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Why do people hate the truth?

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posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:04 AM
Some people hate the truth because it interferes with what they WANT to believe. Afraid that it might dash their hopes, dreams and beliefs and eventually affect their way of life.

Here's a memorable comment from a U.S. Senator at a small fund raiser I went to,

"I drive home at night wishing I didn't know what I know!"

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Deetermined
Some people hate the truth because it interferes with what they WANT to believe. Afraid that it might dash their hopes, dreams and beliefs and eventually affect their way of life.

u r evil as opposed to truth by saying that

truth is always superiority it cant b disappointing when it is the reason that provide objective constancy grounds allowing free senses to rise out from

truth is never about knowing smthg that alter ur life, when it is the reference to ur positive sense out

truth by definition dont get any from any when it is the reason of relative positivity

truth is not knowledge nor knowing, but always absolute independant fact

so hating truth has nothing to do with what u r using to justify evil

what u said state more the fact that a lot love to take advantage from knowing smthg, and knowledge in general, but sometimes they get trapped from what they do when they care for what they know about themselves, they hate to b taken advantage of, while they mean to take advantage from all and any but not that
the more u take advantage of everything the more u would grasp smthg out representing urself

anyway look at the word believe, it is be living but also be leaving
then believe is more about to realise alone ur mean while leting all as it is, who believe right should b ones that dont expect any
then who expect and dream their lives are unbelievers that want to take advantage of all

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by absolutely

Was that supposed to be English?

Whatever it was that you said, here is more definition:

"Various theories and views of truth continue to be debated among scholars and philosophers. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth; what things are truthbearers capable of being true or false; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective or objective, relative or absolute."

Anyway, MY OPINION as to why people hate the truth...they can't cope (or want to) with reality.

"Denial (also called abnegation) is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence."

"The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality."

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

being in denial is more true then being real, when truth is more in freedom realm existing

again u r using others things to confuse it with truth, truth is not reality while reality must b true, but it is not the business of anyone, truth is it, it doesnt need u nor any other one

ur reality sucks how do u expect to justify from that who reject being real hate truth?

truth is what is never limited while clearly beyond and superior to all limits

then what hate truth, love limits or want limits so mean possessions and advantages adds to build himself upon fallacies, and who want any from limited things principally freely is the most real living, not true one

who hate truth is simply never to b true

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

This is Exactly what I think Word For Word!!!
The thing is not only am I small physically in size but the size of my voice in a society is not very big , Wish i could wake people up in my Community.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
Whenever you tell the truth, people take offence.

That is why a lot of politicians are liars.

We need the truth, but we shrink from it.

Here are some truths:

All people are liars some of the time.

War-mongers will bring about the end of humanity because we are supposed to support each other.

The truth will set you free, if you can find it.

It seems to me that we are in a world full of lies.

There is so much intelligence suppressed from people. More lies.

Can we trust anyone to tell us the truth?

I think we have to seek our own truth.

You should study consciousness and it's biological underpinnings... then you would know that there is no truth... just the story our left brain spins for us that we reflexively believe...

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:27 AM
To ask us why people hate the truth is to expect that the people who reply know what the truth is.

We don't.

In this thread, I've seen Eastern vs. Western, Hedonistic Pragmatism vs. Compassion, Christianity vs. Atheistic Spirituality, and The Matrix. I've seen "truth" described similar to some superpower, and also as some exclusive club that not everyone can join. There's also some random person who appears to believe very strongly in what they're saying, and I know it's English, but I can't figure it out.

Most importantly, I've seen quite a few people who think they have a better understanding of it than everyone else, and that fits quite nicely into their sense of self. Here's one "truth" that I think is applicable here:

I've met quite a few people further along on their journey for the truth of things than I am. I have never, not once, felt ignorant around them, even though I clearly was. They don't talk down to people, even by disguising their condescension as clever parable. They tend to believe in the worth of everyone, regardless of their position on the truth continuum, and this is a core belief reflected in all their interactions. You've probably seen some of them on this site. I have.

I'm not one of them yet. I hope to be one day. I tend to get too angry. Easterners would say I'm out of balance, Westerners would say my thinking is undisciplined. They're probably both right. I'm guessing that my first step towards this goal will be to discard any thoughts I have of having "earned the right" to truth or that somehow acknowledging that I'm travelling towards the truth makes me a better or more intelligent person.

Long story short: People hate the truth because people who claim to have found it but haven't usually hate them.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:31 AM
IMO, we are all indoctrinated with so many lies since birth that truths become that some truths can topple the monumental world views we all have, because in varying degrees they are built upon lies. In fact, many even embrace the lies because they have learned the playing field of a lie-based reality. They have learned to capitalize on a world of people who are completely in the dark on reality, a society that composes a false reality. That, of course, is where the conspiracy theories are directed from those who are trying to "wake up" to the lies.

In Religion, Science, Government, Philosophy, Economics, Politics.

In short, people hate the truth or are quick to ridicule conspiracy theories because it might wreck the comfortable little world we have all created....comfortable as long as you play the game.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

You should study consciousness and it's biological underpinnings... then you would know that there is no truth... just the story our left brain spins for us that we reflexively believe...

At some point, we have to draw the line on the psychobabble.

You can't say there is no truth. To say it is the "story our left brain spins for us that we reflexively believe", is called denial.

To say there is no truth, but that which one believes, is like saying a woman caught her husband cheating, he admits it, yet she still has the option to believe whether or not he is telling her the truth. Once again, denial. That doesn't mean it never happened. It's a defense mechanism.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Jiggyfly

u r a liar jiggyfliar even ur nick calls u that way, it is incredible what u go to invent in thinking others minds manipulations for ur own will
it is not that easy while i admit evil kill truth, but it is not the reason that it would become my business, but what is not easy is from the fact that absolute superiority is like a fact always so if it is not me it would b else for sure while truth is never one since it is the reason of everyone freedom, truth is one concept so nothing objectively while absolutely beyond all objective


people that you are painting are the opposite to true ones, god is not true and that is obvious, while those people are gods like
that u worship and do everything for, entre parenthese, never feel unloved from or react to their egos while insisting for their egos to get bigger surely for what u expect from as having already ur positive sense

what others hate of ones, is their freedom abuse, anyone become one in form at least true, so free therefor he becomes careless about what others think or say, but it would hate who dare step on his domain right

true ones are not god, they are everywhere as nothing objectively while very active ones, truth is not a subject nor an object truth is more like what is a fact itself one always

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by empireoflizards

yes and we can also add that people hate the truth bc truth mean that all b right and superior so they cant anymore pretend being superior comparably to others nor that they can get smthg from abusing others inferiority as having them for their service

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
Whenever you tell the truth, people take offence.

That is why a lot of politicians are liars.

We need the truth, but we shrink from it.

Here are some truths:

All people are liars some of the time.

War-mongers will bring about the end of humanity because we are supposed to support each other.

The truth will set you free, if you can find it.

It seems to me that we are in a world full of lies.

There is so much intelligence suppressed from people. More lies.

Can we trust anyone to tell us the truth?

I think we have to seek our own truth.

I'm going to actually attempt to answer this question.

People have become wired to their comforts and are willing to be lied to just as long as it doesn't directly affect them or their standard of living. Because they have become so selfish in living a false lifestyle, they are usually willing to defend that which provides them the illusion of safety. Its much easier to stay within everything that you believe to be true, EVEN IF THEY ARE AWARE that their belief is predicated on a lie. So, when one hears the truth which contradicts their "comfortable lie," they will do everything in their power to prevent that TRUTH from penetrating their worlds or the worlds of others. Because if the truth becomes a collective reality, they realize that they must evolve from their LIE...and that requires THOUGHT, and ACTION that they are NOT willing to entertain.

Good question by the way...
edit on 29-11-2011 by Destiny777 because: To add...

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by absolutely

what u did is fundamentally evil so the least of its form is wrong, u have no right nor business in another free expression as it is

You see, this is the reason that I think you are probably not all there in the head.

You say what I did was "Evil"

And what I *DID* was attempt to translate, or make any sense whatsoever from your random compilations of words.

You claim that I am somehow "Meddling in your Business of Free Expression", and that is clearly not the case, as your words are still available for all to see... I changed, or censored NOTHING of yours.

What I DID, was attempt to comprehend the madness of your writings, and communicate that to other people for the purposes of clarification, and education.

I have explicitly stated this in the post DIRECTLY before yours.... and I guess you didn't Read, or Comprehend that, actually... Did you?

Here it is AGAIN:

there is no purpose in truth, it is far beyond absolute fact, only what is true is free

And you contradicted yourself 3 times in one sentence, Astounding.

where u mean to justify all being of wills is to ur own objectives that has nothing to do with others ones

You are still completely failing to make any sense whatsoever.

and when obviously u have no respect for the least concept of truth then go talk about smthg else u care for,

You don't honestly believe that I have no respect for truth, do you?

I mean, the only reason that I ask that, is because of the TWO of us, I am the only one who seems to have any respect for the meanings of the words that we are using to communicate these concepts and Ideas.

You, seem to me to be merely a self aggrandizing pseudo-intellectual with a poor grasp of English; bantering about with philosophical and metaphysical concepts that you CLEARLY lack the mental reflectivity to comprehend, much less communicate.

At first, I thought that you were just new to speaking English, and I was prepared to cut you some slack for that.

But now I can see, that You don't have a primary language other than gibberish and confusion, masqueraded as "Divine Revelations"

the gibberish is all what u r posting here especially by meaning to use objective fields and others rights for ur own comfortable stand in doing nothing but ruining what exist

You might as well call me a Penguin for all the good it will do you, pal.

play with ur own self existence and ruin it then if that is ur pleasure in being

Look, if you are too lazy to form coherent sentences, Don't get mad when people don't understand what you are saying, or attempt to figure it out.

Especially if you are not clear enough in your words to ACTUALLY be understood.

Look, I TOTALLY GET that your whole "Schtick" is being *SO* incomprehensible and Vague that you "MUST" be spiritually enlightened, or Wise, or whatever...

All that I'm telling you is that... well... You are wrong.

Your words are not making any sense, and I suspect that most of the words that you are using are included in your communication for the perception of Depth, than any actual understanding or comprehension of their meanings, or the ideas and concepts that they represent.

Stop talking, You are not any good at it.
edit on 29-11-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 11:30 AM

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Destiny777

right, but u can also add to what u said the fact of truth used instead of being true

truth is absolute superiority freedom, so any free sense know that inherently, then evil is what mean objective superiority to always get beyond it as giving to itself an objective superior form while meaning being nothing to it there, that is why they are called liars ones
but truth catch them of constancy end, where they reach to become one free fact stand on the long run and there there is nothing but truth so duality is clear to mean being one freedom, so what they meant as nothing become absolute negative inferior sense and what they meant as superior objective become nothing subjective that is pulled down by inferiority true existence free sense which would force it to realize objective inferiority out of nothing to survive...till we will see how it will end

so they hate the truth bc they know that truth point their lies out, their contradictions in what they use to pretend being and what they are doing constantly, and there u got it all right how they face their hate to make any true effort when all their means is absolute gains without doing any just pretending over always

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by absolutely
reply to post by cointelprotroll

but it is always the lie agression never the truth, truth is not brutal i disagree nor savage, liars are vulgar not true ones

if u mean self defense there it is not about truth it is only a free one whatever its ability to come up with

but truth as absolute superiority in all terms of absolute freedom ways values, is by definition never social so on the contrary it would be shy and respectful to notion of else rights while it cant mean anyone really

it is just from ur sense mean, that individuals freedom hate to mean all rights objectively before getting to their own self right, which is logical but to act in hate rejection it becomes absurd so surely relying on powerful liars for knowing loving mostly taking advantage of freedom even if it is truth freedom that explain the love to kill others freedom in meaning themselves free rights

I don't really understand what you mean? I personally find truth beautiful, but I am not most people. As someone else said, "what is truth anyway?". One person's truth is another's lies.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:30 AM
As we are complex creatures, there are multiple causes all flowing together in parallel, attacking Truth.

1. Ego - "I'm always right. If any idea or thought originates from anyone other than me, it must be stupid and is therefore rejected"

2. Inertia - Based in laziness, change is the most difficult, uneasing kinetics a person can undertake. It invokes stress which makes us sick (feeling). Inertia can rear up in the mental, physical, sociological and spiritual (the 4 biggies that is the whole you)

3. Threatened Sensualities - We all enjoy our sensualities and most will protect them to the death against even being lessened, never mind eliminated. The Truth requires the "noise" of involvement with the sensualities to be muted.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by absolutely

OMG. Are you trying to create a new language? I really tried to understand you theories and have concluded that you and I are not talking about the same thing! I am not talking about some transcendental plane of consciousness and the "truths" that lie within. NO. I'm talking about simple truths grounded in our space, time coordinates. for example: 1+1=2, true or 1+1=3, false. sure.. the mystical stuff is great, but not relevant to the type of truth that most are concerned with IMO.

posted on Nov, 30 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by cointelprotroll

but im the one that respect maths equations right, 1+1=3 to u while to me it is a simple addition use so two, bc else mean wont use that equation it would have its own since all is based on objective justification in absolute way

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

But I can't help but believe all the videos with Ron Paul and his powerful arguments against anyone that stands in his way for instance Newt Gingrich who got schooled in Ron Paul's Campaign , caught pocketing millions or unless Ron is completely lying through his teeth.

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