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Wag The Dog - Three reasons why the official OBL story stinks to high heaven

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posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by chronis
Mayday, is it relevant? i don't believe that the American administration makes their decisions based on numerology, so Hitler died on mayday, i m sure some other person died on the 4th of June, or any other day.
Thousands of people celebrating Bin Ladins death, nothing unusual about that, people get caught in the moment and they react, its the nature of the beast.
As for being buried in the sea, I cant see that America had any other options. If they captured Bin Ladin and took him back to America, it would have created a nightmare for Obama. Imagine for a second OBL in a prison waiting for a fair trial under the American legal system. fundamental Muslims all around the world would have gone to all lengths to free him, including hostage taking hijacking etc etc the list is way too long. and all the while OBL would be a high profile prisoner being provided free American legal aid.
If on the other hand they brought his body back where would they bury him? in NY? can you name any state that would be willing to have OBL's grave? and if they did find somewhere to bury him that would become the mecca of every fanatic to worship.
However I also have lots of questions about the event. It is now clear that OBL was unarmed and posed no threat to the navy seals, so it it obvious that the mission was to kill him and not capture him, so why not say so? we are not all stupid, call a spade a spade, I think the rednecks would have loved to hear that "our objective was to assassinate OBL"
OBL was hiding in a compound 800 meters from a top military installation, 4 helicopters landed and 30 navy seals stormed the compound shooting at anything that moved. The military people didn't hear them? they were there for 40 minutes it is impossible that they were not aware of this operation taking place. I believe Pakistan knew of OBL's whereabouts for a long time and for some reason decided to give him up now, they also could not say to their people that they helped the Americans kill OBL because their lives would be worth nothing, and the rioting could have toppled their government, so they play stupid, "I know noting her commandant, noting"

ps, its my first post by the way be gentle on me

Here is more to glorify the many of us that disbelieve how this is going ... so ok here is some more questions-

ok they gave OBL a nice burial at sea and they wont show the pictures ..hmm what about his son they shot never heard a word as to where they buried him or the other people they shot ??? so where are their bodies?
and the so call funerals ?? Not to mention everyone was wondering how it was legal to have killed an unarmed man (OBL) well um the Navy Seals just killed his son was he unarmed also ?? or how about the others that were shot ???
I don't know neither but now they are calling it all propaganda on my news lol ..
I sort of am even thinking maybe his Son shot his dad maybe he was asking for money for a drug habit an flipped out and shot OBL .. what ever the plot is I’m sure someone other than our CIA and navy seals are involved in this like a big Snitch who hated OBL and wanted to remain anonymous .. that makes more sense and wasn’t there a 25 million dollar reward ?? that’s what I thought I heard??
I just find it kind of funny that his son never got a burial and nothing was said about it .. and I also think it's odd seeing as they shot his wife in the knee she would of been able to walk anywere lol she would of had to been carried out of that house.. NO pictures of anyone from that raid not one no names no pictures .. grab the popcorn and wait for the next latest breaking news coming from the WH lol

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:56 AM
CNN: video about to be shown of OBL (of him watching himself, grey hair grey beard?????)

Not sure what they are up to with this one...

I think they are also about to show ANOTHER press conference of them trying to fix their lies

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Indeed, did his son not deserve a 'Proper Burial' as well?... i mean if they are going to do it for their Number 1... why not his son?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I couldn't agree more...and I think that we ATS members should make the connection between the recently discovered natural resource in Pakistan that the U.S. wants their grubby little hands in...drum roll ....Lithium! We will most likely tell the sheeple that Pakistan violated a trust with America by harboring such a terrorist as Bin Laden and will begin a war with them, which IMO would be idiotic considering they have nukes. I am sure top officials realize this as well so hopefully they can find their way to that lithium without a war.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Just a small point I want to raise out of this mass of discrepancies!
I may seem off topic here but I think it's relevant!!

You mention OBL's death being announced on the same day as Hitler!! 1st May...only 66 years apart!
A coincidence maybe?
Well Hitler married Eva Braun on the 29th April 1945
Prince William(royal wedding) wed on 29th April 2011
Obviously 66 years apart!

We know the ruling elite like their Numerology but this is taking the p%$£!!

S+F for a great thread!
edit on 7-5-2011 by zerozero00 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Its hard to admit that your nation has failed you. Even harder to admit it has tricked you, and even yet still harder to admit when it has forsaken you. I will never again in my life act like i did on 9/11. That... in my mind... is the day the real America died and it became something else.
edit on 5/3/11 by BlackOps719 because: (no reason given)

Its even harder to admit that you failed your nation, and allowed it to trick you.

I took an oath when I was 17.

I swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Increasingly over the last 20 years I've come to feel disconnected. The America I believed in enough to give my life, [should it be required, for the good of the nation] was wasting away, and becoming a shadow of its former self. I felt that it was becoming the polar opposite of the America I swore allegiance to. How could "they" [the politicians] let this happen to the country I love?

Then it hit me. It was my fault. I had failed in honoring my oath.

I foolishly put my trust and faith in the "experts", the career politicians that pretended to speak for the people while fulfilling their own selfish agendas. I was brainwashed to believe, as the military is so skilled at teaching the youth the "ours is not to wonder why, ours is just to do and die" stance on geopolitics.

That was my error. Believing what my instructors and teachers taught. Questioning orders and authority was conduct unbecoming, even though you are honor bound not to follow illegal orders. Doublespeak from day one.

You pledge your honor to protect and defend the supreme law of the land, but told not to question your superiors who, by nature of their higher office, should have a better understanding of that law.

But that's not the way it works, is it?

Those that "selflessly" give their lives to protect and defend, get used by those who "selfishly" enter politics for personal gain. They are sent away to die for a country that couldn't care less about freedom and civil rights for anyone but the lawmakers. And they do it all so cleverly. A perfect example is the recent bailouts.

The politicians force the American people foot the bill to bail out the Selfish, uncaring offshore bankers [that don't give a damn what happens to you and I] for a problem they created themselves, while NONE of the people actually in need of help get it. The banksters are NOT struggling to find food and shelter after loss of a job and residence. They have their Jobs and residences. -and ours.

Here is the situation, without all the smoke and mirrors.

The Banksters (Super Rich, Elitist, ruling class) were in danger of being in the same boat we are. They went to "Vegas" and blew their "nest egg." Risky investments, mortgage fraud, downsizing, layoffs, and off shoring of the American workforce was the preferred gamble.They lost. Rather than accepting responsibility and paying for their indiscretions (and being forced to work like the rest of us) they went to their minions (politicians) to get them out of trouble. The politicians passed that duty to us.

They used money we didn't have, to pay for a debt that wasn't ours, to bail out the people that gave away our jobs and are STILL taking our homes - because those people were in danger of being just like us. Broke.

The men and women of the military, and the American workforce always foot the bill, sometimes with their very lives, to afford the Banksters and the Politicians the life they have become accustomed to - that protect and defend each other- NOT The US Constitution and what it stands for.

In a government by, of, and for the people, We can't dodge responsibility. If we don't like something, we have to change it, not wait for someone else to do it for us.

The great American patriot Benjamin Franklin was asked, upon his emergence from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, what form of government the United States was going to have. Franklin answered succinctly, "A Republic, if you can keep it."

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 03:38 PM
One minute Im sitting in my living room watching some crappy show on cable, the next there is hype of this big big grand announcement to come. The buildup was nothing short of Hollywood suspense thriller. President Obama comes on and delivers his pre-written, pre-rehearsed speech about how justice has been served, how Americans should return to the same level of patriotism that they showed on 9/11, and then poof....before you could blink an eye there were hundreds of people filling the streets near the white house, waving great big flags and wearing American flag shirts and chanting and singing...all in a supposed show of unscripted impromptu support for the dear leader and for the great murder of an arch criminal terrorist. All of this felt to me very much staged, planned, rehearsed. All of these fresh faced college kids in love with America, the crowd uncommonly multi cultural and ready to smile for the press. It felt very much contrived and planned.

Yes I agree, here we are and suddenly the whole world is cheering in the streets, hundreds of happy flag waving attendees at these gatherings..... WTF, were they somehow privy to the news before the media even dispatched it? I live here on the East Coast and 'time' is the same where I live as it is where Washington DC is. I'm and Oldie, and usually make several pit stops a night, usually about 12, 3 and 5 are the times I pretty much wake up to relieve myself. Well the Night/day in question, it was just 3:00 and a couple minutes, maybe 3:05 and for some reason walked over th the computer and moved the mouse. It went to Yahoo Face page and there it was, blazing across the screen the Osama Dead story. So I set down and punched on the story to read the thing.
There were also a couple different pictures displayed, you must remember the one where all the young people were there grouped into a pretty large mass, some with flags waving, others draped as though trying to stay warm, and it only 'just' 3:00 am.... It all seemed like these people had been put there by some time travel thing, I mean there were dozens and dozens of people there in what 5 minutes notice, occupying like they had been there for days? Sure if you were just tuning in from the West coast, the time difference might account for some acceptance that there was time for the mob to accumulate and you'd never be the wiser. ITS ALL TOO fishey to me. the whole story is of such gigantic proportions that us would seem to the accepting 'drink the koolaid' types that it must be true, because it is so big, with so many side stories. But it feels like were being given a huge subtergufge of a story and lie. IF this is the case, it's going to be one gigantic story collapse, and lots of heads will roll, it will verge on the colapse of the USA, because if this is all a lie, then its ALL a lie, the Birth Certifcate on back. to Kenedy......... it's not looking good...

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 04:07 PM
What stand out to me is once you come to the conclusion that this is staged, the question remains,why? Why use your ace in the hole? What is coming that they needed all attention on this??

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 04:14 PM
So far today it's been unusually quite .. but it's the weekend they now have time to figure out the next best move .. as now what should we do?? lol I think it's more like they now know that the American public isn’t believing all that they have told us .. I have not heard one breaking news on OBL at all today kind of odd isn’t it

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 04:46 PM
Well said, There is no way that we are being given the truth here. I don't think it will ever really come out though.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Plotus


Well said!

I did some homework for school tonight (online) and we were discussing homeland security. Of course the OBL dead story was the talk of the class, and wouldn't you know it? I was the ONLY one who saw all the lies and holes with this BS story.

Oh, I was careful to tread very lightly ( couldn't talk like I do on here) but I hoped to have at least raised some eyebrows. I pointed out all of the inconsistencies with the many different versions that we've been given.

Wonder what kind of responses I'll get tomorrow......

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 09:41 PM
good thread blackops..I mean if this isn't the bull# story of all bull# stories.. I'll tell ya something. I"ve been very torn. As a black man, I've always wanted to see a black president..and, that night, when they made the announcement about this, at least, part of me felt pride that Obama was getting credit for something even though I knew OBL had been dead for years. I know that's wrong, but I felt it. And lots of black folks feel that way, proud of "our guy" even though he's terrible. But THIS..I just feel shame now. This story is so bad that it' can't deny it. You can't believe in this government, this system, when they stage something this obviously phony.

The worst part is, they did such a lousy job of it. I mean, if you're gonna lie, DO IT WELL. this is 3 stooges keystone cops territory. first he had a gun, then no gun, then his wife was shot and killed, then it was just a shot in the leg, 4 guards, with only one of them armed(lol), 2 choppers, then 3 choppers, back and forth..hero dogs..and that's only if we could somehow believe OBL was just sitting right outside islamabad, in a mansion built for him, right under the noses of pakistani and US forces, and no one knew.. plus the story about CIA agents living RIGHT NEXT DOOR BUT SOMEHOW BEING UNABLE TO IDENTIFY HIM. then we have a video of OBL WATCHING HIMSELF ON TV. only, a left-handed man is changing channels with the remote in his right hand. it's a profile view and the EARS are wrong, when you compare them to a pic of the real OBL. I'm sure this has all been mentioned..I just never thought I would see the wheels come off like this in america. and to have this man, the man I voted for with so much pride in my heart, be an even bigger liar than GWB breaks my heart. I mean, bush's people could lie with conviction. THESE mother#ers couldn't lie their way out of jury duty. Honestly..I just.. I'm done. I don't know what's next, but it ain't getting better. something drastic needs to happen. And, that is a scary prospect.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by dragonseeker

My words exactly!! I feel ya when you say that blacks (including myself) felt a sense of pride when he was voted in. All along tho, I knew he was another puppet controlled by the puppet masters (but at least he was a black puppet

Sunday night, I was on here discussing the massive Mississippi River flooding here in Memphis when he came on with the Breaking News announcement.

I was actually hoping for E.T. disclosure. Honestly.

When he said "Osama is dead," I never believed it for one second. Not one freakin' second.

As you stated, the drama kept unfolding each hour to the point that I just know other countries across the world are saying, "Oh wow...please don't tell me that they believe this.....well they did believe 9/11 so....".

If today's episode of 'Al Quaeda's Funniest Home Videos' didn't open the eyes of the sleepwalkers here in America, then nothing will, and that's sad.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

No apologizes needed. Your thoughts mirror what i'm thinking to a tea. It's always nice to know there are others who smell what the Rock is cookin.

I bet something went down or is going down or will go down.. soon. That's the reason for the grand parade.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by dragonseeker

I hear ya man. Every day that story gets deeper and deeper and every day Pinochio's nose gets longer and longer. At this point they are inventing new lies to try and cover the ones that have already failed.

Its sad, and Im sorry my tax dollars are a part of it, and I know I am powerless to do a damn thing about it.

I wish I could just roll over and play stupid and be just like everyone else in the world who doesnt even get troubled by any of this stuff. I wish I could just take the damn pill and go back into the sheeple state of bliss.

Things are about to get a lot harder for us all.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Watch this lady on FOX......She is straight up talking like she is an ATS'er!!!


She is not sugar coating this and saying straight up that this is a lie, the burial was totally fabricated, and the pictures are not him!

Dang, I don't see her name...anybody else see this?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:37 AM
FOX is the only MSM station that has journalists at least admitting suspician with this story...

anyone else seeing this?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Fox news has a Breaking News story about a plane in San Diego having to be diverted...

not a lot of details yet

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by NorthStargal52

Here is more to glorify the many of us that disbelieve how this is going ... so ok here is some more questions-

ok they gave OBL a nice burial at sea and they wont show the pictures ..hmm what about his son they shot never heard a word as to where they buried him or the other people they shot ??? so where are their bodies?
and the so call funerals ?? Not to mention everyone was wondering how it was legal to have killed an unarmed man (OBL) well um the Navy Seals just killed his son was he unarmed also ?? or how about the others that were shot ???
Considering that he was a terrorist with a known desire to become a martyr, he could've been lunging for a bomb or a weapon.

I sort of am even thinking maybe his Son shot his dad maybe he was asking for money for a drug habit an flipped out and shot OBL .. what ever the plot is I’m sure someone other than our CIA and navy seals are involved in this like a big Snitch who hated OBL and wanted to remain anonymous .. that makes more sense and wasn’t there a 25 million dollar reward ?? that’s what I thought I heard??
The SEALs aren't eligible, since they were on the clock. I'm sure the guy in question is getting bought a load of beers right now, though.

I just find it kind of funny that his son never got a burial and nothing was said about it ..
There's confusion about which son was killed, exactly, and his gravesite could become a shrine too.

and I also think it's odd seeing as they shot his wife in the knee she would of been able to walk anywere lol she would of had to been carried out of that house..
Or she could lean on someone else.

NO pictures of anyone from that raid not one no names no pictures .. grab the popcorn and wait for the next latest breaking news coming from the WH lol
You don't have any evidence, just doubt.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by moomoo750
What stand out to me is once you come to the conclusion that this is staged, the question remains,why? Why use your ace in the hole? What is coming that they needed all attention on this??
Theories range from having an excuse for another "faked" attack, to trying to distract America from Obama's "faked" birth certificate.

Note the quotation marks.

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