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believers in jesus...please explain this..

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posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:53 PM
according to many religions...mostly christianity

the way to avoid damnation and eternal punishment in to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior.

my question is? what about the mayans? the ancient egyptians? the incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept jesus christ as their savior when he wasnt even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

how were the natives living in north america supposed to know jesus was born? why was he born in a certain part of the planet, and not the other? that doesnt seem fair..

i hate paradoxes

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by k1k1to
according to many religions...mostly christianity

the way to avoid damnation and eternal punishment in to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior.

my question is? what about the mayans? the ancient egyptians? the incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept jesus christ as their savior when he wasnt even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

how were the natives living in north america supposed to know jesus was born? why was he born in a certain part of the planet, and not the other? that doesnt seem fair..

i hate paradoxes

The exact question I asked my Sunday school teacher and got kicked out of class for. S + F for you OP. Now lets watch the flood gates open.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by k1k1to

Yup what about the other good guys in history (Ghandi=Hindu) etc, they go to hell too because they have not accepted Jesus.
I think there is something in the bible which says If people have not been given the chance of learning about Jesus they get a free pass

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:59 PM
Its not a paradox, God wil judge those of other religions acccording to those religious biases since they knew nothing else.

However after Christ arrived, he left the blueprint on how to arrive at Enlightenment and Union w God. The easy path. So really its not that confusing. God is pure fairness and just understanding that many will be born into a biased upbringing.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by k1k1to

Yup what about the other good guys in history (Ghandi=Hindu) etc, they go to hell too because they have not accepted Jesus.
I think there is something in the bible which says If people have not been given the chance of learning about Jesus they get a free pass

Thats is what I was told, when I asked where the little babies or small children went when a tragedy happened to them. Animals too.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:00 PM
Most Christians don't even realize the word "hell" meant "grave" in ancient greek, so I wouldn't count on them to be able to explain the bible too well as there are scores of other words and themes they don't understand either.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by k1k1to

Here is another question that no one has been able to answer.

Where exactly did Noah build his ark? And how were there 2 of every types of animal within walking distance to the ark?

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:02 PM
God was sitting around one day watching his creations sacrifice each other to something he had never heard of. He realised this was a fake God, he was all "oh ****" and then remembered he never told them of Jesus. In all his all-powerful nature he waited a while to sort this problem out, he then sent Jesus back down to Earth to explain his fathers mistakes of not giving the earlier civilisations a chance for only like 9000+ years.

True story.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by DIDtm

Here's another one:
The Messiah was to be a descendent of King David, but King David was an ancestor of Joseph. If Jesus was the son of "god", then how is Christ a descendent of David?

Or... the world is only 6000 years old, but 8000 year old living spruce trees were discovered in Sweden in 2008, not even mentioning 12,000 year old Venus statues, or fossils.
edit on 27-12-2011 by FugitiveSoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:06 PM
To say whether anyone goes to heaven or hell is above my pay grade. For me to say one way or another would be to usurp Gods' position, and I heard what happened to the last being that tried that.
It is enough that I work out my own salvation, stay busy and mind my own business.
I mean seriously, how can i deride someone for their mistakes and behaviour when I myself make mistakes and misbehave.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
Its not a paradox, God wil judge those of other religions acccording to those religious biases since they knew nothing else.

However after Christ arrived, he left the blueprint on how to arrive at Enlightenment and Union w God. The easy path. So really its not that confusing. God is pure fairness and just understanding that many will be born into a biased upbringing.

Hmmm, and you know this, how?? Did you have a conversation with some 'god' who told you this? Or are you going by a fairy-tale book that had copied all predating myths into a single flavor to swallow whole? Because when you look at earlier beliefs, you will see that the christian faith is nothing unique at all. So why believe a book that is the work of plagiarism.

Now if you spoke to 'god' directly then, and 'he' 'she' or 'it' confirmed this info with you, please provide this 'gods' contact info (phone number, address, email addy) so that we also can have a similar convo with this 'god' to verify this.

Otherwise, believing in a fairy-tale book is NOT gonna cut-it!!

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by k1k1to

my question is? what about the mayans? the ancient egyptians? the incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept jesus christ as their savior when he wasnt even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

I will refer you to read Romans 2. In there, there is a passage which basically says : Therefore, even Gentiles - people not under the Law of Moses, those who do not know of Christ - have an internal law from God, the natural law written in their hearts, according to which God will judge them.

Hope that helps.


posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:06 PM
Jesus Christ ! Do you expect me to believe that ?


posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:09 PM
please educate yourself on the way rome became so mighty. they absorbed the peoples they conquered beliefs,and twisted them for their own political reasons to dominate. just like they did with the jews. play nice and we will let you live with your own beliefs.hades was alot like hellfiyre(old english)in the old testament,so it was easy for them to manipulate the locals. all beliefs have a 'hell', do good,you will do good in the afterlife,do bad,well.....!
perhaps you should research world religions,you will find more simalarities then differences!
look up romulas & remus. it is very similar to cain & able in the bible.
by the way,romulas won,that is where the name of rome came from!
ONE GOD/GODDESS.MANY NAMES! don't blame the 'mythology',blame man for twisting it for his own benefit!

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:09 PM

how were the natives living in north america supposed to know jesus was born? why was he born in a certain part of the planet, and not the other? that doesnt seem fair..
reply to post by k1k1to

Well, the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) believe Jesus did come to America but I believe it was only after he was crucified. They say he came here to teach his way to the Native Americans. They claim the Native Americans referenced him to being a "great white spirit" which is actually mentioned in Native American lore.
I don't claim to know. Just saying.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by k1k1to

I am not much of a "Jesus" kind of person. What I believe that the message really is is this

"Believe in the Church and everything the Church tells you. Be a good sheep otherwise, terrible things will happen to you and your family (go to hell). Our message is the only thing that must matter to you, trust us... or else"

Religion in itself is IMO used to group people together, but at the same time, divide the masses. It is a method of control with books of law, and sacred texts

5.1 Ancient Greece
5.2 Asatru
5.3 Atenism
5.4 Ayyavazhi
5.5 Bahá'í Faith
5.6 Bön
5.7 Buddhism
5.8 Cheondoism
5.9 Christianity
5.10 Confucianism
5.11 Discordianism
5.12 Druze
5.13 Ancient Egyptian religion
5.14 Etruscan religion
5.15 Hermeticism
5.16 Hinduism
5.17 Islam
5.18 Jainism
5.19 Judaism
5.20 LaVeyan Satanism
5.21 Lingayatism
5.22 Mandaeanism
5.23 Manichaeism
5.24 Meher Baba
5.25 New Age religions
5.26 Orphism
5.27 Rastafari movement
5.28 Ravidassia
5.29 Samaritanism
5.30 Scientology
5.31 Shinto
5.32 Sikhism
5.33 Spiritism
5.34 Sumerian
5.35 Swedenborgianism
5.36 Taoism
5.37 Tenrikyo
5.38 Thelema
5.39 Unification Church
5.40 Wicca
5.41 Yazidi
5.42 Zoroastrianism
Sacred Texts Wiki

Also, IMO, the average message of most religion is the same but uses different icons

1 Indian religions
1.1 Hinduism
1.1.1 Sahasranama
1.2 Sikhism
2 Abrahamic religions
2.1 Judaism
2.2 Christianity
2.3 Islam
2.3.1 Sufism
3 African religions
4 Other religions
4.1 Bahá'í Faith
4.2 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
4.3 Native American religions
4.4 New religions
4.5 Zoroastrianism
5 Taboos
Names of God(s) Wiki

IMO, you should be wise enough to be your own religion and do what you believe is right without having other control your life with old stories.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:12 PM
Just because one belives in Jesus does not mean they take every word of the bible literally. The translation is thus: be good or die. It is the same in many religions. Obey or be cast out.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by k1k1to

I may not be correct here, but I believe I heard this along the way somewhere:

Before Jesus came, no one entered the Kingdom of Heaven. All souls that passed away were just in a suspended state. Once Jesus died, and paid for the sins of Mankind, redemption was granted to those souls that came before him, those on earth, as well as everyone to come, and they were given "new" life.

So, there you go. That is what I remember from my Catholic School upbringing. But, as I said, I may have remembered incorrectly.
edit on 27-12-2011 by MarshMallow_Snake because: removed a word

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by k1k1to
according to many religions...mostly christianity

the way to avoid damnation and eternal punishment in to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior.

my question is? what about the mayans? the ancient egyptians? the incas? cavemen etc...what about them? how were they to accept jesus christ as their savior when he wasnt even born yet? are they to live in eternal hell for this?

Are they still here?

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:15 PM
A simple answer.....they were not judged by anything or anyone in regards to the bible. The bible is an ancient text describing the instructions and workings of the mounds or pyramids as well as the history behind them. It is also a survival manual for the brutality of the sun and the natural disasters caused by the earth.

Jesus (and many other figures in the bible) are personifications of a RAINBOW.

Just look at the Rainbow Covenant made with Noah.....

The father is the sun, the son is a rainbow, and the holy ghost is water mist.

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