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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:37 PM
I think that any video that shows a child being physicaly punished will get a negative response.
Should it be legal or not to inflict pain onto children during disciplinary sessions?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

hey muzz, i totally feel where youre coming from and all i'm with you on being delicate with these issues so as not to strip our own rights away but where do we draw the line? like what other issues do we say, "well i disagree but id allow it for the sake of my rights" this is bad either way it goes, whether its more govt interference or more child beatings but let me say from experience

beatings create fear not respect you may make a child that will obey you but its only for as long as youre strong enough to beat them. when fear and loathing replace love and respect all you have is a game of yes sir no sir and a bit of waiting till your child/subordinate/or whatever strikes back. again, just from experience.


posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Everyone continually asks why she video'd it. I'll give one possible scenario. What would you do if you were suffering from a physical handicap such as hers and was beaten and yelled at frequently? Well you'd video it and make copies and secure them, then tell your parents that you will never tolerate this abuse again or he would lose his job and go to jail. It just horrifies me that he could swing that belt at a child in her condition. I know another who has a physical conditon that gets progressively worse, who collapses in the shower, and needs assistance, only to have abuse and cruelty flung at him as well. It breaks my heart.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash
I see your position to a point.To discipline a child means to teach them a life lesson that they're consequences for their bad behavior.So in order for a child to learn why their actions were not acceptable a parent needs to use their intelligence to do so,so the child understands why.What does beating them with a belt teach them?that if they are bigger and stronger that the child will learn to respect their parents and not make mistakes?No what they learn is to be aggressive and grow up feeling unloved and confused,which in turn becomes a stack of dominoes of self hatred.No matter what a child does,they don't deserve to be beaten,period end of story...I know this because I lived it.

I loved my father more than life itself he was my protector in every sense,why did he beat me?because it was the way he was raised.I grew up so confused and felt worthless and it took me years to come to grips with this 'discipline' don't hurt someone you love.Parents that beat their children under the guise of discipline does it out of anger,frustration,and lack of knowledge or they're just ignorant and mean.Either way it's wrong.I have raised three children my youngest is 16 and never raised a hand to them,and they are all responsible adults now.Life is all about making bad choices and mistakes,and what children learn from them is what makes the difference between an healthy adult and a demoralized unhinged 30 year old that never learned their life lessons from their parents. There wasn't any aspect of my life that wasn't affected by these beatings.
edit on 2-11-2011 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-11-2011 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I would do that. Thing is, I don't see a difference between taking stop and using the whip. It's more like 1st time stuff, 2nd time blood. 3rd time out of the house. Simply laws. There shouldn't be laws for ho you discipline kids. If you abuse your kids, IE, hit them to make yourself feel better, than I'll shoot you myself. But if you're kid's being a dummy and doesn't listen, the belt comes out on strike number 2.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:46 PM
There are other ways to discipline a 16 year old other then beating them with a whip. If your not smart enough to work out how then your a bad parent. Simple as.
Its normal for a TEENAGER to test the boundaries there parents set, its not like she stayed out all night or got knocked up, she used the frigging computer, id take a wild guess and say she's pretty tamed. What you might not realise is that your further damaging this young woman's personal growth because you wont allow her do basic things when she wants to. If she stays up all night playing video games then when she's to tired to do anything else the next day she's gonna think twice about doing it again.
You might not like it, but apart of becoming an adult is making decisions and dealing with the consequences. Beating a teenager because they're not acting like your little solider is wrong. These people are crazy.

And just to add one more thing, people who are raised in violent household's are more likely to inflict the same pain on there own children - if not worse. There are better ways to discipline children/young adults, its just that simple.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Irish614

depends on how often she wasted her life on the internet. I have no means to know how often this happened. Thus I have no reason to believe it is over the top. Without proof, there is no guilt.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Tindalos2013
If the sixteen year old girl broke the house rules then she deserved the beating. Plus it will toughen her up for life in the real world. Besides the belt whipping did not look that harsh anyway, she's just a big crybaby.

This is one of the attitude's that really annoys the hell out of me. This belief that beating and mistreating a child will TOUGHEN THEM UP and prepare them for the REAL WORLD. This attitude in parents shows a real psychological and emotional immaturity. Abuse in mild or severe form to toughen them up actually does the complete opposite. These children grow up into young adults who feel like # about themselves. They have no or low self esteem because THEIR thoughts and feelings didn't matter in the toughening up process. They end up as emotional cripples in a world where there are so many predators willing to take advantage of this lack of a strong inner voice within themselves. People I know who have gone through this toughening up abusive process by their parents end up often frankly in prison doing hard time, or being on the wrong end of an abusive relationship. Tough does not equal mature and often leads to trouble. How does abuse lead to self worth. It is a strong and healthy sense of self worth along with a healthy sense of your own BOUNDARIES and the BOUNDARIES of other people that leads to maturity. This is how you learn to survive in the REAL WORLD.
How do you learn a healthy sense of your own boundaries when your own have been continuously INVADED in the toughening up process. It's a scary and often cruel world out there, so shouldn't the home be the one place where you can above all else feel SAFE. If you have sense of physical and emotional safety in the home that you grow up in that that is what you will demand and expect in your adult life. The people who were taught to trust their own intuition and instincts and were treated with respect with a healthy sense of boundaries are the one s who end up doing well in the REAL WORLD. I have seen the negative results of this toughening up process too many times.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

I don't teach laws, more trying to instill virtues, commons sense rules but would never give up on them and thenand continually work with them to help them grow up well but always love and decency and limits on what you would physically do, verbally do to any other human being on earth, especially your children. I don't believe in a rule of law or universal laws, I believe in virtues.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

There is a fine line between punishment and abuse.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Irish614

depends on how often she wasted her life on the internet. I have no means to know how often this happened. Thus I have no reason to believe it is over the top. Without proof, there is no guilt.

I don't have a problem with internet usage. Their friends have come over, got my kids to see bad sites, nakkie women, and put virus's on my computer. Even had to deal with my brother sneaking on my computer when he stayed with us and go on porn sites and put virus's on, and did that to my son's computer at his grandmother's too. Should I up and belt my brother, and thats worse than the songs to me.? Yes, dealt with, no sleep overs for a month, and had to rewipe their computer, and took a while to get their games on. No biggie. They don't repeat this stuff. I consider 10X worse than downloading songs. And I know it was my brother in the past, because he admitted it when tackled on the phone. With them, they can't keep secrets, so I find out soooo fast, its like I have eyes on the back of my jeans, my hip pockets.. I always told them that. I see everything so don't think you can do it behind my back.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I've seen your posts in the past and am usually in agreement with you. On this issue not even close. Disregarding the pleasure he gets after she begs him to stop, I'll focus in on his position of power. A family law judge. That is a position which holds power over children in the court system. A full review must be conducted of his rulings now to see if he's an unbalanced, non-fair "judge" as well as father.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Jason88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
It doesn't matter really.

Its not your business what people do to their kids. None.
They created them, it's their call.

I agree the punishment is a bit over the top, and I personally do not use weapons when punishing my children. I do not hit the face or vulnerable organs either.

But I have kids of my own and I totally understand whats going on here.

Over the top? Yes for sure.

Our business? Nope not at all.

Why don't we go after this judge for corruption issues like how they imprison innocents just to keep the $$$ flowing or other actual crimes like that?

This is being torn out of context and it's just another way the Nazi Parent - Police can justify their agenda to strip parents of any rights and allow the government to control all of our parenting decisions.

NEWS FLASH ( see what i did there xD) public domain means it is our business but this judge should get off i mean "those who are not guilty have nothing to fear" right? -_-

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:04 PM
As it turns out, this girl has ataxic cerebral palsy.

There is only ONE thing you can teach a child with violence, and that is more violence. There is only ONE message a child takes from being beaten, slapped, or spanked; violence is an acceptable way to solve a problem. You can probably surmise where many of our society's problems come from.

All I see is malice from these parents. They are obviously taking out pent up rage at their daughter. If they were not, the video would not last over 7 minutes, and they would not be verbally terrorizing their daughter.

My father belt whipped me as punishment until I was 16. The last time he tried it was when I turned around and knocked 2 of his teeth out, threw him to the floor unconscious and then kicked him until he had 3 broken ribs and a concussion. What was he beating me for? Spilled f**king milk. A few days later, he spilled his drink at the table, at which point I kicked the s**t out of him again to finish the lesson I wanted to teach him. I'm 29 years old now and I have no relationship with my father.

If you want your children to secretly, sub-consciously hate you for the rest of their lives, use violence and terror as means to settle differences. Physical violence shows a lack of respect for the child, and in turn the child will respect the parent less. The only effect physical violence has is to induce FEAR, not respect. The child may do what you want, but when you are not looking he/she will have a visage of hate, and curse you silently.

If you want your children to respect you and your authority, use peaceful methods to settle differences, especially when it seems there is no other option.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:06 PM
This vid aside and true child abuse aside, I do think using the word 'beating' for a spanking is the wrong word. Spanking is discipline and has been used since time began. You even see it on shows like Little House and she even told about it in her book. Kids got the switch a lot in olden days. They all turned out just fine. Thing about spanking (Not beating like dad did in this vid, his coming back and all he said to her was horrifying and wrong) is it really does help the child to not do that bad thing again (trying to touch a stove or hitting the dog or pulling sister's hair or slapping mom or being caught smoking or doing drugs or worse). It's a pavlov technique. "If I do this bad thing, I will be spanked. Therefore, I must not do this bad thing again''.

I see a decline in the population with manners, decorum, respect and all because of people thinking spanking (NOT beating) is so wrong. I stayed out overnight once with a boy when I was 15 (truthfully, nothing happened except kissing and watching movies. I was a virgin til 21). And when I came back home, I got the belt and was grounded for the entire year of school. Did I ever do that again. NO way. Noooooo way. They originally tried to just tell me, "Don't ever stay out all night, be in by 9pm, blah blah". That format failed. The punishment once I broke the rules did NOT fail as I never did so again. I rarely got the belt but when I did, my behavior was corrected immediately.

Even as a kid in grade school, all the cousins etc in my family and my bros and I would be spanked with a hand on the butt if we did bad. If we swore, we either got tobasco sauce or soap in the mouth, or for severe talking back/cussing, a slap across the face (rare but again, pretty much once and that was the end of it).

There is a line between abuse and 'you're gonna get it when your father gets home' spankings, soap, lectures, etc. You go back for more, break bones, lock em in closets, give no food or water, kick em, spit on em, drag em by the hair, lash em til they're bleeding, etc etc etc, that's abuse, plain and simple.

A spanking however, is not. A paddling on the butt never turned anyone into a murderer. Overcharged beating with a belt like this man did, however, IS child abuse.

MIND YOU, spanking in my eyes is one to four swats on the butt, while clothed, for GOOD reasons and that is IT. Parent assures em they still love them and are doing it for the child's own good and safety and to learn right from wrong, and then lets the child cry it out and think about what they have done. BUT ALSO the parent MUST cool down FIRST before administering the spanking. The kid will know what it's about. Mine always cooled down when I'd enrage em by #ing up xD - but they let me know "You're getting punished/the belt. I'll be back"

I think waiting for em to return was the worst. LOL you'd be praying they forgot. Course the lectures were horrifying too. "Sarra, get IN our bedroom NOW", and you go in, sit down and they just glare and then give you the whole, "We are SO disappointed in you. How could you DO this? Were you not THINKING? You could have been killed or put in the hospital" blah blah.

But yes. A line between abuse and normal spanking. Totally there.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:09 PM
Poor, misguided parents

The comments in this wonder why the world is the way it is.

To me it looked like the father got off on his own adrenalin rush. He clearly lost control of himself several times during the video and "gave in" to his urges. Like an addict.

I bet he spends a lot of time trying to find an excuse to get his "fix"

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:15 PM
Apparently, this has become widespread across the internet now, and the information has gone to the police, which are now launching an investigation it. I don't know about you, but the proof is pretty obvious there.

Police launched an investigation Wednesday into an online video post that claims to show a Texas family law judge profanely berating and repeatedly lashing his 16-year-old daughter with a belt. The nearly 8-minute video, which has been viewed more than 600,000 times on YouTube since being uploaded last week, shows a man violently whipping a girl in the legs more than dozen times and growing increasingly irate, while she screams and refuses to turn over on a bed to be beaten.

The person who uploaded the video on YouTube signs the post as Hillary Adams, the daughter of Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams and the target of the beating. The post says the video was filmed in 2004. Rockport Police Chief Tim Jayroe said calls from people who saw the video prompted the investigation. Jayroe said he has not been able to determine the identities of the people in the video nor whether any crimes were committed. Jayroe said he has asked the Texas Rangers, the state's top investigators, for help in the investigation

Well, hopefully the truth will come out about this whole thing. I don't know if it will change anything, considering the incident happened in 2004, but at least it will bring some closure to the girl involved, and justice will be served.
edit on 2-11-2011 by Veritas1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by sarra1833
I see a decline in the population with manners, decorum, respect and all because of people thinking spanking (NOT beating) is so wrong.

Interestingly enough, studies have shown that manners are improving in the UK for example. Despite more liberal parenting

Most this decline in manners is false, and often perceived by people who themselves are rude, and likewise are reflected with the same attitude.

Treat people well and they'll treat you well. How you perceive others is often as much an indication of your own character as there's. That's generally true in the UK, US or North Korea.
edit on 2-11-2011 by NadaCambia because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
It doesn't matter really.

Its not your business what people do to their kids. None.
They created them, it's their call.

I agree the punishment is a bit over the top, and I personally do not use weapons when punishing my children. I do not hit the face or vulnerable organs either.

But I have kids of my own and I totally understand whats going on here.

Over the top? Yes for sure.

Our business? Nope not at all.

Why don't we go after this judge for corruption issues like how they imprison innocents just to keep the $$$ flowing or other actual crimes like that?

This is being torn out of context and it's just another way the Nazi Parent - Police can justify their agenda to strip parents of any rights and allow the government to control all of our parenting decisions.

Seriously? At what point should child services step in? Rape? Murder?

Sorry but just because you create a life does not mean you have a right to abuse and ruin that life
edit on 2-11-2011 by Hawking because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

These are her parents. The people she should be able to trust most in the world. That did not look like looked like hate and rage.

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