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Jewish Holocaust On The Rise... Again?

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:33 AM
As the last years have rolled in, we find ourselves, yet again, in a world of turmoil. Though history tells us that we went into a world war because of the nutcase mentality of Hitler's world domination, some can say that we fought the last world war to prevent the extermination of the Jews. Wether we truely did so or not is unknown to me. Still I see that had we allowed this madness to continue, much of the Jewish people would have probably faded into history, with the exception of the American Jews and others around the world. Some say, and I also feel that we could have prevented so many that did die by nazi hatred had we acted much earlier. Unfortunatly, this did not happen. Germany and Japan were powerfull adversaries that kept the rest of the world at bay for at least a little while. Though, combined forces of the allies had prevailed....

..... Only to end up another day, quite possibly back into those troubled times that spelled destruction for the Jews.

It's been like this for thousands of years, and still today it continues. Why so much hatred towards the Jews? Even Jews that do not live in Isael and has nothing to do with their government or the bigwigs with billions that happen to be Jewish.

Belgian Jews in Shock over Beating of 13-Year-old Girl

‘Palestinian Authority Symbolizes New Anti-Semitism’

Cars Burned in Anti-Jewish Rampage in Brooklyn

'Hitler Youth Hairdo' -Silly Fashion Statement or anti-Semitism?

Swedish 'Humanitarian' Aid Pays for Anti-Israel Booklet

Kissinger Called Jews 'Self-Serving,' 'Bastards'

Anti-Semitic Vandalism in Brooklyn Sparks Community Outrage

The Italian Anti-Semitism Report

Anti-Semitism Conference Faces Muslim Opposition

'Budapest – Europe’s Capital of Anti-Semitism’

ADL Survey: 15% of Americans are Anti-Semitic

- I actually believe these numbers are MUCH higher, just based upon what I see around me... The News, the Forums, ATS.

Please feel free to add more if you come across them.

I'm certain I'll see refrences to "Zionism" and everything else as an excuse.. But, I say... There is NO excuse for the taking of civil life. What say you ATS? Where do you see this going?

Religious or any other views are welcome, so long as the responce is based upon civil discussions and not hatred. Please give examples, or something with a basis. Opinions are welcome also, so long as they donot fall in with hatred towards Jews. We are not discussing the Jewish government here, only the people... the victims as the news articles seem to indicate.

I will say this... The news source is a Jewish one, though, as with all news sources you would get from any country, the information could be Biased, but the facts remain that wether it was for one reason or another, civil every day folk are being targeted for their Jewish background. I'm willing to bet that many other similar news sources can be found from other sources. I picked the majority of these up while reading one news article. I did not realise there were SO many more!

+8 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

There is NO excuse for the taking of civil life. What say you ATS? Where do you see this going?

I agree, there is no excuse, and I fully condemn all these actions. A holocaust it is not, thankfully. I really seriously doubt you'll find anyone with half a brain hoping for another holocaust, be it wrought upon Jews or anyone.

But let me put it another way.

Black Racist Attacks on Mexicans in S.I.
Racist Attacks on Mexican Immigrants: Another Sign of White Racism
San Francisco Man Involved In Racial Attack Of Mexicans To Testify Against Pals

Is this indicative of a holocaust against the Mexicans? Now, I know using the term Holocaust while referring to anything other than the murdering of Jews in Germany and Poland will ruffle some feathers so just keep that to yourselves if it's bothering you.

Anyways, take a look at this from one of your links:

The Palestinian Authority (PA) is a symbol of the new anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism, according to Dr. Gerardo Stuczynski, the president of the Latin American Zionist Confederation. In a memo to Arutz Sheva, he asserted that the PA is popular because of the new anti-Semitism that “states that all the peoples of the world have the right to self-determination, except the Jewish people. That is why Zionism is illegitimate and Israel is the only country that has no right to exist.

Now see, just making stuff up like that might float somewhere else, but this is ATS.

new anti-Semitism that “states that all the peoples of the world have the right to self-determination, except the Jewish people. That is why Zionism is illegitimate and Israel is the only country that has no right to exist.

Hmm, see, this is how this type of stuff works. Zionism is a political ideology revolving around the state of Israel with a goal of a "greater Israel" through expansion. This has nothing to do with race or religion, it's a political ideology that itself states only those who are Jewish have a right self-determination.

Now don't think I'm trying to gloss over the very real antisemitism out there, I'm not, and I'm fully against that myself. But having a problem with the actions of a government is NOT racist, even if they happen to be Jewish.
edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:41 AM
the only thing i'd disagree with is using the term 'holocaust'.
it's a bit to strong to explain vandals and the like.
the beating of the girl is quite disturbing, but things like that happen far to often.
edit on 24-11-2011 by rubbertramp because: (no reason given)

+28 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:44 AM
tut.. the world is opposed to israel and its crimes against humanity.

the world is NOT opposed to jewish people

very large difference between the two.

there are also many jewish people who are opposed to israel.

Really wish people would learn to differentiate between the two... Ahh well guess it gives the primitives something to squable over.. Carry on then..

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

ADL Survey: 15% of Americans are Anti-Semitic

I also have a massive problem with some of the things in that article too.

The survey found that 19 percent of Americans think that it is “probably true” that the statement that “Jews have too much control/influence on Wall Street” is correct. This marks a five percentage point increase since 2009.

Well, the fact is, the people who control wall street and the economy mostly happen to be Jewish. That's a fact. Did they get their positions because of that? Of course not. Are they making mistakes because of that? Of course not. Are they doing things that might be "wrong" because of that? Of course not.

As well, 15 percent that agreed Jews are “more willing to use shady practices,”

Well, I don't know of many countries/religions that pay a massive force of internet trolls to skew polls, disrupt discussions, and spread hatred around the internet. I don't know of any other countries with an "Internet Defense Force" that goes about removing and flagging any content on the internet they don't like, trying to have it removed, and in most cases succeeding. i don't know of many countries actively skewing Websense blocks into a racist machine. Oh any truly vile rhetoric against Arabs isn't blocked, but anything related to Gaza is, even if it's a completely unfounded block (though a lot of them are justifiably blocked)

I'd consider that shady myself.

It was also found that 14 percent of respondents agreed with the statement that “Jews have too much power in the U.S. today,” an increase from 13 percent in 2009.

Well you tell me, why does a presidential candidate need the backing of the Jewish Lobbyists and groups when they Jewish population is quite small compared to the rest?

do I personally feel like they have "too much power"? no, because I don't feel their positions of power have anything to do with them being Jewish.

Really, I'd have to see the exact language used in the polling, because I suspect it was done in such a way to get the results they got.

If america is so antisemitic, why does the Jewish Lobby have so much pull? Why does AIPAC have so much pull? Why does every city in American now celebrate "the holidays" ?

To me, it's antisemitic to assume these people got their positions of power because of their Jewishness.

It's not antisemitic to point out the fact that some of the most powerful people on Wallstreet, in the media, and in government happen to be Jewish. I don't think being Jewish has anything to do with that, myself.

ButI do NOT think it is "antisemitic" to question the loyalty of Dual Citizens, regardless of their citizenship.

What does that make me?
edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Expat888

The only problem with that logic is that although you may see the difference between the Jews as a people and Israel as a country, the majority of the people who commit these acts against them do not. In America and other like countries we tend to think things through to the point of finding these differences to be able to say things like "I support the Jews, but not Israel" But go to another mid eastern country and see if anyone there holds a difference between Jews and Israel. I bet they do not.

I personally support the people and the country.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Jermicide

In America and other like countries we tend to think things through to the point of finding these differences to be able to say things like "I support the Jews, but not Israel" But go to another mid eastern country and see if anyone there holds a difference between Jews and Israel. I bet they do not.

Well put, a perspective many people would probably ignore.

But again, a holocaust this does not make

Wow, I've got to stop following the OPs links because they contain garbage like this:

In its pages the brochure calls for the boycott of the State of Israel, which it accuses of ethnic cleansing of Arabs in Judea and Samaria, racist legislation, racial segregation, and the establishment and maintenance of an apartheid administration in the territories.

what exactly about that is untrue, all of it is true, sure, you can argue it's not apartheid, but a tribunal has already agreed it can be classified as such. how exactly is that antisemitic.

Is the "new antisemitism" merely posting factual data Israel doesn't like? Actually, Israel couldn't even disagree with that statement, only Abe could via the ADL, and according to that man, everyone on earth including most Jews are antisemites.
edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

I personally support the people and the country.

As do I. I just refuse to support the occupation. I fully support the state of Israel and it's right to exist ALONG SIDE a Palestinian state. I fully support each human beings right to a free, peaceful life, regardless of where they come from.

I can be against imperialistic aims while still supporting the people who live, work, and love there, on both sides of that wicked fence.
edit on 24-11-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Expat888

Really wish people would learn to differentiate between the two... Ahh well guess it gives the primitives something to squable over.. Carry on then..

Ahh but we have. And I suspect that is why the OP left this thread dangling in the wind, he didn't get the automatic antisemitic responses Abe told him he'd get.

Primitive? Sure, or insane. Because I continually relay the same information hoping people will at least read it, and get the same results, that's insanity.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:07 PM
Because isolated incidents of (possible) racially motivated attacks can really be compared to any type of holocaust

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Though history tells us that we went into a world war because of the nutcase mentality of Hitler's world domination, some can say that we fought the last world war to prevent the extermination of the Jews. Wether we truely did so or not is unknown to me.

We most certainly DID NOT fight the war to prevent the extermination of the Jews. That was a post-fact rationalization that has since been disproved by David Weimanns "the abandonment of the Jews". The Americans and British didn't give a flying # what happened to the Jews. They had plenty of opportunities to save them by bombing the tracks that led to Auschwitz and Berkanaum or to even bomb Auschwitz when they were in the area conducting another mission. They specifically AVOIDED helping the Jews. Plain and simple.

The Bermuda conference is another case of the diplomatic vacillation that kept the allies from doing anything decisive to save the Jews. They didnt have the money or resources were excuses given. One almost wonders whether they were complicit with the Nazis in this dark agenda.

But undoubtedly, the involvement of Britain and America in WWII had nothing whatsoever to do with the Jewish problem.

Listen to this lecture by the sociologist Shmuel Trigano

Fast forward to 33:30.

In France, antisemitism is yet again, rearing its ugly head. People think this is random. I my opinion, it is deliberately being generated by the sophisticated sociological conditioning of the elite.

Basically, the Jews are cast as eternal victims. Other groups which have been victimized feel they are ignored relative to the Jews, and this breeds resentment. This resentment is compounded by the Palestinian issue, which people find further annoyance in, because the eternal victim ' the Jew - is victimizing someone else. This again breeds further hatred for the Jews.

And then you add the hodgepodge of perceptions generated online and elsewhere, that the Jews control the world, that the Jews are the source of all our problems, that Judaism, and the Talmud is evil......

Bunch of different factors contribute to the rise in antisemitism.

It is not merely a psychological condition, but something exploited by the political elite to 'deal with the Jews'. The ultimate aim is to destroy the notion of "Jew", particularly in its religious-ethnic sense. This has been affected in western countries through assimilation. But even beyond that, they want the notion of "Jew" gone. The religious ones, particularly, are in danger of being wiped out.

Now isn't it ironic that some of the most vehement Jew haters are themselves, Jews? Henry Kissinger, Shulamit Aloni, etc

edit on 24-11-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Jermicide

That is exactly the case.

If you were to listen to a group of Persians or Arabs talk about Israel, as i have, you'll see they make no distinction between Israel and Jew. Israel is evil precisely BECAUSE it is made up of Jews.

Only here in the wacko west do people imagine anti-zionism to be unconnected with anti-semitism, when really, it is simply a new modality, affecting the same end.
edit on 24-11-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:10 PM
HOLOCAUST Definition a BURNT RITUAL OFFERING,offering to who,your history is distorted,
you cannot understand the truth when everything in history is manipulated by TPTB.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Only here in the wacko west do people imagine anti-zionism to be unconnected with anti-semitism, when really, it is simply a new modality, affecting the same end.

Keep saying it and eventually it will become the truth, right? Even prominent Rabbis clearly define the distinction between antisemitism and anti-zionism. This isn't to say some people don't use "anti-zionism" as a mask, they do.

just like people use "pro-israel" as a mask to justify their racism towards Arabs.

Again, how is this a holocaust? It's not. It's isolated racially (maybe) motivated attacks. This is a far cry from systematic extermination.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by theRhenn

This is ATS. People here are willing to believe TPTB are committing genocide through fluoridation, vaccination, chemtrails, and nanotechnology. But if you suggest seemingly isolated incidents of violence are indicative of a growing worldwide antisemitic trend that will end in mass murder--something which has actually happened at least once in history--you're regarded as crazy.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I my opinion, it is deliberately being generated by the sophisticated sociological conditioning of the elite. Basically, the Jews are cast as eternal victims. Other groups which have been victimized feel they are ignored relative to the Jews, and this breeds resentment. This resentment is compounded by the Palestinian issue, which people find further annoyance in, because the eternal victim ' the Jew - is victimizing someone else. This again breeds further hatred for the Jews.

That is certainly one way to interpret it.

Basically, the Jews are cast as eternal victims.


Other groups which have been victimized feel they are ignored relative to the Jews, and this breeds resentment.

Fact, this is why you'll often find people that will tell you calling anything other than the Jewish Holocaust, a holocaust, is antisemitic.

This resentment is compounded by the Palestinian issue, which people find further annoyance in, because the eternal victim ' the Jew - is victimizing someone else.

Fact, and at least you didn't try to gloss over it. but you've got to come to grips with the fact that not all people who are against what Israel is doing in the West bank are against it because they are "jews" and were bread to "hate jews"

I'm Canadian. I finished high school and college. If I wasn't a WW2 buff, I wouldn't have known that people other than Jews were killed in Germany. Why? Because the school curriculum makes the entire war about the Jews. No mention of others, maybe a cursory footnote about the thousands of gypsies, Poles, Gays, and anyone else Hitler didn't like.

So I can tell you right now, my feelings towards Israel (the state) were not programmed into me by the government or some grand conspiracy. they were formed after YEARS of research, talking to people involved in these conflicts, and just plain reading.

I'll tell you right now, I was a knee-jerk reactionary calling for a full on carpet bombing of all the Arab nations. Until I spent a few hours researching what is actually taking place there.

If another Jewish Holocaust takes place, I'll be at the front of the line signing my life away to go fight against it. And mark my words, if Israel continues on it's path towards ethnic cleansing, I'd be doing the same to protect those Arabs.

Have you ever wondered why these Arabs hate Israel so much? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with how Israel conducts herself now could it?

Not even Hitler was crazy enough to make "Aryan Only Roads"

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

the only thing missing is the fact that most evangelical christians back the zionists and jewish state 100%.

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:31 PM
If anything I would say there is a Muslim holocaust being perpetrated by the west.

With the demise of the cold war, America and it's allies needed a new enemy to perpetuate the military industrial complex and to keep it's own citizens in check by implementing a soft police state.

We all know the war on terror is phony. And it's those pesky Muslim terrorists that are to blame, right? According to the state sponsored media anyway.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Keep saying it and eventually it will become the truth, right?

It is demonstrably true. It doesn't require any forceful interpreting on my part.

Even prominent Rabbis clearly define the distinction between antisemitism and anti-zionism

Who are these "prominent Rabbis"?? I can assure you, a vast majority more Rabbis agree to anti-zionism being a new vehicle for Jew hatred then those who would disagree.

just like people use "pro-israel" as a mask to justify their racism towards Arabs.

I don't think there are many people who are pro-Israel for the sake of being racist to Arab's. Undoubtedly, there are Christian Zionists who discriminate against Muslims, but it is not "arabs" they dislike.

You people need to understand the difference between racial i.e. appearance, discrimination, and religious i.e. ideological discrimination. The former can be called racism, since the root word, race, refers to that. The latter would be termed 'bigotry', or religious discrimination.

Again, how is this a holocaust? It's not. It's isolated racially (maybe) motivated attacks. This is a far cry from systematic extermination.

It is a gradual thing. The extermination program in Germany did not start out from nothing. It was based upon an already present prejudice against Jews (which can be considered the leftover from Christian times). Then in the late 20's, and early 30's, and especially after the collapse of the Wiemar republic, antisemitism started becoming more present in German society. Not until the late 30's, after years of enduring a depression, did the German public become more supportive of antisemitism. Of deporting the Jews, which is what the government said was being done. Of course, those within the Nazi party were privy of what was ultimately intended for them.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Namaste1001

Are you serious???

So you think there isn't such a thing called Islamism? And here you are attributing the mainstream media with brainwashing the masses, meanwhile you yourself are brainwashed by the mainstream internet media i.e. alex jones, etc.

Look up the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and the 150+ different Islamist terrorist organizations the world over.

Or read any of these books:

The Legacy of Jihad
Islam unveiled
Son of Hamas (written by the son of the founder of Hamas)
Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left
The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the left sabotage America
The Quest for justice in the Middle East
Sayyid Qutb and the origins of radical Islam
Islam vs. Islamism: The Dilemma of the Muslim World

I PROMISE YOU, the west didn't create radical Islam. Islam did. Is it a problem they exploit? Undoubtedly. But it is a problem that exists and subsists on its own, fueled by Koranic and Islamic theology.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 12:55 PM
Don't forget the Armenian genocide that the Israelis don't like acknowledging.

Robert Fisk’s World: Israel can no longer ignore the existence of the first Holocaust

George Hintlian, historian and prominent member of Jerusalem's 2,000-strong Armenian community in Jerusalem, pointed out the posters a few metres from the 1,500-year old Armenian monastery. They advertised Armenia's 24 April commemorations. All but one had been defaced, torn from the ancient walls or, in at least one case, spraypainted with graffiti in Hebrew. "Maybe they don't like it that there was another genocide," George told me. "These are things we can't explain." More than 70 members of George's family were murdered in the butchery and death marches of 1915 – when German officers witnessed the system of executions, rail-car deportations to cholera camps and asphyxiation by smoke in caves – the world's first "gas" chambers. One witness, the German vice-consul in Erzurum, Max von Scheubner-Richter, ended up as one of Hitler's closest friends and advisers. It's not as if there's no connection between the first and second Holocausts.

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