

* Please have fun! But be aware that if you act in an uncivil-like manner, use profanity, intentially spread a hoax and/or get verbally abusive, you will be removed off the ride by a Moderator. This is not only for your safety, but also for those both young and old on the ride with you.

So buckle up, keep your arms within the ride's comfort zone, have fun and "Deny Ignorance"...!


edit on 2/16/2012 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by youdidntseeme

Thank you for greeting me at the door. I got lost finding the place, but had to follow your voice in through the rabbit hole (I didnt see you.
). Although, i could probably fit ten rabbits through the hole i came in. Heres hoping that beat up rope ladder out worx incase of fire, or alien assault.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by followtheeevidence

What a warm welcome! Im afraid Ill always be strange, but thanks to you, no longer strange AND cold! You seem like an empath from what little I had to work with. Takes one to see one, as it were.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by threewhiteeyes
reply to post by followtheeevidence

What a warm welcome! Im afraid Ill always be strange, but thanks to you, no longer strange AND cold! You seem like an empath from what little I had to work with. Takes one to see one, as it were.

No sense of humour is allowed here!

Seriously, interesting intro. Welcome. I think Johnny up there gave you all the 411 on the site and getting around and making it a pleasant experience.

Im here to let you know that if you like might like to tune into ATS Live! on Saturday nights or maybe one of our other ATS Radio Shows that are thruout the week!

Have fun here

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by mileysubet

Well then, hello back atcha! Im not worried. I performed my duties above par. With all due respect, as owner and operator of this nodding machine, tptb decided i was not only capable, but exemplary concerning sensitive info. You appear to convey the possibility that im new to it. I bring a handshake, sir, and choose to remove my sandpaper gloves. Youre welcome to do the same.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Raivan31

Hello, raivan. I can assure you, Im not a fan of having anything in my throat, save an A# or the occasional vibrato. Im likely more inclined to answer questions about God. I feel the same regarding prosletyzing. Thank you for the welcome, and I certainly admire the frank photo as avatar. Stark contrast to the site's overall theme, and if this was your intention, brilliant!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by leawyoming

Your avvy rocks! Thanx for the welcome, and stalk away! Unless of course you see me somewhere hitting on the green eyed leo. M3ga babe! Oh, thats just an avatar pic? I really picture everyone as their avatar pic, so if I se3 Dante, Kratos or Chris Redfield, Ill tell them you went the other way.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Aliquandro

I appreci8 the open arm welcome attitude you convey. I can tell ATS is ripe with well-mannered, cultured diplomats. Yeah, Im already glad Im here, and not clutching my ch3st in glp. Ive truly encountered some scary things in my day, but the way some of them carried on about being lizard gods from the moon...if they were being poetic or crafty i might have played along. Nope.

Interesting theory on the Christ existing in many ways. I give paus3, and reflect. Well, they say God IS omnipresent, after all.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Yes, what a remarkable and stark contrast in civility, maturity and respect. You should consider glp as a filter, as I am noticing more refined thought processes making it here after catching on to Trinity and their $ driven, cutthroat atmosphere. That you manage to keep the self proclaimed lizard gods from worming in their veritable psychosis, I can see mods are active here. Thank you for the tour, but Im afraid I spent my 25¢ escaping glps island of wanton madness. Heh. Nice to 'meet' you, mr. Anonymus.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Thanks, and its a pleasure to meet the one and only green eyed leo. Well, you know what i mean. The only forum moderating, ats live hosting, captivating avatar having, cute hat wearing green eyed leo that Ive encountered.

I will def check out Saturday's show; looking 4ward to it. Is it a collective effort, or more like a host with guests?

Are you mods centered around specific roles, or more like many heads guiding on3 body? By that I mean youre mainly ATS live, J.A. mostly forum, S.O. mainly bueracracy, etc. Curious what style of engine this wond3rful vess3l has adopted to keep it not only afloat, but masterfully sailing the seven seas of intelectual conspiracy reflection.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by threewhiteeyes
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Thanks, and its a pleasure to meet the one and only green eyed leo. Well, you know what i mean. The only forum moderating, ats live hosting, captivating avatar having, cute hat wearing green eyed leo that Ive encountered.

I will def check out Saturday's show; looking 4ward to it. Is it a collective effort, or more like a host with guests?

Are you mods centered around specific roles, or more like many heads guiding on3 body? By that I mean youre mainly ATS live, J.A. mostly forum, S.O. mainly bueracracy, etc. Curious what style of engine this wond3rful vess3l has adopted to keep it not only afloat, but masterfully sailing the seven seas of intelectual conspiracy reflection.

there are about 5-8 of us...and it is like a round robin....we discuss the topics posted HERE.....usually the hot topics of that week. we do like callers and we do occasionally have guests. we have fun, we have debates, and every show is different!

there is the live (literally live) show on Sat....
a politics show....
a survival show....
and a music show.....

You can listen NOW to rewinds.....a rotation of previous shows HERE

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:31 AM
Hey there again, I saw your response to my post in another thread and figured for sake of not hijacking that thread I'd mention here: Once I finally get all my facts and notes collected and post a thread about my 2nd hand experience with possessions, I think I would really appreciate your input. I have had next to zero luck finding any real useful info (that I trust and can verify) and worse luck finding anyone who's been through something like this. It makes you feel hopeless when you can't help someone you care for deeply, and they don't even know what's happening to them (no matter how certain I am there's still the possibility this woman is just a crazy nutjob who gets off making huge theatrics, or is really sick).

At some point (and at your discretion and leisure) I would really like to hear as much about your personal experience pertaining to this subject, no matter how different our religious or world views may be.

You will be hearing from me friend

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Aliquandro
Hey there again, I saw your response to my post in another thread and figured for sake of not hijacking that thread I'd mention here: Once I finally get all my facts and notes collected and post a thread about my 2nd hand experience with possessions, I think I would really appreciate your input. I have had next to zero luck finding any real useful info (that I trust and can verify) and worse luck finding anyone who's been through something like this. It makes you feel hopeless when you can't help someone you care for deeply, and they don't even know what's happening to them (no matter how certain I am there's still the possibility this woman is just a crazy nutjob who gets off making huge theatrics, or is really sick).

At some point (and at your discretion and leisure) I would really like to hear as much about your personal experience pertaining to this subject, no matter how different our religious or world views may be.

You will be hearing from me friend

Hi ali. I'm terribly jaded, forgive me. I can tell you anything you want to know concerning this grim, but common occurance. I know more than I wanted to about it. Much more.

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