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Indiana: High School Senior faces 8 years in prison for harmless prank

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posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by prof7

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
he pretended to plant a bomb in his school?

Did he pretend it was a bomb? No he didn't.

Yes, he did!

So you are going to sit here and PRETEND that his intention was not to trick everyone into thinking there was a bomb in the school?


He dressed up as if he were carrying a bomb, he planted in the school and sat back to watch panic ensue

You know what his intentions were. Don't deny his intentions...

I will state it again. He wanted to trick people into thinking there was a bomb in the school, so he dressed up as though he were carrying a bomb ( latex gloves and all) and then stuck what looked like a bomb into the girls bathroom...

Yeah, sure, he thought that everyone would think " Oh a mysterious box that was brought in by a masked stranger wearing latex gloves! Hmm, must be a blow up doll inside!"

Give me a break!

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, there buddy.

He knew what he was doing, He was pretending to place a bomb in the school so that people would think there was a bomb in the school. Well, his wish came true, now he has to pay the price.

That is the bottom line and the stone cold facts, whether you can accept it or not.

Good day.
edit on 3-6-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:52 AM
All you idiots saying this kid deserves jail time should go ahead and lie down in the middle of the interstate. SENIOR PRANKS are a normal thing. This was HARMLESS. If the state nanny system wants to blow thousands of dollars and make a big deal out of it, that is their business. If this kid does more than a few days in the slammer beyond court I will make a very serious case for breaking him out.

By the way, if you are such a spineless jerk-off that you can not open the package yourself before notifying police, well, congrats, you are a scared little sheep influenced by non-stop MSM crap.
edit on 3-6-2011 by ateuprto because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by ateuprto

Starred. This isnt even an issue let us move on. Im with you.
edit on 3-6-2011 by reesie45 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by ateuprto

Indeed this kind of crap proves that the sheeple was brainwashed successfully by the MSM.

Fear runs America. Fear runs the sheeple lives. There's a terrorist behind every desk... man up people! You think America would have grown like it is today if it would have been populated with pussies like that?

America has been pussyfied.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by starviego
More police-state lunacy:
A high school senior accused in a senior prank faced a judge Thursday.
The planned prank blew up in the face of 18-year-old Rushville High school Senior Tyell Morton, who is jailed and facing serious criminal charges.
"It's not right. It was a senior prank. They're blowing it out of proportion. I didn't hurt anybody, I didn't intend to embarrass anybody. What did I do wrong, you know?" Morton said Thursday.
Morton was arrested Tuesday after school surveillance cameras captured a picture of a man dressed in a hooded sweatshirt and wearing latex gloves, concealing a package and leaving without it. Believing it contained explosives, the school was evacuated and the Indiana State Police bomb squad was called in. It turns out that the package contained a blow-up doll placed in the girls' restroom. Police say that Morton admitted putting it there as a prank. ...
School officials say that the prank cost them over $8,000 and prosecutors don't see the humor.
"In this post-Columbine world, that's what you get when these kinds of things happen," said Rush County Prosecutor Phil Caviness.
Facing up to eight years in prison if convicted, Morton will also miss his high school graduation and isn't allowed on school property....
Morton, who has never been in trouble with the law is now wondering how a prank went wrong. His bond has been set at $30,000.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:12 AM
Reading the comments in the source article someone mentions that the school actually set up guidelines for senior pranks and that this was within the guidelines!

How long will we be in a 'post 9-11 world'?

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

omg thats great im gonna use that one day in the future in a conversation, america is pussyfied ahahahaha. With your permission of course.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
So you are going to sit here and PRETEND that his intention was not to trick everyone into thinking there was a bomb in the school?


His intention was that the girls would find the blow up doll the next morning. Otherwise he would not have gone through the trouble of getting a blow up doll from somewhere for this purpose, he would have used something that looks like a bomb and ticks like a mechanical alarm clock. Not a f*cking blow up doll! The intention [harmless prank] is obvious!

If you think it is ok to be put into jail for walking around being dressed in a certain way (btw. young people are all dressed like gangsters nowadays) then you deserve what is going to happen to your country and to your freedom.

Did he break the door locks? Did he break into the school? Did he call out a bomb threat? Did he break any law? No? -> then: not guilty!

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Jakesback

Sorry, I meant to add this comment.

Morton (the high school student) is facing up to eight years in prison if convicted.

Convicted of what? Convicted of sneaking a blow up doll into his school and putting it in the girl's restroom?

And for this Morton could be sentenced to 8 years in prison?

Ask yourself this question: What should the sentence be if Morton HAD placed explosives in the girl's restroom instead of a blow up doll?

Would the sentence have been spending a significant amount of time behind bars in prison? Yes.

In other words, isn't Morton REALLY receiving a level of sentence that does not match the actions that he ACTUALLY did?

It seems to me that given Morton's age and maturity and the fact that the incident happened in the school where he is a student and during the time when seniors who are graduating have traditionally (for generations!) pulled pranks on their peers, pranks that often target students of the opposite sex and are laced with sexual inuendo, that Morton should be charged with a misdemeanor and "sentenced" to pick up trash on the school's campus every day during summer school for the next three months.

These fascist overreactions to normal coming of age incidences allow harmless acts to quickly get blown completely out of proportion and wreck the entire future of a bright young person's life!

This is ridiculous, inappropriate, and unnecessary and it must stop!

Come on people, get real.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:37 AM
8 years in prison while criminals have sometime less then that .. even rapist and pedophile have less

leaving a package with a blow up doll in the girl room.. is a funny prank thats all

there is no law condemning this act
he didnt left the package in a bomb scare way
dont they have peoples who check all packages at the main entrance ?

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by starviego

I hope he gets the death penalty, it could of been a stampede, students could have started to commit suicide ,and he caused the USA 8,000 dollars that we don’t have, so now he's in with the 80trillion we already have in debt, people could of gotten shot, and the number one thing that people don’t look at, he might have been attempting to see a time frame on the bomb units timing of getting on the scene.
To me ,he is in some type of timothy McVeigh training course or something ,that’s what it looks like.. he should at least get life, nothing less.
edit on 3-6-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:47 AM
For those of you who think this kid is innocent - I got a question. Really, I'm just curious about something.

If this was a - ohhh, let's say a 'olive skinned man with a long black beard' who snuck into a school and left a box in the ladies room? THEN what would be your reactions?

On to an observation...

So I think this kid is lacking brain cells? To say the least.

Is it my opinion he wanted a HUGE reaction and bit off more than he could chew? Yip.

Do I think he deserves 8 years? Nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Time suspended and 8000 hours of community service sure, but 8 years in the big house? Nope.

What concerns me most about him is his attempt at BS'ing people after the fact...which I can only assume is one reason the judge wants to nail his butt to the ceee-ment floor.


posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
How about making him reimburse the school and city for the emergency and police responders who took the threat of a masked man hiding a potential bomb in a locker room seriously. Its similar to those idiots who make phony distress calls to the coast guard, it costs a lot of money to respond to those. This kid should be facing the same charges as this people who make those kinds of calls: Seattle man faces charges for allegedly fake distress calls that sparked Coast Guard search. I would find it hard to believe that this kid wasn't aware of the security cameras (by the fact he was covering his face and dressed like a robber) and placing what he knew surely looked like a package bomb.

I'm sure he won't get 8 years, but screw him, he's a moron. Too many of those running around these days.

that's a bit harsh. maybe you were 'all grown up' and matured at 18 but I seriously doubt it. teenagers don't always make the best decisions = live and learn. a schoolboy doing a high-spirited prank is a far cry from someone making a false distress signal on purpose. i don't know what goes wrong in the lives of people who forget how hard it is to grow up, while they themselves become bitter caustic name-callers.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:17 AM
What a bunch of whining sheeple are posting here.

What if, post 911, he made them think ...i like that one.

Poster above me thinks he should get the DEATH PENALTY ... wtf?

These people would be scared by their own shadow, and they're in charge?

You guys are SO screwed.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
I don't think he deserves 8 years, but come on... Does he have zero common sense? In a world of extreme political correctness, zero tolerance and a fear based society, what on earth did he think would happen if he pretended to plant a bomb in his school?

Dude, can u not read? He did not pretend to plant a bomb. His teenage mind was on sex; not bombs. He was planting a blow-up doll to upset the girls and get their attention.

His problem was hormones; not hate for the establishment. Someone less affected by his hormones might have thought through the risks or made the association with bombs but he was not that person. The whole expense thing was due to an overreaction on everyone else's part.

The kid needs some kind of punishment to remind him to keep his thinking brain in gear more often, but not the ridiculous nonsense being suggested.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
leaving a package with a blow up doll in the girl room.. is a funny prank thats all

He didn't even place a suspicious package, he apparently unpacked the doll and blew it up and placed the doll (not the package) in the girls room:

It turns out that the package [from the camera image] contained a blow-up doll placed in the girls' restroom.

the verb "placed" clearly refers to the doll, not the package! This means the package was only seen on the camera image. After investigating there was no suspicious package anymore, instead they only found a blow up doll.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:51 AM
Mindless teenager who's never been in trouble with the law pulls a mindless prank and bit off more than he can chew.

Yup. Toss him into the big house for 8 years on the taxpayer's dollar and let's turn him into a real criminal, shall we ?

"Hey bro, whatchoo in here for ?"
"Um, uh, b-b-blowup doll"
"Wha ?! Hey Bubba man, git over here and whip this pussyass's pants down, he needs ta learn what a real man iz !"

How about we allow the punishment to fit the crime before joining in on the post-911/post-Columbine terrorist lynch mob ?

Jeezus, murderers and rapists serve less time than this.

Several thousand hours of community service to pay off his acquired debt should get the message across to the kid loud and clear... and the community gets some free labour for a while to boot... tax free.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
How about making him reimburse the school and city for the emergency and police responders who took the threat of a masked man hiding a potential bomb in a locker room seriously. Its similar to those idiots who make phony distress calls to the coast guard, it costs a lot of money to respond to those. This kid should be facing the same charges as this people who make those kinds of calls: Seattle man faces charges for allegedly fake distress calls that sparked Coast Guard search. I would find it hard to believe that this kid wasn't aware of the security cameras (by the fact he was covering his face and dressed like a robber) and placing what he knew surely looked like a package bomb.

I'm sure he won't get 8 years, but screw him, he's a moron. Too many of those running around these days.

Oh yeah, here is a good idea. Have him pay back the state because someone was too lazy to get off their ass and go see that it was a blow up doll? You say it "surely looked like a package bomb" but doesn't ANY package look like a potential package bomb? People need to stop being so freakin paranoid. Again, this is just as bad as Denver police shuting down 2 city blocks over a Lego glued to the curb lol. It is amazing to me that anyone thinks like this.

Originally posted by PS3Geek
If anything it should be a year or some hefty fines or perhaps some community service but if convicted he's facing 8 which in my opinion is a bit much but come on you gotta be a moron to pull a prank like this and expect to get away with it especially after 9/11 come on ..

You have to be a moron to want to put someone in prison for any length of time over a plastic doll. You bring up 9/11 but maybe you can explain to me like I was a 5 year old, what exactly does flying planes into buildings have to do with a plastic blowup doll?

Again... this "crime" is not a crime at all. You are advocating locking a person up in Prison for not hurting anyone. Please tell me... who was hurt by this young man placing a plastic doll in a bathroom? What property damage occurred? Who was taking advantage of? Answer... no one. There is no victim to this so called "crime". The only potential "victims" here are the idiots who over reacted instead of investigated, and that is a wound that was self inflicted.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth

Originally posted by MrWendal
reply to post by starviego

How is this guy even going to mention Columbine is the same sentence as what this kid did? You had students who walked into a school and opened fire and you want to compare that to a guy who set a blow up doll down in the bathroom?

This is about as retarded as the time the police shut down several blocks of downtown Denver cause somebody glued a Lego to the curb.

Huh? Read the article, he dressed up and tricked everyone into thinking he placed a bomb in the school!

Don't you dare try to downplay what he did... We all read the same article here.

Saying that he just put a blow up doll in the girls bathroom is beyond ridiculous. Yep, it was inside that box, but his intention was to prank people into thinking there was a bomb in the school. Well, he succeeded.

He did something highly illegal here... This is not just a harmless prank. I don't the he deserves 8 years by any means, but he scared the hell out of so many people.

Apparently you didnt read the article. Can you show me where it says he dressed up and purposely tricked people into thinking he was planting a bomb. I admit he dressed up... he dressed up like someone who knew there was cameras in school and didnt want to be identified while playing a prank.

Maybe you can explain exactly how does a person planting a bomb even dress? Jeans? Slacks? Do all people who plant bombs wear hoodies? Maybe Bill Bilichek (the head coach of the New England Patriots) is a potential bomb planter cause he is well known to wear hoodies... all the time. Maybe we should gang tackle him at on sideline and check him out.

You do not know what the students intentions were. Weather it be to fool people into thinking it was a bomb or not. You dont know that and the article does not say that. What it does say is that those who were watching the cameras assumed it was a bomb and reacted that way. Do you know what they say about assuming? And since these school officials assumed... well as the saying goes, they made an ass out of themselves by over reacting.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by silo13

Do I think he deserves 8 years? Nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Time suspended and 8000 hours of community service sure, but 8 years in the big house? Nope.

I think people who use their powers of speech to try to reduce the freedoms of others belong a prison.

They are far more dangerous to us than pranksters.

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