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Entity Asked Man To Sell His Soul for Money, Women, Power And More

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posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by 3n19m470

Also, I've done every drug you could imagine and I've never had a spiritual type of experience. I don't think you can always blame this type of stuff on the drugs...

Obviously you were doing something wrong then. I've seen kids have 'I am Jesus' moments on nutmeg and a shooter of red cordial. If this guys smoking crack by the age of 10 I would be very surprised if he didn't see something outworldly.

First of all, unless you ARE a demon, you can't begin to guess what a demon's motivation is. Maybe because of the kids position in life, with his father in a secret society, it would take less effort to move him into a position of power that would then be useful to the demons. And that's just one possibility, so, I'm not saying it IS true, but I wouldnt be so quick to discount his story because of that. That's like saying aliens aren't real because they haven't revealed themselves to the world. Or ghosts aren't real because I haven't seen one. Yeah he could be lying but that's not what I would consider to be sound reasoning.

For starters, I was always under the impression that the devil wanted every soul. Why not start at the easy ones.

2ndly, an Irish secret society....? Come on. theres only two I've ever heard of and thats the IRA and the Guinness Appreciation Club. Must be very very secret. I highly doubt his father was that important if his kid was making drugs by age 4. Irish secret society and voodoo.............please.

Thirdly, aliens in all likelihood do exist somewhere. It is far more logical that they do exist than don't. Who knows what's out there in an infinite universe. Demons, devils, djinn, tulpa.....all religions have monsters, firstly you gotta decide which one is right. I do believe in negative non-corporel entities, and ghosts to a certain degree, but why the hell they would want your soul, how on earth would they take it, what they would do if they actually succeeded and why they would be interested in a crack-smoking kid is beyond me.

4. Don't get me wrong, I once was a practising pagan, and I have seen some incredible things happen that cannot be explained in the realms of everyday science. But this guy has bs artist written all over his face.

edit on 29/11/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 04:06 AM
2ndly, an Irish secret society....? Come on. theres only two I've ever heard of and thats the IRA and the Guinness Appreciation Club. Must be very very secret. I highly doubt his father was that important if his kid was making drugs by age 4. Irish secret society and voodoo.............please.
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haha-I lol, Your funny (witty)... I agree, and just to add, if his father was an important guy...wonder what deal he made with the Devil....Have a ton of kids & live in the projects

Dad shoulda "bargained" better...
edit on 11/29/2011 by delionqueen1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by delionqueen1
2ndly, an Irish secret society....? Come on. theres only two I've ever heard of and thats the IRA and the Guinness Appreciation Club. Must be very very secret. I highly doubt his father was that important if his kid was making drugs by age 4. Irish secret society and voodoo.............please.
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haha-I lol, Your funny (witty)... I agree, and just to add, if his father was an important guy...wonder what deal he made with the Devil....Have a ton of kids & live in the projects

Dad shoulda "bargained" better...
edit on 11/29/2011 by delionqueen1 because: (no reason given)

As they say in be sure to be sure

edit on 29/11/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:59 AM
I am pretty open minded but it appears that this man is suffering from mental illness that seems to extend from a possibly traumatic childhood. It is far more likely that mental illness or drug induced hallucination is the cause for these stories.

And I must say that it is impossible to distinguish reality from hallucination, especially if given the right substances. They even change the makeup one your mind and cause you to question the vividness and substance of this "real reality" that we exist within. I have known many a psychonaut and have heard many stories of journeys beyond, but in the end it can't be concluded that it occurred outside of the body or beyond some form of extrasensory perception but still being contained completely within the mind.

Given all that, it is still possible, although unlikely, that this man actually met a demon.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 11:46 AM
i sold my soul 2 the devil, it was a crappy deal, but at least it came with a happy meal,

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by alienreality

I am not trying to argue with anyone on this point, but I do have to say this... I have experimented with many many many hallucinogens. '___', Mushrooms, Peyote, and Ketamine, and it is within the realm of these drugs that an encounter like his could happen.

I once did Peyote in the dessert and encountered three beings who claimed to be from another dimension, and they expressed to me that there is no such thing as "life and death"... Then there was the time where I injected myself with Ketamine and I had an out of body experience where I was able to look down at my body as it was laying on the bed below me, then I was able to travel through the house outside of my body.

Certain drugs can cause these kind of effects. It was either all in my mind, or I really did encounter the beings from another dimension... Given the fact that I was completely high, I have to go with the former over the latter. All I'm trying to say is that this guy was doing drugs as a child, add to that, the wild imagination that a child could have, I have to believe he was high rather than approached by a demon spirit. Just my opinion though.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by 3n19m470
reply to post by 1littlewolf

First of all, unless you ARE a demon, you can't begin to guess what a demon's motivation is. Maybe because of the kids position in life, with his father in a secret society, it would take less effort to move him into a position of power that would then be useful to the demons. And that's just one possibility, so, I'm not saying it IS true, but I wouldnt be so quick to discount his story because of that. That's like saying aliens aren't real because they haven't revealed themselves to the world. Or ghosts aren't real because I haven't seen one. Yeah he could be lying but that's not what I would consider to be sound reasoning.

Also, I've done every drug you could imagine and I've never had a spiritual type of experience. I don't think you can always blame this type of stuff on the drugs...

So you have tried Peyote & have Injected Katamine??? Because both of those drugs are known for their "spiritual type of experience"... Also keep in mind that not everyone reacts the same way to drugs. I've known many people who have had a spiritual experience while on drugs. Just because you haven't doesn't mean that others haven't.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:13 PM
I haven't watched all the videos yet, but the fact that drugs were involved adds an angle that can't be dismissed.

I see posters mentioning how being on drugs can cause hallucinations and such, but I'd like to add that getting off of drugs cold turkey can do the same thing. I was taking a certain antidepressant for two years and went off of it cold turkey. I still cannot explain what I experienced. I had severe sensory hallucinations that were being triggered at the same time. Not to mention I was experiencing sleep deprivation because the withdrawl was causing my brain to be running in hyper speed and I couldn't do anything to relax. I didn't sleep until the fifth night. The withdrawl lasted about three weeks. It was horrible.

I don't know if the brain causes these imaginary experiences or if it enables us to see/hear/smell things in a parallel dimension. All I do know is that it's scary and confusing. If this man experienced something similar to what I did, depending on his spiritual beliefs, he made have simply decided that it was real when it wasn't. Maybe it was real. I've come to believe that rationalizing a traumatic experience is a type of survival mechanism. We just can't be sure and it is easier for people to write it off as an hallucinatory experience than believe a extra dimensional entity was able to get close.

To the poster who thought about selling his/her soul on eBay: You can't. My friend posted his soul on eBay and his auction was closed because, in eBay's opinion, the soul is not a tangible item. I hope I quelled your curiosity.

edit on 29-11-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 06:48 AM
bookmark for later viewing

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 09:22 AM
Most of us have already sold our souls to demons, we just spend the rest of our lives pretending we never did.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Pocky

Good Post OP.

I have always wondered about this especially with all of the famous rock stars who have met an early demise.

Did they sell their soul to the Devil to attain everything as was promised to this individual ?

AND how the individual had said that they come and reclaim your soul at the end of the "contract" ?

Robert Johnson the incredible Delta Blues guitarist from which today's Rock & Roll and the Blues guitar is derived from supposedly did this.

I also look at all of the Guitarists that followed....Buddy Holly John Lennon Jimi Hendrix Stevie Ray name a few who all reached the pinnacle of success with fame and fortune and then suddenly died before their time.

It does make one wonder especially after listening to the video's account of what had transpired.


posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 12:01 PM
I would propably sell my soul for wealth and power without thinking twice, or even once.
I have no need for it, and i consider it to be an annoying nuisance anyway.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by LionOfGOD
I would propably sell my soul for wealth and power without thinking twice, or even once.
I have no need for it, and i consider it to be an annoying nuisance anyway.

You are either really really dumb, lying or more likely, you already sold it.

Any sane person would never ever sell their soul to anything or anyone. Even for all the wealth in the world.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 05:04 PM
Seems like another one of those sly "believe in and pray to Jesus or be damned forever" conversion threads.

I will say though, brings up an interesting discussion on to sell or not to sell your soul. Despite having nothing but the worst luck constantly and not much of anything else, I wouldn't sell mine.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by alienreality
reply to post by LocalGhostHaunts

It is a valid point, but no, it just isn't correct..

Seeing and interacting with demons and spirits and being able to astral project fall far outside the realm of drug induced hallucination, trust me on that..

It is like the difference between seeing a real flying saucer zipping around and a cessna 172 skyhawk flying, It is real easy to tell the difference..

Strongly disagree. The fact is that there are degrees of hallucinations. And the truly mentally ill have hallucinations so vivid that they are real to them. There is no difference. I've dealt with many a psychotic who had hallucinations that had driven them completely insane or were caused by their insanity. The difference between that and reality for them was nonexistent. And depending on the type and quantity of the hallucinogenic substance the hallucinations can be completely real. Especially when coupled with a mental illness. Being as this guy hasn't been examined it impossible to say. But I can say with certainty that your generalization of the quality of a drug induced hallucination is errant. Just because your experience differs from that of others doesn't mean that your experience is the only acceptable answer.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 10:57 PM
I trapped one of them temporarily. I know what they are, and I would strongly discourage selling your soul, though it really will not hurt in the sense of physical pain. It will be a lot like the experience of Buddhist Nirvana. You become part of a collective consciousness, in their case- based on Fear. They can give you anything except Love.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Pocky

This guy probably did die and instead of crossing over he had an OBE instead. It gave him the chance to reach out to many people or just one, whos to judge?

This does not seem so far fetched to me.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

And there are fully Enlightened people throughout history taking up space in sanitariums. Same coin different side really, the same energy it takes to become mad can be liberation.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:03 PM
interesting stuff. Thanks for shareing with the rest of us.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 05:30 PM
This has always been a fascinating subject to me for many reasons.

For a start I'd like to know why these supposed demons/entities target particular people, is it because the people they are targetting did something in particular or simply because of who or what they are (7th son of a 7th son, etc).

If the selection of the target is random and arbitrary then surely it would happen to more people more often, since it's reasonable to assume that these entities value our souls so very much - so they would try harder to "buy" more souls more often and wouldn't appear to discriminate as they evidently do. Nobody I know has ever told me they'd been made such an offer, and I highly doubt anyone I know has accepted such an offer as nobody I know has reached such heights of fame, wealth, power and fortune.

The notion that these entities appear to be so very selective leads me to the conclusion that only certain individuals could ever be made such an what is special about Jimmy Page, John Lennon, Bob Dylan and the myriad of other famous (predominately rock stars) who allegedly traded in their souls for fame and fortune?

I was always quite into the mythology and lore surrounding these guys, particularly Led Zeppelin and Page, who I idolise without shame - his interests in the occult always intrigued me, especially when I see him in older video footage where he looks really quite unassuming and innocent, soft spoken...yet some of the things he's said and done (or said to have done) seem bizarre and outlandish. I know you can't judge someone on some crumby, low-quality video footage and interviews, nor can you judge them on what they've allegedly said or done - but Page is an undeniably fascinating character.

Personally, I don'd believe a lot of it, I believe it's true that Page and a lot of other famous figures had interests in the occult, in particular the works of Aleister Crowley. I don't think it makes them bad or evil people and I certainly don't believe that they (or anyone) has or ever could, literally...sell their soul to the devil.

I think that Page in particular used his interest in the occult deliberately to generate interest and intrigue, purposely not giving away too much of what he's really into and what he really believes, but instead giving away just enough to create this mythology and sense of mystery about the band as a cunning marketing ploy, and it worked. To me, Pages agenda was clear, it was clever marketing.

Thus, I'm more inclined to ask why people make these claims rather than scrutinise the claims themselves..why is the guy in the video saying what he is saying? What's his goal/agenda? How does he benefit if people buy into his story? If we dig deep enough and it transpires that he doesn't benefit in any way then should we believe him? So many questions. Interesting subject.


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