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Ron Paul on the UN Plot to take over America

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posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:31 PM
This video is spot on with what is happening today in America, and how the UN is increasingly expanding it's tentacles into our everyday lives. From gun control, to elections and world religious order. Which all will end up in comprising the New World Order, and it's happening NOW!!!

The United Nations vs The Second Amendment

UN agreement should have all gun owners up in arms

Proposed UN treaty to regulate global firearms trade raising concerns for US gun makers

Also in regards to the elections process becoming the task of World Gov. monitors as proposed in the video, is evident in the recent claims from the NAACP asking the UN to intervene in US elections.

NAACP taking complaints about US voter laws to the UN

With the recent attack on our Freedom and the Bill of Right's by the NDAA approval, and UNHRC 16/18 which restricts Freedom of Speech and promotes religious intolerance and pluralism, the world religious order is being formed. We are on the forefront of a complete takeover an errosion of America into a branch of world government promoted by the UN.

The UN international covenant on civil and political rights

UN Charter

This video highlights almost to the point of what we see happening now through the UN, the OIC, the Obama administration, and the State Dept..all in collusion to set-up the world religious order. In the link below a lot of information is available to validate the outlook of forging the world religious order.

Resolution adopted by the UNHRC 16/18

Christian solidarity international issues genicide warning

Radical Islamists target Egypt's Christians

Militants explode five bombs in Nigeria

The foresight of Dr. Paul is awesome...and I believe what he is describing in the video is happening at this very moment. Ron Paul 2012

The UN's Luciferian Agenda and the coming New Age Cosmic Christ/PT.1

edit on 27-12-2011 by Daedal because: Edit

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:38 PM
They wouldn't be able to do that though. Take away ANY original amendment and this wouldn't be America. Isn't it time to put the constitution to use?

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by mr10k

They already are...and soon it will be to late if people don't pay attention to the usurpation of the UN and it's pro affiliates in the US government, starting with the current administration.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Don't ever forget Gaddafi's should be famous UN speech made in 2009 calling them out. (not sure if it is dubbed, don't have sound atm)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Vardoger
Don't ever forget Gaddafi's should be famous UN speech made in 2009 calling them out. (not sure if it is dubbed, don't have sound atm)

Thanks for the video..don't leave much doubt as to the general ideal of the UN and it's dominate suppressive tactics. Mr. Paul is right.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Vardoger

I guess until people see UN peacekeepers at our election locales next year will they respond to it's assualts against the US, or the collection of weapons taking place, or their Freedom of Speech inhibited and religious intolerance crammed down their throats.

Or may be it has to become more mainstream to accept it, who knows...

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 04:10 PM
I highly doubt this.

Didnt we, the US, pull funding from the UN recently?

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by theRhenn
I highly doubt this.

Didnt we, the US, pull funding from the UN recently?

The first thing we have to remember is that the UN is an American made idea...and yes funding was pulled but part was reinstated.

If you cut funding to the machine you invented, it's like limiting the agenda being birthed.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Daedal

Originally posted by theRhenn
I highly doubt this.

Didnt we, the US, pull funding from the UN recently?

The first thing we have to remember is that the UN is an American made idea...and yes funding was pulled but part was reinstated.

If you cut funding to the machine you invented, it's like limiting the agenda being birthed.
We need to limit it. We created/birthed a monster that is out to destroy freedom and national sovereignty. We need to give it a retroactive abortion.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Daedal

Originally posted by theRhenn
I highly doubt this.

Didnt we, the US, pull funding from the UN recently?

The first thing we have to remember is that the UN is an American made idea...and yes funding was pulled but part was reinstated.

If you cut funding to the machine you invented, it's like limiting the agenda being birthed.

I agree. But that's only if you have an agenda.

I always thought the US could pull the chains one way or the other because we do/did support the major funding and could dictate whatever we wanted. Though, I could see how other nations involved could very well pick up that funding themselves, especially oil rich nations. At some point, I kinda fear that the UN might very well end up being our enemy. I could see the UN comming on our soil taking control of the US due to crimes any prez may have done against another country with alot of pull. Even if we didnt make the rest of the world mad, I would think more conspiracy from former 3rd world nations than the US itself. Even though we have not done so quite yet, I'm quite sure that the citizens of the US would stand up and fight our own government when we "had enough" before we'd let the UN compromize our homes, lands and guns. We would do this against our own government. I honestly dont feel we're as "asleep" as people think we are. We're just not pushed to that perverbial point yet.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

For the most part what the US does in conjunction with the UN is done in stealth, and by the time most individuals realize or pay attention to the Agenda, it is already in full swing.

And before you know it, what Mr. Paul describes in the video will be implemented under our very noses.

Are you familiar with Agenda 21?

edit on 27-12-2011 by Daedal because: Edit

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Daedal
reply to post by theRhenn

For the most part what the US does in conjunction with the UN is done in stealth, and by the time most individuals realize or pay attention to the Agenda, it is already in full swing.

And before you know it, what Mr. Paul describes in the video will be implemented under our very noses.

Are you familiar with Agenda 21?

Yeah, I delved into it a lil, untill all the details started hurting my head. lol

I know what Paul is about and I'm all for him. If he says it's possible, I believe him. But I still trust the people to stand up and do something, myself included. At least I would hope that we would but wouldnt have to come to that. With hopes, Ron will win and set it strait and we'll have 4-8 years of peace.

One can hope

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:01 PM
Ron Paul: "The United Nations have already laid plans for an international tax"

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Ron Paul: Defend the Constitution, Not the U.N. Security Council!

Ron Paul: The U.N. Has No Authority to Send Our Kids Off to War

edit on 29-12-2011 by Daedal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:43 PM
Good stuff! I have been talking about the UN Agenda 21 now for a few years. I noticed around 2007-2008 I purchased at a University bookstore a spiral notebook with the term "sustainable" and it's definition on the cover. It was supposedly printed on recycled materials, which is great, but the more I looked into the UN Agenda 21 and realized "Sustainable" is a term used by it extensively, it was really a key to me in seeing how deep it's tentacles go. Being sustainable is great, but when we realize what is really behind all this it gets really creepy. Club of Rome is supportive of UN Agenda 21 and look who is deeply involved. Al Gore is CoR and gave us the bogus Climate Warming thing complete with the UN IPCC backing him, we have Maurice Strong, James Hansen of NASA, Gorbachev. This crowd subscribes to the GAIA hypothesis which states that the earth is one giant organism under the control of an earth goddess named GAIA who gets angry when human parasites attack her planet. This crowd believes the earth will be better off without humans, but it seems that the Elite think all the rest of us are the useless eaters to be got rid of. That ties in directly with the Rockefellers and the progressive eugenics and de-population agenda. (Margaret Sanger, Thomas Malthus, and so on)
Anyone who thinks this is a joke should read the statements of people supporting this agenda. The documents themselves prove that the idea is to control all the resources of the world including water, land, etc. Everything goes from top down filtering all the way down to local govts and communitites. The stated goal is to reduce the world population drastically. The controlling elite of course will get the resources after they kill off the useless eaters.
Al Gore obviously doesn't believe his own theory because he built a mansion home right on the ocean front, presumably he's not ultimately worried about those tsunamis predicted from climate change.
Bill Gates is another CoR member who said at a TED conference that he loves vaccinations for population control. (I'm assuming he means the vaccines which contain sterilants, and I read years ago these were given to ususpecting women in Brazil and India under the guise of something else).
Who else is into population control? John Holdren. He's got a whole book about it recommending mass medication of the water supply with sterilants and most assuredly without our consent or even knowledge.
Now, while they are working on making things "sustainable", they are planning world taxation(money in their pockets for sure).

Anybody remember "Zero Population Growth"? I do. They have decided to make the name less ominous and scary---"Population Connection" sounds more like PeopleSoft or something.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Good analysis, thanks for the information and the link...from what I understand the UN is just another arm of the corrupt US governments times past and present, an attempted plan for world domination using human right's as the pretext for responsibility to protect life, ha, ha, ha...

Human Right's will be the cause for mass intervention and war, as evidenced this past year in the ME with the Arab Spring.

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