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Elaborate hoax or a sign from space The crop circle phenomena continues.

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:02 PM

The mystery of how crop circles are created has never been solved although they are widely considered to be an elaborate hoax. Cynics have claimed the patterns are the work of computer scientists using teams of volunteers. However crop circle enthusiasts argue there are not enough hours of darkness in summer to allow them to be completed by humans. Many people believe the patterns are a message from extra-terrestrial lifeforms or even God. Another theory is that colossal energy is amassed above the earth in the ionosphere and then zapped towards the ground where it creates the crop circle usually on chalky ground in areas traditionally known for their 'energy lines' and mystical past.

Article continues at: Link
edit on 14-7-2011 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2011 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

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edit on 14/7/2011 by ArMaP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:07 PM
Your link won't work for me.

Love to see the latest artwork.

PS...I am no pro, but you might put your take in the post.

Just Saying.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:22 PM
I am surte by now everybody knows there are two distinct kinds of crop circles.
Theres the kind that drunken giggling teams of students or what have you stomp boards into the crop guided by string or other means.
Then there are the formations which are scientifically altered to produce the effect of the crop circle.
They are lain down by heating the stems from the inside out and they then bend over. in the desired direction.
Orbs have been seen hpvering in the darkness over fields which have produced a crop circle the next day and so forth.
Because of this dichotomy, it is difficult to take them seriously, and the public has relegated the crop circle somewhere below the UFO and SETI as well as other phenomina.
I believe that some crop circles need to be investigated far more thoroughly.
I feel certain that if a university dedicated its resources to a serious study of even a limited number of these things wed have a better understanding of the difference between the two kinds.
At least i am sure we could prove there are two kinds!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Nikola014

The mystery of how crop circles are created has never been solved although they are widely considered to be an elaborate hoax. Cynics have claimed the patterns are the work of computer scientists using teams of volunteers.

Mystery? Nah

Firefox Circle in Oregon

I like this one too


Elaborate hoax? Nope just art. It's only the believers that think "Aliens did it"... until that has a shred of p[roof my money is on these guys
edit on 14-7-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Nikola014

And YOUR opinion is.....

I say they're all photoshopped...
edit on 14/7/2011 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by zorgon

lol those are obviously fakes
part of the disinfo agenda/cover-up

Who Makes Crop Circles?

I believe crop circles are created by planetary elementals of the air called "Sylphs". Sylphs may also be called "Wingmakers". In the Encyclopedia of the Occult by Manley P. Hall, the chief Sylph is named Shad and he is very ancient and powerful.

The Sylphs coordinate weather, climate, forest growth, forest fires, land animal migrations, bird migrations and the dissolution of static magnetics (Dor) in the atmosphere. They are INTRA-dimensional existing in both the third and fourth dimensional densities.

I heard about "Powers of the Air" as far back as 1970. I saw a female Sylph above West Vancouver in 1972. In 1984 I bought Trevor James Constable's book on infrared photography of Sylphs in which they have amoeba-like heat signatures on the specially prepared photographic plates. They are actually slender beings as the Greek term sylph means thin. Constable wrote that the USAF as far back as 1960 set up microwave defenses against Sylphs who they blamed for gremlins in aircraft and psychic disturbances against pilots. It is probable that the USAF was in violation of natural law and the Sylphs were trying to correct the Air Force's practises. Crop Circles are a continuation of the Sylph's desire to warn men to stop their environmental, psychic and spiritual crimes.

In Colorado, high speed low light video cameras show activity above thunderstorms during lightning strikes. Flashes move high into the stratosphere. The rapid movements of electricity and light are called Elfs and Sprites, appropriately they should be called Sylphs because the thunderstorms were generated by Sylphs, the ancient, wise, august and huge ones. Regular video cameras and 35mm cameras catch "Rods" corkscrewing quickly around people and through trees. Rods are baby Sylphs and other fauna of the intradimensional realm of the air.

They have been drawing designs in grainfields forever. Indians of North America have interacted with Sylphs in many ceremonies including rain-dances. After a rain-dance there is a circle in the prairie grasses where no feet have tread. These holy circles were marked with stones and called medicine wheels. Within hours rain would fall.

They crop circles of the last few years have become more complex as the Sylphs become more desirous that men stop their abominations. The crop circles are made using the same energy that goes into generating rain storms. The Sylphs are generating a love message to raise the consciousness of humanity, written on the only available tablets to which they have access. The graphics are highly intelligent loving cartouches.


U.S. Air Force versus Wingmakers

[Editor's Note: In 1959, Trevor J. Constable published a book called They Live in the Sky. The book included infrared photographs that Trevor had taken of huge, plasmoid-like living creatures that he referred to as "critters". His 1976 masterpiece, The Cosmic Pulse of Life, also contained a number of stunning infrared photos of critters photographed in the late 1960's with Dr. James Wood. In addition to his own photos, Trevor was able to include many spectacular infrared shots photographed in Italy by the late Luciano Bocconne of Genoa.. These photos reveal long processions of critters flying across the sky, an entire fleet of critters drawing energy from a steel production plant, time lapse photos of critters being drawn to street lights, making sharp turns, reversals, and even materializing/dematerializing. The fascinating essay you are about to read offers new and expanded insights into the subject of Sylphs, creatures which appear to be one and the same with Trevor's "critters"...Ken Adachi]

Sylphs are sylph shaped, like slender graceful young women. Paracelsus coined the term to apply to creatures of the air that he witnessed. Sylphs are male and female and they grow larger over their long lives, yet they retain their willowy appearance. Shad, their chief, is hundreds of feet tall and is approaching the size that he will find it more comfortable to migrate to the belt of comets beyond Pluto's orbit. Sylphs have no problem flying through space even though they are borne of the air and aether. Each comet is a being, an ancient sylph. When Halley's Comet returned in 1986 its magnetic field could be photographed creating a bow-shock and wake in the solar magnetic field 100,000 miles away from the dirty snowball of the 10 mile long comet body. That means the magnetic field of the INTRA-dimensional cometary being is 100,000 miles across. The comet core is like a pearl in a very large oyster.

Trevor James Constable, wrote about the US Air Force sending out Foo-Fighters during the Second World War to photograph and possibly shoot down the wing enveloping lights which were spooking their bomber crews. The German airmen were seeing similar phenomena and they named them gremlins. These gremlins were also known to cause mechanical problems in aircraft. Constable does not cite the bombing runs during which the Foo-gremlins caused problems but knowing Sylphs it was probably during the fire-bombings of Dresden and other cities where innocent civilians were killed. The Sylphs are advanced consciousnesses and they would have deemed such murder as entirely evil. The Luftwaffe may have seen gremlins during their bombings of London, Stalingrad and Leningrad where many people were killed.

Shad who personally witnessed the atomic war of 2024 BC and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 would harrass B-52 pilots and crews in such a way to let them know that what they are doing with atomic weaponry was stupid. Shad would activate or shut down non-essential systems. Also he would find fatal flaws in the systems which could cause crashes and point out where the problems were while the plane was still on the ground. Shad may have prevented the crashes of many atomic bomb carrying aircraft, "broken-arrows". These Sylphs were a pest to the pilots and ground crews and in many ways prevented the USAF from carrying out their missions. So the Air Force developed ways of detecting and repelling Sylphs.

i'm surprised you were not aware of this as you are aware of "critters"
they're also known as dragons[the ones seen over china, space-dragons are giant ones.

WTF Man?

Doug Bower, assisted by his pal Dave, made his first circle in a Hampshire wheat field sometime during the summer of 1978. They made it on their hands and knees with a four-foot metal bar normally used to secure the back-door of Doug's Southampton studio.

are you saying that these...

a**-clowns are the ones behind it all ?
sorry not out to get into a pissing match but if you believe that...
i've got a bridge on the moon i can let you have cheap.

also: see reference to medicine wheels above

a quick and admittedly superficial look over at that website gives the impression that they are claiming credit for all of them [well, at least in england] so any crop circles showing up elsewhere are by "like minded people"

i'm sure even a cursory investigation would show the utter preposturousness of such a claim.

consider this:

the sudden disclosure or revelation of these beings to humanity would not be very different from the disclosure or revelation of extra-terrestrials.

"there are more things between heaven and earth..."

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by zorgon

those crop circles took many hours and mans hands can be seen all over the canvas or field..

in non man made crop circles you can not find the massive amount man made destruction.. real crop circles that are of unknown origin can still be harvested as there is NO damage to the crop or soil.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:45 PM
I'd like a single piece of evidence that indicates aliens are behind it.

Has there been any?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by WingedBull

I think it would depend on what you would consider to be evidence.

There are claims that odd, unearthly phenomena and other-worldy signatures are present at many crop circles. However, if you do not consider that, or any of the other things that are found, to be out of the ordinary, then - no - there is no evidence.

Also, some claim that proof of alien design and work creating the circles leaves behind evidence, such as un exploded nodes, strange electro-magnetic fields, radiation in the soil directly beneath the circles, yet found no where else in the area.

There are many more oddities that are claimed to be associated with crop circles of which are made by beings from some where other than Earth.

Still, if none of the things I have listed, or any other claims of extraordinary proof is considered as evidence, then there will be none.
edit on 15-7-2011 by esteay812 because: tyop

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by esteay812
There are claims that odd, unearthly phenomena and other-worldy signatures are present at many crop circles.

What constitutes "unearthly" phenomena and "other-worldly" signatures? And how do you know they are such?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:54 AM
All made by humans imo. Even complex circles have been admitted to (and even filmed) having been made by humans. They are: Near towns, near roads, sometimes take more than one night to finish, and not nearly as hard to make as some of you think.

I can't even fathom why an alien race would be so cruel as to warn of us impending doom by making complex circles that are only taken seriously by a small group of people, who no one in positions of importance takes seriously at all. We must decipher them.. and come up with these strange warnings.. all of which of course, speak of impending doom.

Yea.. that's likely.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by WingedBull

I do not know how one would distinguish them. I am simply saying there are claims as such and that these claims are offered as evidence.

So, it is what you will accept as evidence as to whether evidence exists or not.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by WingedBull
I'd like a single piece of evidence that indicates aliens are behind it.

Has there been any?

One thing is that rare earth isotopes are always found in genuine circles, in quantities that are impossible for humans to duplicate with any known technologies..

It takes years using cyclotrons to even produce a tiny amount compared to what is found inside these circles..
And the ratios inside circles are also not always normal for known earth ratios of isotopes.. It would also cost a fortune..

Proof that it was aliens? not really, but it adds a lot of weight to the likelihood ..

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by WingedBull

What constitutes "unearthly" phenomena and "other-worldly" signatures? And how do you know they are such?

These signatures are not unearthly at all, they are caused by microwaves from a magnetron.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by alienreality
One thing is that rare earth isotopes are always found in genuine circles, in quantities that are impossible for humans to duplicate with any known technologies.

such as?

Originally posted by alienreality
Proof that it was aliens? not really, but it adds a lot of weight to the likelihood ..

Why would it?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 02:05 AM
Crops circles have been shown to be man-made, so it is logical and rational for us to believe all these are the creations of bored and creative humans

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by alienreality
One thing is that rare earth isotopes are always found in genuine circles, in quantities that are impossible for humans to duplicate with any known technologies.
Are you talking about the 1991 paper that admitted they didn't take enough control samples and needed to do more work in 1992 and apparently never did?

The Discovery of Thirteen Short-Lived Radionuclides in Soil Samples from an English Crop Circle

Table 3 shows they are all naturally occurring. And they pretty much admit they didn't take enough control samples, so when I criticize them for that, it's not like they deny it:

Additional loose ends derive from the fact that the size of our sample set is too small to show that short- lived radionuclides are part and parcel of the crop circle phenomenon.
Did you read that part??? How do you get "rare earth isotopes are always found in genuine circles" from that????

That's not even remotely supportive of the wild claims you are making.

We also need to take more controls in 1992. For this paper, two or three would have been better than one.
Only one control???

Is this a joke? They admit they need more controls. They should have taken them before publishing this. A sample size of one has very little value statistically.

And where is their follow-up work from 1992? That was all I could find.

It's really no evidence of anything without addressing the issues that the authors themselves raised in the report, namely the sample sizes are too small to draw any conclusions other than the sample sizes are small. If you take small enough sample sizes you can get all kinds of anomalous findings that have no statistical significance.
edit on 15-7-2011 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:39 AM
I don't have an opinion,that's why i asked you,because you're an expert about this thread and im just an amateur...

But if you ask me,this look like something a human couldn't do
edit on 15-7-2011 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by esteay812
I think it would depend on what you would consider to be evidence.

There are claims that odd,...
Also, some claim that.
more oddities that are claimed ..

Still, if none of the things I have listed, or any other claims of extraordinary proof is considered as evidence,

Well see that is the problem... you have provides NO evidence in all you said... only that someone CLAIMED it... but nothing to back it up

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by Nikola014
But if you ask me,this look like something a human couldn't do

Have you actually LOOKED at the Circle Makers website and seen the ones they make?

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