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99% Undeniable Conclusive Evidence That 9/11 Was An Inside Job

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by AGWskeptic

the most exhaustive investigation in U.S. history.

This has nothing to do with the Monica Lewinski scandal or the Warren Commission, the 2 most exhaustive investigations in US History.

The 13 million spent on the 911 investigation is a far, FAR cry from being exhaustive.

The numerous investigative roadblocks put in place by Executive order are not exhaustive.

The administration insiders that headed up the "investigations", do not send a message of non-partisan, independent, and/or exhaustive investigation.

we could show you conclusive proof and you'd still question it.

Well for one, to see "conclusive proof" would be nice, the problem isn't that we would question it, the problem is WHY aren't you questioning it?

You have seriously looked at the events on that day, the explanations that were offered up to explain them, and the events that transpired as a result of those alleged attacks and didn't have any questions remaining?

If you were actually satisfied with all the answers and conclusions, then I guess more power to you, but then why you feel it necessary to try and convince the "truthers" of the err of their ways is beyond me.

By your handle, it does appear as if you have decided to be the "skeptic" as your identity, well I ask you how is it not skeptical to question the nonsense that was offered up as the official explanation of the events on that day?

Be a skeptic, skeptical of the story that the people with a proven track record for lying and manipulating the general population with multiple reasons and motives to gain from the catalyzing event, have told you to believe.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by esdad71

where is the name of the person who say liquid metal in the basement of the WTC? Can't find it can you.

reply to post by thedman

So who said it was steel?

Ok, gentlemen, he (TupacShakur) did provide you with exactly what you asked on page 31, in this post.

The fires got very intense down there and actually melted beams where it was molten steel that was being dug up.

-- Richard Riggs, Debris Removal Specialist in “World Trade Center: Rise and Fall of an American Icon,” THC, 2002.

…NYDS played a major role in debris removal — everything from molten steel beams to human remains….

--Kathy Dawkins, NY Dept. of Sanitation spokeswoman: (Tom R. Arterburn, “D-Day: NY Sanitation Workers’ Challenge of a Lifetime” Apr. 1, 2002 at )

...seeing a crane lift a steel beam vertically from deep within the catacombs of Ground Zero. ‘It was dripping from the molten steel,’ he said.

--Joe “Toolie” O’Toole, Bronx firefighter and recovery worker. (Jennifer Lin, “Recovery Worker Reflects On Months Spent At Ground Zero,” Knight Ridder Newspapers, May 29, 2002. Archived at )

‘Fires are still actively burning and the smoke is very intense,’ reports Alison Geyh, PhD. ‘In some pockets now being uncovered, they are finding molten steel.’

--Rod Graham, “Mobilizing Public Health,” Johns Hopkins Public Health Magazine, Late Fall, 2001. Online at

A veteran of disasters from the Mississippi floods [to] Mt. St. Helens, Burger said it reminded him most of the volcano, if he forgot he was in downtown Manhattan. ‘Feeling the heat, seeing the molten steel, the layers upon layers of ash, like lava, it reminded me of Mt. St. Helen’s [sic] and the thousands who fled that disaster,’ he said.

Francesca Lyman, “Messages In the Dust,” National Environmental Health Association, Sept. 2003. Online at (Ron Burger was “a public health advisor at the National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who arrived in New York to help September 11.”)

As well as MANY more, go to the post if you missed it, since you apparently both did.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Hijaqd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by thedman

So who said it was steel?

There was plenty of aluminium, start with 2 large aircraft made of aluminium alloys. Add exterior cladding
around the windows - again aluminium

The metal was seen coming from an area of the South Tower where Fuji Bank had a large UPS ( Uninteruptible
Power System) battery room full of lead-acid storage batteries

Prove it was steel .......

Otherwise usual idiotic claims from conspiracy loons....

Actually Sir, it's been ten years. Why don't you show me where it was proven to be something irrelevant to the reason for collapse AND what that something was. There should be a report somewhere factually backing up your claim that it was nothing. Wouldn't someone need to check it out before writing it off as insignificant? Until then, maybe you should stop being so snooty to others who don't see it your way.

I'm sorry I was so harsh. Please just help me understand what it was, NOT WHAT IT COULD HAVE BEEN.
It could have been sparklers someone left in a drawer. And the explosions could have been bags of chips like when you stomp on an unopened bag, no?

Otherwise usual idiotic suggestions from obstructers like you. Good day sir.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by esdad71
Alright since you either did not watch that video or did not understand the simple format of it, I will take the time to paraphrase the main points made in that video so we can see exactly how physics can be applied to the evidence to show how it's impossible according to the official story. I highly recommend that everybody watches all of the "9/11 Experiments" before judging them to decide for yourself whether or not they are legitimate or flawed, would you agree that's fair?

Exhibit A: The molten steel and iron.
NIST speculated that the molten metal seen dripping from the tower before the collapse was some type of an aluminum mix, but provided no experimental confirmation of their theory. Here is what molten aluminum looks like:
In addition to that, iron microspheres were found throughout the dust, confirming temperatures high enough to melt steel. [atsimg][/atsimg]
NIST never explained these, but they're a biproduct of a thermitic reaction. National Geographic had a program claiming that 175 pounds of thermite would not cut steel, but that was proven to be completely wrong.
Seen and explained in this video, 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate. I'd like to clarify that thermate is used in that video, a much weaker version of the nano-thermite which was found in the dust.
So we're supposed to believe that office fires, which burn 1000*F colder than what is needed to melt steel, somehow created the molten metal seen dripping from the towers and created the iron microspheres. But thermite, which burns 1500*F hotter than what is needed to melt steel and creates molten metal and iron microspheres as a natural byproduct, wasn't used to bring down the towers.
Regardless of what NIST wants you to believe, the melting of steel or iron by jet fuel or office fires is impossible, and therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Exhibit B: The missing jolt and the problem with uniform acceleration.
The media told us that the collapse of the towers was caused by a pancaking effect, but as you can see in this image they never explained what caused the steel core to collapse.
[atsimg][/atsimg] Also, in order to bend, crush, or move something below, any falling object must first experience a jolt, or a momentary deceleration, in order to apply a force that is larger than its own static weight. This jolt has been clearly measured in a natural gravitational collapse, and as the falling floors contact the stationary structure below, the downward acceleration reverses momentarily imposing a jolt, or force, larger than its static weight, destroying the structure below. Here's a video of that gravity driven collapse and the measurements to go with it:
But when the fall of the tower was measured, there was no jolt at all:
In other words, the instant after the falling floors should have impacted the lower undamaged floors, the upper floors actually sped up, meaning that the force from the falling floors was less when accelerating down than when they were at rest. Some other force must have weakened the stronger lower structure first allowing the roof to continually accelerate down. A downward accelerating object crushing a lower structure that once supported it statically but experiencing no jolts acting by gravity alone is impossible, and therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Exhibit C: The fall of the spire.
Just after the towers collapsed, the wind blew the dust exposing some inner core columns that some call the spire. Office fires cannot cut steel, yet white smoke trailed from cut segments of falling steel, and the top of the spire was not bent from any impact above. The spire stood as a free standing structure with columns swaying but resisting like a flagpole. Rather than tipping over like a tree, this structure dropped straight down even though there was no load above. [atsimg][/atsimg]A freestanding structure collapsing straight down through its path of greatest resistance by gravity alone is impossible, and therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Exhibit D: The "Crush-Down Crush-Up" theory
A month after the collapse of the towers, Bazant and some others published a paper explaining how the towers fell, even though NIST could not explain it after years of study. [atsimg][/atsimg] Their paper described how the upper smaller blocks of floor crushed down the larger undamaged structure below down to the ground, and then the upper block crushed itself up. Not only was no upper block observed impacting the lower sections, but why the spire was not crushed as the upper block fell was not explained. Newtons Third Law tells us that interactions between colliding objects are always equal and opposite, meaning that at any upper smaller block of floors would have also destroyed itself when impacting the larger structure below, well before it could have crushed all the way down to the ground. No experiment has ever demonstrated this crush-down/crush-up theory endorsed by NIST.
The theory of a smaller top block crushing down a stronger larger lower structure of similar material is impossible, and therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Exhibit E: The mysterious eutectic steel
Some unique razor sharp steel that looked like swiss cheese was found at ground zero. Fire-wise professors found eutectic formations, a phenomenon never before observed in building fires.[atsimg][/atsimg] After doing some analysis in a laboratory, they identified it as a liquid containing iron, sulfur, and oxygen, the same materials found in thermate and cause similiar eutectic formations. NIST never solved where the sulfur came from, yet the media claimed that the sulfur game from masses of gypsum wallboard that was pulverized and burnt in the fires, even though gypsum is routinely used as fireproofing around steel. NIST and the media experts never conducted any experiments to back up their claim. But when gypsum and building material was packed around a steel beam and burned at similar temperatures for long durations, nothing of the sort happened.
An experiment with thermate on the other hand (The Great Thermate Debate) did make the steel razor shape and look like swiss cheese. Since eutectic formations have not been replicated experimentally, the official story is impossible, and therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Exhibit F: Freefall acceleration
WTC7 was never hit by an airplane or even mentioned in the official investigation. It looked exactly like a controlled demolition, yet NIST said it was a progressive collapse caused by normal office fires. But it fell for over 100ft at total free-fall, meaning that the underlying supports had to be removed first allowing it to fall freely. Since a progressive collapse will not allow free fall, the official story is impossible, and therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Exhibit G: Nano-thermite
The USGS and independent physicists analyzed lots of dust, collected by some inside of buildings near ground zero. In addition to iron microspheres, active nano-thermite was found, a military explosive that can be sprayed or painted on. [atsimg][/atsimg]It was only invented a few years before 9/11 and not commercially available. Being an engineered material with a special matrix, it cannot form naturally because that would defy the Law of Entropy (The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics). And it's not just primer paint, because it does not have the properties of paint, react like paint, or even look like paint. The formation of nano-thermite naturally is impossible, and therefore the official story can be eliminated.

Is collapse inevitable?
NIST never looked at the actual collapse mechanism and just assumed that collapse was inevitable. However real world experiences have demonstrated that collapse is not inevitable, and therefore the official story can be eliminated. [atsimg][/atsimg]

What is not impossible?
Could 9/11 have been planned as a new Pearl Harbor necessary to galvanize popular support for preemptive wars using our military to secure trillions in oil and mineral wealth? Were explosives allowed in the towers by the security company that the Presidents brother was on the board of (Marvin Bush--Director of Stratesec)? Could cutter charges have been placed in the core when the elevator upgrades were made in March 2001? Could nano-thermite have been sprayed by unsuspecting workers in the towers when upgrades were made? Could computer controlled explosives have brought down the towers at almost freefall in an attempt to hide the action behind a curtain of falling debris? Was this a shock and awe event intended to scare Americans into giving up their liberties, and control dissent while making billions for the security and military-industrial complex? [atsimg][/atsimg]

Could it have been used to remove obsolete towers and avoid costly asbestos removal, allowing modern structures to be built in there place? Was it used to hide financial issues, destroy key SEC files, address the Iraq petro-dollar problem, or murder those investigating over $2 trillion lost in the Pentagon? Are people talking, but we're not listening? Were those in the towers exploded into thousands of pieces just collateral damage for a much larger operation? All of those things are not impossible.

But according to the official story, this--(Exhibit A: The molten steel and iron), this--(Exhibit B: The missing jolt and the problem with uniform acceleration), this--(Exhibit C: The fall of the spire), this--(Exhibit D: The "Crush-Down Crush-Up" theory), this--(Exhibit E: The mysterious eutectic steel), this--(Exhibit F: Freefall acceleration), and this--(Exhibit G: Nano-thermite) are all impossible. Yet every single one of those are a result of incendiaries, explosives, and controlled demolition.

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth
--Albert Einstein

edit on 30-6-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

No, there is not a link where someone states that there are molten pools of steel in the basement. That is what I asked for. You do not have to repeat the same garbage or post more pictures or tell me it is the coming of the NWO.

In affect, it would seem that TPTB did not fully realize the capability of the threats that had been extended to the United States. We were at that time untouchable. And we were attacked. It is not that hard to concieve when you stop and think about it. If the government wants to do something, they do it. They do not need to kill 3000 people. They simply do it.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by esdad71

In affect, it would seem that TPTB did not fully realize the capability of the threats that had been extended to the United States. We were at that time untouchable. And we were attacked. It is not that hard to concieve when you stop and think about it. If the government wants to do something, they do it. They do not need to kill 3000 people. They simply do it.
Um I don't think you understand how a democracy works. You see, if the President wants to do something, he can't just "simply do it", that would be a dictatorship.

The public had to be behind the invasion of the Middle East, and that's exactly what 9/11 did, it got us so upset that we didn't even consider the fact that none of the hi-jackers were from Iraq or that the FBI had no evidence to indict Osama.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by esdad71

In affect, it would seem that TPTB did not fully realize the capability of the threats that had been extended to the United States. We were at that time untouchable. And we were attacked. It is not that hard to concieve when you stop and think about it. If the government wants to do something, they do it. They do not need to kill 3000 people. They simply do it.
Um I don't think you understand how a democracy works. You see, if the President wants to do something, he can't just "simply do it", that would be a dictatorship.

The public had to be behind the invasion of the Middle East, and that's exactly what 9/11 did, it got us so upset that we didn't even consider the fact that none of the hi-jackers were from Iraq or that the FBI had no evidence to indict Osama.

Maybe you do not understand what we are doing in Libya and Afghanistan and sending drones into Pakistan as well as pulling CIA ops and shooting terrorists in Somalia...don't lecture me on foreign policy. GW could have nuked Mecca in the days after 9/11 and at the time it would have been justified by everyone in this country.

The reason we went into Iraq was based on the information he had WMD's. Resolution 1441. It had nothing to do with 9/11. Afghanistan and the attacks on the Taliban were but not Iraq.

Also, this was not OBL's idea, but he did green light it. That is where he is in the chain. He took ideas and had the logistical connections to put it together.

Learn your history or you are destined to relive it over and over and over.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by esdad71

Learn your history or you are destined to relive it over and over and over.

That's funny I usually hear that quote used by truthers not official story believers. Gulf of Tonkin incident, Reichtag fire, Operation Himmler, Operation Susannah, and Operation Northwoods were all false flags committed by the government in order to gain support for war. If governments have done it before, what makes you think they won't do it again? Are we in the Age of Purity?

Also, are you doing to try to debunk that video that I typed out? Don't deny the evidence dude, just read the post and tell me what you think about it. And denying the existence of molten steel at this point is making you look foolish, you can't say that 33 credible witnesses, multiple photographs plus a video of it dripping out of the towers before collapse is not proof, you're embarassing yourself.
edit on 1-7-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Nice effort. It's really disturbing how you have to lay it all out for people to understand. Keep it up! I only learned yesterday the black boxes from the planes issue. Found not found disclosed or not. But the information that would contain. From pilots transmissions to flight data. it's getting worse for the believers of the official story to keep it a cover up. the smart people are opening there eyes.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by esdad71

Learn your history or you are destined to relive it over and over and over.

That's funny I usually hear that quote used by truthers not official story believers. Gulf of Tonkin incident, Reichtag fire, Operation Himmler, Operation Susannah, and Operation Northwoods were all false flags committed by the government in order to gain support for war. If governments have done it before, what makes you think they won't do it again? Are we in the Age of Purity?

Also, are you doing to try to debunk that video that I typed out? Don't deny the evidence dude, just read the post and tell me what you think about it. And denying the existence of molten steel at this point is making you look foolish, you can't say that 33 credible witnesses, multiple photographs plus a video of it dripping out of the towers before collapse is not proof, you're embarassing yourself.
edit on 1-7-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

Where is the name of the person who say the liquid metal? I guess I am now at 98% conclusive and I look foolish only to those who feel they are correct. I am asking the question because I know the answer but you cannot research and find it. This shows me that you are not only foolish to believe 'anything' you read that is anti-OS but that you are ignorant to true facts that with a little research can be found.

The other problem is you think you know me because I do not agree with your video. You have no idea how I feel about our government but you make assumptions because i do not drink the Truther kool aid as you do.

You are doing nothing but giving a laundry list but when we start to chip away it falls apart. I asked one simple question and you gave tons of information but not what is needed or the truth. Just like the anti-OS sites do.

Also, Northwoods never happened and did not even reach Kennedys desk. Again, do a little research. I am not telling you that you are wrong, I am simply trying to make sure that you have not just one side of the story, but take both and make your conclusions as I did. Like I have stated before, I believe 93 was shot down and Flight 587 was covered up by our government. There is not enough real evidence for me to see the WTC as anything other than what happened that day.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by esdad71

A half a minute???? Is that your memory saying that? Are your saying EVERY single video is tweeked to fast forward the free fall process. Because all videos show building 7 free falling in less than 9 seconds. But lets say your MORONIC memory is accurate . You still cant explain why it collapsed strait down(not to the left or to right,but directly strait down) to its foundation core.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by esdad71
Just for the record, after reading all of your responses to Tupak, I've concluded that you are indeed a complete fool. This is just my opinion I know, but you asked what we thought and now I'm telling you. Thanks, and please keep posting.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by esdad71

You're constantly asking us for proof and you and all debunkers have NO proof that 911 comm. report is indeed reliable proof. You are trying to preach to all of us (truthers) that we have to accept the report as fact because our beloved government provided it. Why are you so against questioning your own government. Questioning anything is healthy, especially after the 911 report is completely misleading. For once I would like a debunker to provide some proof on how (NOT THEORIES) 22k gallons of jet fuel can bring down three massive building. I donot want your expertise , because you don't have . So show me something concrete.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by esdad71

What are we doing in Libya , Afghan, Paki and Somalia? Please tell me, good luck trying.

The WMD crack pot story was used for the majority of americans , like yourself, who are simple minded people that donot need much detail. In fact too much detail turns off most Americans. That's why Nascar is so popular in America...the real reason is Iraq is literally the center of the middle east . Strategically the best area to position yourself against Iran,Russia and China. Iraq, also, has a ten year reserve supply of black gold. Which isn't much but its another good reason to sit our fat asses in their. WMD story is for people like you. You can stroke those tubes all you want Feline Ferry.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by esdad71

....Dude, I really just want to give up on you. You are hopelessly in denial, it's really quite pathetic. Before we carry on this discussion, it's only fair that you debunk the video that I spent a couple hours typing up. DO NOT ignore it.

No more strawmanning and denying the evidence, since you refused to address the video, it's now typed out and waiting for you to debunk it. That video was put together by multiple engineers and architects, and it's some of the strongest evidence we have out there. If you don't address that video despite the fact that I've asked you to dozens of times, and just continue on arguing the dead point that there's was no molten steel, it will really illustrate for all of us just how ignorant you are.

Where is the name of the person who say the liquid metal? I guess I am now at 98% conclusive and I look foolish only to those who feel they are correct. I am asking the question because I know the answer but you cannot research and find it. This shows me that you are not only foolish to believe 'anything' you read that is anti-OS but that you are ignorant to true facts that with a little research can be found.
Yes you look extremely foolish, because the names of the people were included in the quotes. Believe me I have done my research.

Witnesses who saw molten steel:
--Richard Riggs, Debris Removal Specialist
--Kathy Dawkins, NY Dept. of Sanitation spokeswoman
--Lee Turner of The Boone County Firefighters
--William Langewiesche, journalist
--Peter Tully of Tully Construction, the contractor responsible for the eastern quadrant of the pile– the South Tower, WTC 4 and 5, and the 425,000 square foot underground mall.
--Abolhassan Astaneh, Structural Engineer
--Thomas O’Connor, who manages the construction and engineering work at the site for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owned the buildings and arranged for the tour through the basement.
--Greg Fuchek, vice president of sales for LinksPoint Inc., maker of the GlobalPoint Global Positioning System receiver used to track debris and/or human remains recovery locations in the pile.
--Joe “Toolie” O’Toole, Bronx firefighter and recovery worker
--Herb Trimpe, as an Episcopalian deacon, he worked as a chaplain at Ground Zero for the American Red Cross.
--Alison Geyh, an assistant scientist with the School's Department of Environmental Health Sciences (EHS), heads the team of scientists sent by the School in response to a request by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for a coordinated study of the disaster's potential health effects to those in the immediate environment.
--Ron Burger, a public health advisor at the National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who arrived in New York to help September 11.
--Firefighter Captain Philip Ruvolo and other firefighters that he works with
--Dr. Keith Eaton
--Guy Lounsbury of New York Air National Guard’s 109th Air Wing
--Richard Garlock, a structural engineer for LERA
--Michael Casale, Project Supt., Mazzocchi Wrecking in Modern Marvels Demolition segment on WTC Ground Zero
--Vance Deisingnore, OSHA Officer at WTC
--Sarah Atlas of New Jersey’s Task Force One Urban Search and Rescue
--Fire Department Chief Mike Donoho of Texas Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue
--Ben Robinson
--NASA’s Airborne Visible infrared Imaging Spectrometer
--Congressman Pete Hoekstra

Now what is wrong with those multiple witnesses? Are their testimonies not good enough? Do their eyes not function like ordinary human beings? Since they are not all politicians, are there testimonies irrelavent? If you were there instead of them, do you think you would see the same thing, or are your eyes somehow different from the average persons? Well since we don't have the opportunity to see for ourselves, I only wish that there was photographic evidence to back up these molten metal claims.
Oh wait!
[atsimg][/atsimg]Picture by Franck Sillechia, ironworker
[atsimg][/atsimg]Picture by Franck Sillechia, ironworker
[atsimg][/atsimg] NASA’s Airborne Visible infrared Imaging Spectrometer

Is there something wrong with those cameras? Is there a "molten metal" feature available that creates the illusion that molten metal is in the picture? If only there was a video of the molten metal actually coming out of the tower to validate that it indeed came from the buildings steel structure.
Oh wait!

OK so molten steel was present. You can't deny the existence of it anymore, and if you bring up the absense of evidence of molten steel I will just ignore your posts because you're just going around in circles maintaining the belief that no molten metal was there when I've given you more than enough evidence.

Also, Northwoods never happened and did not even reach Kennedys desk. Again, do a little research. I am not telling you that you are wrong, I am simply trying to make sure that you have not just one side of the story, but take both and make your conclusions as I did. Like I have stated before, I believe 93 was shot down and Flight 587 was covered up by our government. There is not enough real evidence for me to see the WTC as anything other than what happened that day.
It doesn't matter if it never happened, our government was planning to bomb cities in the US and blame it on Cuba. Plus I included more false flag attacks in the past: Gulf of Tonkin incident, Reichtag fire, Operation Himmler, and Operation Susannah.

Don't forget, read what I posted about that video. I took a lot of time to do that since you wouldn't address the video, so look it over, and check out some of the experiments even though you may disagree with it, because ignoring any evidence that goes against your belief is stupid.

People always say we need an independent investigation of 9/11, well do we need the governments permission to investigate it? The investigations have already been done, and the official story is impossible. In my summary of that video, I also included the experiements used to back them up, and despite the fact that those engineers and architects don't have millions of dollars at their disposal, they still put together experiments to test the official story, and they have proven it to be impossible.
edit on 1-7-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by dilly1
reply to post by esdad71

What are we doing in Libya , Afghan, Paki and Somalia? Please tell me, good luck trying.

The WMD crack pot story was used for the majority of americans , like yourself, who are simple minded people that donot need much detail. In fact too much detail turns off most Americans. That's why Nascar is so popular in America...the real reason is Iraq is literally the center of the middle east . Strategically the best area to position yourself against Iran,Russia and China. Iraq, also, has a ten year reserve supply of black gold. Which isn't much but its another good reason to sit our fat asses in their. WMD story is for people like you. You can stroke those tubes all you want Feline Ferry.

Do you read any papers? The internet? We are at war in 8 different countries with most undeclared. The WMD crack pot story was not used for anything other than the global stage and not for us Americans although the SAD's teams did find WMD's. But i am sure you have no idea what I am talking about because you do not even know we are at war.

The reason for Syria/Iraq/Afghanistan and the rest is because they encircle Iran. We attack, Russia rebuilds and import/export goes up for China. Everyone gets gas and OPEC is happy again. It is all about big business and money. I laugh everytime I see a Jewish doctor driving a Benz.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by esdad71

Dude, seriously you keep shooting yourself in the foot over and over.

First , at least TupacShakur provides something when he is posting. Whether it be videos,documents and photos. What do you provide?. Nothing. You stand by a report that you have NO DAM knowledge of how it was assembled. You just continuously assume its the truth. Your in denial like your stupid cat not hearing it. You don't want hear it because you can't handle your ferry fantasy country has been pulling your furry tail since WWII.

Second, our government totally understands all threats . If 19 arabs were doing all this preparation ,believe me the USA would have known. Especially after the twin towers already had been attacked in '93. The Oklahoma City bombing was successful cause TM pretty much worked alone. Yes he had help ,but your talking about 2 to 3 other people. There was 19 arab dudes screwing around our country ,,,?? Come on Ferry Feline, are you that naive. Your definitely going to believe Alqaeda did all this shet ALONE. One thing is attacking the US internationally but domestically? Your being lied to ferry feline.

Third, you say we were at that time untouchable. We were untouchable after WWII and still are untouchable. And your last statement proves my point. You said, "If the gov wants to do something, they do it." They gov can do whatever they want. Understand this moron: Power dictates history not some scared poorly funded gang of idiot arabs. You are literally giving more power to a bunch of arabs that don't even have a country. You've been had ferry feline.

And lastly your last statement, which is the core reason why you have a problem with this thread. " They do not need to kill 3000 people. They simply do it". --- How do you know they don't need to kill people let alone 3000? How? Because you think people in the gov are like you? Talking about disconnected. And NO, the gov can't just "simply do it". The gov just can't build the biggest international military base in the whole world in Iraq , position the biggest naval campaign since WWII and attack any middle eastern country that is interrupting there own and allies policies without staging the biggest massacre on US soil ever.

Continue living under a rock and please don't stop this wonderful entertainment . The other member,Immortal360, already quit(he probably committed suicide) so we all hope your a bit tougher than silver surfer.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by esdad71

First show proof that SAD'steams found WMD's.

Second , I do know that we are at war with all these countries, I just want to know from you why.

Third, we are not in war with Syria. Yes we want to be in Iraq ,Afghan and the rest to strategically position ourselves against Iran and the russian/china connection is correct... I think we can agree there.

But your still out of touch with the 911.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

The picture of the firemen standing around the alleged" molten steel" has been revealed to be a high intensity

They were peering into a hole with a high intensity light searching for human remains

The photo was faked by truthers

Look starting at 1:50 - can see fake photo vs the REAL photo. Someone cranked up the brightness on the

Question is why do you persist in lying and using fake photos?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by thedman

So tell me genius , Do you believe the 911 comm/report to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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