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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
reply to post by watchdog8110

how bout a retraction about the fact that the body of Belle was 100 lbs lighter than it should've been when it was found in the fire!

just maybe Belle is alive sick and she is the one that needs help / closure and they know where she is ? lol would make a great mystery book to read with all of the world getting involved in the writing of it . if so I want royalties

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal
reply to post by Druid42 Michiganburnings.png

And you *cannot* view the sourcecode on this page.

edit on 24-7-2011 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

But you CAN download it. I think this is the original Belle pic that was burning in a fire in Michigan. It doesn't look photoshopped, there's no second part in her hair. Anyone?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:26 PM
I'm looking at the burns - I'm not an expert either but something about the edges are definitely shopped - if you scan something they don't look like that - there would be more of an antialias going on

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Nyiah
What do you mean the picture is not from the website? are you people bonkers? It's on

Can was toss that bit of misinformation out the window now, please?

do this:
check some files(i.e. css'es, formspring links, reason why forspring CERTAIN pages are dl'ed btw, remember where you started)...
have fun.
'really, g'night.
you may name me disinfo agent, but i am not making my posts for disinfo reasons, you know..i wonder why that specific pic appeared NOW on site.
edit on 24-7-2011 by potential_problem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Forevever

I guess its only me... I´m using an old computer without a lot of important plugins (not mine... not even my house

BTW, my theory is that the burning picture its only a decoy, because we were into something with Jacy, Becky and Brandon. Just my theory, though.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Druid42

100% agree - the 2nd part is missing

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:31 PM
That photo is screaming Photoshop. Cant you hear it?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:31 PM
My final thaught for tonight on this 8 3 11 site is that it is just a massive "trolling" campaign, i could be wrong but i get this feeling after reading through the sites of users named: Myslit and Forocoches. just some of the weird questions and answers that i came across while looking through Forocoches site:

1.What do you call the third party? The mystery of Belle, unveiled?
third maybe.

2.How are things in the thread of Belle, shurmano?
As always ... crazy.

3.You have opened the thread of # belle volume V (or 6 or 7 ...)?

4.True Belle is the daughter of Ilitri?

5.Forocoches think 4chan and rapidshare exceeds the investigation of Belle?
I do not think, I know.

from all my looking i think that the members of the group are named "Carla","shurmano" and another " Forocoches"(user handle).

anyways i must be off for a while.
happy hunting!!

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:31 PM
All of the sudden I feel very strong that this is for Radiohead.

1) the head with wires
2) the type of art
3) copyfight stuff
4) ham radio
5) political undertones
6) philosophical and experimental
7) have released things for free before
8) black and white colors like on their website.
9) Yorkie dog in a pic
10) had performed in Glastonbury as a secret act (secrets!)
11) they would like Joanna Newsom and Bod Dylan most likely
12) glitch music

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:31 PM
On the burned pic there is a photography studio logo on the lower right corner; "Bachrach". Hard to say if it is relevant, but here is a Wiki about the studio.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Croatoan2011
reply to post by Forevever

I guess its only me... I´m using an old computer without a lot of important plugins (not mine... not even my house

BTW, my theory is that the burning picture its only a decoy, because we were into something with Jacy, Becky and Brandon. Just my theory, though.

I agree 100%, along with the Conet Project revelations.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by audiopackrat
On the burned pic there is a photography studio logo on the lower right corner; "Bachrach". Hard to say if it is relevant, but here is a Wiki about the studio.

if it is fake, i'd say that posting that pic on 8311 site NOW is stupid move, nothing more.

Originally posted by Libertygal
I agree 100%, along with the Conet Project revelations.

....what do you mean, exactly, Libertygal?
edit on 24-7-2011 by potential_problem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by killswitch0n

I don't trust myslit for the same reason as Abe - the name alone kills it for me

though I did find this interesting bit on that page

Q: hi becky!
A: hi sam!

I don't know how to link directly to it but its there

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
reply to post by potential_problem

2nd time I clicked that link it doesn't work

I guess we can all go home though since Lazertron and HalLangerhans says so........

Sorry double P- I got it to work

my question is if its not part of the game - why is it at
edit on 24-7-2011 by Forevever because: (no reason given)

It's not "because I say so".

The game, FROM THE VERY START was giving misspelled clues and the wrong date...from the very start they lied and lied and lied...just making up random things and watching people invent their own storylines...because the actual game didnt have one. The clues have been contradictory, which says that not everyone knows the game, or they havent figured out what potential storyline to call real. They have admitted to telling lies...and it is now brutally clear that this is being run by a couple of moronic kids who are about to start college.

And you want to continue searching to find out what deep dark secret of the universe they will reveal????

There is no secret. There is no event. But if you want to pretend there is, despite ALL evidence being against it...then knock yourself out.

I just dont see the point anymore, especially now that we know that they are making up details and storyline points as we speak.
edit on 24-7-2011 by LazerTron because: clarification

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal

Originally posted by Croatoan2011
reply to post by Forevever

I guess its only me... I´m using an old computer without a lot of important plugins (not mine... not even my house

BTW, my theory is that the burning picture its only a decoy, because we were into something with Jacy, Becky and Brandon. Just my theory, though.

I agree 100%, along with the Conet Project revelations.

I 3rd this motion
but thats ok
the more clues they try to give out - the more they're bound to slip up
I hope you're still poking at the Jacy Becky Proffitt connection - I got lost

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by LazerTron

actually my goal at this point is to find out who they are
I don't care what the 8/3 message is anymore - I can wait 9 days and find out easily

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Forevever:
I'm looking at the burns - I'm not an expert either but something about the edges are definitely shopped - if you scan something they don't look like that - there would be more of an antialias going on

And it wouldn't be possible to take a hi-res digital of the original picture???

Come on folks...

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:38 PM
If you invert the colours on the picture she looks very scary.. I know this doesn't add much, But she does look scary..

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by LazerTron

why dont you lighten up ???? a lot of people had fun for Days and joined together and had a lot of fun.......were you the kid that cried on the play ground when mum and dad said it was time to go home???????

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:40 PM
1.Since someone mentioned that there was a question, to which they answered : 36000 is in Africa, I am more than ever sure it's Dana (I talked about her a dozen of pages earlier) and her team. First, they said 36000 is a woman and she is the oldest, Second, Dana recently moved to Africa. She was not planning to stop her fight but I assumed that's where she was planning to become even more active....
2. I asked several questions (including a question about Dana), none was answered. It would be ok, since I realize how many questions they might be receiving, but... I've noticed that many people here say they posted questions and didn't have any answered yet. Can it be that they do not answer OUR questions, but only their own??? Did anyone here have at least 1 question answered there??
edit on 24-7-2011 by quitesane because: (no reason given)

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