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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:42 PM
Nasty. Hope someone finds the time to punch Adam's in the face on his daughters behalf.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by OzTruth

Originally posted by Tindalos2013
If the sixteen year old girl broke the house rules then she deserved the beating. Plus it will toughen her up for life in the real world. Besides the belt whipping did not look that harsh anyway, she's just a big crybaby.

Another child beating advocate...

ATS must be full of them

I was beat by my dad when I was 16 for silly crap and you know what? Your right, it does toughen you up. But its not the right thing to do, its a horrible thing to do, and now I am afraid to have children untill I get my anger and violence under controll that stemmed from the abuse I endured as a child, It is a #ing nightmare, and I hope if you have children some day, they are able to see the light in life.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Jepic

They will rebel anyway. Any form of self-restraint is what media and education teach people to rebel against.

Just sayin'.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:48 PM
Somone needs anger management.

Also needs a good beating.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

If I ran into this no good #ing piece of # on the street I'd back up and run him over again. This video's really pissed me off

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
meh, this is a walk in the park compared to how I grew up..

One time my dad beat my sister with a hammer and 2x4 for losing a house key..

But the guy is wrong, I dont understand how people can do this.. One thing I did learn growing up is to never be like my dad was to me to my kid..(did you understand this)

I always wondered if someone would ever get into trouble for something like this.. I guess Anon will make sure to it, but also someone brought up a good point, did the authorities see this?

ALso I only watched about 2 minutes of it, for me same sh*t different day growing up so I already know what happens later..

It is interesting however the girl was telling him to stop, If this were my dad, I would have had a bloody lip or something if I opened my mouth...

I'm glad you survived and decided not to do the same thing to your children. A hammer and a 2x4? Your father deserved to be in jail for a good long time for what he did to you and your sister. Where was your mother and how did she react to how your father "disciplined" you?
edit on 11/2/2011 by dubiousone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:51 PM
For those who think physically disciplining a child, or even austere groundings, turns out better kids, and prevents jail, I want to point out that this is statistically not true, nor true in any study done in university psychology.

Violence in extreme authorative homes, and bullying creates low self esteem kids who often become bullies or act out. Prisons are filled with them.

When you see a bunch of young ones at the store acting out in a store, and mom can't control them, because she's doesnt intend to overreact, when they're younger, they often mellow out into very thoughtful and kind teenagers. The ones who are scared into good behavior often go the opposite route. I know, seen it many times.

Ideally, 1 or 2 children, one can spend enough time with them, become their true friends, get down to their level and regain your childhood through them and learn from your child while teaching, and they may not act out much while young yet still grow up well.

But children come in all shapes and sizes, and some are hyper active, not eveyrone medicates them either, some are learning disabled, some calmer natured, some more aggressive, due to their temperaments.

When you see a mother of 3 boys, say, acting up in the store, she probably will be finding ways to leave the other two at home next time if theres more than one adult handy, and take turns like I do. Because my experience is quite simple: they mostly act well on their own, but my two youngest bounce off each other and don't get along. Add another and its beyond not fun in outings. I do do it from time to time, for their sake.

This has nothing to do with how they turn out after they've gone through hormone surges as long as you don't fracture the core relationship and don't phyiscally harm them.. I don't believe in physically punishing anyone, not animals, not humans, not children, not adults.

In the past, I've swatted a few times and gotten upset as well, but even then I feel sorry. I think calmness and good communication and problem solving should not be violent or harsh, and don't even want to teach children to get tense or mad when someone doesnt "obey" them either. Because that is what this is teaching.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Sorry but it is the public business. This girl was too scared to speak out for years. this is probably not the worst incident over the years of sustained abuse. If you say its none of our business what happens if it went too far and she was injured? She is obviously emotionally troubled after this abuse continued for 7 more years who knows how much longer. This punishment is like getting lashes from a whip, he is hitting her as hard as possible and so what if it leaves no long lasting injury? Its designed to inflict maximum pain without long term injury and the pain itself is what causes the emotional stress that lasts the childs entire life. I went to school with someone who was beaten with a belt and I hate to say it but he was made fun of for having belt marks on his body and he was the most withdrawn kid in our school.

The girl has made this public and he should be held accountable for the abuse, this is excessive and against the law, Now he is a judge! A judge should be a law abiding person. If he can not restrain himself with his kids do you really think that he could restrain his personal bias in a courtroom? Obviously he is not fit to do the job he has if he acts in such an undisciplined way. Weapons should never be used on a child no matter what, in fact if you need to strike your child these days its just showing that you can not be bothered to apply non violent techniques which are proven to work just as well and do not hurt the child at all emotionally.

I'm sorry muzzleflash I usually agree with your perspective, but I really do think this is wrong and he needs to be prosecuted for this. Also being disabled is hard enough for any child and you would think that the parents would need to be there for them emotionally even more as they face greater social pressures so this is even more careless.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by SaturnFX

So, if the father decided the best punishment would be raping that our business? I mean, after all, don't want to interfere with his parental role.

Get real dude.

I am like, totally real dude.

Rape is illegal and a heinous crime against humanity.

Crimes of sex and violence are the most heinous...sliding scale of course, but all from the same barrel

We are discussing a whipping with a belt here.

We are discussing a grown ass man mercilessly whipping his daughter through rage and frustration

Which is 100% legal in Texas btw.
edit on 2-11-2011 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

I never credited texas with being part of civilization. You know in some parts of the world, its legal to honor kill your family members if they disgrace you? so, since its legal somewhere, it must be fine...right?

Get real dude.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:56 PM
moral of the story
thats if im allowed to use the word moral in this thread...

two wrongs never make a right

oh and im sorry what some people reportedly went through in life as posted in this thread, but learn to break the cycle.
instead of repeating it.

unlike what common sense usually says, parents are usually better role models for what one should NOT do.

break the cycle and be better parents

if my child ever does anything to justify some sort of "correction", i will probably beat my self.
because as a parent, i was the one who failed way before the child ever could.

what a funny thread, half feel like this beating was okay, the other half dont but they still feel like beating this suposed judge anyway...

notice the pattern?

edit on 2/11/11 by AnotherYOU because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:58 PM
Damn he took it too far o.o poor girl.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
For those who think physically disciplining a child, or even austere groundings, turns out better kids, and prevents jail, I want to point out that this is statistically not true, nor true in any study done in university psychology.

Violence in extreme authorative homes, and bullying creates low self esteem kids who often become bullies or act out. Prisons are filled with them.

Yes, but now your bringing in facts and statistics...and there are certain mindsets that are anti-thinking and anti-facts...they run on the most reptilian type of the brain that is programmed for aggression, hatred, and lust of overinflated ego...they don't take kindly to reality and ignore it as best they can...siting instead absolute nonsense.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:00 PM
You people are morons, this IS dicipline. I got hit harder than that for stupider things. Hey now im 18 and it doesnt matter. Notice hes going for butt and legs area, real abuse is face chest stomach beating.

Hes using a belt for pain, to dicipline. Not to "beat" her.

Although this reasoning is confusing, he musta told her not to do it and she did anyways..

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Posting again because of how much this video pissed me off. I'm going to say the meanest thing I have ever said on the internet, and I will not take it back, or ever feel sorry for saying it.

I hope he dies, and I hope it is a horrible death, he is a bastard. This stuff just hits too close to home for me, and If there is a hell I hope he burns in it. I hope someone beats him in the face with a hard heavy dildo just as hard as he hit her with that belt, SCREW HIM!

I still feel sick, I think the minute that I watched might actually make me throw up. I feel sorry for her, and her little sister and whatever other siblings she may have, and I wish I could go hold her and tell her everything will be alright and that some day she wont have to live in that hell hole with that mother#ing bastard peice of # for a father.
edit on 11/2/2011 by NerdGoddess because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

I went through that frap for 11 years after my mother died (I was 9).

Left home when I was 20 and married a really nice man.............vowed that nobody would ever hit me again, ever.

Now, you're seeing him hit her with a belt.

I also (and wager this gal has gone through worse as well)

-- Been hit in the head with a 2 X 4 (woke up in hospital and told if I said anything he would finish the job)
-- thrown through a wall twice
-- poked with a finger in the head and chest while told I was stupid, lazy, crazy and ugly
-- Made to stand in one spot for eight hours with no bathroom break or sitting down
-- No food for 24 hours (and I was thin/underweight) - fainted twice.

I could go on but some stuff is too personal.............

That scene was exactly what I went you can bet this monster has done worse with her.

Child abuse scars the soul..............and anyone out there that does that I have no sympathy for them.

Child abuse occurs among all levels of society, it's anger management gone amok and some people should not have children.

Wonder why our prisons are full?

I survived, only because I found a very understanding group of friends, therapist and loving husband.

Speaking as a survivor, someone, anyone ought to get that young lady out of that evil monster's clutches.

THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CHILD ABUSE and anyone suspecting it should report it.

And that includes psychological abuse as well.
edit on 2-11-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:02 PM
alright, leaving the thread...good debate, remember, kids our our future and all that crap

And if you have a urge to spank..remember, keep it between two consenting adults and use a safe word

Out, and ciao

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Gseven
Here's what I see happening....

This is going to get national or even international attention. The man has already been tried and found guilty by everyone on the internet, which is real shame and should scare the daylights out of every single one of you. There will be pressure from the public to crucify him, regardless of what another judge or jury finds. So my feeling is that by peer pressure alone, he will punished by the law, simply because politicians will get involved. Once they are involved, then must make a stand. Once they make a stand, it becomes politics as usual, and a punishment will happen. He will definitely have to give up his robe. I don't think his career will survive this at all, and I'm not sure it should. Our judicial authorities should be leading examples in the communities, just as I feel our politicians should be. Once they tarnish that record, they should do the honorable thing and step down willingly....period.

All we can hope for is if this goes to court, that the justice system works for him properly, but I don't see how it can at this point. This has elicited so much anger, it really is paving the way for the government to step in and have more control over us. So be very careful what you wish for. You may not like what you see others doing, but just because you don't agree, doesn't necessarily mean it's against the law.

That is....providing that the statute of limitations hasn't run out.

edit on 2-11-2011 by Gseven because: content

I think you have about nailed it G. And that family is going to have some forgiving and healing to do in the near future. In reading her tweets from the current day, it seems she has grown up into a relatively normal young adult...albeit maybe a tad immature. However, it is obvious that she still has contact with her father, and doesn't realize the $#itstorm she has unleashed on him. But, he will forgive her..... because she is his daughter. And hopefully, she will learn the lesson that everyone needs to learn to be a successful adult. Actions have consequences...often unintended ones.

Stay well.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I didn't see any real abuse here.
Real abuse wouldn't even be postable on ATS because it would break the T+C.

I understand fully that I am totally outnumbered and am going up against a brick wall here.
But I am used to that.

I am not here to win your favor, I am here to show how contradictory and hypocritical people really are.
I refuse to join in on this anti-parent agenda.

Why isn't anyone talking about the Child Abuse the Govt commits when it bombs nations to rubble arbitrarily over lies? Oh yeah, because everything the govt does is justified.

You really see no abuse here? Are you blind? Were you "disciplined" in that manner or worse by your parents? you sound like one of the many parents who, as a child, was assaulted by your parents in the name of "discipline" and then grows up with a blind spot to the harm it caused you. When you see other parents assault their children in the name of "discipline" you think it is perfectly normal and justified. You sir have a serious blind spot. Go get some help for that.

What about the profanity the parents, especially the father, used against the child? Is that OK with you too? Is profanity an acceptable form of discipline as well?

That said, there are some rare times when the only form of discipline that will sink into a child's psyche is physical discipline. I would rather a parent apply a measured spanking wherre repeated discussions, explanations, verbal warnings, and time outs don't generate a change in dangerous behavior than allow a child to continue running onto a busy street and risk physical injury or death.

edit on 11/2/2011 by dubiousone because: Grammar

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by spurge

3) Parents expect the government to do the parenting for them.

That's exactly what all of you want.

To remove the rightful parent, and replace it with a government parent.

I rest my case.

Not all of us. Just the ones who have not yet realized that actions have consequences and everything is a cost/benefit equation. Putting raw emotional feelings before rational thinking, most often leads to the same cascade or misery and erosion of rights, that has given us this society of perceived entitlements. Unintended consequences almost always outweigh the intended ones.

Hey! How 'bout that War on Poverty!

Stay well.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:11 PM
Look even without the violence which was scarring for life, yelling and authoritative demanding others is also abuse. In my family, I was raised with alot of arguments, temper tantrums from adults and yelling. It takes a lifetime to try and not be passive/aggressive because of it with your own family and not pass this on. I'm really sensitive to the sound of yelling.

We want to raise intelligent children who can problem solve, learn from mistakes, be compassionate and caring, and not blindly obey anyone, but still respect the team work and peace and good norms of a household, and be able to discuss things, talk them through. We also want them to have minds of their own and not give their power away, our daughters as much as our sons.

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